Download Moon in Aries (Moon-Mars) 1st House MOON IN DIFFERENT SIGNS

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Moon in Aries
1st House
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be a
native of Aries because your Moon is in the sidereal sign
of Aries. Your inner personality is indicated by Aries and
Mars. Your inner character will have the tendency to be
very active and even aggressive. You will be ambitious,
a pioneer and a militant. You will be able to make fast
decisions because of your quick grasp of details. You will
know how to help other people and you will be respected
and loved by the opposite sex. You will have the opportunity to travel or to obtain a managerial position. Mars
gives you a sportive nature which gives you a combative
tendency to overcome any challenge coming to your life.
Your key word is “I Am” because you are very conscious
of your self and your limitations. Friendly Moon signs to
you: Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Inimical Moon signs to
you: None. Varna: social class according to your Moon
sign: Vaisya, the business or agriculture class, attracted
to trade, agriculture and protection of cows. Moon signs
you should avoid for the start of new enterprises or
travels: Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces.
Negative trends: You will be prone to accidents, mainly
to the head where you may show marks of wounds. You
may become impulsive, irritable, passionate and you
may even turn lustful. Your wealth will be stable.
lovely person. You have a generous, unselfish and forgiving nature. You will be liked by people. Taurus being an
earthly and fixed sign, gives you a very strong character.
You will have great stamina to endure pain and suffering.
You will have the talent and strength to become a leader
or to command and authorize over others. You will be
fortunate and have staunch friends. You are more likely to
be more happy during the middle and later part of your life
when you will be popular and helped by sincere friends. In
general, you will have strong tendencies for artistic activities. Your key word is “I Want” because you have a very
strong will power to achieve your objectives. Friendly
Moon signs to you: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Inimical Moon sign to you: Leo. Varna: social class
according to your Moon sign: Sudra, the labour class,
attracted to serve the community in general. Moon signs
you should avoid for the start of new enterprises or travels:
Libra, Sagittarius and Aries.
Negative trends: You may become voluptuous and
badly influenced by the opposite sex. You may be
separated from former friends, from the money you first
earn and from your first children. Also, you may become
stubborn and possessive.
Moon Gemini
3rd House
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be a
native of Taurus because your Moon is in the sidereal
sign of Taurus. Your inner personality is indicated by
Taurus and Venus. Venus is a charming planet and
because you receive its influence, you are a very fine and
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Gemini because your Moon is in the sidereal
sign of Gemini. Your inner personality is indicated by
Gemini and Mercury. This combination is indicating that
you can adapt yourself very easily to any kind of social
gathering. You have a good common sense and a
persuasive speech. You will be fond of music, dance and
Moon in Taurus
2nd House
food. Most of the time you will have a good sense of
humour. You will be very responsible for your family. The
positive influence of Mercury gives you a talent for study
which can make you an expert in any branch of knowledge
which you choose. As a native of Gemini you are very
restless and you can carry out several different activities
at one time. You do not settle down until you find a place
or activity which is most suitable to your taste. You have a
very good sense of detail. Your key word is “I think”
because you have a very active intellect which makes you
a deep thinker. Friendly Moon signs to you: Taurus and
Libra. Inimical Moon signs to you: None. Varna: social
class according to your Moon sign: Vaisya, the business
or agriculture class, attracted to trade, agriculture and
protection of cows. Moon signs you should avoid for the
start of new enterprises or travels: Scorpio, Capricorn
and Taurus.
Negative trends: Because your intelligence is very fast
you should be tolerant with some people around you
who do not act or answer quickly enough for you
standards. Other trends are that you may become very
sensual and attached to members of the opposite sex,
all this may lead you to serious problems if you do not
control your behaviour. You may also become a gambler and loose the sense of truthfulness to the point
where your friends will no longer trust you.
Moon in Cancer
4th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Cancer because your Moon is in the sidereal
sign of Cancer. Your inner personality is indicated by
Cancer and the Moon. The Moon represents the mind
and the mind rules the powers of thinking, feeling and
willing. Those three factors are very important to you
because your mind is very active and is always “reading” these tendencies. You are very fond of thinking,
mostly of past activities that are strongly connected to
your emotions. You find that there is a subtle cycle
which repeats in your life and causes you to remember
past occurrences of a similar make-up. You key word is
“I feel” because often you move in life based in your
feelings, which are very subtle and can understand very
easily the emotions of others. Your will power is big
enough to move mountains but you have a peculiar way
to obtain what you want, we could say that you use more
your mind rather than your body to work out your
objectives. You are a strong believer in mind over
matter. You are going to have lots of friends due to your
sociable nature but some times you are going to prefer
solitude. Your sensible approach to life can make you a
good adviser to people. You will have the tendency to
collect different objects and memories and you will
enjoy being nostalgic. You will feel the need to have a
“cave” of your own where you can take shelter and rest,
this tendency will make you attached to your home or to
a particular place which can give you a sense of
security. You are very emotional, sensitive, imaginative, meditative and protective. Friendly Moon signs to
you: Leo. Inimical Moon signs to you: None. Varna:
social class according to your Moon sign: Brahman, the
priestly or intellectual class, attracted to study and to
give advice. Moon signs you should avoid for the start
of new enterprises or travels: Sagittarius, Aquarius and
Negative trends: You may be accused of being a
dreamer. You may suffer ups and downs in life to the point
of it seriously affecting your feelings. Also, you may be in
risk of being manipulated by the opposite sex.
Moon in Leo
5th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be a
native of Leo because your Moon is in the sidereal sign of
Leo. Your inner personality is indicated by Leo and the
Sun. Your main tendency as a native of Leo is to be the
centre of groups, communities or societies. You always
like to have the news and good knowledge to spread on
behalf of people around you. In general, you inner
character is going to be steady, calm, unselfish, charitable, kind and proud. You will have a very strong will
power and the talent to command. You will be obedient
and respectful to your mother. You like to give advice
and entertainment to people and you like to be useful.
Your key word is “I do” because you like to put together
theory and practice at the same time and you are always
active working positive projects. Friendly Moon signs to
you: Cancer, Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces.
Inimical Moon signs to you: Taurus, Libra, Capricorn
and Aquarius. Varna: social class according to your
Moon sign: Kshatriya, the administrative, political or
military class, attracted to command and protect people.
Moon signs you should avoid for the start of new
enterprises or travels: Capricorn, Pisces and Cancer.
Negative trends: You may show a very hot temper and
become angry very easily. Also, you may get trouble
from hunger and thirst. You may find that it is difficult to
control your mind. You may be overcautious of the
opposite sex to the point of not trusting them.
Moon in Virgo
6th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Virgo because your Moon is in the sidereal
sign of Virgo. Your inner personality is indicated by
Virgo and Mercury. The main characteristic given by
Virgo to you are that you are very analytical, systematic,
critical and perfectionist. You have a good power of
intuition and grasp of detail. The vibrations of Mercury
make you happy, truthful and clever and you may
become an expert in various arts provide that you take
the proper initiative to prepare yourself in a suitable way.
It is very likely that you are going to have enough
religious tendencies to study sacred or philosophic
books to try to understand the essence of truth. You will
have good mental power to undertake works or studies
which require concentration, attention and responsibility. You may get the opportunity to travel in foreign
countries or to associate with people of different nationalities. You will have sweet speech and a talent for
conversation. You will be attracted to read a lot in order
to get knowledge on various subject matters which are
interesting to you. Your key word is “I analyse” because
you are attracted to search order, harmony and unity in
everything. Friendly Moon signs to you: Taurus and
Libra. Inimical Moon signs to you: None. Varna: social
class according to your Moon sign: Sudra, the labour
class, attracted to serve the community in general.
Moon signs you should avoid for the start of new
enterprises or travels: Aquarius, Aries and Leo.
Negative trends: You may become sensual and attached to the opposite sex in a bad way. Also, you may
become narrow minded and criticize without any real
reason just to satisfy your “superior” position. You may
become sarcastic and like to put people “down.” Observation is better than criticism. You may suffer nervous
tension and irritability. You should learn to be tolerant
when you find that other people are slow in action or
Moon in Libra
7th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Libra because your Moon is in the sidereal
sign of Libra. Your inner personality is indicated by Libra
and Venus. As a native of Libra you will be very well
known for your charming personality. People will be
attracted to you because of your artistic nature, they will
find in you a source of inspiration, happiness, optimism,
harmony and balance. You will always give them a word
to cheer them up and they will appreciate this very much.
They will like to give you presents or moral support to
pay you back for your help. Even if you feel sad you will
try to put on a happy face because you do not like to
make people feel bad. You are a natural actor of life and
have the talent to give a different face according to
place, time, people or circumstance but always in a
positive mood. Ever since childhood you have always
been acting because you find inner satisfaction in drama.
You will be known for doing good to friends and people
even if they reproach you or forsake you. You will be very
friendly and idealistic. You will have the opportunity to
travel and make good money by trading (buying and
selling). You will be respectful of intellectual and saintly
people. You will try to follow a pious and pure life. Your
key word is “I balance” because you like to achieve
harmony in your environment but you should realize that
whatever is around you is in your inner self. By achieving a balance in your inner self you will change your
environment in a positive way. The more you elevate
your consciousness the more satisfaction you will find.
Friendly Moon signs to you: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn
and Aquarius. Inimical Moon sign to you: Leo. Varna:
social class according to your Moon sign: Kshatriya, the
administrative, political or military class, attracted to
command and protect people. Moon signs you should
avoid for the start of new enterprises or travels: Pisces,
Taurus and Virgo.
Negative trends: You may become under the control of
members of the opposite sex who will use you to satisfy
there selfish ends. If not well planned you may do
aimless travels. You may fall ill. Also, you may suffer
criticism from people due to your extravagant nature. If
you do not control your low nature you may become
antisocial, introvert, frustrated, irritable and very sensual.
Moon in Scorpio
8th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Scorpio because your Moon is in the sidereal
sign of Scorpio. Your inner personality is indicated by
Scorpio and Mars. As a native of Scorpio you are going
to be respected by people because of either fear or
charm. You will be frank and honest and tell people your
opinions, even if your straightforward approach could
hurt them. You will be open minded but you will study
everything very carefully before accepting it. You will be
a hard worker and achieve prosperity after many paths
have being walked by you. You have a very strong will
power which will be useful to achieve your ambitions.
You have a very secretive nature and show your face to
only the most intimate friends. You are very helpful and
faithful to your dear friends. Your key word is “I am silent”
because you prefer to observe rather than interfere, in
as much as you believe that nature should take a natural
course. The sign of Scorpio has the meaning of transformation, revolution, evolution, progress, reincarnation, death, resurrection, deepness and transcendence. All these influences can make you highly qualified
to achieve super consciousness provided that you go
for it without any tinge of false ego. Friendly Moon signs
to you: Leo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Inimical Moon signs
to you: None. Varna: social class according to your
Moon sign: Brahman; the priestly or intellectual class,
attracted to study and to give advice. Moon signs you
should avoid for the start of new enterprises or travels:
Aries, Gemini and Libra.
Negative trends: As a native of Scorpio you have the
tendency to go to the extremes and if you prefer to go
low, then you may perform vicious activities in a hidden
and secretive way. You may become cruel and obstinate. You may be separated from your father or mother
at an early age. This separation may be physical or
mental, due to a difficulty in understanding your real
nature. You may have a stealing tendency. It may be
very difficult at times for you to control your mind and you
will become unhappy and agitated. You may become
strongly attached to intoxicants like drugs or alcohol.
Your health may suffer because of a wrong or careless
diet. Also, you may show an aggressive and intolerant
Moon in Sagittarius
9th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Sagittarius because your Moon is in the
sidereal sign of Sagittarius. Your inner personality is
indicated by Sagittarius and Jupiter. As a native of
Sagittarius you will have a religious nature and be
respected by people. You will be attracted to associate
with saintly or intellectual persons. People around you
will learn that you are only influenced by sweet words
and not by force. You will be well educated in speech
and manners. You may inherit your father’s property or
his ways of thinking or behaviour. You will have the
talent to write, to become a sculptor or to work very
cleverly with your hands. You can achieve a deep
religious or philosophical mentality provided that you
study in the proper way. Your mature nature will make
you reliable for serious works requiring precision and
responsibility. Your inner character is to be modest,
reserved, serious but with a special sense of humour
and friendly to the needed. You will always fight for
justice and law. Your key word is “I see” Because it is
through your eyes that you perceive the world with a
special perspective which gives you understanding,
wisdom and tolerance. Friendly Moon signs to you: Leo,
Aries and Scorpio. Inimical Moon signs to you: None.
Varna: social class according to your Moon sign:
Kshatriya, the administrative, political or military class,
attracted to command and protect people. Moon signs
you should avoid for the start of new enterprises or
travels: Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio.
Negative trends: You may become a solitary person
hating people around you whom you will come to
consider as your enemies. Also, you may try to impress
people around you in a selfish way.
when you need them most and all these can give you a
suspicious and sceptical nature.
Moon in Capricorn
Moon in Aquarius
10th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Capricorn because your Moon is in the
sidereal sign of Capricorn. Your inner personality is
indicated by Capricorn and Saturn. As a native of
Capricorn you are cool tempered, practical, strategic
and constructive. You like to be truthful and straightforward in your dealings with people around you. Saturn as
the ruler of you moon sign gives you a very strong and
retentive memory. You will be responsible towards your
family, friends or even to the community in general
depending on how far your ambitions, talent and capacity will stretch. You will like to hear other peoples
opinions and advice but will like to have the last word.
You will have strong desires to travel and often retire to
a secluded place in the mountains or near lakes. You will
have a commanding nature and a quick perception of
detail which may give you a position of responsibility.
Your key word is “I use” because your practical nature
is always looking for the potential of every object, ideal
or person to put in the right position and direction.
Friendly Moon signs to you: Taurus and Libra. Inimical
Moon sign to you: Leo. Varna: social class according to
your Moon sign: Sudra, the labour class, attracted to
serve the community in general. Moon signs you should
avoid for the start of new enterprises or travels: Gemini,
Leo and Sagittarius.
11th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Aquarius because your Moon is in the
sidereal sign of Aquarius. Your inner personality is
indicated by Aquarius and Saturn. As a native of Aquarius
you are very friendly and like to support clubs or societies which have a philosophy akin to your ideals which
are usually ahead of the times. Your artistic nature can
take you to develop beautiful crafty objects and your
intuition can make you see “ through walls”. Your sociable nature will make you the centre of groups or societies
where your advice and help will be well appreciated. You
may become attracted towards esoteric and mystical
sciences and you may develop healing powers. Your
inner character is dynamic, energetic, active, diplomatic, and protective. You love to bring positive changes,
transformation or even revolution in whatever field of
culture you are involved. Your key word is “I know”
because you are always well informed of useful facts
and figures and you are attracted to study and to learn
different subject matters in order to spread the knowledge which is beneficial for everybody. Friendly Moon
signs to you: Taurus and Libra. Inimical Moon sign to
you: Leo. Moon signs you should avoid for the start of
new enterprises or travels: Cancer, Virgo and Capricorn.
Negative trends: You may become cruel, mean, despotic, too proud, heartless, a hypocrite in religion and
with low morals. Your friends may let you down at times
Negative trends: According to your own initiative, you
can become ignorant, wicked, sensual and suffer serious ups and downs in life which you may find difficult to
control. Poverty will make you indolent or of bad tem-
pered. Also, by being very emotional you may loose the
sense of friendship and reality and become an idealistic
fanatic and try to impose your false ideals to people
around you.
Moon in Pisces
12th house
According to Vedic astrology you are considered to be
a native of Pisces because your Moon is in the sidereal
sign of Pisces. Your inner personality is indicated by
Pisces and Jupiter. As a native of Pisces you will be fond
of partner, property and clothes. You may become a
learned scholar, expert in a kind of knowledge which is
akin to your own nature. You will have a subtle and
almost mystical talent to overcome obstacles and enemies. You may receive some wealth or gifts in an
unexpected way. You may become successful by trading in pearls, jewels, sea products or liquids. Your
modest nature will advise you to work in the background
to avoid the excitement of social life. You will be spiritually inclined or enjoy helping in charitable works. You
will have the opportunity to travel and lead a comfortable life. In general, your inner nature is magnetic,
reserved, friendly, quiet, timid and with a great sense of
responsibility towards humanity. Your key word is “I
believe” because your inner nature is very sensitive and
religious and you have a very strong faith in high ideals.
Friendly Moon signs to you: Leo, Aries and Scorpio.
Inimical Moon signs to you: None. Varna: social class
according to your Moon sign: Brahmana, the priestly or
intellectual class, attracted to study and to give advice.
Moon signs you should avoid for the start of new
enterprises or travels: Leo, Libra and Aquarius.
beliefs of other people and to live from them. Also, because
of your soft nature you may become manipulated by
people specially by members of the opposite sex. You
may become addicted to drugs, alcohol or any other kind
of intoxication which in the long run will destroy your faith
in high ideals and make your morals loose. You may
become controversial and rejected.
Chapter 12 : Planets in the
zodiac Signs
Dr P A Patel (Jyotishi Anand)
Available from the Author
Dr P A Patel (Jtotishi Anand)
8 Cecil Avenue, Wembley, Middlesex
Negative trends: You may like to enjoy exploiting the