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SMaRT Replacement
Evan Lum
What is this?
• SMaRT Replacement Therapy is a one-time
topical treatment with the potential to treat
tooth decay for life.
• Developed by a Florida-based company called
What Causes Tooth Decay?
• A bacterium called Streptococcus mutans (S.
mutans) sits on the surface of the teeth.
• This bacteria converts sugar in our mouth into
lactic acid which erodes enamel and causes
tooth decay.
• Tooth decay is the process that results in
• If untreated, this can cause pain, infection,
and tooth loss.
How Can SMaRT Prevent Tooth
• Oragenics has developed a genetically altered
strain of S. mutans, called SMaRT which does
not produce lactic acid.
• The strain is engineered with a colonization
advantage over native S. mutans which are
killed off, leaving the SMaRT strain unharmed.
• So far testing has proved this to permanantly
replace the old strain, resulting in permanent
protection from tooth decay.
• SMaRT Replacement Therapy is designed to
be applied topically to the teeth by a dentist,
pediatrician or primary care physician
• The SMaRT strain is administered using a
cotton-tipped swab during a single fiveminute, pain-free treatment.
• The SMaRT strain will work to replace the old
S. mutans over the next 6 to 12 months before
full, permanent protection.
• Tooth decay is mostly preventable by good
oral hygiene.
• However, it remains the most common
chronic infectious disease in the world which
• A one time, life long prevention of tooth decay
would prevent this disease for those who
don’t comply with an oral care regimen.
• The first Phase I clinical trial was initiated in
2005 but was stopped and postponed due
FDA holds.
• In Sept. 2007, the FDA removed the clinical
hold and the Phase I trial continued.
• As of now, only attenuated strains of SMaRT
are being used, specific for D-Alanine, an
amino acid not found in human diet.
Results from Lab and Animal Models
• No lactic acid creation under any cultivation
• Dramatically reduced ability to cause tooth
• Aggressive displacement of native, decaycausing strains of S. mutans and preemptive
colonization on the teeth of laboratory rats
• No adverse side effects in either acute or
chronic testing in rodent models