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Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Subject: Physical Science
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Course Content Area: Study of Matter
Classification of Matter
1st Quarter
Heterogeneous and Homogeneous
• Properties of
Matter can be classified in broad categories such as
homogeneous and heterogeneous.
Solutions are homogenous mixtures of a solute
dissolved in a solvent.
• States of matter
and its changes
The amount of a solid solute that can dissolve in a
solvent generally increases as the temperature
increases since the particles have more kinetic energy
to overcome the attractive forces between them.
Water is often used as a solvent since so many
substances will dissolve in water.
Physical properties can be used to separate the
substances in mixtures, including solutions.
Properties of Matter
Matter can be classified according to its composition
Matter can be classified by its chemical (reactivity) and
physical properties (e.g., color solubility, odor,
hardness, density, melting point and boiling point,
viscosity and malleability).
Students will be able to…
1. Explain that matter can be
classified into pure substance and
mixtures. Mixtures are classified
as homogeneous and
2. Explain that a solution is a
homogeneous mixture that
consists of a solute dissolved into
a solvent.
3. Explain that in most cases the
solubility of a solute increases as
temperature increases because
the particles have more kinetic
energy to overcome the
attractive forces.
4. Explain that water is often used
as a solvent because so many
substances will dissolve in water.
5. Explain that physical properties
can be used to separate
substances in mixtures.
6. Matter can be classified by its
chemical and physical properties.
Pure Substances
Physical properties
Chemical properties
Kinetic Energy
Thermal Energy
Potential energy
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
7. Analyze a graph showing a phase
When thermal energy is added to a solid, liquid or gas,
most substances increase in volume because the
Explain that when the
increased kinetic energy of the particles causes an
temperature is changing the
increased distance between the particles. This results in
kinetic energy of the substance is
a change in density of the material.
changing, except during a phase
 Generally, solids have greater density than liquids,
which have greater density than gases due to the
Explain that the during a phase
spacing between the particles.
change the substance is gaining
 The density of a substance can be calculated from the
or loosing potential energy, which
slope of a mass vs. volume graph.
indicates a change in the position
 Differences in densities can be determined by
of the particles.
interpreting mass vs. volume graphs of the substances. 10. Explain that when heating a
substance, a phase change will
States of Matter and Its Changes
occur when the kinetic energy of
the particles is great enough to
 Phase changes can be represented by graphing the
overcome the attractive forces
temperature of a sample vs. the time it has been
between the particles; the
substance then melts or boils.
 Investigations must include collecting data during
11. Explain that when a cooling a
heating, cooling and solid-liquid- solid phase changes.
substance the kinetic energy is no
 At times, the temperature will change steadily,
longer great enough to overcome
indicating a change in the motion of the particles and
the attractive forces of the
the kinetic energy of the substance.
 However, during a phase change, the temperature of a 12. Explain the connection between
substance does not change, indicating there is no
the phase changes and energy
change in kinetic energy.
being absorbed from the
surroundings (endothermic) or
 Since the substance continues to gain or lose energy
being released into the
during phase changes, these changes in energy are
surroundings (exothermic).
potential and indicate a change in the position of the
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
When heating a substance, a phase change will occur
when the kinetic energy of the particles is great enough
to overcome the attractive forces between the
particles; the substance then melts or boils.
Conversely, when cooling a substance, a phase change
will occur when the kinetic energy of the particles is no
longer great enough to overcome the attractive forces
between the particles; the substance then condenses
or freezes.
Phase changes are examples of changes that can occur
when energy is absorbed from the surroundings
(endothermic) or released into the surroundings
Learning Targets
Students will be able to…
1. Explain how technology was
developed that has enabled us
to know more about atoms.
2. Describe different models of
atoms have been developed
overtime after many discoveries
were made about atoms.
3. Discuss Rutherford’s experiment
and discuss how it helped
indicate that most of an atom is
empty space with a very small
positively charged nucleus.
4. Match atomic spectra to its
5. Identify an element by the
number of protons (atomic
1st Quarter
• Models of the
• Ions (cations
and anions)
• Isotopes
Models of the atom (components)
Over time, technology was introduced that allowed the
atom to be studied in more detail.
When bombarding thin gold foil with atomic-sized,
positively charged, high-speed particles, a few of the
particles were deflected slightly from their straight-line
path. Even fewer bounced back toward the source. This
evidence indicates that most of an atom is empty space
with a very small positively charged nucleus.
This experiment and other evidence indicate the
nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons, and
electrons that move about in the empty space that
surrounds the nucleus.
The atom is composed of protons, neutrons and
electrons that have measurable properties, including
Atomic spectrum
Atomic number
Mass number
Atomic mass
Bohr Model
Lewis Dot
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
mass and, in the case of protons and electrons, a
characteristic charge.
Each element has a unique atomic spectrum that can
be observed and used to identify an element.
Ions (cations and anions)
Atoms may gain or lose electrons to become anions or
Atomic number, mass number, charge and identity of
the element can be determined from the numbers of
protons, neutrons and electrons.
All atoms of a particular element have the same atomic
number; an element may have different isotopes with
different mass numbers.
Learning Targets
6. Determine the number of
neutrons in an atom.
7. Determine the number of
electrons in a neutral atom.
8. Draw the parts of an atom along
with their charge and location.
9. I can find the atomic mass of an
10. Draw a Bohr diagram for the
elements in the Periodic Table.
11. Make a Lewis Dot diagram for
the elements in the Periodic
12. Explain that isotopes are atoms
with different mass numbers
due to different number of
13. Explain that the average atomic
mass number of an atom is the
result of a weighted average of
all isotopes of the element –
commonly found isotopes have
a greater effect on the average.
14. Give an example of how
radioactive isotopes can be used
in medicine.
Periodic Trends of the Elements
2nd Quarter
• Periodic Law
• Representative
Periodic Law
Students will be able to…
1. Explain the periodic law.
2. Locate metals, nonmetals and
Periodic law
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
When elements are listed in order of increasing atomic
number, the same sequence of properties appears over
and over again; this is the periodic law.
The periodic table is arranged so that elements with
similar chemical and physical properties are in the same
group or family.
Representative Groups
Metalloids are elements that have some properties of
metals and some properties of nonmetals.
Metals, nonmetals, metalloids, periods and groups or
families including the alkali metals, alkaline earth
metals, halogens and noble gases can be identified by
their position on the periodic table.
Elements in Groups 1, 2 and 17 have characteristic ionic
charges that will be used in this course to predict the
formulas of compounds.
metalloids on the periodic table.
Predict metals, metalloids and
nonmetals given a list of
4. Identify periods, groups, and
families including alkali metals,
alkaline earth metals, halogens,
and noble gases.
5. Determine the charges of
elements in groups 1,2, and 17.
Alkali metals
Alkaline earth
Noble gases
Bonding and Compounds
Quarter • Bonding (Ionic
and Covalent)
• Nomenclature
Bonding (Ionic and Covalent)
Atoms may be bonded together by losing, gaining or
sharing electrons to form molecules or threedimensional lattices.
The bonds in most compounds fall on a continuum
between the two extreme models of bonding: ionic and
An ionic bond involves the attraction of two oppositely
charged ions, typically a metal cation and a nonmetal
anion formed by transferring electrons between the
Students will be able to…
1. Identify two types of bonding ionic and covalent.
2. Describe ionic bonds as formed
by electrons being transferred
between cations and anions.
3. Describe how ions form threedimensional lattices by attracting
oppositely charged ions from all
Ionic charge
Chemical formula
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
An ion attracts oppositely charged ions from every
direction, resulting in the formation of a threedimensional lattice.
Covalent bonds result from the sharing of electrons
between two atoms, usually nonmetals.
Covalent bonding can result in the formation of
structures ranging from small individual molecules to
three-dimensional lattices (e.g., diamond).
Using the periodic table to determine ionic charge,
formulas of ionic compounds containing elements from
groups 1, 2, 17, hydrogen and oxygen can be predicted.
Given a chemical formula, a compound can be named
using conventional systems that include Greek prefixes
where appropriate.
Prefixes will be limited to represent values from one to
Given the name of an ionic or covalent substance,
formulas can be written.
Learning Targets
4. Describe how covalent bonds are
usually formed by two nonmetals
that share electrons.
5. I can diagram a covalent bond
and ionic bond using Lewis
6. Describe how covalent bonding
can result in the formation of
structures ranging from the small
individual molecules to three
dimensional lattices.
7. Use the periodic table to
determine ionic charge of groups
1,2, and 17.
8. I can predict formulas for groups
1,2, 17 hydrogen and oxygen.
9. Name a compound or molecule,
when given a chemical formula,
using conventional systems that
include Greek prefixes 1-10.
10. I can identify if a bond is covalent
or ionic by how electrons are lost,
gained or shared.
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Reactions of Matter
2nd Quarter
• Chemical
• Nuclear
Chemical Reactions
At this level, reactants and products can be identified
from an equation and simple equations can be written
and balanced given either the formulas of the reactants
and products or a word description of the reaction.
During chemical reactions, thermal energy is either
transferred from the system to the surroundings
(exothermic) or transferred from the surroundings to
the system (endothermic).
Since the environment surrounding the system can be
large, temperature changes in the surroundings may
not be detectable.
Students will be able to…
1. Identify reactants and products
when given an equation.
2. Balance equations when given
the reactants and products.
3. Use endothermic and exothermic
to describe a chemical reaction.
4. Describe a nuclear reaction as a
change in the nucleus and involve
much larger energies than
chemical reactions.
5. Describe the strong nuclear force
that binds protons and neutrons
together in the nucleus, which is
While chemical changes involve changes in the
extremely weak at most distances
electrons, nuclear reactions involve changes to the
but greater than the repulsive
nucleus and involve much larger energies than chemical
electrical forces in the nucleus.
Nuclear Reactions
The strong nuclear force is the attractive force that
binds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.
While the nuclear force is extremely weak at most
distances, over the very short distances present in the
nucleus the force is greater than the repulsive electrical
forces among protons.
When the attractive nuclear forces and repulsive
electrical forces in the nucleus are not balanced, the
nucleus is unstable.
6. Explain that when the attractive
nuclear forces and repulsive
forces in the nucleus are not
equal, it becomes unstable.
7. Explain that radioactive nuclei,
which are unstable, emit
radiation in the form of very fast
moving particles and energy, thus
Nuclear force
Electrical force
Attractive force
Repulsive force
Half life
Nuclear fusion
Nuclear fission
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Through radioactive decay, the unstable nucleus emits
radiation in the form of very fast-moving particles and
energy to produce a new nucleus, thus changing the
identity of the element.
Nuclei that undergo this process are said to be
Radioactive isotopes have several medical applications.
The radiation they release can be used to kill undesired
cells (e.g., cancer cells).
Radioisotopes can be introduced into the body to show
the flow of materials in biological processes.
For any radioisotope, the half-life is unique and
Graphs can be constructed that show the amount of a
radioisotope that remains as a function of time and can
be interpreted to determine the value of the half-life.
Half-life values are used in radioactive dating.
Other examples of nuclear processes include nuclear
fission and nuclear fusion.
Nuclear fission involves splitting a large nucleus into
smaller nuclei, releasing large quantities of energy.
Nuclear fusion is the joining of smaller nuclei into a
larger nucleus accompanied by the release of large
quantities of energy.
Nuclear fusion is the process responsible for formation
of all the elements in the universe beyond helium and
the energy of the sun and the stars.
Learning Targets
changing the nucleus into a
different element.
8. Explain that radioactive nuclei
have many medical applications
including killing undesired cancer
cells and to show the flow of
materials in biological processes.
9. Explain that the half-life of a
radioisotope is unique.
10. Explain that half life values are
used in radioactive dating.
11. Use a graph to explain that the
half life of a radioisotope can be
shown as a function of time.
12. Describe nuclear fusion as the
joining of smaller nuclei into a
larger nucleus and accompanied
by a large release of energy.
13. Describe nuclear fission as the
splitting of a large nucleus into
two smaller nuclei and releasing a
large amount of energy.
14. Explain that fusion in stars is
responsible for the formation of
all elements beyond helium and
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Course Content Area: Energy and Waves
Conservation of Energy
3rd Quarter
• Quantifying
kinetic energy
• Quantifying
potential energy
• Energy is
Quantifying kinetic energy
Energy has no direction and has units of Joules (J).
Kinetic energy, Ek, can be mathematically represented
by Ek = ½mv2, where m =mass and v= velocity
Sometimes written KE= ½ mv2.
Quantifying gravitational potential energy
Gravitational potential energy, Eg, can be
mathematically represented by Eg = mgh, where
m=mass, g= free-fall acceleration (9.8m/s2), and
Potential energy is sometimes called energy of position
because it results from the relative positions of objects
in a system.
PE is sometimes used in place of Eg to represent
Potential Energy. PEg expresses potential energy due
to gravity. PEe expresses elastic potential energy.
Energy is relative
The amount of energy of an object is measured relative
to a reference that is considered to be at a point of zero
Only the change in the amount of energy can be
measured absolutely.
Students will be able to…
1. Explain how to mathematically
quantify the kinetic energy using
the equation KE = ½ mv2.
2. Explain that energy has no
direction and the units of
measure are measured in Joules
3. Quantify, mathematically, the
gravitational potential energy
using the equation PEg = mgh.
4. Describe the law of conservation
of energy and use the equations
for Ek and PEg to calculate values
associated with energy for
situations involving energy
transfer and transformation.
5. Quantify energy from data
collection in experimental
6. Explain that the amount of
energy of an object is measured
relative to a reference that is
considered to be at a point of
zero energy and the reference
may be changed to help
Conservation of
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Potential Energy
Elastic Potential
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
The conservation of energy and equations for kinetic
and gravitational potential energy can be used to
calculate values associated with energy (i.e., height,
mass, speed) for situations involving energy transfer
and transformation.
Opportunities to quantify energy from data collected in
experimental situations (e.g., a swinging pendulum, a
car travelling down an incline) must be provided.
Learning Targets
understand different situations.
Transfer and Transformation of Energy
3rd Quarter
Transfer of
of energy
As long as the force, F, and displacement, Δx, are in the
same direction, work, W, can be calculated from the
equation W = FΔx. Work = force x distance (W=Fxd)
Energy transformations for a phenomenon can be
represented through a series of pie graphs or bar
Equations for work, kinetic energy and potential
energy can be combined with the law of conservation
of energy to solve problems.
When energy is transferred from one system to
another, some of the energy is transformed to thermal
Since thermal energy involves the random movement
of many trillions of subatomic particles, it is less able to
be organized to bring about further change.
Therefore, even though the total amount of energy
remains constant, less energy is available for doing
useful work.
Students will be able to…
1. Calculate work, W, when force, F,
and displacement, d, are in the
same direction using the
equation W = Fxd
2. Interpret energy transformation
graphs (bar or pie) to explain how
PE and KE add up to the total
mechanical energy in a system
due to Conservation of Energy.
3. Solve problems using the
equations for work, kinetic
energy and potential energy in
conjunction with the idea of the
Law of Conservation of Energy.
4. Explain how some energy
transferred from one system to
another is transformed to
thermal energy (heat).
Mechanical work
Law of
Conservation of
Thermal Energy
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
5. Explain how thermal energy’s
random movement of subatomic
particles is less able to be
organized for further changes,
like for doing useful work.
3rd Quarter
• Wave
• Wave
Wave Characteristics (pre-requisite
information needed in order to understand
standards which follow)
• Radiant energy
and the
• Doppler shift
Wave characteristics can be described. Amplitude and
wavelength are measurements of distance. Period and
frequency are measurements based on time.
Wavelength is the distance between two equivalent
parts of a wave.
Amplitude and wavelength tell you about energy. The
larger the amplitude of a wave, the more energy it
carries. The shorter the wavelength of a wave, the
more energy it carries.
The period of the wave is the time required for one full
wavelength of a wave to pass a certain point. It is
represented by the symbol T and is expressed in terms
of seconds (s).
Frequency is a measure of the number of wavelengths
that pass a point in a given time interval and how
rapidly vibrations occur in the medium.
Frequency ,f, is measured in terms of (Hertz), Hz.
Students should be able to…
1. Define a wave as a disturbance
that carries energy through
matter or space.
2. Distinguish between waves that
travel through a medium (most
waves- mechanical) and waves
that do not require a medium
(electromagnetic waves).
3. Describe waves as able to
transfer energy, and therefore,
able do work (F/d).
4. Understand that as a wave
travels through a medium and
encounters a new material, the
new material may absorb the
energy of the wave by
transforming it to another form
of energy, usually thermal
5. Propose a model using kinetic
theory to explain why waves
travel at different speeds (i.e.
organization at the particle level arrangement of particles in a
Mechanical wave
Radiant energy
Doppler shift
Transverse wave
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
solid, liquid, and gas and thus,
the ease with which energy can
be transferred).
6. Use wave equations in order to
compare characteristics of
Frequency and period are related. The more vibrations
that are made in one second, the less time each
vibration takes. The frequency of a wave is the inverse
of the period and can be represented mathematically
as, f=1/T.
The speed of a wave equals wavelength divided by
period, mathematically represented as,
Wave speed =wavelength/period or v=λ/T. Wave
speed can also be calculated in terms of frequency and
Wave speed = frequency X wavelength or v=f X λ.
Wave Interactions: Refraction, reflection,
diffraction, absorption, superposition
When a wave encounters a new material (medium), the
new material may absorb the energy of the wave by
transforming it to another form of energy, usually
thermal energy.
Waves can be reflected off solid barriers or refracted
when a wave travels form one medium into another
Waves may undergo diffraction around small obstacles
or openings.
When two waves traveling through the same medium
meet, they pass through each other then continue
traveling through the medium as before.
When the waves meet, they undergo superposition,
demonstrating constructive and destructive
7. Describe what may happen when
ripples on a pond encounter a
large rock in the water (waves
can be reflected off solid barriers
or refracted when a wave travels
from one medium to another
8. Describe what can happen when
two waves are in the same
location. Include superposition
(constructive and destructive
interference) in your description
and an illustration to clarify your
9. Understand that sound travels in
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Sound travels in waves and undergoes reflection,
refraction, interference and diffraction.
For rough objects, the reflection in all directions forms
a diffuse reflection and for smooth shiny objects,
reflections can result in clear images.
Transparent materials transmit most of the energy
through the material but smaller amounts of energy
may be absorbed or reflected.
Doppler shift
Changes in the observed frequency and wavelength of
a wave can occur if the wave source and the observer
are moving relative to each other.
When the source and the observer are moving toward
each other, the wavelength is shorter and the observed
frequency is higher; when the source and the observer
are moving away from each other, the wavelength is
longer and the observed frequency is lower. This
phenomenon is called the Doppler shift and can be
explained using diagrams.
This phenomenon is important to current
Learning Targets
waves and undergoes reflection,
refraction, interference and
10. Give examples of sound
refraction (Echo, ultrasound,
sonar) and sound interference
(destructive - dead spots in
auditoriums/concert halls and
constructive – many instruments
playing the same note results in
louder sound due to increased
amplitude and, thus, increased
11. Explain why you can hear two
people talking even after they
walk around a corner
(Understand that waves may
undergo diffraction around small
obstacles or openings).
12. Describe the Doppler Effect and
Explain why it occurs. Give an
example using sound waves and
light waves. (The Doppler Effect
in regards to sound waves, results
in a change in pitch – an
ambulance siren moving toward
an observer produces waves that
are closer together – higher
frequency (pitch). An ambulance
siren moving away from an
observer produces waves that are
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
understanding of how the universe was formed and will
be applied in later sections of this course.
Learning Targets
farther apart – lower frequency
(pitch). With light waves – waves
that are moving toward an
observer result in waves that are
closer together – higher
frequency colors. Waves that are
moving away result in lower
frequency colors).
Radiant energy and the electromagnetic
Two models are required to describe the nature of
electromagnetic waves and radiant energy they
produce. Electromagnetic radiation acts like a stream
of photons so radiant energy can be viewed as the
energy carried by these photons. EM radiation can also
be viewed as an electromagnetic wave, which carries
energy in its oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
Radiant energy travels in electromagnetic waves and
does not require a medium.
The energy of electromagnetic waves is proportional to
frequency (i.e. radio waves are lower frequency EM
waves and have less energy than ultraviolet EM waves
with their higher frequencies).
The brightness of light (ex. from stars) depends on
intensity which depends on the number of photons per
second passing a point. Intensity decreases as distance
increases. A more direct ray is more intense than light
that hits at an angle – this explains why on Earth, the
13. Differentiate between sound and
light (EM) waves with regards to
the medium through which they
travel and the method by which
they travel. Describe the sounds
and sights you would encounter
if you were able to float freely in
the universe.
14. Explain how sources of light
energy radiate energy continually
in all directions.
15. Arrange the regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum from
the shortest wavelengths to the
longest wavelengths. Relate the
wavelength and frequency to the
energy carried by the bands of
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
equator is warmer than the poles – more energy per
square area is being experienced at the equator.
Sources of light energy (e.g., the sun, a light bulb)
radiate energy continually in all directions.
Radiant energy has a wide range of frequencies,
wavelengths and energies arranged into the
electromagnetic spectrum.
The electromagnetic spectrum is divided into bands:
radio (lowest energy), microwaves, infrared, visible
light, X-rays and gamma rays (highest energy) that have
different applications in everyday life.
Radiant energy of the entire electromagnetic spectrum
travels at the same speed in a vacuum.
However, the relative positions of the different bands,
including the colors of visible light, are important (e.g.,
ultraviolet has more energy than microwaves).
Radiant energy exhibits wave behaviors including
reflection, refraction, absorption, superposition and
diffraction, depending in part on the nature of the
For opaque objects (e.g., paper, a chair, an apple), little
if any radiant energy is transmitted into the new
However the radiant energy can be absorbed, usually
increasing the thermal energy of the object and/or the
radiant energy can be reflected.
Learning Targets
the EM spectrum.
16. Give examples of uses for various
bands of the Electromagnetic
17. Explain why EM waves of 400nm
to 700nm are the only waves we
can see.
18. Describe how radiant energy
exhibits wave behaviors including
reflection, refraction, absorption,
superposition and diffraction,
depending in part on the nature
of the medium.
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Thermal Energy
Thermal Energy
3rd Quarter
Thermal conductivity depends on the rate at which
thermal energy is transferred from one end of a
material to another.
Thermal conductors have a high rate of thermal energy
transfer and thermal insulators have a slow rate of
thermal energy transfer.
The rate at which thermal radiation is absorbed or
emitted by a system depends on its temperature, color,
texture and exposed surface area.
All other things being equal, in a given amount of time,
black rough surfaces absorb more thermal energy than
smooth white surfaces.
An object or system is continually absorbing and
emitting thermal radiation.
If the object or system absorbs more thermal energy
than it emits and there is no change in phase, the
temperature increases.
If the object or system emits more thermal energy than
is absorbed and there is no change in phase, the
temperature decreases.
For an object or system in thermal equilibrium, the
amount of thermal energy absorbed is equal to the
amount of thermal energy emitted; therefore, the
temperature remains constant.
Students should be able to…
1. Explain in words and through
illustration, why a metal wire
with one end placed in a fire, gets
hot on the other end. Include
the terms, “conduction and
kinetic energy” along with a
description of what is happening
to the particles in the metal wire.
2. Describe that thermal
conductivity depends on the rate
at which thermal energy is
transferred from one end of a
material to another.
3. Differentiate between
conductors and insulators in
terms of how well (rate) energy is
transferred through particle
4. List variables that affect the rate
at which thermal radiation is
absorbed or emitted by a system,
(i.e., temperature, color, texture,
and area of exposed surface).
5. Explain how these variables
affect the rate at which thermal
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
radiation is absorbed (i.e., black
rough surfaces absorb more
thermal energy than smooth
white surfaces).
6. Define, “temperature” in terms
of average kinetic energy of
subatomic particles.
7. Define, in terms of thermal
energy and energy transfer, why
temperature of an object
increases, decreases, or remains
4th Quarter
• Movement of
• Current
• Electric
• Resistors and
transfer of
Movement of electrons
The differences between electrical conductors and
insulators can be explained by how freely the electrons
flow throughout the material due to how firmly
electrons are held by the nucleus.
By convention, electric current is the rate at which
positive charge flows in a circuit.
In reality, it is the negatively charged electrons that are
actually moving, so the direction of current is opposite
to the direction that electrons move.
Current is measured in amperes (A), which is equal to
one coulomb of charge per second (C/s).
Students should be able to…
1. Give examples of electrical
conductors and insulators.
2. Explain, in terms of bonding, why
conductors allow charges to flow
and insulators do not.
3. Define electric current as the rate
at which positive charge flows in
a circuit.
4. Describe the motion of charges
from one terminal of a battery to
the other through an electrical
device such as a flashlight.
5. Compare electrical potential
energy to gravitational potential
energy of a ball (i.e. a ball rolls
downhill from a position of
Charged particle
Electric insulator
Coulomb (C)
Amperes (A)
Electric field
Electric potential
Electric current
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Electric Potential (voltage)
In an electric circuit, the power source supplies the
electrons already in the circuit with electric potential
energy by doing work to separate opposite charges.
The potential difference or voltage across an energy
source is a measure of potential energy in Joules
supplied to each coulomb of charge.
The volt (V) is the unit of potential difference and is
equal to one Joule of energy per coulomb of charge
For a battery, the energy is provided by a chemical
reaction that separates charges on the positive and
negative sides of the battery.
This separation of charge is what causes the electrons
to flow in the circuit.
Potential difference across the circuit is a property of
the energy source and does not depend upon the
devices in the circuit.
Resistors and Transfer of Energy
These electrons then transfer energy to other objects
and transform electrical energy into other forms (e.g.,
light, sound, heat) in the resistors.
Current continues to flow, even after the electrons
transfer their energy.
Resistors oppose the rate of charge flow in the circuit.
These concepts can be used to explain why current will
increase as the potential difference increases and as the
resistance decreases.
Experiments, investigations and testing (3-D or virtual)
higher gravitational energy to a
position of lower potential
energy just as electrical charges
move from a region of higher to
lower potential electrical energy.
Use a voltmeter to determine
the potential difference which
exists in sample circuits.
Explain how resistors (devices
supplying resistance to circuits)
can be helpful and harmful.
Relate resistance to effectiveness
of insulators and conductors.
Wire a series circuit and a parallel
circuit using 3 flashlight bulbs
with bases, wires, and a 9 V
battery. Draw the schematic of
the circuit. Build a single circuit
that has bulbs in series and in
parallel. Draw the schematic.
Predict what would happen to
the brightness of the bulbs in the
circuits created above if a resistor
were added to the circuits. Test
your prediction.
Describe and give examples of
how transfer of energy in a
current can transform electrical
energy into other forms (ex. light,
sound, heat).
Series and
parallel circuits
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Students should be able to…
1. Explain how a frame of reference
is used to describe motion.
2. Explain how position,
displacement, velocity and
acceleration are all vector
properties while distance, speed,
and time are scalar quantities.
must be used to construct a variety of circuits, and
measure and compare the potential difference
(voltage) and current.
Electricity concepts are dealt with conceptually in this
Course Content Area: Forces and Motion
3rd Quarter
• Introduction to
• Displacement,
average and
and acceleration
• Interpreting
position vs. time
and velocity vs.
time graphs
Introduction to one-dimensional vectors
The motion of an object depends on the observer’s
frame of reference and is described in terms of
distance, position, displacement, speed, velocity,
acceleration and time.
Position, displacement, velocity and acceleration are all
vector properties (magnitude and direction).
All motion is relative to whatever frame of reference is
chosen, for there is no motionless frame from which to
judge all motion.
The relative nature of motion will be addressed
conceptually, not mathematically.
Non- inertial reference frames are excluded. Motion
diagrams can be drawn and interpreted to represent
the position and velocity of an object.
The displacement or change in position of an object is a
vector quantity that can be calculated by subtracting
the initial position from the final position (Δx = xf – xi).
Displacement can be positive or negative depending
upon the direction of motion.
3. Compare and contrast speed and
4. Describe what you need to know
in order to find the speed of an
5. Explain how you can study speed
by using graphs.
6. State what changes when an
Frame of
Vector and scalar
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Displacement is not always equal to the distance
Examples should be given where the distance is not the
same as the displacement.
Velocity is a vector property that represents the rate at
which position changes.
Displacement, velocity (constant, average
and instantaneous) and acceleration
Average velocity can be calculated by dividing
displacement (change in position) by the elapsed time
(vavg = (xf – xi)/(tf – ti)).
Velocity may be positive or negative depending upon
the direction of motion and is not always equal to the
Provide examples of when the average speed is not the
same as the average velocity.
Objects that move with constant velocity have the
same displacement for each successive time interval.
While speeding up or slowing down and/or changing
direction, the velocity of an object changes
continuously, from instant to instant.
The speed of an object at any instant (clock reading) is
called instantaneous speed.
An object may not travel at this instantaneous speed
for any period of time or cover any distance with that
particular speed, especially if the speed is continually
Acceleration is a vector property that represents the
Learning Targets
object accelerates.
7. Describe how you would
calculate the acceleration of an
object moving in a straight line.
8. Explain how a graph can be used
to find acceleration.
9. Calculate speed, velocity,
acceleration using mathematical
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
rate at which velocity changes.
Average acceleration can be calculated by dividing the
change in velocity divided by elapsed time
(aavg = (vf – vi)/(tf – ti)).
At this grade level, it should be noted that acceleration
can be positive or negative, but specifics about what
kind of motions produce positive or negative
accelerations will be addressed in the physics syllabus.
The word “deceleration” should not be used because
students tend to associate a negative sign of
acceleration only with slowing down.
Objects that have no acceleration can either be
standing still or be moving with constant velocity
(speed and direction).
Constant acceleration occurs when the change in an
object’s instantaneous velocity is the same for equal
successive time intervals.
Interpreting Position vs. Time and Velocity
vs. Time Graphs
Motion can be represented by position vs. time and
velocity vs. time graphs.
Specifics about the speed, direction and change in
motion can be determined by interpreting such graphs.
For physical science, graphs will be limited to positive xvalues and show only uniform motion involving
constant velocity or constant acceleration.
Motion must be investigated by collecting and
analyzing data in the laboratory.
Technology can enhance motion exploration and
10. Interpret Position vs. Time and
Velocity vs. Time Graphs (see
content elaboration under this
section for details on questions
that should be included as part of
the graph analysis)
11. Describe what happens when
there is net force acting on an
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
investigation through video analysis, the use of motion
detectors and graphing data for analysis.
Objects that move with constant velocity and have no
acceleration form a straight line (not necessarily
horizontal) on a position vs. time graph.
Objects that are at rest will form a straight horizontal
line on a position vs. time graph.
Objects that are accelerating will show a curved line on
a position vs. time graph.
Velocity can be calculated by determining the slope of a
position vs. time graph.
Positive slopes on position vs. time graphs indicate
motion in a positive direction.
Negative slopes on position vs. time graphs indicate
motion in a negative direction.
While it is important that students can construct graphs
by hand, computer graphing programs or graphing
calculators also can be used so more time can be spent
on graph interpretation and analysis.
Constant acceleration is represented by a straight line
(not necessarily horizontal) on a velocity vs. time graph.
Objects that have no acceleration (at rest or moving at
constant velocity) will have a straight horizontal line for
a velocity vs. time graph.
Average acceleration can be by determining the slope
of a velocity vs. time graph.
The details about motion graphs should not be taught
as rules to memorize, but rather as generalizations that
can be developed from interpreting the graphs.
Learning Targets
12. State what force always opposes
13. Explain why friction is sometimes
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Students will be able to…
1. Explain that force is a vector
quantity that has both magnitude
and direction.
• Force Diagrams Force Diagrams
• Types of forces
(gravity, friction,
normal, tension)
• Field model for
forces at a
Force is a vector quantity, having both magnitude and
direction. The (SI) unit of force is a Newton.
One Newton of net force will cause a 1 kg object to
experience an acceleration of 1 m/s2.
A Newton also can be represented as kg·m/s .
The opportunity to measure force in the lab must be
provided (e.g., with a spring scale or a force probe).
Types of Forces (Gravity, Friction, Normal,
Normal forces and tension forces are introduced
conceptually at this level.
These forces and other forces are introduced in prior
grades (friction, drag, contact, gravitational, electric
and magnetic) and can be used as examples of forces
that affect motion.
Gravitational force (weight) can be calculated from
mass, but all other forces will only be quantified from
force diagrams that were introduced in middle school.
In physical science, only forces in one dimension
(positive and negative) will be addressed.
The net force can be determined by one-dimensional
vector addition.
More quantitative study of friction forces, universal
gravitational forces, elastic forces and electrical forces
will be addressed in the physics syllabus.
Friction is a force that opposes sliding between two
2. Demonstrate that the (SI) unit of
force is a Newton and that one
Newton of net force will cause a
1 kg object to experience an
acceleration of 1 m/s2. This
Newton can also be represented
as kg•m/s2.
3. Measure force using a spring
scale or force probe.
4. Calculate gravitational force
(weight) from mass.
5. Determine net force by onedimensional vector addition.
6. Explain that friction is a force that
opposes sliding between two
7. Describe surfaces that are sliding
relative to each other, the force
on an object always points in a
direction opposite to the relative
motion of the object.
8. Calculate frictional forces from
Frictional force
Force diagram
Field model
Normal force
Tension force
Net force
Acceleration due
to gravity
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
For surfaces that are sliding relative to each other, the
force on an object always points in a direction opposite
to the relative motion of the object.
In physical science, friction will only be calculated from
force diagrams.
Equations for static and kinetic friction are found in the
physics syllabus.
A normal force exists between two solid objects when
their surfaces are pressed together due to other forces
acting on one or both objects (e.g., a solid sitting on or
sliding across a table, a magnet attached to a
A normal force is always a push directed at right angles
from the surfaces of the interacting objects.
A tension force occurs when a non-slack rope, wire,
cord or similar device pulls on another object.
The tension force always points in the direction of the
Field Model for Forces at a Distance
The stronger the field, the greater the force exerted on
objects placed in the field.
The field of an object is always there, even if the object
is not interacting with anything else.
The gravitational force (weight) of an object is
proportional to its mass.
Weight, Fg, can be calculated from the equation Fg
Learning Targets
force diagrams.
9. Explain that a normal force exists
between two solid objects when
their surfaces are pressed
together due to other forces
acting on one or both objects.
10. Demonstrate that a normal force
is always a push directed at right
angles from the surfaces of the
interacting objects.
11. Understand that a tension force
occurs when a non-slack rope,
wire, cord or similar device pulls
on another object.
12. Explain that the tension force
always points in the direction of
the pull.
13. Understand that the stronger the
field, the greater the force
exerted on objects placed in the
14. Explain that the field of an object
is always there, even if the object
is not interacting with anything
15. Understand that the gravitational
force (weight) of an object is
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
= m g, where g is the gravitational field strength of
an object which is equal to 9.8 N/kg (m/s2) on the
surface of Earth.
Learning Targets
proportional to its mass.
16. I can calculate weight, Fg, from
the equation Fg=mg where g is
the gravitational field strength of
an object which is equal to
9.8N/kg or m/s2 on the surface of
the Earth.
Dynamics (how forces affect motion)
• Objects at rest
• Objects moving
with constant
• Acceleration
Student will be able to…
1. I can understand that when the
vector sum of the forces (net
force) acting on an object is zero,
The rate at which an object changes its speed or
the object does not accelerate.
direction (acceleration) is proportional to the vector
I can explain that for an object
sum of the applied forces (net force, Fnet) and inversely
that is moving, this means the
proportional to the mass (a = Fnet/m).
object will remain moving
When the vector sum of the forces (net force) acting on
without changing its speed or
an object is zero, the object does not accelerate.
For an object that is moving, this means the object will
3. I can explain that for an object
remain moving without changing its speed or direction.
that is not moving, the object will
continue to remain stationary.
For an object that is not moving, the object will
I can apply these laws to systems
continue to remain stationary.
consisting of a single object upon
These laws will be applied to systems consisting of a
which multiple forces act.
single object upon which multiple forces act.
5. I can understand that both
Vector addition will be limited to one dimension.
objects in a force interaction
While both horizontal and vertical forces can be acting
experience an equal amount of
on an object simultaneously, one of the dimensions
force, but in opposite directions.
must have a net force of zero.
6. I can explain that interacting
force pairs are often confused
A force is an interaction between two objects.
An object does not accelerate (remains at rest or
maintains a constant speed and direction of motion)
unless an unbalanced net force acts on it.
Balanced forces
Newton’s laws of
Force pairs
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
Both objects in the interaction experience an equal
amount of force, but in opposite directions.
Interacting force pairs are often confused with
balanced forces. Interacting force pairs can never
cancel each other out because they always act on
different objects.
Naming the force (e.g., gravity, friction) does not
identify the two objects involved in the interacting
force pair.
Objects involved in an interacting force pair can be
easily identified by using the format “A acts on B so B
acts on A.”
For example, the truck hits the sign therefore the sign
hits the truck with an equal force in the opposite
Earth pulls the book down so the book pulls Earth up
with an equal force.
with balanced forces.
7. I can demonstrate that
interacting force pairs can never
cancel each other out because
they always act on different
8. I can understand that naming the
force (e.g., gravity, friction) does
not identify the two objects
involved in the interacting force
9. I can explain that Earth pulls the
book down so the book pulls
Earth up with an equal force.
10. I can use the laws of motion to
explain and predict changes in
The focus of the content is to develop a conceptual
understanding of the laws of motion to explain and
predict changes in motion, not to name or recite a
memorized definition.
Course Content Area: The Universe
History of the Universe
4th Quarter
The Big Bang
Evidence to
support the Big
The Big Bang Model is a broadly accepted theory for
the origin and evolution of our universe.
It postulates that 12 to 14 billion years ago, the portion
of the universe seen today was only a few millimeters
across (NASA).
Students will be able to…
1. Explain the Big Bang Model that
is a broadly accepted theory for
the origin and evolution of our
Big bang
Gas clouds
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
Bang Theory
used to study
the Universe
Learning Targets
According to the “big bang” theory, the contents of the
known universe expanded explosively into existence
from a hot, dense state 13.7 billion years ago (NAEP
After the big bang, the universe expanded quickly (and
continues to expand) and then cooled down enough for
atoms to form.
Gravity pulled the atoms together into gas clouds that
eventually became stars, which comprise young
Evidence to Support the Big Bang Theory
Foundations for the big bang model can be included to
introduce the supporting evidence for the expansion of
the known universe (e.g., Hubble’s law and red shift or
cosmic microwave background radiation).
Technology provides the basis for many new
discoveries related to space and the universe.
Technology Used to Study the Universe
Visual, radio and x-ray telescopes collect information
from across the entire electromagnetic spectrum;
computers are used to manage data and complicated
computations; space probes send back data and
materials from remote parts of the solar system; and
accelerators provide subatomic particle energies that
simulate conditions in the stars and in the early history
of the universe before stars formed.
A galaxy is a group of billions of individual stars, star
systems, star clusters, dust and gas bound together by
4th Quarter
2. Components of the Big Bang
Model that students should
include in their explanation are:
a. When it occurred and
from what.
b. Cooling that occurred
c. Formation of atoms
d. Gravities role in
creating stars and
3. Describe evidence that is
available to support the Big Bang
Theory (e.g. Hubble’s law, red
shift stars, cosmic background
4. Explain and give examples of
how technology, such as
telescopes, computers, and
space probes, has enabled us to
make new discoveries related to
space and the universe.
Red-shift stars
Hubble’s law
Galaxy Formation
The Milky Way
Students will be able to…
1. Define a galaxy as a group of
Star systems
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Doppler Shift
(Red Shift) and
4th Quarter
Content Elaboration
Learning Targets
There are billions of galaxies in the universe, and they
are classified by size and shape.
The Milky Way is a spiral galaxy.
It has more than 100 billion stars and a diameter of
more than 100,000 light years.
At the center of the Milky Way is a bulge of stars, from
which are spiral arms of gas, dust and most of the
young stars.
The solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy.
Hubble’s law states that galaxies that are farther away
have a greater red shift, so the speed at which a galaxy
is moving away is proportional to its distance from the
Red shift is a phenomenon due to Doppler shifting, so
the shift of light from a galaxy to the red end of the
spectrum indicates that the galaxy and the observer are 5.
moving farther away from one another.
Doppler shifting also is found in the Energy and Waves
section of this course.
Early in the formation of the universe, stars coalesced
out of clouds of hydrogen and helium and clumped
together by gravitational attraction into galaxies.
When heated to a sufficiently high temperature by
gravitational attraction, stars begin nuclear reactions,
billions of individual stars, star
systems, star clusters, dust and
gas bound together by gravity.
Explain there are billions of
galaxies classified by size and
Define the Milky Way, the galaxy
where the solar system is located,
as a spiral galaxy that has more
than 100 billion stars and a
diameter of more than 100,000
light years.
Explain that Hubble's Law states
that galaxies that are farther
away have a greater red shift, so
the speed at which a galaxy is
moving away is proportional to its
distance from Earth.
Explain that red shift is a
phenomenon due to Doppler
shifting and is related to energy
and waves.
Star clusters
Dust and Gas
Milky way
Solar system
Spiral galaxy
Light year
Hubble’s law
Red shift
Doppler shift
• Formation;
stages of
• Fusion in
Students will be able to…
1. Explain that early in the formation
of the universe, stars coalesced
out of clouds of hydrogen and
helium and clumped together by
gravitational attraction into
Nuclear reactions
Nuclear fusion
Grades 9-12 Science Curriculum
Content Elaboration
which convert matter to energy and fuse the lighter
elements into heavier ones.
These and other fusion processes in stars have led to
the formation of all the other elements. (NAEP 2009).
All of the elements, except for hydrogen and helium,
originated from the nuclear fusion reactions of stars
(College Board Standards for College Success, 2009).
Stars are classified by their color, size, luminosity and
A Hertzprung-Russell diagram must be used to estimate
the sizes of stars and predict how stars will evolve.
Most stars fall on the main sequence of the H-R
diagram, a diagonal band running from the bright hot
stars on the upper left to the dim cool stars on the
lower right.
Learning Targets
2. Explain that stars became nuclear
reactions at high temperatures to
convert matter to energy and fuse
the light elements into heavier
3. Explain that all natural forming
elements, except hydrogen and
helium, originated from nuclear
fusion in stars.
4. Classify stars by their color, size,
luminosity and mass.
5. Use a H-R to classify stars.
H-R diagram