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The Story of Cramps
Through the duration of my massage and
bodywork practice, one of the most commonly
brought up issues by clients I have worked with, is
cramps. I am frequently asked, “Why do I get
cramps” and “what can I do to prevent them”.
So, here is the long, “short” story of cramps.
Skeletal muscle cramps occur in muscles that
we voluntarily control, such as the muscles that are
involved in walking. A muscle consists of
specialized contractile cells, muscle fibers, which
are grouped together in an organized way. Each
fiber consists of thread like structures, thick and
thin myofilaments which are formed and
composed of proteins, myosin and actin,
respectively. When a muscle contracts, the fibers
first attach to each other by establishing bridges,
and then pull or “ratchet” themselves past each
other, which causes a muscle to contract. In order
for these bridges between the myofilaments to
form properly, calcium must be present.
If a muscle, or even a few fibers of a muscle,
involuntarily contracts and does not relax, it is
called a spasm. If the spasm is forceful and
sustained, it becomes a cramp. The most common
areas of skeletal muscle cramps occur in the calves,
thighs and arches of the feet. Cramps are
associated with intense and strenuous activity, but
can occur while relaxing, as in nocturnal leg
cramps, which happen during sleep. Potential
contributing factors of muscle cramps include:
low levels of certain minerals (calcium,
magnesium, sodium and potassium), dehydration,
muscle fatigue, pregnancy, certain medications,
and reduced blood flow through muscles that are
in a prolonged sitting or lying down position. In
the event of a cramp, apply pressure by walking it
out, and/or stretching the affected area, which
usually causes it to cease. To help keep cramps at
bay, stay hydrated, replace electrolytes after
strenuous activity (especially in extreme heat),
stretch and massage the muscles involved, and
investigate possible mineral deficiencies that may
need to be addressed with diet and/or supplements.
Keeping a food journal while also logging exercise,
medications/supplements taken and
symptoms/ailments that arise, can be extremely
helpful in unraveling the messages the body is
trying to convey. In chronic, persistent situations,
medical advice is always advised and
On a metaphysical side note, since we are
emotional beings as well as physical beings, Louise
L. Hay states in her book, Heal Your Body, that
probable emotional components of cramps are
tension, fear, gripping and holding on. She
suggests implementing a new thought pattern by
repeating this healing affirmation: I relax and
allow my mind to be peaceful.
Thanks for reading and may you be blessed on
your journey of healing and body awareness.
Janet Nelson, LMT
230 N. Park, Ste 101 Grapevine TX 76051