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Table of contents
Introduction………………………………………..Page 3
Chapter 1 Satellites……………………………..Page 4
Chapter 2 Stars…………………………………….page 5
Chapter 3 Planets And their Moons…….page6
Chapter 4 The Sun………………………………..page7
There are many questions about space that have not
been answered. But some questions have been
answered and are in this book.
This Is A Satellite
Satellites are very interesting. first A satellite is any object that orbits
another object watching earth and giving us information.
*For example a satellite can give us information about earth pollution.
Second Weather satellites watch weather to warn us about storms.
*For example satellites can give us information about storms.
Finaly Space discovery uses huge telescopes attached to satellites and
they orbit earth to watch space.
*For example satellites can make space discoveries.
Satellites can do many things to help us.
Facts About The Stars
Beyond our Solar System are billions of stars.
there are an unimaginable amount of stars in the universe.
First Some stars are just like our sun but some are bigger.
*For example our sun is a medium sized star.
Next The Super Star is a star is00 times the size of the sun.
*For example stars can be all different sizes.
Thirdly Stars begin life when they are formed in a swirling cloud of gas
and dust.
*For example stars begin life in a Nebulae.
Stars are still a great mystery in the universe.
Planets And Their Moons
Planets and their moons are very interesting. First, Jupiter is famous for
the Red Spot which is a huge storm that has lasted for hundreds of years.
*For example a huge storm has lasted for hundreds of years on Jupiter.
Next, smaller than some moons in our solar system Mercury is the planet
closest to the sun. It looks very similar to our moon.
*For example Mercury is the closest planet to our sun.
Fact, Mercury has a core that is made from pure molten iron.
Finaly Mars is known as the Red Planet, it is the planet most like Earth
only it is too cold for life.
*For example, Mars is too cold for life which is the only thing that makes
it different from earth These are still only a few facts about planets and
there moons.
The Sun
The Sun is the star at the center of the Solar System that gives us heat
and light for life on earth.
First The sun is giant burning ball of helium and gas, it has a temperature
of 9,932 degrees Fahrenheit and 5,500 degrees Celsius.
*For example the sun is a star made of fire and gas.
The sun is so big more that more 1 million earths could fit inside it.
*For example earth is a speck compared to the sun
The sun is so powerful it will be shining for billions of years.
The sun is so powerful if a human was near it he or she wood burn.