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Age of Exploration
So far in America
• So far we have taken a look at the First
• We know where they came from
• We know how far they penetrated into North
and South America.
• We know some information about the diverse
First American cultures that were here in preColombian times.
So far in America
• We talked about how our exposure to the
History of the United States would involve
telling the story of the clash of cultures of The
first Americans, Europeans, and Africans and
how their interactions would play out.
• The first Americans are here and we have to
work our way to colonization.
The Age of Discovery
• The great explorers and the “Age of Discovery”
is where we have to go first.
• How did the first Europeans and Africans
come to arrive in the Americas?
• What countries were behind the big push to
the Americas?
Age of Exploration
• Spain
• England
• France
• Portugal
Age of Exploration
• Spain – Gold Glory, and God
• England – Gold and Glory
• France - Gold
• Portugal – Gold and Glory
Prince Henry of Portugal
• He was born in
Portugal in 1394
• He opened a school
of navigation
• He invented a new
ship called the
Marco Polo
• Inspired Age of Exploration
• Wrote Marco Polo’s Travels about traveling to
the court of Kublai Khan.
• Marco Polo (1254-1324) He reached further
than any of his predecessors, beyond
Mongolia to China. He became a confidant of
Kublai Khan (1214-1294). He traveled the
whole of China and returned to tell the tale,
which became the greatest travelogue ever.
Age of Exploration
• Spain – Central America, West
Coast South America
• England – East Coast United
• France – Canada and Northern
United States
• Portugal - Brazil
• Spain – Columbus, Magellan,
Cortez, Pizarro
• England – Cabot, Sir Francis Drake
• France - Cartier
• Portugal - Diaz, Vasco Da Gama
Christopher Columbus departed on his first
voyage from southern Spain, on August 3, 1492,
in command of three ships: the Niña, the Pinta
and the Santa Maria.
He discovered the Island of San Salvador and
other islands in the Caribbean on behalf of
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain.
He was in search of a western trade route to
India. They were wanting to out compete
Portugal which had found an eastern route
His voyages helped initiate trade pursuits on the
part of multiple European powers to and from
the “New World”.
Amerigo Vespucci
• Amerigo Vespucci was one of the early explorers of
the New World.
• North and South America were named in his honor.
• He went on at least two, and possibly four, voyages to
Central and South America between 1497 and 1504
• he was one of the first to come up with the idea that
these places he had visited were not part of Asia (as
Columbus thought) but rather were part of a "New
Magellan's expedition of 1519–
1522 became the first expedition
to sail from the Atlantic Ocean
into the Pacific Ocean (then
named "peaceful sea" by
Magellan; the passage being
made via the Strait of Magellan),
and the first to cross the Pacific.
It also completed the first
circumnavigation of the Earth,
was a Spanish conquistador who
led an expedition that caused
the fall of the Aztec Empire and
brought large portions of
mainland Mexico under the rule
of the King of Castile in the early
16th century. Cortés was part of
the generation of Spanish
colonizers that began the first
phase of the Spanish
colonization of the Americas.
Francisco Pizarro y González, 1st
Marquess of los Atabillos
(Spanish pronunciation: ; c. 1471
or 1476 – 26 June 1541) was a
Spanish conquistador, conqueror
of the Incan Empire and founder
of Lima, the modern-day capital of
John Cabot Born c.1450 Genoa or
Gaeta, Italy Died c.1499) was an
Italian navigator and explorer
whose 1497 discovery of North
America is commonly held to be
the second European voyage to
the continent since Christopher
Columbus a few years earlier. The
official position of the Canadian
and United Kingdom governments
is that he landed on the island of
Sir Francis Drake
Sir Francis Drake, Vice Admiral
(1540 – 27 January 1596) was an
English sea captain, privateer,
navigator, slaver, a renowned
pirate, and politician of the
Elizabethan era. Elizabeth I of
England awarded Drake a
knighthood in 1581.
He is famous for (among other
things) leading the first English
circumnavigation of the world,
from 1577 to 1580.
Jacques Cartier (December 31,
1491 – September 1, 1557) was
a French explorer of Breton
origin who claimed what is now
Canada for France. He was the
first European to describe and
map[5] the Gulf of Saint
Lawrence and the shores of the
Saint Lawrence River, which he
named "The Country of
Canadas", after the Iroquois
names for the two big
settlements he saw at Stadacona
(Quebec City) and at Hochelaga
(Montreal Island).
Bartolomeu Dias c. 1451 – 24
May 1500), a nobleman of the
Portuguese royal household, was
a Portuguese explorer who sailed
around the southernmost tip of
Africa in 1488, the first European
known to have done so.
Vasco de Gama
Vasco da Gama,was a
Portuguese explorer, one of the
most successful in the European
Age of Discovery and the
commander of the first ships to
sail directly from Europe to
India. For a short time in 1524
he was Governor of Portuguese
India under the title of Viceroy.
Henry Hudson
Henry Hudson (c. 1560/70s – 1611?) was
an English sea explorer and navigator in
the early 17th century. After several
voyages on behalf of English merchants
to explore a prospective Northeast
Passage to India, Hudson explored the
region around modern New York City
while looking for a western route to Asia
under the auspices of the Dutch East
India Company. He explored the river
which eventually was named for him, and
laid thereby the foundation for Dutch
colonization of the region.
Sieur de La Salle
René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur
de La Salle, or Robert de
LaSalle (November 21, 1643 –
March 19, 1687) was a French
explorer. He explored the
Great Lakes region of the
United States and Canada, the
Mississippi River, and the Gulf
of Mexico. La Salle claimed
the entire Mississippi River
basin for France.
Ponce De Leon,
Juan Ponce de León y Figueroa
(1474 – July 1521) was a
Spanish explorer. He became
the first Governor of Puerto
Rico by appointment of the
Spanish crown. He led the first
European expedition to Florida,
which he named. He is
associated with the legend of
the Fountain of Youth, reputed
to be in Florida.
Hernando de Soto
Hernando de Soto
(c.1496/1497–1542) was a
Spanish explorer and
conquistador who, while
leading the first European
expedition deep into the
territory of the modern-day
United States, was the first
European documented to have
crossed the Mississippi River.
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Vasco Núñez de Balboa (c. 1475 –
January 15, 1519) was a Spanish
explorer, governor, and
conquistador. He is best known for
having crossed the Isthmus of
Panama to the Pacific Ocean in
1513, becoming the first European
to lead an expedition to have seen
or reached the Pacific from the
New World.
Francisco Coronado
Francisco Vásquez de Coronado y
Luján (1510 – 22 September 1554)
was a Spanish conquistador, who
visited New Mexico and other parts
of what are now the southwestern
United States between 1540 and
1542. Coronado had hoped to
conquer the mythical Seven Cities of
Giovanni da Verrrazano
Giovanni da Verrazzano 1485–1528)
was an Italian explorer of North
America, in the service of the French
crown. He is renowned as the first
European since the Norse colonization
of the Americas around AD 1000 to
explore the Atlantic coast of North
America between South and North
Carolina and Newfoundland, including
New York Harbor and Narragansett Bay
in 1524. The bridge over the opening of
New York harbor, a naval vessel of the
Italian navy, a destroyer of the
Navigatori class, are among his
numerous eponymous honors.
Pedro de Alvares Cabral
Pedro Álvares Cabral c. 1467
or 1468 – c. 1520) was a
Portuguese noble, military
commander, navigator and
explorer. Cabral conducted
the first substantial
exploration of the northeast
coast of South America and
claimed it for Portugal.
Age of Exploration
• France – Trading Partners
• Portugal – Assimilated into Native
Society; mestizo – person of
European, African, and Indian