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Chapter 1, Interactions and Motion
1 Recall the huge range of sizes for material objects, from atoms to galaxies, that are subject to the laws
of Physics
2 Provide arguments for whether interactions are present for a given situation
Generate motion diagrams that illustrate all possible types of motion
3 Recite Newton's first law of motion
Apply Newton's first law to a wide variety of physical situations
4 List additional (beyond changes in motion) indicators of interactions
5 Generate our standard, "right-handed" 3D coordinate system
Articulate the difference between a vector and a scalar
Use vector notation for appropriate quantities (such as position and velocity)
Find the magnitude of a vector
Calculate the unit vector in the direction of a specified vector
Add and subtract vectors graphically and algebraically
Articulate the difference between a quantity and a change in that quantity
Calculate the change in a vector quantity graphically and algebraically
Calculate a unit vector from the angles a vector makes with the coordinate axes and vice versa
6 Conduct "dimensional analysis" to convert between different sets of measurement units, including SI
7 Calculate the average speed of an object
Scale a vector to fit on a graph
Use the position update formula to relate changes in the position of an object to its average velocity
during a time interval
Distinguish between speed, average velocity, and instantaneous velocity
Relate the two parts of acceleration to an object's change in speed and direction
8 Write the definition of momentum
Calculate the momentum of a particle at any speed, articulating when it is appropriate to use the
nonrelativistic approximation
Use an object's momentum to calculate its change in position over a given time interval
9 Calculate an object's average rate of change of momentum and relate that to changes in its motion
Chapter 2, The Momentum Principle
1 Explain what is meant by the “system” and the “surroundings”
For every problem, clearly specify the system and the surroundings
2 Write down the momentum principle, including subscripts
Explain what is meant by "net" force
Recite the definition of impulse
3 Apply the momentum principle (in update form) to solve problems involving the motion of objects
Calculate the approximate average velocity of an object and describe when it is exactly correct
4 Use the momentum update formula to relate changes in the momentum of an object (or a system) to the
(possibly changing) net external forces during a time interval.
Apply appropriate assumptions to use the position (or momentum) update formula in the presence of
changing momentum (or force)
5 Use the momentum and position update formulas to iteratively predict the motion of an object, with and
without the aid of a computer
Describe the force a spring applies to objects
Recite the approximation of gravitational force near the Earth's surface
Interpret/draw the position vs. time and velocity vs. time and force vs. time graphs for an object (like a
block interacting with a spring)
6 Draw free body diagrams for systems, using our notation conventions
Relate the momentum principle to the vector trajectory of an object subject to a constant force (e.g. a
fan cart, falling object, or a projectile). Include graphs of motion in your discussion.
7 Explain how to estimate an appropriate time interval when determining the effect of an interaction
8 Explain what is meant by and defend the use of physical models
Assess the appropriateness of approximations for a given physical model
Chapter 3, The Fundamental Interactions
1 List the four fundamental types of interactions
2 Calculate the vector gravitational force exerted by one object on another
3 Utilize the approximation for the gravitational force near the surface of the earth
Use the gravitational force to update the momentum and position of a planet
4 Apply the property of “reciprocity” to forces between two objects, carefully keeping track of the
appropriate objects and forces
5 Utilize VPython to numerically solve iterative problems and display trajectories, including those
involving gravitational interactions
6 Calculate the vector electric force between two charged particles using the electric force law
7 Describe where the strong interaction force is found and what it does
9 Explain why numerical computations are usually needed to model the motion of complex systems of
10 Describe the limitations we face in determining the future state of a complex system
11 Write down the vector conservation of momentum equation (including subscripts)
Determine the center of mass of a system of objects
Relate the momentum of a system to its total mass and the velocity of its center of mass
12 Write down and apply the momentum principle for multiparticle systems
13 Use the momentum principle to relate the initial and final momentum of a system of two particles that
undergo sticking collisions
Chapter 4, Contact Interactions
2 Explain how solids can be modeled using balls and springs
3 Explain how interatomic bonds lead to tension forces in a macroscopic wire
4 Use the ball-and-spring model to determine the length of an interatomic bond in a solid
5 Use the ball-and-spring model to determine the interatomic spring stiffness for a solid
6 Distinguish stress from strain
Articulate how the Young’s modulus for a solid relates microscopic to macroscopic quantities
7 Describe the microscopic source of normal forces between objects
8 Calculate the sliding and staic friction forces between two surfaces
9 Use the ball-and-spring model to determine the speed of sound in a solid
10 State the derivative form of the momentum principle
11 Relate the period of oscillation for a block attached to horizontal or vertical spring to the spring
constant and the block's mass
Graphically represent the motion of an oscillator (position or velocity vs. time) given properties of its
12 Relate the speed of sound in a macroscopic solid to microscopic quatities
Chapter 5, Rate of Change of Momentum
1 Identify the forces acting on a system, including their origin and the objects they act upon
2 Solve statics problems, specifically,
• Draw a free body diagram indicating all forces acting on a system that is in equilibrium
• Break vector forces into their (x,y) components based on information about the angle
• Use the derivative form of the momentum principle to find one or more unknown forces acting
on a system in equilibrium
3 Distinguish a system that is momentarily at rest, from one in uniform motion, and from a system in
4 Draw a vector to represent the rate of change of momentum along a curving path
Apply the derivative form of the momentum principle using the parallel and perpendicular components
for a particle moving along a curving path to find one or more unknown forces
5 Write down the formula for the rate of change of the magnitude of momentum
Write down the formula for the rate of change of the direction of momentum
Determine the acceleration of an object as it changes direction
Solve motion problems involving curving motion, with both constant and non-constant speeds
6 Explain how our body's perception of contact forces relates to our feeling of weight or weightlessness
7 Apply a systematic approach to problem solving to complex physical situations
Chapter 6, The Energy Principle
1 Write down the Energy Principle from memory
Describe the attributes of a fundamental principle
Rewrite the Energy Principle to illustrate the conservation of energy
2 Write down the quantitative definition of the energy of a particle valid at all speeds
Calculate the rest energy of a particle
Calculate the kinetic energy of a particle, articulating when the symplifying approximation is valid
Relate relativistic energy and momentum to the rest mass of a particle
3 Calculate the work done on a system by a constant external force
Explain why it’s important to distinguish between the system and surroundings when determining
work, articulating what is meant by “negative external work”
For any given situation, create a diagram that shows vector arrows for displacement and force, clearly
indicating initial and final states
4 Write down the Energy principle, in normal and update forms
Apply the energy principle to solve problems involving single particle systems
5 Recall the conversion between electron volts and Joules
Apply the energy principle to systems involving identity change
7 Calculate the work done by a non-constant force, including systems involving a spring, an external
electric charge on a charged system, and gravitational work done both in general and by the earth close
to the earth's surface
8 Calculate the potential energy for a system of two or more particles due to gravitational or electrical
Define the change in potential energy of a system in terms of the work done by internal forces
Write down the multiparticle energy principle
9 Relate force to potential energy
Write down the formula for gravitational potential energy
Describe how the potential energy of system varies with separation of its component objects
Graphically represent the kinetic energy, potential energy and sum of kinetic and potential energy
Identify bound or unbound systems from their energy diagrams
Write down and explain the minimal condition for escape, and calculate the escape speed due to a
massive (or charged) object
Utilitize the approximation of the gravitational potential energy near the Earth's surface to analyze the
motion of objects
Write down the equation for electric potential energy and use it to analyze the motion of charged
Calculate the change in rest mass (due to identity change), kinetic energy, and potential energy (spring,
gravitational, electric) for use in the energy principle
Calculate the total energy of a system (see list above)
Select appropriate initial and final states and solve multi-state problems such as nuclear fission or
Chapter 7, Internal Energy
1 Calculate the spring potential energy for ideal macroscopic springs
Apply the energy principle to oscillating spring-mass systems
2 Calculate the (approximate) potential energy of a pair of neutral atoms
3 Articulate the meaning of and importance of the path independence of potential energy
4 Calculate the change in thermal energy (using specific heat capacity) for use in the energy principle
5 Expand the energy principle to account for energy transfer due to a termperature difference
6 List the three fundamental forms of energy in a multiparticle system
7 Relate power to energy per unit time and calculate its value for specific situations
8 Explain the difference between an open and closed system, including indentifying whether a given
system is open or closed and comparing the merits of choosing a closed vs open system when you have
the choice
9 Describe a situation where choice of system affects how energy is accounted for
10 Relate the air resistance force on an object to the speed of that object and the shape of that object
Explain “terminal speed” in terms of forces acting on an object
Explain friction qualitatively, noting explicitly how microscopic interactions influence a macroscopic
11 Explain why dissipative forces are called "nonconservative"
Articulate prompts or indications that you should use the energy principle instead of the momentum
Chapter 8, Energy Quantization
1 Describe the characteristics of a photon
2 Calculate and draw the electronic energy levels for a Hydrogen atom or any other hypothetical (Bohrlike) atom
Describe the processes of emission and absorbtion
Calculate the ionization energy needed for to ionize an atom that is in a particular energy level
Calculate what transition energies are allowed for given energy levels
Draw an energy level diagram, with arrows representing the transitions from initial state to final state
Propose an energy level scheme for a system consistent with given the observed energies of photons
emitted from that excited system
Compare and contrast the process of electron excitation in an atom due to accepting energy from an
electron with kinetic energy as opposed to accepting energy from a photon, specifically examining
conditions necessary and sufficient for a transition
Describe the effect of termperature on the distribution of atoms in different energy states
Calculate the allowed energy levels for a quantum harmonic oscillator with a known natural frequency
Describe how accounting for rotational energy produces additional energy levels
Give examples of other systems with quantized energy levels
Compare the "energy gaps" between energy levels for a variety of quantized systems
Chapter 9, Multiparticle Systems
1 Recall the momentum principle for multiparticle systems and the concept of center of mass (from
chapter 3)
2 Keep track of the vibrational and rotational parts of a multiparticle system's translational kinetic energy
3 Define rotational kinetic energy in terms of moment of inertia
Calculate the moment of inertia of simple shapes like thin rods, etc.
Calculate the moment of inertia of a rigid body composed of discrete elements whose individual
moments of inertia are known
Account for changes in the moment of inertia when rotation is not about the center of mass
4 Demonstrate how to model a real multiparticle system as a point particle system
5 Combine both point particle and real system models to analyze physical situations
Chapter 10, Collisions
1 Define the term “collision”
2 Explain the conditions under which the momentum of a system is conserved in a collision
Explain the conditions under which the internal energy of a system is conserved in a collision
3 Use the momentum principle to calculate the initial and final momentum vectors for a system of two
equal masses colliding head-on
4 Use the momentum principle to calculate the initial and final momentum vectors for a system of two
unequal masses colliding head-on
5 Describe what is meant by a “center-of-mass frame,” and explain when using it is advantageous
6 Use the momentum principle to calculate the initial and final momentum vectors for a system in at least
(but not limited to) the following cases:
o The particles contact and bounce off of each other
o The particles stick together
o The particles are involved in a collision mediated by the electric or gravitational
o One or more particles has undergone identity change (i.e. due to fission/fusion)
Use the energy principle to:
o Calculate the change in total kinetic energy of a system during a collision
o Determine if a collision is elastic or inelastic
o Calculate the change in internal energy of the multiparticle system
o Relate (qualitatively) the impact parameter to the scattering angle
7 Describe the Rutherford experiment and explain its importance
Chapter 11, Angular Momentum
1 Explain how an object traveling in a straight line can be thought to have angular momentum relative to
an observation point
Calculate the angular momentum of an object moving relative to an observation point
2 Calculate the rotational angular momentum of an object with respect to an axis of rotation
Articulate when the relationship v = ωR is appropriate
Calculate the rotational kinetic energy of an object using its moment of inertia and rotation rate (angular
Calculate the total (translational plus rotational) angular momentum of an object
Calculate the net torque vector with respect to a particular location, due to forces acting
Write down the angular momentum principle
Calculate changes in moments of inertia and/or angular speed for isolated systems (no net torque)
Calculate changes in moments of inertia and/or angular speed with respect to a particular point for a
multiparticle system, given the net torque vector acting for a known time interval
Apply the angular momentum principle relative to the system's center of mass
Articulate specific clues for using the angular momentum principle as opposed to the linear momentum
or energy principles
Combine two or three different fundamental principles to solve complicated problems
Chapter 12, Entropy: Limits on the Possible
1 List some of the questions about mechanics that have not been answered by our previous study
2 Describe the Einstein model for a solid
Use the Einstein model for a solid to distribute energy among objects
Articulate the difference between a “microstate” and a “macrostate”
State the fundamental assumption of statistical mechanics (from memory)
Determine the number of ways to arrange q quanta of energy among N one-dimensional oscillators
3 Calculate the entropy of a system
Explain, using statistical mechanics, why objects always end up in thermal equilibrium
4 State the second law of thermodynamics (from memory)
Compare reversible and irreversible processes (in terms of entropy)
5 Calculate the entropy change associated with a small amount of thermal transfer of energy
Calculate the approximate temperature for a nanoparticle with a certain quanta of energy
6 Calculate the specific heat capacity for an Einstein solid
7 Explain how the Boltzmann distribution applies to a variety of physical systems like the density of the
atmosphere or molecular speeds in a gas