* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
AP WORLD HISTORY SUMMER ASSIGNMENT 2016 About the APWH course: You have chosen to join the fastest growing AP course in America. AP World History is a rigorous yet enriching course of study. This collegelevel class entails the study of 10,000 years of history in 35 weeks. It will demand more attention and time than any other class you have ever previously encountered because you have the opportunity to earn college credit by passing the College Board’s APWH exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5. Assignments for the AP World History class are extremely challenging. The text is a college-level textbook and is written at a significantly higher reading level than most history textbooks. AP World History has a significantly large amount of reading assignments and students are expected to read daily in preparation for class. Throughout the school year, we will discuss specifically what to expect from the class and from the AP exam. You should expect to spend approximately thirty minutes to one hour each night of the week in preparation for class. Summer Assignment: The purpose of the summer assignment is to provide you with a foundation for the study of world history and current global issues. It is imperative that you complete this assignment in a thoughtful and analytical fashion. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. We have provided the College Board AP World History Themes and the Habits of Mind to help guide you when completing your assignments. These themes are essential to our course and we refer to these throughout the year. They are also the basis for the three essays on the AP exam. Habits of Mind: 1. Construct and evaluate arguments: use evidence to make plausible arguments; 2. Use primary sources: develop the skills necessary to analyze point of view, context and bias, and to understand and interpret information; 3. Develop the ability to assess issues of change and continuity over time; and 4. Enhance the capacity to handle diversity of interpretation through analysis of context, bias, and fame of reference. AP Themes: AP World History highlights six over arching themes that should receive equal attention throughout the course: 1. Patterns and impacts of interaction among major societies: (trade, war, diplomacy, and international organizations). 2. The relationship of change and continuity across the world history periods covered in this course. 3. Impact of technology and demography on people and the environment (population growth and decline, manufacturing, migrations, agriculture). 4. Systems of social structure and gender structure (comparing major features within and among societies and assessing change). 5. Cultural and intellectual developments and interactions among and within societies. 6. Change in functions and structures of states and in attitudes toward political identities, including the emergence of the nation-state. The Summer Reading Book: This year’s summer reading assignment is Barron’s AP World History 6th Edition. The summer assignment will be submitted to me: [email protected] You will submit your answers to by August 14, 2015. Plagiarism will be punished by a point deduction on their final grade. 0-25% similarity is acceptable. 26-50% similarity is -20 points. 51-75% similarity is -40 points. 76-100% similarity is -60 points. Be prepared to also discuss the book and/or write an essay within the first few days of school. We advise you to pace your reading over a few weeks during the summer. DON’T wait until the last few days before school to begin this assignment. Study Questions The questions provided for this book are meant to get you thinking about history. DO NOT RETYPE THE QUESTIONS. Answers must be in complete sentences and submitted to me. – [email protected] Please answer the questions completely using this book as a resource. I am looking for 7-9 sentences for each question. Unit 1: Technological and Environmental Transformations (8000-600 BCE) 1. What roles do geography, climate, and environment play in shaping human societies? How have different societies affected their environments? 2. 3. 4. 5. How do technological advancement, resource extraction and consumption, and environmental impact relate to each other? What stresses have been placed on the environment by forager-hunters, pastoralists, agricultural villages, and cities? How do agricultural and urban societies compare with hunter-forager and pastoral societies? How do these different societies interact? How did military threats from pastoral nomads influence civilized societies? Compare how different religions and philosophical traditions have supported political regimes. Also, how have they been used to justify class systems, hierarchies, and gender and ethnic discrimination? How have different societies organized themselves economically? What role did trade play in the prehistoric and ancient world, both regionally and transregionally? Compare Egyptian-Nubian trade with Mesopotamia-Indus trade. Unit 2: Technological and Environmental Transformations (600 BCE – 600 CE) 1. What role did disease play in the history of this period? What about the exchange of new crops and foodstuffs? 2. How and why did this era’s states and empires decline and collapse? Good comparisons might include Han China and Roman Empire, or Persia and India. To what degree, and in what forms, did overreach play a role in the states and empires? 3. Compare and contrast the major trade routes of the era, focusing on the Mediterranean, the Indian Ocean, tran-Saharan caravan routes, and the Silk Road. 4. How did agricultural practice change and expand during these years? 5. How did the role of women change from preceding era? How did women’s experiences vary from society to society during this era? To what degree did this depend on one’s social class? Unit 3 Regional and Transregional Interactions (600-1450): 1. Differences and likenesses among systems of labor organization, both free and coerced? 2. How did the fall of powerful states and the reconstitution of new ones unfold in different parts of the world? Consider the post-Han dynasties in China or Europe after the fall of Rome, or the rise and fall of different caliphates. 3. How did new technology affect warfare during these years? Travel? Trade? Agriculture? 4. Consider the role of nomadic movement as a cause of change (environmental, social, political) during these years. Do the same for the growth of cities. 5. What roles did religions play in political development, especially in areas that attempted to create large, multinational civilizations united by religion, such as Christendom and Islamic caliphates? 6. How did religion affect the status of women and the dynamics of family life in various parts of the world? Unit 4 Global Interactions (1450-1750) 1. Compare one or more major European monarchies from this period with an Asian state, such as Ottoman Turkey, Ming China, Tokugama Japan, or Mughal India. 2. How were states in Africa and the Americas similar to and different from those in Europe and Asia? 3. Consider the various forms of monarchy during this era, as well as the state-building techniques (use of religious concepts, improvements in bureaucracy and infrastructure, better tax gathering, displays of art and architecture, and so on) they used to maintain and expand their power. 4. Compare the emerging Atlantic slave trade with other systems of coerced labor, such as serfdom in Russia, the Arab slave network in Africa and the Mediterranean, the encomienda and hacienda systems in Latin America, and the Ottoman devshirme. 5. What were the environmental effects of the European encounter with the Americas? The economic effects? What were the social and cultural consequences? What mixed populations came into being as a result? Unit 5 Industrialization and Global Integration (1750-1900): 1. What distinguishes the nation-state from other forms of political organizations? Why did it become increasing prevalent during these years? 2. What factors contributed to the rise of industrial production, whether in Europe or in places it gradually spread to? 3. What distinguished the initial Industrial Revolution from the second one that is said to have occurred during the late 1800s? 4. What role did exploitation and export of raw materials play in world trade? In international trade? In shaping systems of labor? 5. What socioeconomic visions alternate to capitalism appeared during this era? What were their strengths and weaknesses? 6. Compare that status of women in the West and that of other women in parts of the world. Compare the roles and conditions of upper- and middle-class women with those of the peasant and working class. 7. Discuss various ways in which non-Western states attempted to modernize and adopt industrial practices. How important is the question of whether industrialization was imposed from above, by the ruler, or emerged from below? Unit 6 Accelerating Global Change and Realignments (1900 – Present): 1. Discuss the ways different nations and regions modernized during the twentieth century. Were they industrialized before the 1900s? Did modernization efforts come from the population at large, or were they instituted by the government? Did they have to be put in place by force? Has modernization by force proven effective? 2. Examine the process of decolonization as it played out in various parts of the world. Be sure to address cases that involved negotiation (India, the Gold Coast) and those that involved violent separation (Vietnam, Algeria, Angola). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Focus on specific national-liberation, civil rights, anti-segregation, and anti-war movements. How did they achieve their goals? To what degree did they rely on force (or the threat of force) or nonviolent resistance. How has nationalism in Europe differed from nationalism in decolonizing and decolonized parts of the world, both in character and in its political effects? Be sure to consider xenophobia, anti-immigration sentiment, and Christian-Muslim tension since 9/11. How have twentieth- and twenty-first century technologies and agricultural techniques affected social structures? The environment? How have epidemics and other medical crises affected states and societies during this era? What effects have major scientific breakthroughs (genetics, quantum physics, the digital revolution) had on society, politics, and culture during this period? How have certain scientific programs (the space race, for example) interacted with global political and military affairs? Please strive to complete each question in 7-9 sentences. Be brief, this exercise is meant to give you an overview of World History. It should not be more than 3-5 pages in total length. All written assignments must be completed and emailed to me by August 24th, 2015. The Summer reading assignment has been assigned to help you understand AP World History. We will refer to this book (Barron’s AP World History 6th Edition ) throughout the year and use it th often. The book can be purchased at Barnes and Nobles, Amazon or AbeBooks (my favorite). Please make sure that it is the 6 edition of Barron’s AP World History. Once again, I want to welcome you to AP World History. If you are a little nervous, that is to be expected. You will do great in this class. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Mr. Coker