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 Sexuality
Important individual difference variable
– Impacts consistency in responding in many
areas of life (school, work, relationships)
– Component of ‘personality’
Defined: Ability to reason, solve problems,
think abstractly, acquire knowledge &
process information efficiently
Nature & nurture
– OD: g or s
– Stability
– Test validity
» Culture free tests?
Raven Progressive Matrices
h2 ~ .50
– Increasing h2 with increasing genetic
relationship (MZ r = .87, DZ r = .50, no
relationship r = 0.0)
– Leaves substantial environmental influence
Environmental Influences
Scarr (1992): Minimally acceptable environment
 Bell Curve: Genetics key
– Genotype = phenotype
– Parenting, special programs not influential
Environmental Influences (discussion)
How might the environment influence
– Range & genotype v. outcome & phenotype
Social programs useless?
Intelligence: Issues/Controversies
h2 increases w/ age (30% in kids to 70% in adults)
– IQ measure better for older
– Genetic influence increases w/ age
– h2 -> Environment selection & IQ
Flynn effect (1987)
– IQ (g) increased 3 points/decade for 70 years
Flynn Effect (Flynn, 1987)
Reaction Paper 8: Flynn Effect
What is the Flynn effect? What are some
potential explanations for this phenomenon?
Why do you think this is occurring?
Sex, Gender identity, sexual orientation
 Individual difference V impacts functioning
 Key component of ‘personality’
Sex & Gender
Sex - biology (chromosomes, anatomy)
 Gender - psychology
– Identity - self-perceived gender
– Guides functioning
How do we form our gender identity?
Gender Formation: Biology
Sex (& gender) differentiated prenatally
 Chromosomes (XX, XY) ->
– Gonadal development (testes, ovaries) ->
» Hormone production (testosterone, estrogens) ->
Reproductive organs & gender
Atypical development & GI due to hormone balances
Gender Formation: Social Learning
Social and cultural influences key
– We respond to kids ala gender roles
» Model & reinforce gender appropriate behaviors
Tabula Rosa view of gender at birth
– All due to social influences (discount BIO)
» Any child could develop a male or female GI
18 months child has GI & it perpetuates
Gender Formation: Social Learning
Genetic disorders/accidents -> babies
– Born w/ ambiguous genitals
SL approach says gender assignment
– Surgery and raise as chosen gender
Limitations of nature
 Powerful impact GI has on functioning
Sex Surgery (discussion)
You’re child is born w/ ambiguous genitalia.
The doctor recommends assigning a gender &
surgically modifying the genitals. Would you
do as the doctor advises?
– If yes what gender would you choose & why?
– Do you think this sort of procedure is ethical?
Sexual Orientation
Erotic attraction & interest in romance, love
– Heterosexual (opposite)
– Homosexual (same)
– Bisexual (both?)
Biology & Sexual Orientation
Genes (X chromosome)
– Concordance for MZ = ~50%, DZ = ~20%
Hormones (testosterone)
– Activating effect (~intensity not direction)
– Prenatal effects
– ~Hypothalamus smaller among homosexuals
– Motor tasks: gay men~heterosexual women
– Inner ears of lesbians ~ heterosexual males
Psychology & Sexual Orientation
Bower (1996)
– Bem: Exotic Becomes Erotic
Temperament influences play behavior
– Play with opposite sex kids
– Same gender becomes unfamiliar and exotic
– Produces arousal interpreted as sex. excitement
Erotic Plasticity (Baumeister, 2000)
Degree sexual behavior shaped or changed
by cultural and social factors
– Women’s sexuality more plastic
» Men’s sexuality more linked to physical (nature)
» Women’s sexuality linked to social, cultural Vs
Activity 10: Erotic Plasticity
In groups of 3-4
– Describe the 3 hypotheses of Baumeister & at least 1
source of evidence for each
» Is there any evidence that fails to support these Hos?
– What is your reaction to the idea that women have
higher erotic plasticity?
» Do you think all women are higher than men?
» If not what Vs impact erotic plasticity among women?