* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Janet Fulks, Bakersfield College ASCCC North Area Representative The Art of Changing the Brain by Zull How People Learn by the National Research Scientific Teaching by Jo Handelsman et al. Back page of Chapter 5 Council Learning and memory require physical changes in the neurons of the brain Requires organizing and linking knowledge for later retrieval I will read some numbers, you remember them Word Position by % Recall 120% 100% 80% 60% Word Position by % Recall 40% 20% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Patterning and organization Concrete words and abstract words versus nonsense words Infection Syphilis Treponema pallidum Visualization – metrics and real life How do you create patterning in your teaching? When we are Motivated Immersed Emotional Types of Memory Explicit or specific – facts or events (words and events) Implicit or perceptual – Skills, Sensory, Emotive and Physical responses cAMP (cyclic AMP) & responsive binding protein (CREB) Calcium Corticosteroids People learn better when there is something to heighten the emotions – mild stress People learn least well when the emotion is fear When multiple neural pathways are created What do you do to create an environment that stimulates all areas of response? True False False – memorization can compartmentalize thinking True False False – acclimatization, inoculation, rote memory Misconceptions Preconceptions Metacognition Learning Styles True False False – page 42 of Chapter 5 – A Private Universe Share your discipline Share a misconception students have in your discipline Share a method to change this Primitive Brain controlling vital functions- think vegetable Breathing Consciousness Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Relaying information Digestion Alertness Center for movement control – think repetitive skills Voluntary muscle movements Fine motor skills Maintaining balance, posture, and equilibrium Frontal Lobe The front of the brain –largest surface area Touch Vision Hearing Judgment Reasoning Problem solving Emotions Learning Right side controls the left side of the body, creativity and artistic abilities Left cerebral hemisphere controls the right side of the body, logic and rational thinking. Lobes have different functions ◦ Frontal lobes are involved with personality, speech, and motor development ◦ Temporal lobes are responsible for memory, language and speech functions ◦ Parietal lobes are involved with sensation ◦ Occipital lobes are the primary vision centers Frontal Lobe Association, personality Broca’s speech center Temporal Lobe Smelling and Hearing Parietal Lobe Speech and Reading Occipital Lobe Visual Assessments are actually a learning tool, but provide a way to visualize that learning. Students must be conscious and attentive to their own learning strategies. Addressing self-regulated learning is the primary responsibility of the Academic Development and Counseling departments. Learning strategies that include working in competitive learning teams, is more effective than working in non-competitive teams. Please link to the image of Kolb’s learning cycle overlaid on the anatomy of the brain called “Learning through a virtuous Learning Cycle” from Dr. James Zull, Professor of Biology and Biochemistry at Case Western University, Director of UCITE (The University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education), and Professor of a Human Learning and The Brain class. Learning is physical. Learning means the modification, growth, and pruning of our neurons, connections–called synapses– and neuronal networks, through experience. Four stages of the Learning Cycle. 1) We have a Concrete experience, 2) We develop Reflective Observation and Connections, 3) We generate Abstract hypothesis, 4) We then do Active testing of those hypotheses, and therefore have a new Key conditions for learning and self perpetuating the learning cycle: self-regulated learning (SRL) ownership/metacognition deep learning – implicit scaffolding Key conditions for teaching: realize the brain is a parallel processor – create an environment – How do you do this in your class? learning engages physiology – How do you create the conditions for chemicals and multiple processing? learning is enhanced by challenge and inhibited by fear How do you do this in your class? Create outcomes Develop content Embed metacognition activities Create learning activities Manage the environment teamwork Assessment – See article chapter 5 Appendix