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Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
Chapter 9
Multiple Choice
1. Which of the following is a sign of puberty?
a. The development of the uterus and ovaries in girls
b. The development of the prostate gland in boys
c. Voice changes
d. All the above (p225)
2. The pattern of earlier onset of puberty in industrialized countries
a. Is based on primary sex characteristics
b. Is based on secondary sex characteristics
c. Is referred to as the secular trend (p225)
d. Refers to the increase in average age that menarche begins
3. With regard to the association between hormones and behavior, research
a. An association but not causation (p225)
b. A cause-and-effect relationship
c. Inconclusiveness
d. All the above
4. Which of the following is associated with cognitive development during
a. Meta-thought
b. Develop capacity to grapple with complex issues such as morality and
c. Develop capacity to consider multifaceted topics such as right and wrong
d. All the above (p226-227)
5. “People value the opinions of others” and “behavior is guided by external social
expectations” refer to which level of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development?
a. Preconventional reasoning
b. Conventional reasoning (p229)
c. Postconventional reasoning
d. Traditional reasoning
6. “People have internalized moral values” refers to which level of Kohlberg’s theory
of moral development?
a. Preconventional reasoning
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
b. Conventional reasoning
c. Postconventional reasoning (p229)
d. Traditional reasoning
7. “Opinions of others are not as important as the integrity of their decisions.”
Which level of Gilligan’s theory of moral development does this describe?
a. Goodness as self-sacrifice
b. The morality of nonviolent responsibility
c. Morality of individual principles and conscience (p230)
d. Orientation to personal survival
8. The overall evaluation of self is referred to as:
a. Self-esteem (p232)
b. Confidence
c. Self-worth
d. Poise
9. A disorder characterized by extreme thinness along with eating binges and purge
patterns is called:
a. Anorexia nervosa
b. Bulimia nervosa (p234)
c. Weight anxiety
d. Refusal to maintain body weight
10. All the following are adaptive tasks for homosexual adolescents EXCEPT:
a. Changing one’s relationships and establishing independence
b. Building social supports
c. Exploring career, vocational, and educational goals
d. Finding a life-long partner (p239)
11. When working with homosexual clients, social workers need to be aware of
interventions that attempt to “change” them such as:
a. Exchange therapy
b. Conversion therapy (p240)
c. Change therapy
d. Alteration therapy
12. The most common STD in the United States is:
a. Genital herpes
c. Chlamydia (p241)
d. Gonorrhea
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
13. With regards to adolescent drug use, when compared to other industrialized
nations, the United States
a. Has similar rates
b. Has the highest rate (p243)
c. Has lower rates
d. Spends more money on treatment
14. Suicide is the ______ leading cause of death for adolescents.
a. 3rd (p245)
b. 1st
c. 10th
d. 15th
15. Which of the following is a factor associated with adolescent suicide?
a. Feelings of hopelessness
b. Physical and sexual abuse
c. Lack of family support
d. All the above (p245)
16. Which group is at much higher risk for suicide than the average population?
a. Latinos
b. African Americans
c. GLBTs (p246)
d. High school drop-outs
17. The “A” in the SAD PERSON suicide assessment stands for:
a. Access to a weapon
b. Admission is required to a psychiatric hospital
c. Admitted to having prior attempts
d. Age (p247)
18. The “O” in the SAD PERSON suicide assessment stands for:
a. Oppositional defiant
b. Organized plan (p247)
c. Ordered to be assessed
d. Open to getting help
19. Teens who have insecure attachments with their parents
a. May be more vulnerable to negative peer pressure (p248)
b. May place a lower value on peer relationships as well
c. Tend to move out of the house at an earlier age
d. Are more likely to develop healthy relationships with peers
Human Behavior in the Social Environment
Anissa Taun Rogers
Question Bank
20. All the following are factors in teens and violence at the mezzo level EXCEPT:
a. Family conflict
b. Lack of familial support
c. Negative peer pressure
d. Being male (p252)
21. Research on sex education indicates abstinence-only programs are:
a. Inconclusive
b. Not effective (p253)
c. More effective than comprehensive programs
d. More effective with teens who are already sexually active
22. The prejudice or discrimination in favor of those who are heterosexual refers to:
a. Homophobia
b. Sexism
c. Heterosexism (p255)
d. Bigotry
Short Answer
23. Discuss personality and emotional development during adolescence. (p226-227)
24. List and discuss the critiques of Kohlberg’s theory of moral development. (p228)
25. Compare and contrast Kohlberg’s and Gilligan’s theories of moral development.
26. Discuss the media’s portrayal of “bodies” and the possible connection to eating
disorders. (p235)
27. Discuss the differences between anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. (p233234)
28. Explain the differences between sexual identity and sexual orientation. (p236-237)
29. Discuss the factors associated with adolescent substance abuse. (p243-244)
30. Discuss the ethical dilemmas of conducting research with teens. (p244-245)
31. Why is it important for social workers to understand the dynamics of peer
relationships? (p247-248)
32. Discuss the debate over sex education. (p253)