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Dealing with Data – Especially Big Data
Spring 2014
Norman White
Background: Most courses spend their time on the concepts and
techniques of analyzing data, but virtually no time on how to handle the data
and store it in form to be analyzed. This course is focused on how one deals
with data, from its initial acquisition to its final analysis.
Topics include data acquisition, data cleaning and formatting, common data
formats, data representation and storage, data transformations, data base
management systems, “big data” or nosql solutions for storing and
analyzing data, common analysis tools including excel, sas and matlab, data
mining and data visualization.
The course will be taught in an interactive lab learning environment where
after the first few classes, some of the class time will be spent working as
teams on small assignments. Students should have notebook computers that
are powerful, have adequate ram and disk space and wifi. Most recent
notebooks should be sufficient.
In addition to students personal systems, the class will have access to several
servers and a ”big data” cluster to use in assignments and projects.
This course should be valuable background for students in information
systems, business analytics, market research, operations, finance, marketing
and accounting.
Textbook: Optional
Requirements: There will numerous small homeworks, a mid-term and a
team project.
Grading: Homeworks will count 20%, the midterm 35% , the final project
35% , class participation 5% and team member ratings 5%.
Lecture Outline
Introduction to data, formats, representation. Binary,
character, floating point formats.
Files, Records and fields, Sequential processing,
sorting and merging data, look forward to the future.
What if we can sort and process very large data sets
Homework. Simple sort merge reporting problem.
Handling unstructured data, Converting text data to
common formats like csv, tab delimited, fixed format,
xml. Inputting data into Excel. Common problems.
Homework. Load text file into Excel and analyze
Common preprocessing tools, unix tools sed,grep,
cut, awk, perl, python etc.. Concept of pipeline
Homework. Use unix tools to convert unstructured
text file to a csv format file suitable for loading into
Excel, SAS or a data base.
Relational data bases. Overview of features and
functions. Using E/R diagrams to generate schemas.
Homework. E/R diagram of business case
Query languages, SQL, including joins and
Homework. Use SQL on multitable data base to
answer questions.
Mid –term (First half of class), Project Meetings
second half.
ETL – Extraction, Translation and Loading. How do
we prepare data to be loaded into a database?
“Big Data”. How do we handle terabytes and
petabytes of unstructured data? Why don’t traditional
data base systems scale? Remember sort/merge?
Discussion of Google file system, map reduce and
hadoop. Problems of handling web and social network
Demonstration of sorting a very large file. Wordcount
Homework: Final project proposal due
“Big Data” analytics. How do we scale data base
systems, data mining and other analytical techniques
to handle massive data bases. Overview of massively
distributed systems like Pig, HIVE, Mahout, HBASE.
(Discuss the pagerank problem)
Homework: Run Map-Reduce job to develop a
word count of trigrams in a large textual data set.
Or run Pegasus to analyze a large social network
Or run Mahout to develop a recommender system
Data Visualization. A picture is worth a thousand
words. Show how large amounts of data can be
displayed using graphical techniques. Give examples
of some standard techniques. Treemap, Tufte …
(Possible speaker)
In class team meetings on projects.
Final Project presentations. What did we learn?