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General feeling that knowledge of hydrology
has improved … but more is needed
These objectives well met generally
Indicates need for some additional
hydrograph analysis review
Indicates need to still finish
Rainfall-Runoff processes
Indicates further probability and statistics review needed
Don’t stress over the challenges of probability plotting, focus on the principles
- Description of inherently random quantities using probability and probability
- Commonly used probability distributions in hydrology (Normal, Log Normal, Log
Pearson type III – these are just different formulas for bell like shaped curves)
- Moments of distributions (mean, std deviation etc). Fitting a distribution by
matching the moments from the data
- Empirical probabilities directly from the data
- Calculating probability and return period associated with hydrologic events
These are “reach” objectives involving
real world applications.
Hard judgment skills to learn – but
important. Will try reduce pace to
give time for reflection and discussion
that builds these skills
Learning tool effectiveness
Active learning seems most effective
Likes (illustrative sample)
I love the subject matter. I want to go into hydrology
2:00 stretch – Genius!
Learning how to use new software and understanding theory behind them
Homework in local context
PowerPoints posted
Notes posted online with solutions to the homeworks. It helps correct my
errors and still learn the material
Using HEC-HMS has been beneficial. Also using Excel has been a helpful
Although I don't really like it, learning to use different software is good for
Learning to manipulate/analyze data through Excel+HEC-HMS
So far, the online modules have been my favorite. Makes it easier to
visualize the concepts
Dislikes (illustrative sample)
• PowerPoints (multiple)
• Homework (multiple) – too long, frustrating, boring, too hard, confusing,
repetitive, calculations complicated and involved
• Probability and statistics
• The hydrology book isn't very clear in many aspects
• Test score
• It seems that many of the things we discuss I still don't learn completely,
so the complexity of the concepts
• Excel spreadsheets. Long. Hard to follow and understand. Confusing.
Future use unclear.
• I don't really learn anything by doing the assignments because they are
all in Excel, which we can't use on the test anyway
• Lectures
I hear you and intend to work on
- Fewer PowerPoints
- Greater clarity in examples and calculations
- Careful design of homeworks to optimize learning
Suggestions and comments (illustrative sample)
On Lectures
• More written on white board, less powerpoint (multiple)
• More in class examples (multiple)
• Get class more involved in the discussion - interaction
Thanks – I will try
• Slow down on examples
• Spend more time teaching fundamental theory and methods of
problem solving rather than use a ready prepared Excel
• Break down the concepts more. Use different ways to visualize
the concepts. Spend less time showing how to work out the
Balancing act
- Most learning
On Homework
actually occurs
• Less homework
by doing
• Sometimes homeworks are repetitive
• Repetition is the key here. I need much repetition.
- Your time is
• The homework is challenging and helps me learn the material
• I really only learned how to do stuff after I did the homework
• Cover homework in class more thoroughly
• As long as they are used to prepare for the tests then is OK. The Teach for real life
software ones are too long and we are not tested on them (are or teach for a test?
they important)
Suggestions and comments (illustrative sample)
On Work
• Better explain HEC HMS. More training in HEC-HMS. You assumed we began
with a greater understanding than we did
• Put up your class note the day before class so we can print them off at home
before hand
• Lighten the load
• I work and try and do my best and I still end up with a D on the homework. It
has just been frustrating.
• More help sessions
• More computer interaction and computers for tests
On Grading
• First test was OK. I am scared for the second test
• More time for tests. Some professors have evening tests where have 2 hours
for one hour exam. Alleviates some stress
• Greater weight on homeworks towards the grade.
• Drop lower grade.
• The class needs more explosions
• One thing that I don't know how do to very well is use macro's in Excel, so if you
had tutorials you could post about them, it would be beneficial
Weak leaning towards Clicker
“Do whatever you want”