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Working Together
Threatened & Endangered Species
Animal Conservation Awareness Activity
Background Information:
Definitions: When the numbers of a species, or kind of animal, become very low, they are facing a risk of
becoming extinct.
Extinct means there are no more left.
Critically Endangered indicates that the species is facing an extremely high risk of being extinct very soon.
Endangered means a species is in danger of becoming extinct.
Vulnerable means that the species is not yet classified as endangered, but numbers are continuing to drop.
Endangered and Vulnerable Australian Species: In the past 200 years about 17 different Australian
mammals have become extinct. Many more mammals and other animals are in danger of dying out.
Australia has more endangered species than any other continent.
Why are species becoming threatened?
Species decline is almost never caused by one single factor but rather a host of complex factors stemming
• Human impacts on the landscape
• Loss of habitat and food supply due to land clearance and weed invasion
• Feral cat and fox predation
• Inappropriate livestock grazing
• Dieback of vegetation caused by plant diseases
• Degradation of water bodies
• Climate change caused by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases
• Over hunting / fishing
• Increaser species – increase their numbers and expand their natural home range displacing other
species from it – particularly birds
• Disease
Why should we worry about losing species?
• Loss of biodiversity
• Lack of genetic potential
• Impact on tourism
• Impact on cultural identity
• Impact on indigenous culture
• Ethical issues
Sydenham, S. & Thomas, R. Australian Endangered Animals [Online] (2002).
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Working Together
Examples of Australia’s Extinct/Endangered/Vulnerable Animals
Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger is probably extinct, though people still
search for it. They were marsupials. They were hunted and killed by
people who thought the thylacine would kill their chickens and sheep.
The last known thylacine died in Hobart Zoo on 7th September 1936.
This day is now known as Threatened Species Day.
The Lesser Bilby has not been sighted since the 1960s, and is probably
extinct. Its relative, the Greater Bilby is now endangered. Once
common in central Australian desert areas, the numbers have been
reduced by fire and foxes and its habitat affected by grazing cattle and
The numbat is endangered because of habitat loss and foxes. Once
common across the southern part of the continent, it is now only found
in a few forests in southwest Western Australia.
Leadbeater’s possum was not seen after 1909 and was thought to
be extinct, but the possums were found again in 1961. They are
endangered, and are only found in the Victorian central highlands, in
old forest areas that are being logged. The animals nest in tree hollows,
and these are only found in old trees.
Sydenham, S. & Thomas, R. Australian Endangered Animals [Online] (2002).
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Working Together
Some desert species of bandicoot are extinct and the remaining
species are vulnerable. If their habitats change, they will become
endangered. One kind is the Western Barred Bandicoot , now only
found on a few islands in Shark Bay, Western Australia. The Eastern
Barred Bandicoot is now found only in Tasmania and in a few places in
image: Eastern Barred Bandicoot
Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo, is a kangaroo that lives in trees. In Australia
it is found only in northeastern Queensland, in highland rainforests.
Queensland’s rainforests are disappearing habitats, because of land
clearing, and these animals are classified as vulnerable.
The Australian Sea Lion is vulnerable. These animals were hunted to
near extinction. They are the only seal or sea lion found exclusively in
Another vulnerable marine mammal is the dugong, found grazing on
sea grasses in warm shallow water off the northern coast.
You could also research and find out about some other endangered Australian animals:
Corroboree frog...frogs... quokka...quoll...Gouldian finch...possums and pygmy-possums... red-tailed
phascogale... northern hairy-nosed wombat...western swamp turtle.
Sydenham, S. & Thomas, R. Australian Endangered Animals [Online] (2002).
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Working Together
Animal Conservation Awareness Activity
Develop a short story, poem or poster about one of our Endangered animals.
Ever had an itch you couldn’t scratch? Hairy Nosed wombat has
one, and somebody has chopped down his scratching tree. Join our
marsupial hero on an itchity, scratchity adventure as he tries to find the
perfect place to scratch his butt.
This story is a great example of how human and other impacts can
affect the habitat of one of our native animals - have a read and it may
assist you in developing a story or poem about and animal of your
1. Have a look through the background information about some of our other native
animals that are threatened species and choose an animal to focus on… you
could focus on an animal that’s already extinct if you like – OR make up an
imaginary animal if you are feeling creative.
2. Come up with or research three problems that this animal is facing – three
things that are endangering this animal’s survival and…
3. As a group OR on your own – you need to come up with either a poster, a
poem or a short story about the animal, its problems and what needs to be
done to ensure the animal can remain safe and not become endangered.
Your story or poster should educate people about that animal and what’s
happening, as well as what can be done to ensure its safety.
4. Introduce the animal you have chosen and present your poster/story/poem to
the class.
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