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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Raman spectroscopy 1 Raman spectroscopy - technique for probing vibrational properties of materials (solids, fluids, gases) - inelastic light scattering spectroscopy Subject of this course: ”Classical” Raman technique as discovered by Raman ”Spontaneous non-coherent Raman spectroscopy” Examples of other Raman techniques - coherent RS - stimulated RS - resonant RS - surface-enhanced RS - x-ray RS (utilizing synchrotron source) C.V. Raman Nobel prize in physics (1930) 2 Raman spectroscopy - major research technique - provides information on strength of bonds, crystal symmetries, chemical composition, presence of impurities and defects, texture and more Broad spectrum of applications Materials science & Geoscience (geochemistry, mineralogy, hydrology, paleontology, glaciology) Environmnetal studies - pollution monitoring and control Telecommunication (stimulated Raman effect in optical fibers - Raman amplifiers) Medicine, pharmaceutics Food industry (quality check) Security (e.g. screening for explosives and drugs at the airports) Use of Raman Spectroscopy in Geosciences and Materials Science - identification of materials and phases (minerals, rocks, fluids, gases) - non-destructive study of fluid inclusions - in situ study of phase transitions, mapping of phase diagrams - Raman data used for calculation of thermodynamic and physical-chemical properties - Raman imaging: phases, textures and chemistry revealed with a high spatial resolution - carbon detection in paleontology bwwtek 3 Raman spectroscopy An ideal tool for probing materials at extreme conditions characteristic of the deep Earth’s and planetary interiors Raman spectroscopy in diamond anvil cell CO2 laser – heating laser “Green” laser – Raman excitation laser Scattered light contains Raman signal 4 Phase diagram of quartz studied by Raman spectroscopy Sequence of Raman spectra revealing quartz-to-coesite phase transformation Phase diagram of SiO2 5 Example of application of Raman spectroscopy: studying fluid inclusions in minerals and rocks CO2-CH4-H2O fluid inclusions in quartz Study of fluid inclusions by Raman spectroscopy Retreiving formation history (e.g. pressure-temperature paths) of minerals and rocks Raman spectrum from CO2 inclusion Calculation of density of CO2 Formation pressure and temperature of olivine Raman applications for environmental analyses and in biotechnology 7 8 Raman mapping (Source: Horiba website) 9 10 Raman imaging 11 Raman spectroscopy - technique for probing vibrational properties of materials (solids, fluids, gases) - vibrational properties depend on the nature (e.g. ionic, covalent), strength and symmetries of chemical bonds in studied materials; hence Raman spectroscopy can reveal these bonding properties In a Raman experiment, an incident monochromatic laser beam is passed through a sample and the inelastically scattered light is analyzed by a spectrometer and detector. Inelastic scattering : an energy exchange occurs between crystal lattice vibrations and incoming photons from a laser laser light Studied material inelastically scattered light spectrometer detector computer Principle of Raman Effect Monochromatic source of light (laser) The re-radiation by the dipole redistributes the energy in new directions. This re-radiation is often called “scattering” because part of the original energy moving to the right has been “scattered” into other directions 13 Principle of infrared absorption (IR) and Raman scattering 14 Energy transitions between vibrational levels in crystal and Raman spectrum Rayleigh peak – corresponds to the original energy of incoming photons from laser; reference energy - set to zero on the energy scale Stokes peaks – correspond to photons which give energy to lattice vibrations in the course of inelastic scattering Anti-Stokes peaks – correspond to photons which receive energy from lattice vibrations in the course of inelastic scattering Stokes and anti-Stokes peaks belonging to the transitions between the same energetic levels (e.g. n=1) peaks are positioned symmetrically with respect to the Rayleigh peak. Raman spectrum of magnesite (MgCO3) (laser excitation wavelength = 514.52 nm) Vibrational energy levels in a crystal 10000000/514.52 = 19435.6 Spectrum measured at the detector 19435.6 – 19106.6 = 329 Energy scale 15 16 Units in Raman spectroscopy Standard unit: - Wavenumber: number of waves per unit length: if λ is wavelength then wavenumber is 1/λ - In spectroscopy, wavenumbers are given in inverse centimeters cm-1 - In Raman spectroscopy relative wavenumbers are used: relative with respect to the position of laser, position of which is set = 0 cm-1) Wavelength λ in optics is usually given in nanometers (nm). Calculation of absolute wavenumber in cm-1: wavenumber(cm-1) = 107/λ(nm) Example: Laser excitation is at 785 nm, i.e. 12738.8 waves/cm = 12738.8 cm-1 Peak position found at 909.1 nm, i.e. at 11000 cm-1 Raman shift (relative to laser) ∆ν = 12738.8 cm-1 - 11000 cm-1 = 1738.8 cm-1 Calculation of energies from wavenumbers: Energies of excitations probed by Raman spectroscopy Energy change of photon (in unit of Joules) ∆E = h*c/λ1 − h*c/λ2 = h*c*(1/λ1-1/λ2) = h*c*∆ν*100 c - speed of light; h - Planck’s constant Range of shifts observed in Raman spectra ∆ν from 10 to 4500 cm-1 ∆Ε from 1 to 550 meV (meV = mili-electron-volt; 1 meV = 8.0663 cm-1) Energies of incoming photons: 532 nm ~ 2333 meV; 785 nm ~1581 meV Link to conversion of units eV-nm: 17 Magnitude of energies involved in Raman scattering Energies of incoming photon from various excitation lasers Laser wavelength Energy Blue 488 nm Green 532 nm Red 785 nm Near-IR 1064 nm 2.54 eV 2.33 eV 1.58 eV 1.17 eV Magnitude of energy exchange between photon and phonon (=lattice vibration) in Raman scattering Entire possible range 0.001 - 0.55 eV (10-4500 cm-1) Typical range of energy exchange: ~ 0.01 - 0.15 eV (100 - 1200 cm-1) 1 eV = 8066.3 cm-1 Initial state Excited state Initial state De-excited state Quantum - mechanical picture In Raman scattering instantaneous electric dipole moment is first induced by the incident light beam E µ ind =αE E - electric field vector α - polarizibility (defines how easy is to deform an electronic cloud) Intensity of Raman scattering is given by dα E∫ Ψ ∆rΨm dr d∆r * n Ψ vibrational wave function; m – initial state, n – final state Selection rules for Raman activity 1. change of polarizibility during the vibration 2. n = m ± 1; Stokes transition: m=0 n=1; anti-Stokes transition: m=1 n=0 19 Change of polarizibility during vibration required for Raman activity dα E ∫ Ψn* ∆rΨm dr d∆r Generally, there is a large change of polarizibility of electron cloud during vibration of symmetric molecules (e.g. strong Raman scattering from H2 molecule) 2e2e∆r ∆r H H H H polarizibility = measure of resistance against change of shape of electron cloud induced by the electric field of incoming laser photons. A vibration can be Raman active only when there is a change of polarizibility in the course of atomic movements (when ∆r changes) 20 Both Raman and infrared (IR) spectroscopies probe atomic/molecular vibrations in materials as such they represent a class of vibrational spectroscopy. In centrosymmetric structures (i.e. structures possessing center of symmetry), Raman and infrared activities are mutually exclusive. Thus, spectra become complementary to each other. Principle setup for infrared absorption experiment Radiation from IR source Sample Polychromatic (broadband) IR source (lamp) range of wavelengths 700 nm <λ> 10000 nm (even up to100 um) Dipole Vibration Infrared Detector 21 Change of electric dipole moment µ during vibration required for infrared activity dµ ∆rΨm dr Intensity of IR absorption given by ∫ Ψ d∆r * n Ψ µ wave function; m – initial state, n – final state Electric dipole moment Q x d (charge multiplied by distance between charges) Selection rules: 1. change of dipole moment during the vibration 2. n = m ± 1 22 IR absorption change of dipole moment during the vibration dµ ∫ Ψ d∆r ∆rΨmdr * n Raman scattering change of polarizibility during the vibration dα E∫ Ψ ∆rΨm dr d∆r * n 23 Raman and IR activity Raman activity: change of polarizibility during vibration required Infrared (=IR) activity: change of dipole moment during vibration required Raman active Infrared inactive (no change of dipole moment during vibration) Dipole Raman inactive Infrared active 24 IR and Raman spectra of calcite O2C4+ O2- O2- CO32- - triangular planar structure in all carbonates Strong bonds between carbon and coordinated oxygens exist within the triangle; vibrations between C and Os are termed internal vibrations and their wavenumbers are characteristic for carbonates External vibrations – involve movement of entire CO32- group and cations (corresponding peaks located at low wavenumbers in spectra) 25 Vibrations of water molecule 3 atoms x 3 coordinates 9 vibrations in total 3 vibrations correspond to rotations of whole molecule (thus do not involve relative motion between H and O) 3 vibrations correspond to translations of whole molecule (thus do not involve relative motion between H and O) 3 remaining vibrations are both Raman and infrared active (both polarizib. and dipole moment change during vibrations) Symmetric stretch Bending mode Anti-symmetric stretch 26 Raman spectra of high-pressure H2O ices Peaks in the low wavenumber region corresponding to vibrations of entire water molecules (external (=lattice) modes) Peaks in the high wavenumber region corresponding to vibrations between H and O within water molecules (internal modes) 27 Probing the long wavelength limit of vibrations Using lasers with wavelengths of photons in visible range of the optical spectrum (4000 – 7000 Å) results in Raman scattering at k ~ 0 cm-1 k – wave vector; k = 2 π / λ (when λ is large, k is small, ~ 0 cm-1) ~ 2000 unit cells λ laser = 5145 Å (Ångström) a~Å unit cell dimension a is very small compared to the wavelength of laser λ vibrational wave ~ λ laser Vibrations in adjacent unit cells probed by lasers operating in the visible range of spectrum are nearly in phase (= have almost the same amplitude of motion from equilibrium position) Equilibrium position 28 Probing the long wavelength limit of vibrations We do not probe this range because k >> 0 cm-1 Wavenumber axis (positions of peaks in spectrum) Acoustic branches (=sound waves) are not probed by Raman and IR spectroscopy k=2π/λ Raman probes this range of k ~ 0 cm-1 Advantages of micro-Raman spectroscopy Micro-Raman: excitation laser focused to a small spot (typically just a few microns in diameter) - in-situ technique (e.g. at high T, P…) - high spatial resolution (axial and radial) ~1-2 µm (confocal Raman spectroscopy – designed particularly for high spatial resolution) - high sensitivity: detection limit 0.1% (ppm levels achievable by special techniques) - temporal resolution 0.01sec to hours (from fast combustion processes to astronomy) - experimentally simple technique (e.g. no or minimal sample preparation, position detector at convenient location (scattered signal present “everywhere”) - only small amount of sample required (as little as few cubic microns is sufficient amount) 30 Parallel processes competing/interfering with Raman scattering process - Absorption (sample heating) – topic pf IR absorption spectroscopy - Luminescence (electronic transitions) - Elastic scattering (strong Rayleigh line) Absorption of excitation laser beam by sample - may causes significant heating of sample and even its possible degradation, for example, by oxidation or decomposition - results also in high thermal background, broadening of peaks, and shift of wavenumbers to lower wavenumbers Counter-measures - use of low laser power - cooling of sample - inert atmosphere Fluorescence - electronic transition: intrinsic as well as extrinsic origin from defects in sample, stress-induced (e.g. under pressure) - strong and often interferes with Raman spectrum, may complicate interpretation of results - can be combined with vibrational transition vibrational transition + electronic transition = vibronic transition quantum of vibronic transition: vibron Example: ruby fluorescence (utilized as a pressure sensor in high pressure studies) ruby: chromium-doped Al2O3 Elimination/decrease of fluorescence in Raman experiment - use of longer excitation wavelength (i.e. lower energies of photons) - near-IR lasers use, e.g. Ti: sapphire laser at 785 nm; ruby fluorescence at pressure of 1 bar ceases when using laser with λ > 695 nm. Photons lack energy to cause electron excitation to a higher electronic level - use of pure defect-free sample (if available) Often, fluorescence peaks are broad and more intense than Raman peaks. For some materials, however, these peaks may look similar. How to distinghuish between Raman and fluorescence? Take new Raman spectrum using different excitation wavelength - Raman peaks will remain at the same relative wavenumber with respect to the new excitation line - fluorescence peaks will shift in accord with the excitation wavelength shift (i.e. their absolute wavenumber remain constant) Schematic illustration of difference between fluorescence and Raman scaterring Raman scattering probing vibrations between atoms, molecules Fluorescence involves electronic transitions Broad fluorescence background Example of narrow fluorescence peaks of Cr-containing ruby (Cr3+:Al2O3) Samples for Raman studies Raman study of single crystals - oriented crystals typically studied – relative orientation of crystal’s crystallographic axes with respect to the direction of electric vector in the laser beam is either pre-set (using e.g. results of an earlier x-ray study; crystal’s morphology), or can be determined in the Raman study - polarized Raman spectra of single crystals reveal symmetry of vibrational modes c-axis (trigonal crystal system) Plane polarized laser beam Electric vector E vibrates in one single direction (plane), perpendicular to the direction of beam propagation quartz 36 Examples of polarized Raman spectra of single crystal of magnetite (Fe3O4) - Illustrating orientational dependence of Raman spectra of single crystals Polarized Raman spectra of single crystal of magnetite in 4 different orientations Dipole moment induced by the electric field E of laser µ ind = αE Polarizibility tensors α for Ag, Eg, T2g vibrational Raman modes of magnetite z x Dipole moments µind corresponding to vibrations Ag, Eg, T2g change for varying orientations of E with respect to the crystallographic axes. This results in varying peak intensities. y Raman study of powders - simple sample preparation - ideally, particle sizes should be much smaller than the spot sampled by Raman technique; observed peak intensities are then reproducible and correspond closely to true scattering intensities - nano-powders - particle sizes of few tens of nm and below - new qualitative features in Raman spectra as compared to bulk samples - surface effects become important Raman spectrum of powdered magnetite Polycrystals: Intermediate case between fine powders and single crystals. For crystalline sizes comparable to the size of laser spot, relative intensities of peaks in the Raman spectrum may vary from spot to spot. Polycrystalline quartz