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Name _________________________ Class ___________ Date ________________Mark ___/ 22
Socialization and the Development of Individual Personality Review 2
3.2 investigate the relationship between socialization and the development of individual personality
Instructions: Match each number with the correct letter. Some letters are used more than once.
1. It is in opposition to both id and ego
2. Preparatory stage - interactions lack meaning, imitate people
around them (preparing for role-taking)
3. It is the rational, reality-oriented component of personality that
imposes restrictions on the innate pleasure-seeking drives of the
4. This perspective emphasizes that socialization is a collective
process in which children are active and creative agents.
5. It is based on the belief that people have two basic tendencies:
the urge to survive and the urge to procreate.
A. Psychoanalytic Perspective
6. Cooley and Mead’s Looking-glass Theory
F. Symbolic Interactionist
7. States that genetic makeup is the major factor in shaping human
8. It is all id which remains throughout life (psychic energy)
9. We develop a self-concept. If we think the evaluation of others
is favourable, our self-concept is enhanced. If we think the
evaluation is unfavourable, our self-concept is diminished.
10. We begin to construct his or her own roles and to anticipate
other's responses.
11. The person plays at her or his particular role.
12. Eight psychosocial stages of development (accompanied by a
13. States that social influence is the most important in human
14. We imagine how our personality and appearance will look to
15. The component of personality that includes all of the
individual's basic biological drives and needs that demand
immediate gratification.
16. Human behaviour and personality originate from unconscious
forces within individuals
17. Play stage - learn to use language and other symbols (pretend to
take the role of specific people).
18. We discover their most basic desires are not always met by
19. This is the conscience; it consists of the moral and ethical
aspects of personality.
20. We try out different roles and gain an appreciation of them (hope
to ascertain the intention or direction of the acts of others).
21. Game stage - understand social position and the position of
others around them.
22. We imagine how other people judge the appearance and
personality that we think we present.
B. Nurture (Sociologists)
C. Id
D. “I” and “me” Stage 1
E. Superego
G. Looking-glass Stage 1
H. Nature (Sociobiologists)
Freud’s Stage 2
J. Freud’s Stage 1
K. Looking-glass Stage 2
L. Ego
M. Role-making
N. Freud’s Stage 3
O. “I” and “me” Stage 3
P. Role-taking
Q. “I” and “me” Stage 2
R. Looking-glass Stage 3
S. Role-playing
T. Erikson