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Address: 1810 Chicago Avenue Sociology
Email: [email protected] or
Department Evanston IL 60208
[email protected]
Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Sep 2009- present
PhD candidate, Sociology Department, Northwestern University
Graduate Certificate, Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies
Dissertation Title: “A State(less) Community, A Borderless Movement: Kurdish
Women’s Political Mobilization from Local to Transnational”
Dissertation Committee Chair: Prof. Ann S. Orloff
March 2015-July 2015
Visiting Scholar, SciencesPo (The Observatoire Sociologique du Changement-OSC), Paris
Apr 2013- Jun 2013
Visiting Scholar, SciencesPo (The Observatoire Sociologique du Changement), Paris
Jun 2011
M.A., Sociology (SOC) Northwestern University (NU), Evanston
Thesis: “Negotiated and Contested Identities: Kurdish Women’s Struggle for Peace in
Advisor: Prof. Ann S. Orloff
Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Sep 2007 – Jun 2008
M.A., Sociology and Social Anthropology (SOC),
M.A. Thesis: “Women on the Margins of Life and Death: Honor Crime and
Governmentality in Turkey”
Advisor: Prof. Prem Kumar Rajaram
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Sep 2001- Feb 2007
BA, Sociology (SOC), and History (HIST) (Double-Major) Fine Arts Certificate
Hasan Polatkan Anatolian High School, Istanbul, Turkey
High School Diploma
Sociology of Gender and Sexuality
Feminist and Women’s Movements
Nationalism and Postcolonial Theory
Migration and Diaspora Studies
Political Sociology
Human Rights and Peace Activism
Transnationalism Studies
The American Association of University Women International Fellowship, 20162017
Nermin Abadan Unat Social Science Award, Summer 2016
Dicle Koğacıoğlu Article Award, Fall 2015
Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund, 2014-2015
MacArthur Summer Research Grant with Jaimie Morse (PhD candidate at
Northwestern University) and Prof. John Hagan, Summer 2014.
Northwestern University Buffett Center Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Summer
Research Award, Summer 2014.
NU Graduate Research Grant, Summer 2014.
NU Sociology Department Research Fellowship, Spring 2013
Equality Development and Globalization Studies Summer Research Award, Spring 2013
The Sexualities Project Summer Research Grant, Spring 2012
Buffett Center Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Summer Research Award, Spring 2011
Buffett Center Keyman Modern Turkish Studies Research Award, Spring 2010
Gender Studies Cluster Mellon Foundation Fellowship, Fall 2009
Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Nisa Göksel, 2015, “Ulus-Ötesinde Öteki Politik Özneler: Avrupa’da Kürt Kadınlarının
Siyasi, Toplumsal ve Kültürel Mücadeleleri,” Modus Operandi, 3: 11-45
Articles in Non-Referred Journals
Goksel, Nisa. “Michel Foucault’da Iktidar Kurma Pratikleri: Turkiye’de Kadin
Bedenini, Namusu ve Siddeti Yeniden Dusunmek.” (The Practices of Power in
M. Foucault’s Work: Rethinking Body, Honor and Violence in Turkey) Cogito:
Michel Foucault Ozel Sayisi, 70 (Summer), 2012.
Goksel, Nisa. “A Brief Evaluation of the Notion of Honor and the Issue of Honor
Crime— Organizational Dimensions and Women’s Activism: The Case of
Turkey.” MP: An Online Feminist Journal, 2009, 2(3).
Goksel, Nisa. “Toplumsal Cinsiyet Iliskileri: Neo-liberalizm ve Aile Soylemleri,” (The
Gender Dynamics: Neo-Liberalism and Discourses of Family) Birikim, 243,
Goksel, Nisa. Women on the Margins of Life and Death: Honor Crime and
Governmentality in Turkey [M.A Thesis], VDM-Verlag Publishing: Germany,
Papers under review
Nisa Goksel, “Mobilizing Motherhood as an Alternative Form of Politics: The Peace
Mothers' Political Struggle in Turkey,” submitted to Gender & Society.
“Moral and Political Force of Motherhood: Peace Mothers’ Alternative Form of
Politics,” American Sociological Association (ASA), Chicago, August 2015.
“Peace at Multiple Fronts: From the Reconciliation with the Turkish State to Local
Peace Commissions,” the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies
(WOCMES), Ankara August 2014.
“Stories of Identity, Violence, and Displacement: Activism across Space,” the Social
Science History Association Annual Meeting (SSHA), Chicago, November
“Kurdish Women’s Activism Across Space: Narratives of War, Violence, and
Migration,” American Graduate School, Paris, April 2013.
“Motherhood as a Contested Space: Kurdish Mothers’ Struggle for Peace,”
Engendering Change, University of Illinois, Chicago, March 2013.
“We are mothers and we support peace: Kurdish Women’s Political Activism in
Diyarbakir,” Comparative Historical Social Sciences Workshop, Northwestern
University, February 2013.
“Ethnicity versus Gender: Stories of Peace and Trauma in Turkey,” Middle Eastern
Studies Association Conference (MESA), Denver, November 2012.
“Feminism or Motherhood? Some Theoretical Considerations,” Eastern Sociological
Society (ESS), New York, February 2012.
“Negotiated and Contested Identities: Women’s Struggle for Peace in Turkey,”
American Sociological Association Annual Meeting (ASA), Las Vegas, August
“‘Honor Trouble: Honor Crime and Governmental Discourses in Turkey,” Annual
Meeting of Eastern Sociological Society (ESS), Boston, March 2010.
Lecturer, Sociology Department, Bogazici University (Istanbul, Turkey), Summer
2016, course taught: Sociology of Gender.
Lecturer, Sociology Department, Bogazici University (Istanbul, Turkey), Summer
2015, course taught: Sociology of Gender.
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Northwestern University, Spring 2010-Winter 2013
• Introduction to Sociology, Spring 2010;
Sociology of Organizations, Fall 2010;
Youth and Society, Winter 2011;
Sexuality and Society, Spring 2011;
Introduction to Sociology, Fall 2011;
Gender and Society, Winter 2012;
Gender and Society, Spring 2012;
Race and Society, Fall 2012
Co-representative of the Communications Section of the Graduate Student
Committee of Sociology Department, Northwestern University, 2012-2013
Coordinator of Graduate Liaisons (university-wide) at the Graduate Student
Committee of Sociology Department, Northwestern University, 2011-2012
Voluntary work in the Foundation of Women’s Library and Information Center,
Istanbul, 2008- 2009.
Language education in the French Institute of Istanbul (L’Institut Français
d’Istanbul), 2005 to 2007.
Voluntary work in Books4 Life association in Tilburg University, Fall 2005.
Social Work in Bogazici University, Tutor for Visually Impaired Students, 2003-2007
SUGGESTED COURSES TO TEACH: Sociology of Gender, Political Sociology,
Sociological Analysis, Introduction to Sociology, and Feminist Analysis
LANGUAGES: Turkish (native); English (excellent); and French (advanced)
American Sociological Association (ASA), 2012-present
Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS), 2012-present
Middle Eastern Studies Association (MESA), 2011-2014