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Hypothesis testing
Is it statistically significant?
Most of the slides are adopted from:
• In a trial a jury must decide between two hypotheses.
– Null hypothesis H0: The defendant is innocent
– Alternative hypothesis H1: The defendant is guilty
• The jury must make a decision on the basis of evidence
• In the language of statistics convicting the defendant is called
rejecting the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative
hypothesis. That is, the jury is saying that there is enough
evidence to conclude that the defendant is guilty.
• If the jury acquits, then it is stating that there is not enough
evidence to support the alternative hypothesis.
Assess the evidence provided by data in favor of some
claim (null hypothesis) about the population.
The procedure begins with the assumption that the null
hypothesis is true.
The goal is to determine whether there is enough evidence
to infer that the alternative hypothesis is true, or the null is
not likely to be true.
Results of the test are expressed in terms of a probability
This probability measures how well the data and the hypothesis agree.
Example usage in our work
• Usually we need to find if the performance of our proposed
algorithm is statistically superior than that of a base line
• General procedure
– For i=1:n
• Generate a random train/test dataset.
• Run both algorithms and get performance numbers.
• Record the difference between the performance of the proposed and base line
algorithms. Let it be x.
– Null hypothesis H0 : x <= 0 i.e. base line better than proposed
– Alternate hypothesis H1 : x > 0 Our algorithm is better.
• We want to reject H0 hypothesis in favor of H1 with certain
confidence value.
Statistical Example
• Consider mean demand for computers during assembly lead
time. The operations manager wants to know whether the
mean is different from 350 units.
• Our test statistics is over mean demand.
• Null hypothesis: H0 = 350
• Our alternative hypothesis becomes: H1 ≠ 350
• Assume σ = 75 and the sample size n = 25, and the sample
mean is calculated to be 370.16.
• A large value of (say, 600) provides enough evidence.
• If is close to 350 (say, 355), then this does not provide a
great deal of evidence to infer that the population mean is
different than 350.
Statistical Example
Assume H0 : μ = 350 is true.
Determine the sampling distribution of sample mean
Assume has mean
Variance of is
75/sqrt(25) = 15
Is the Sample Mean in the Guts of the Sampling
Hypothesis Test 1: Unstandardized test
For the guts to be the center 95% of the distribution [α =
The critical values that define the guts will be 1.96 standard
deviations of X-Bar
UCV = 350 + 1.96*15
= 379.4
LCV = 350 – 1.96*15
= 320.6
Hypothesis Test 2: Z-score
• Calculate z score of the sample mean.
• Z = ( - )/ = (370.16 – 350)/15 = 1.344
• Is this Z-Score in the guts of the sampling distribution?
Hypothesis Test 3: p-value
• Increase “Rejection Region” until it “captures” sample mean.
– P( > 370.16) = P(Z > 1.344) = 0.0901
– p-value = double of this area for two tailed test = 0.1802
• Since rejection region is defined to be 5% and our sample
mean is in the 18.02% region, it in not in rejection region.
Statistical Conclusions
Unstandardized Test Statistic
Standardized Test Statistic
Since LCV (320.6) < (370.16) < UCV (379.4), we reject the null
hypothesis at a 5% level of significance.
Since -Z/2(-1.96) < Z(1.344) < Z/2 (1.96), we fail to reject the null
hypothesis at a 5% level of significance.
Since p-value (0.1802) > 0.05 [], we fail to reject the null hypothesis
at a 5% level of significance
Interpreting the p-value
Overwhelming Evidence
(Highly Significant)
Strong Evidence
Weak Evidence
(Not Significant)
No Evidence
(Not Significant)
• Distribution of test statistics follows standard deviation.
– Generally one appeals to the central limit theorem to justify
assuming that a test statistic varies normally.
– Central limit theorem (CLT): mean (x bar) of a sufficiently large
number of independent random variables (x), each with finite mean
and variance, will be approximately normally distributed.
– If the variation of the test statistic is strongly non-normal, a Z-test
should not be used.
should be known or can be estimated reliably.
when is same for each x and all x are independent
from each other. [Follows from var(c.x) = c2 var(x) and var (x1 + x2) =
var (x1)+ var (x2) if x1 and x2 are independent].
• A Z-test is appropriate when you are handling moderate to
large samples (n > 30).
Hypothesis Test 4: Student’s t-test
• The test statistic (x bar) follows a Student’s T-distribution if
the null hypothesis is true.
• T-test is appropriate for small sample size (n < 30).
• Great if the populations’ standard deviation is unknown.
s= sample standard deviation.
• Once a t value is determined, a p-value can be found using a
table of values from Student's t-distribution
• The Student t-distribution is symmetric and bell-shaped, like
the normal distribution, but has heavier tails
Student’s t-test
• Two sample t-test can be used to compare means of two
independent and identically distributed samples.
Hypothesis Test 5: Wilcoxon Signed Test
• A non-parametric statistical hypothesis test.
• Alternative to the paired Student's t-test when the population
cannot be assumed to be normally distributed.
• H0 : μ = 0
• Rank xis based on their magnitude. Let their rank be Ri.
• Wilcoxon signed rank statistics
φi = I(xi > 0)
• Score
• Find the critical value for the given sample size n and the
wanted confidence level.
• Compare S to the critical value, and reject H0 if S is less than
or is equal to the critical value.
Thank you 
Two types of Errors
• Type I error
– When we reject a true null hypothesis. That
is, jury convicts an innocent person.
– P(Type 1 error) = α [usually 0.05 or 0.01]
• Type II error
– When we don’t reject a false null hypothesis.
That is, when a guilty defendant is acquitted.
– P(Type 2 error) = β
• The two probabilities are inversely related. Decreasing one
increases the other, for a fixed sample size.