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Elazığ Atatürk Anadolu High School
for the Rutherford model of the atom;
I.) called all the positive charge in the nucleus of an atom
It is concentrated in a small area.
II.) A very small volume of the atom consists of space.
III.) Are the electrons around the nucleus.
Which of the judgment is correct?
A) Only I B) Only II C) I and II
D) I and III E) II and III
Bohr model of the atom;
I. have a specific energy of each orbit.
II. An atom's electrons at low energy level
whether located.
III. Article status than the atomic electrons when heated
pass the energy level soldering tip.
Which of the judgment is wrong?
A) Only I B) Only II C) Only III
D) I and II E), II and III
Which of the following judgment Dalton's atomic model
To the right is wrong for the Rutherford model of the atom?
A) it is different from the mass of different atomic species.
B) Atom contain an equal number of protons and electrons.
C) atoms are not formed by chemical reactions.
D) filled in atomic sphere.
E) it has a core of each atom.
Regarding the Thomson model of the atom;
I. Thomson atom is likened to a raisin cake.
II. Part of the pie dough represent uncharged neutrons.
III. Grapes represent negatively charged electrons.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only III B) I and II C) II and III
D) I, III, E) I, II and III
. Rutherford, regarding the atomic model;
I. Atomic structure; As Thomson asserted grape
is shaped cake.
II. Try scattering of alpha particles, not only a
qualitative test indicating the presence of
the core at the same time also gives a
quantitative measure of the load and the
size of the nucleus.
III. Positive load is roughly equal to the mass of
the mass of all atoms.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) Only II C) I and II
D) I, III, E) I, II and III
As regards the Thomson model of the atom;
I. forming the body of positively charged atomic power.
II. random act of electrons around the nucleus of an atom.
III. Protons are concentrated in the nucleus of atoms.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I b) Only II C), II and III
D) I, III, E) I, II and III
As a result of experiments in which Rutherford was made in 1911 to develop a
new model of the atom.
According to this model of the atom;
I. all the positive charge in an atom is concentrated in a small area called the
II. Of the total mass of the atoms is about half the mass of the positive charge.
III. According to most of the atoms undergo any deviation of alpha particles is
mostly space.
Which of the statement is true?
A) Only I B) I and II C) II and III
D) I, III, E) I, II and III
Rutherford, alpha particles (positively charged particles) were
observing the scattering of thin gold sheet. sheets of a large
portion of positively charged particles is that they
unswervingly or deviating with small angles.
Rutherford From these observations;
I. + charged particles located in a very small space in the center of
the atom.
II. Neutrons are found in the nucleus of atoms.
III. The structure of the atom consists largely void.
Which of the statement is true?
A) Only I B) I and II C) II and III
D) I, III, E) I, II and III
. Rutherford, regarding the atomic model;
I. The electrons are located around the core.
II. with positive charges (protons) in equal numbers.
III. It is equal to the number of neutrons.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and II
D) I, III, E) I, II and III
I. Visible (Visible) Light
II. Infrared (infrared) light
III. Radio Waves come from '
What is electromagnetic radiation of the above?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and II
D) I, II and III
Rutherford, regarding the atomic model;
I. Electrons return under equilibrium of the centrifugal force and
the Coulomb force around the positively charged sphere.
II. Atoms decreases the kinetic energy of electrons with time than
did radiation.
III. Over time, they stick to the core electrons.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and II
I. Gamma Rays
II. X-Rays
III. Ultraviolet Light
What is electromagnetic radiation of the above?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and II
D) I, II and III
With regard to electromagnetic radiation?
It will proceed with a wave of electromagnetic radiation in space.
II. repeatedly called on the two waves coming from the
wavelength between similar points.
III. It called maximum height or depth of a minimum amplitude in
a wave.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and II
D) I, II and III
With regard to electromagnetic radiation?
I. Reng than the low frequency of red light to infrared
II. Frequency is higher than that of the ultraviolet Moruya
III. Frequency of red and purple is called the visible region
located between the beam.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and II
DI, II and III
consisting of light at all wavelengths in the visible region is
divided into color when white light passed through the
According to this;
I. This separation of different wavelengths is different from
the beam angle of refraction arises.
II. Colors range starts from red, to purple continues.
III. Eye, but these two colors (red and blue) are sensitive to
radiation between.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) I and II C) I and II
D) I, III,
With regard to the visible light;
I long wave red paint,
II. Purple paint color long wave,
III. Red has a high frequency.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) Only II C) Only III
D) I, III,
Heated agents make their own glow. We see that different salt
solutions of platinum wire to dip benzene burner pressure
when the color of the flame on top of the blue flame has
changed each time.
The reason there are different colors of flame;
I spread is an indicator light at different frequencies when heated.
II. When heated, an indication that spread radiation at different
III. When heated, the beam indicator spread in different
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) Only II C) I, II
White light goes through a prism with continuous spectrum.
For the reason;
First Wave has a seamless transition between the tribes.
II. There is a seamless transition between frequencies.
III. There is a seamless transition between speed.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) Only II C) Only III
D) I, III,
With regard to Photo;
It just called to one photon beam of electromagnetic radiation.
II. The energy of the photons depends on the light frequency.
III. The frequency is increased the light energy of the photon is
which is true in the information given above?
A) Only I B) Only I, II C) I, III
D) I, III,
I. Absorption: the light energy to a medium, is the absorption of a
certain quantity of events.
II. Black body: on the body that are called black body absorbing
all rays.
III. Photon: just one of them is called photon beam of
electromagnetic radiation.
Which of the above-mentioned definition is correct?
A) Only I B) I, II and III C) I, III
I. Radiation energy radiation waves are both photon flux.
II. Radiation energy in a continuous manner is not discrete, it is
exchanged for the quantum case.
III. Radiation is a wave incident.
which is true in the information given above?
A) Only I B) Only I, II C) I, III
The figure shows the spectrum of the hydrogen lines appear.
First Hydrogen white light but may absorb specific wavelengths.
II. The visible radiation released hydrogen is not observed at all wavelengths of white
light contains only a specific section is hydrogen
III. wavelengths of the lines in the spectrum correspond to the wavelengths in the
spread spectrum gas.
What is true of the statement?
A) I, II and III B) Only I, II C) I, III
of the Bohr atom, the atom model innovation that Rutherford
I. Bohr atomic model with the idea that was put forward for the
first time around in different orbits of electrons.
II. Orbits causes the electron transitions between outside
electromagnetic radiation release.
III. The total charge of the atom 0.
which are given in?
A) Only I B) III only C) I, II and III
D) I and III
I. Understanding the Photoelectric Effect
II. understanding the characteristics of cathode ray
III. Understanding that show wave property of the electron
Which of the above events, is able to be as proof that light
behaves like a particle?
A) Only I B) Only II C) I and II
D) I and III
If white light is passed through a prism;
First in the visible region, it is seen as a spectrum ranging
from purple to red.
II. In the visible region, including all solid colors
(continuous) spectrum is obtained.
III. Elements, a radiation they release gases or vapors when
heated to high temperatures required in the event.
What is true of the statement?
A) I, II and III B) Only I, II C) I, III
D) I, III,
White light, when analyzed after passing through the hydrogen
gas discharge tube, over a continuous spectrum, was
composed of black lines.
II. If that wave radiation in the wavelength elements which emit
radiation in the neck (absorption) can be absorbed.
III. Each element has its own unique absorption spectrum of
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) I, II and III, II C) I, III
D) I, III,
I. continuous spectrum of solar light absorption wavelengths,
seen as black lines.
II. It Fraunhofer (Fraunhofer) called lines.
III. These lines of light elements of the gas in the solar surface
caused by the absorption of certain wavelengths.
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) Only I, II C) I, III
D I, II and III
I. For any metal cathode, the release of photoelectrons, occurs after the
expiration of a certain frequency of light is reduced on the cathode.
II. This frequency is called the crossover frequency.
III. Crossover frequency is different for each metal.
What is true of the statement?
A) I, II and III B) Only I, II C) I, III
to the line spectrum of hydrogen;
First Hydrogen visible spectrum consists of four lines in the region.
II. The brightest line (656.3 nm) is kırmızıren.
III. Greenish blue 486.1 nm, 434.0 nm, 410.1 nm violet and purple
What is true of the statement?
A) Only I B) Only I, II C) I, II and III
D) I, III,
I. In the event that spread the light of Newton's particles are put
forward as the first.
II. In the case put forward as the first waves that spread in the
light of the transparent medium is the person Christian
III. To prove the principle of Huygens in the form of light waves
move Thomas Young made his famous attempt to try.
which is true in the information given above?
A) I, II and III B) Only II C) Only III
D) I, III,