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Electronics Engineering Technology
University of North Texas
Electronics II
ELET 3740
Spring, 2004
Dr. Robert G. Hayes
Office: UNT RP F129
Phone: 940.565.2022
Email: [email protected]
Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
ELET 3740. Electronics II. 4 hours.(3;3) Electronic circuits using operational
amplifiers including frequency response and compensation of these devices.
Special devices in power supply and instrumentation applications are also
ELET 2710(DC), 2720(AC), 3720(Elec I)
1. Understand the design & operation of the Differential Amplifier. (a,b,c)
2. Understand the design & application of basic Operational Amplifier circuits.
3. Understand basic operational amplifier theory and performance including
feedback theory, frequency response, slew-rate, and op-amp specifications.
4. Understand simple active filters: low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, bandstop.(f,g)
5. To be knowledgeable of digital VLSI design using CMOS technology and
MOSFET transistors. (a,b,c)
6. Understand wave generation and wave shaping using op-amps. (h,i)
7. Understand the definition and application of power amplifiers (a,b,c)
8. Understand how to perform Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog
conversions using Operational Amplifiers. (a,b,c)
9. Utilize software simulation packages to analyze Operational Amplifier
circuits. (a,b,c)
10. Program a software package to accomplish basic industrial data acquisition
and control. (a,b,c)
Design a Current Mirror Circuit given the operational parameters. (1)
Design a Differential Amplifier Circuit given the operational parameters. (2)
Identify basic power amplifier configurations. (6)
Design, test & evaluate Voltage Summing, Subtraction, and Scaling-type
circuits. (3)
Design, test & evaluate Electronic Differentiator/Integrators-type circuits
using Operational Amplifiers. (3)
Design, test & evaluate Low-pass Active Filters. (5)
Design, test & evaluate High-pass Active Filters. (5)
Identify Clipping and Clamping circuits. (5)
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
i) Design, test & evaluate a Wein-Bridge RC Phase-shift oscillator. (5)
j) Identify Class A, B & C amplifiers, and match their respective common
applications. (7)
k) Design, test & evaluate Operational Amplifier circuits in B2Spice, an
electronics circuits simulation software package. (8)
l) Design, test & evaluate instrumentation in Labview, a software development
tool, to control & monitor real electronic circuitry of various types. (9)
Extensive computer use is stressed both for word processing for report writing and for
circuit simulation and virtual instrument operation.
Two formal oral presentations are required.
A formal written report is required weekly for each laboratory assignment. A
formal written report is also required for completion of the semester project.
Not Applicable
1. Bogart, Theodore F., Electronic Devices and Circuits, 5th edition, PH, 2001.
2. Bogart, Theodore F., Experiments in Electronics Devices and Circuits, 5th
edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.
3. Bishop, Robert H., Learning with LabVIEW 6i, Prentice Hall, 2001
Not Applicable
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
TEACHING METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: The course is taught through a
combination of lecture, laboratory demonstrations and laboratory practice on circuit
operation and test equipment usage. Extensive homework is assigned. Practical and
written tests are administered to test learning.
Homework, Pop Quizzes ...........................10%
Hour Examinations .....................................20%
Comprehensive Final Examination .............20%
Project .......................................................10%
Laboratory Performance .............................40%
Oral Presentation……….5%
Lab. Reports…………...20%
Lab. Performance……….5%
Total ......................................... 100%
A .................................. 90-100%
B .................................... 80-89%
C ................................... 70-79%
D ................................... 60-69%
F ...................................... 0-59%
1. Homework is due at the beginning of the class period. There may be
random quizzes administered during the semester. Late homework
will not be accepted. Homework may consist of both problems and
computer printouts (see attached Homework Format)
2. There will be two (2) one-hour examinations administered during the
semester and a final two-hour comprehensive examination. There will
be no make-up examinations given. If an examination is missed, one
half of the grade received on the final will be substituted for that
examination. The final examination will be comprehensive over the
entire semester’s work in both the laboratory and the lecture.
3. Students will be required to collect data in the performance of their
laboratory experiences. A laboratory kit will be provided and the
student will use this kit to perform laboratory experiments and
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
examines. An informal report will be required on each completed
experiment/program except a formal report will be required for the oral
presentation during the semester (see cover sheets and formats
shown below). The project report will be written in the IEEE format.
Laboratory reports are due at the beginning of the following lab period.
Late reports will incur a 20% penalty per week and will not be accepted
more than two weeks late. The total laboratory grade will contain a
subjective evaluation component based on the instructor’s observation
of the student’s semester performance in the laboratory. Each student
will be required to make a formal oral presentation during the
semester. The topic will be the assigned experiment/program for the
day. A formal written report on the same topic will be due the following
week. There will be a mid-semester laboratory examination and an
end-semester laboratory examination.
4. A grade of “F” will be given for the course, (No matter what grade the
student has in lecture.) if the student receives less than 60% of the
points on any “Laboratory Performance” topic listed above under
5. Class work will not be submitted to the main Engineering Technology
Department office or placed in the instructor’s mailbox.
6. The student is required to attend all scheduled lectures and laboratory
class times. (Refer to Class Policies section in this Syllabus, Item No.
1. The Engineering Technology Department, in cooperation with the Office of
Disability Accommodation, complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in
making reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. If
you have a qualifying disability as defined in the ADA and would like to request
accommodation, please present your written request to me before the fourth class
day me or visit the Office Of Disability, 565-4323, by the 12th day of class.
2. The student is responsible for knowing and adhering to the policies and
regulations as recorded in the university’s Student Handbook. Inappropriate
and/or disruptive behavior is not conducive to the successful completion of this
course, and is unprofessional. (Refer to the university’s web site (
for the Student Handbook.)
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
3. The student shall be dropped from the course for three (3) unexcused absences in
Lecture OR two (2) unexcused absences in Lab. An excused absence can only be
guaranteed by obtaining, in advance, Instructor authorization. A student shall be
considered absent if twenty or more minutes late to class.
4. State common law and federal copyright laws protect my lectures. They are my
own original expression and I record them at the same time that I deliver them in
order to secure protection. Whereas you are authorized to take notes in class
thereby creating a derivative work from my lecture, the authorization extends only
to making one set of notes for your own personal use and no other use. You are
not authorized to record my lectures, to provide your notes to anyone else or to
make any commercial use of them without express prior permission from me.
5. During the course, handouts will be provided to enhance the presentation of
certain concepts. These materials are provided strictly for instructional purposes
and may otherwise be restricted. There is no authorization for further
reproduction or distribution of handout materials beyond that intended to teach
the course.
6. This syllabus is subject to change at any time during the semester, at which time,
changes shall be announced in class.
7. Students should schedule at least one hour per lecture hour for study outside class.
Students should schedule at least one hour per laboratory hour for outside work to
prepare for the laboratory. Student could use Open Laboratory Time to complete
the required laboratory documentation.
8. There is no limit on the use of calculators for lecture, labs, pop quizzes, formal
tests, or final examinations.
9. Grades are based in part on the student's ability to communicate. Good written
English is expected in all course work and is a factor in Laboratory Report, and
Homework grades. The student’s ability to orally communicate the results of
laboratory exercises and class assignments is also monitored.
10. Each student should retain graded lecture notes, pop quizzes, homework, tests,
software-generated files, and laboratory reports to document possible, (not
probable), errors in recorded grades.
11. Requests for review of graded work must be submitted during the lecture in which
said work is returned to the students. The request should be accompanied by a
written justification of the request including any supporting data.
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
12. Challenges to the course grade must be presented within 60 days of receipt of
grade notices mailed by the university. This will insure that instructor’s records
are still available to allow a review of the assigned grade.
13. An “I” (Incomplete) grade is given only for extenuating circumstances and in
accordance with University and Departmental Policies.
14. All rules relating to academic dishonesty will be enforced in accordance with
University policies.
15. The UNT Catalog procedures on cheating and plagiarism will be vigorously
enforced. It is the duty of each student to protect their work so it is not available
to others for submission as their efforts. This is especially true of files that are
generated on the computer. Students that knowingly allow others to use their
work are partners in this unethical behavior.
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
Operational Amplifiers
Feedback Theory/Performance
Application of Op Amps
Application of Op Amps
Exam #1
Wave Generation/Shaping
Power Supplies
Special Electronic Devices
A/D and D/A Converters
A/D and D/A Converters
Exam #2
Amplifier Classes
Dead Week
Final Exam
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
Reference Laboratory Manual or Class Assignment Notes.
1. Operational Amplifiers
2. Summing & Difference
3. Bandwidth, Slew Rate, Offsets
4. Summation, Integration, Differentiation
5. Active Filters
6. Comparators
7. Wien-Bridge Oscillator (only)
8. Clipping and Clamping circuits
9. Rectifiers
10. Voltage Regulators
11. SCR & Triac
12. LED’s and Optocouplers, Thermistors/Zeners
Semester Project
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
Name: _____________________
Date: _____________________
Course No.
Lecture Section: _____
Lab Section: _____
Laboratory Number: _______________________
Laboratory Title:
Circuit #1 verified by:
Circuit #2 verified by:
Circuit #3 verified by:
Pre-lab Work/Quiz
Lab Objective
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
Name: _____________________
Date: _____________________
Course Number Lecture Section: _____
Lab Section: _____
Laboratory Number: _______________________
Laboratory Title:
Circuit #1 verified by:
Circuit #2 verified by:
Circuit #3 verified by:
Pre-lab Work/Quiz
(Note: Up to 10 points are deductible for leaving lab stations disorderly and/or messy.)
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Spring 2004
University of North Texas
Electronics Engineering Technology
Work order must be filled out completely. Leave on the door of Room 264D or give to the laboratory
Today’s Date ______________
Equipment name & number______________________________________Room______
Complete description of problem_____________________________________________
Was someone using when problem occurred?_____ If yes:
Who________________________________What class___________________________
Who is reporting problem?__________________________________________________
(Faculty Member or TA)
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For Office Use Only
Date received________________
Repaired by__________________Date returned to service_________________________
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