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Ch. 5 Jeopardy Review:
Ancient China
**Use the pen tool to mark through
questions you have already used!
Have fun reviewing! 
Geography and
Early China
Confucianism and
Shi Huangdi and
The Qin
The Han Dynasty
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $300
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $400
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
$100 Question from Geography and Early China
This “colorful” river allowed the Chinese
civilization to prosper, and is China’s
second largest river.
$100 Answer from Geography and Early China
The Huang He (Yellow River)
$200 Question from Geography and Early China
While southern China is warm and wet,
the northern part of China’s climate can
best be described as what?
$200 Answer from Geography and Early China
Cool and dry
$300 Question from Geography and Early China
What two geographic features
separated China from other
civilizations by serving as barriers?
$300 Answer from Geography and Early China
Mountains and seas.
$400 Question from Geography and Early China
What did the Ancient Chinese do
to help control the yearly
flooding they called “China’s
Sorrow” ?
$400 Answer from Geography and Early China
They built dikes along
the banks of the river.
$500 Question from Geography and Early China
What causes the Huang He river to
get its characteristic yellow color?
$500 Answer from Geography and Early China
Yellow-brown soil called loess.
$100 Question from Confucianism and Taoism
Confucius was probably China’s
first professional _________.
$100 Answer from Confucianism and Taoism
$200 Question from Confucianism and Taoism
After his death, Confucius’ thoughts
were gathered into a book called what?
$200 Answer from Confucianism and Taoism
The Analects
$300 Question from Confucianism and Taoism
I am the philosophy that says
happiness comes from living a
balanced life, and that life
should be lived in harmony
with nature.
$300 Answer from Confucianism and Taoism
$400 Question from Confucianism and Taoism
The goal of this philosophy is to
bring order to society. The
founder of this philosophy
thought that if people could
behave properly toward one
another, order, peace, and
prosperity would result.
$400 Answer from Confucianism and Taoism
$500 Question from Confucianism and Taoism
My followers believe people
should not interfere with nature
and that government should stay
out of people’s lives.
$500 Answer from Confucianism and Taoism
$100 Question from Shi Huangdi
Shi Huangdi was the emperor of
what dynasty?
$100 Answer from Shi Huangdi
The Qin
(or Ch’in)
$200 Question from Shi Huangdi
Shi Huangdi was a Legalist. What
was one thing he did to show people
he was against Confucianism and
$200 Answer from Shi Huangdi
1. He burned the texts of writings
that disagreed with him.
2. He persecuted scholars who
opposed his ideas.
3. He forbade the teachings of
Confucianism and Taoism.
$300 Question from Shi Huangdi
Name two things that Shi Huangdi
“standardized” on his way to unifying
$300 Answer from Shi Huangdi
A code of laws, written language,
currency, and/or weights and
$400 Question from Shi Huangdi
Shi Huangdi had the Great Wall
built in order to protect his people
from these people.
$400 Answer from Shi Huangdi
The invading Mongolians to the
$500 Question from Shi Huangdi
Why do archaeologists believe
Shi Huangdi had terra cotta soldiers
constructed and left in his tomb?
$500 Answer from Shi Huangdi
Archaeologists believe he had them
built to protect him in the afterlife
and to leave behind a legacy for future
people to remember him by.
$100 Question from The Han Dynasty
The Han dynasty lasted from
approximately 200 B.C. until
200 A.D. How many years did this
dynasty last?
$100 Answer from The Han Dynasty
Approximately 400 years.
$200 Question from The Han Dynasty
This person was the first emperor
under the Han Dynasty.
$200 Answer from The Han Dynasty
Liu Bang
(or Liu Pang)
$300 Question from The Han Dynasty
This Han Dynasty emperor was Liu
Bang’s great-grandson, and he
improved the Great Wall,
strengthened the army, and grew the
empire’s size by conquering other
$300 Answer from The Han Dynasty
Emperor Wudi
$400 Question from The Han Dynasty
During the Han Dynasty, the rulers
wanted to bring back respect for
tradition, so they encouraged the
growth of which philosophy?
$400 Answer from The Han Dynasty
$500 Question from The Han Dynasty
During the Han Dynasty, government
jobs were available to any qualified
candidate, regardless of social status
or wealth. These jobs in the
government were called what?
$500 Answer from The Han Dynasty
Civil service jobs.
$100 Question from Potpourri
Laozi was a famous teacher of
what philosophy?
$100 Answer from Potpourri
$200 Question from Potpourri
This was the first civilization in
China, which started around 1760
B.C. and produced China’s first
writing system and had many skilled
bronze workers.
$200 Answer from Potpourri
The Shang Dynasty
$300 Question from Potpourri
Goods on the silk road traveled from
China all the way to _________.
$300 Answer from Potpourri
(also acceptable: Mediterranean Sea)
$400 Question from Potpourri
Although he was a ruthless ruler,
one of this emperor’s greatest
achievements was the construction
of the Great Wall of China.
$400 Answer from Potpourri
Shi Huangdi
(or Emperor Qin)
$500 Question from Potpourri
What religion was introduced to
China by monks who traveled
on the silk road from India?
$500 Answer from Potpourri