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A thousand years old mystery
Is the moon made of cheese ?
Novel scenarios for the origin and
evolution of the moons
Hagai Perets,
The Solar system have several
types of moons
Regular satellites of the gas giants
● Irregular satellites of the gas giants
● Moons of Earth and Mars
● Binary planetesimals
The Solar system have several
types of moons
Regular satellites of the gas giants
● Irregular satellites of the gas giants
● Moons of Earth and Mars
● Binary planetesimals
Regular satellites
Regular satellites lie on co-planar circular
orbits aligned with the planet equator
Some of them with a few thousands km
They orbit the planet at short separations
(< few 0.01 the Hill radius)
Some are found to be in resonance with
each other
Mosqueira &
Estrada 2003
Irregular satellites are eccentric
and/or highly inclined moons
Typically at large separations
Secular Kozai-Lidov evolution play an
important role in their evolution
Jewitt & Haghighipour (ARAA 2007)
Regular satellites likely form very
similar to terrestrial planets
Start with a gas/dust
Grow small
planetesimals to big
Migrate, form
Ogihara & Ida 2012
Irregular satellites are thought to
be captured
Gas assisted capture -> fine tuned
Ćuk & Gladman (2005)
Pull-down capture during planet growth
Heppenheimer & Porco (1977)
> fine tuned
Difficulties with Uranus and Neptune
Binary disruption (Agnor & Hamilton 2006) ->inefficient,
maybe explain Triton
Satellite capture during planetary encounters;
somewhat fine tuned;
Nesvorný, Vokrouhlický & Morbidelli 2007
Jewitt & Haghighipour (ARAA 2007)
A new in-situ formation model:
Analogy to planetary systems
Solar system/Kepler multiple systems
> Regular satellites
Eccentric and/or inclined systems
> Irregular satellites
> Hot Jupiters -> Triton
Origin of eccentric/inclined and hot
Jupiter planetary systems
Planet-planet scattering (e.g. Rasio & Ford
Secular evolution due to third
planetary/stellar companions (e.g. Mazeh
et al. 1997)
Important role for tidal friction (e.g. Wu &
Murray 2003)
Formation of satellites at the outer
regions was not modeled
The circumplanetary disk should extend up
to R_H
Where are the external regular satellites ?
In-situ formation of irregular
moons and the role of moon-moon
scattering and secular evolution
Model multiple large moons in the irregular
moon separation regime
Secular evolution arises naturally due to
perturbations by the Sun
Model evolution in a gaseous disk
Model tidal friction by the planet
Model planet asphericity
In-situ formation of irregular
moons and the role of moon-moon
scattering and secular evolution
Model multiple large moons in the irregular
moon separation regime
Secular evolution arises naturally due to
perturbations by the Sun
Model moons formation in the outer disk
Model evolution in a gaseous disk
Model tidal friction by the planet
Model planet asphericity
Perets & Payne, in prep.
Moon-moon scattering:
Disk heating and satellite growth
Perets & Payne, in prep.
Moon-moon scattering:
Formation of prograde irregulars and
runaway moons
Moon-moon scattering:
Temporary re-capture of irregular moons
Moon-moon scattering:
Formation of retrograde irregular moons ?
Origin of some big Solar system
minor-bodies ?
Ejected moons may have survived to this
What kinematic or compositional signature
would we expect ?
The origin of Earth's moon
Earth moon formation theories
Fission (Darwin)
Capture (Kuiper)
Giant impact (Hartmann, Canup)
Need to explain: lack of Iron, similar
isotope composition (titanium, oxygen) as
the Earth, inclination,angular momentum
Earth moon formation theories
Fission (angular momentum, inclination
Capture (fine tuned, composition)
Co-accretion (Iron core depleted, angular
Giant impact (preferred paradigm)
Need to explain: lack of Iron, similar
isotope composition (titanium oxygen) as
the Earth, inclination,angular momentum
The Earth moon formed through a
giant collision...
The Earth-moon composition
Most of the material comes from the
Material from different planets suggest very
different composition of the different
The fast-spinning Earth solution
Is the composition problem really
a problem ?
Raymond et al. 2009
Is the composition problem really
a problem ?
Mastrobuono-Battisti & Perets, in prep.
... but the proto-Earth likely had
many previous collisions
Raymond et al. 2009
Earth's previous moons and the
multiple-collisions origin of the moon
Model a giant impact while a
previous moon exists
Check if previous moons halts
formation of a new moon
Model tidal evolution and
dynamics of two moons
-> SPH
Analytic + N-body
Model consequent multiple Monte-Carlo
collisions and the collisional (use N-body
growth of the moon
Earth's previous moons and the
multiple-collisions origin of the moon
Model a giant impact while a
previous moon exists
Check if previous moons halts
formation of a new moon
Model tidal evolution and
dynamics of two moons
-> SPH
Analytic + N-body
Model consequent multiple Monte-Carlo
collisions and the collisional (use N-body
growth of the moon
New moons can form while
previous one exists
In prep.
Few-body simulations results
Put a newly formed close single moon;
evolve for a few Myrs
Put a second close moon, and evolve
Shorter period moons tidally evolve faster
and may over run older ones
> unstable configuration
> Chaotic evolution
~30% of the moons mutually collide, the
rest re-collide with the Earth or ejected
Breaking old paradigms of moon formation
An in-situ origin for irregular
satellites instead of capture
● Existence of previous moons
of Earth, and a multiplecollisions origin for the Moon