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Development and nature of Athenian democracy
The radical changes to the Athenian constitution by Cleisthenes (565-500BC0
were aimed at breaking the power and influence of the traditional four tribal clans.
Previously, the old aristocracy had monopolised the political system in Athens.
The objectives of these changes were to give all Athenians a part in the election of
local and state officials and were a step towards representative government.
However, other changes had to occur before Athens could become a complete
Athenian democracy (democratia) had a number of features, for example:
 All adult male citizens could propose legislation, debate and vote.
 All citizens could stand for office.
 The generals were elected by the citizens
 There was payment for officials and jurors.
Athenian citizens had to fulfil the following requirements:
 Be male, 16 years old, freeborn
 Both parents had to be Athenian, married
 Be registered on the deme roll
 Be scrutinised by the councillors
 Spend two years in the army as a cadet before becoming a member of the
During and after the Persian threat, changes were made to the internal government
of Athens:
 In 462BC, Ephialtes pushed through a law that deprived the Areopagus of all
of its functions save that of being a court for homicide. The archons became
answerable to the Council of 500, not the Areopagus.
 In 458BC, the archonship became a paid office.
 In 457BC, the zeugitae or hoplites were admitted to the archonship. Sometime
later the thetes were admitted.
In 451BC, a payment of jurors was introduced by Pericles. This seems to have
been a democratic move to allow poorer citizens and the elderly to participate.
These reforms had all been designed to end the aristocratic rule in Athens.
nevertheless, Athenian democracy depended on aristocratic leadership.
Four of the major institutions were the Assembly (Ecclesia), the Council of 500
(Boule), the Magistrates and the Heliaea, and the law courts.
Important officials were the strategoi and archons.
The Areopagus had lost a lot of its powers and did not play a significant role in
the democracy of the time.
Political institutions and officials of Athenian democracy
Institution/official Composition/place of
The Assembly All citizens – met on the
Ultimate power. Met 40 times a year.
Pnyx at dawn. 6000 citizens
Questions of domestic and foreign
needed for important business policy put to citizens. Elected
magistrates. Issues debated freely.
Voting by show of hands except in cases
of treason or ostracism, then by ballot
The Council of
500 members. Had to be
Chosen by lot from the 10 tribes and
500 (Boule)
more than 30 years of age and worked on rotation basis, with each
only elected twice in a
group of 50 serving approximately 36
lifetime. Met everyday except days. Rotation was to impede corruption.
holidays at the old
Members fed at public expense, housed
in the Tholos and paid 1 drachma a day.
Prepared business for the Assembly to
discuss and vote upon. Executed much
of the Assembly’s decisions.
Responsible for much of the day-to-day
administration of the city and its
financial matters. Saw decrees carried
out, managed public property and
supervised the collection and
expenditure of public money and the
building of public works. Supervised
army, navy, officials and election of the
6000 citizens. Had to be more The usual size of a jury (dikastai) varied
than 30 years of age. 600
from 201 to 501. Jury chosen on day of
citizens for each tribe.
trial. Archon presided over court to
Chosen by lot. Met in or near maintain order, not dispense justice.
the Agora
Defendant spoke in his own defence and
each case judged on own merit
9 archons and their secretary Received 4 obals a day while in office.
elected annually by lot.
Not eligible for re-election but became
Office at the Royal Stoa.
life members of the Areopagus. Duties
as religious officials and magistrates in
the courts. Year named after chief
archon ‘eponymous’. Presided over
Great Dionysia festival. King-archon
had jurisdiction over religious cases and
conducted mysteries and other festivals.
Elected annually by all the
Supervised the army, navy, cavalry, and
people, each tribe voting for
conducted foreign policy and called
one strategos
meetings of the Assembly. By Pericles’
time, most important position in Athens.
Not paid. Could be re-elected. Could be
fined, exiled, or sentenced to death for
not carrying out duties.