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____double circulation____
____direct development____
Order Apoda or Gymnophiona(without foot)-160 species with elongated body; limbs
absent; mesodermal scales present; tail short or absent.95-285 vertebrae. Ex: caecilians.
Order Caudata or Urodela (tail evident)-500 species with body, head, trunk and tail; no
scales; usually two pairs of equal limbs; 10 to 60 vertebrae. Ex: newts and salamanders.
Order Anura or Salientia (without tail)-4840 species with head and trunk fused; no tail;
no scales; two pairs of limbs; 6-10 vertebrae. Ex: frogs and toads.
____double circulation____
____direct development____
Order Apoda or Gymnophiona(without foot)-160 species with elongated body; limbs
absent; mesodermal scales present; tail short or absent.95-285 vertebrae. Ex: caecilians.
Order Caudata or Urodela (tail evident)-500 species with body, head, trunk and tail; no
scales; usually two pairs of equal limbs; 10 to 60 vertebrae. Ex: newts and salamanders.
Order Anura or Salientia (without tail)-4840 species with head and trunk fused; no tail;
no scales; two pairs of limbs; 6-10 vertebrae. Ex: frogs and toads.
____double circulation____
____direct development____
Order Apoda or Gymnophiona(without foot)-160 species with elongated body; limbs
absent; mesodermal scales present; tail short or absent.95-285 vertebrae. Ex: caecilians.
Order Caudata or Urodela (tail evident)-500 species with body, head, trunk and tail; no
scales; usually two pairs of equal limbs; 10 to 60 vertebrae. Ex: newts and salamanders.
Order Anura or Salientia (without tail)-4840 species with head and trunk fused; no tail;
no scales; two pairs of limbs; 6-10 vertebrae. Ex: frogs and toads.
____double circulation____
____direct development____
Order Apoda or Gymnophiona(without foot)-160 species with elongated body; limbs
absent; mesodermal scales present; tail short or absent.95-285 vertebrae. Ex: caecilians.
Order Caudata or Urodela (tail evident)-500 species with body, head, trunk and tail; no
scales; usually two pairs of equal limbs; 10 to 60 vertebrae. Ex: newts and salamanders.
Order Anura or Salientia (without tail)-4840 species with head and trunk fused; no tail;
no scales; two pairs of limbs; 6-10 vertebrae. Ex: frogs and toads.
Tetrapod-four-limbed vertebrates; the group includes amphibians, reptiles, birds and
Double circulation-a blood-transport system having a distinct pulmonary circuit of blood
vessels separate from the circuit of blood vessels serving the remainder of the body.
Caecilians-limbless burrowing creatures in tropical forests of South America, Africa and
Southeast Asia.
Spermatophore-capsule or packet enclosing sperm, produced by males of a few vertebrates.
Direct development-a postnasal ontogeny featuring primarily growth in size rather than a
major change in body shape or organs present; a life history that lacks metamorphosis.
Paedomorphosis-displacement of ancestral juvenile features to later stages of the ontogeny of
Amplexus-the copulatory embrace of frogs and toads.
Spiracle-exhalant aperature of tadpole gill chamber.
Ectothermic-having a variable body temperature derived from heat acquired from the
Axolotl-salamanders of the species Ambystoma mexicanum which do not metamorphose and
retain aquatic larval characteristics throughout adulthood.
Ichthyostega-early ancestor with fully formed tetrapod limbs; hindlimb bore seven toes;
resembled aquatic forms in retaining a tail complete with fin rays and opercular (gill
covering) bones.
Lissamphibia-early ancester which diversified during the Carboniferous to produce ancestors
of the three major groups of Amphibians alive today.
Order Apoda or Gymnophiona(without foot)-160 species with elongated body; limbs absent;
mesodermal scales present; tail short or absent.95-285 vertebrae. Ex: caecilians.
Order Caudata or Urodela (tail evident)-500 species with body, head, trunk and tail; no scales;
usually two pairs of equal limbs; 10 to 60 vertebrae. Ex: salamanders.
Order Anura or Salientia (without tail)-4840 species with head and trunk fused; no tail; no
scales; two pairs of limbs; 6-10 vertebrae. Ex: frogs and toads.
Phylogeny-the origin and diversification of any taxon, or the evolutionary history of its origin
and diversification.
Ontogeny-the course of development of an individual from egg to senescence.