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Chapter 41: Human Digestion
AP Biology
Mr. Mennecke
1. The process of taking in and using food is
a. Nutrition
c. Ingestion
b. Chemical digestion
d. Absorption
2. The process of using enzymes to break down food is
a. Mechanical digestion
c. Egestion
b. Chemical digestion
d. Absorption
3. The process of chewing is
a. Mechanical digestion
b. Chemical digestion
c. Ingestion
d. Absorption
4. The process of eliminating undigested or indigestible material is
a. Mechanical digestion
c. Egestion
b. Chemical digestion
d. Excretion
5. The process of assimilating nutrients into the circulatory system for use is
a. Nutrition
c. Ingestion
b. Chemical digestion
d. Absorption
6. Amylase is produced by the
a. Salivary glands
b. Pancreas
c. Liver and pancreas
d. Pancreas and salivary glands
7. The surface area of the small intestines is increased by
a. Folds in its wall
c. Microvilli
b. Villi
d. b and c only
8. Lipids enter the circulatory system via
a. Nodes
b. Lacteals
c. Capillaries
d. Glands
9. Rugae
a. Are intestinal folds
b. Are stomach folds
c. Are oral cavity folds
d. Are rectal folds
10. Food and salivary amylase is
a. A bolus
b. Chyme
d. Bile
e. Feces
11. Food and gastric juices is
a. A bolus
b. Chyme
d. Bile
e. Feces
12. Gall bladder
13. Liver
14. Small intestines
15. Large intestines
16. Stomach
17. Esophagus
18. Oral Cavity
19. Teeth
20. Sphincter
21. Pancreas
a. mastication
b. food mixes with gastric fluid, protein digestion begins
c. water and mineral absorption, fecal storage
d. polysaccharide digestion begins, bolus forms
e. peristalsis in a muscular tube begins
f. most digestion and absorption occurs here, villi & microvilli
g. bile stored and concentrated here
h. ring of muscle opens and closes
i. amylase, protease, lipase, HCl buffers secreted from here
j. makes bile
Chapter 41: Human Digestion
22. Glucose & amino acids are absorbed across the gut lining
a. by active diffusion
c. at lymph vessels
b. by diffusion
d. as fat droplets
23. Secretions from the ______ do NOT assist in digestion and absorption.
a. Salivary glands
c. Pancreas
b. Liver
d. Pituitary gland
24. Which of the following lists the four stages of food processing in order?
a. ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination
b. digestion, ingestion, absorption, elimination
c. ingestion, absorption, elimination, digestion
d. ingestion, digestion, elimination, absorption
25. Which of the answers below would not work in the following sentence? "In order for the body to
absorb and use _____, they must be broken down by hydrolysis into ____."
a. polysaccharides . . . monosaccharides
b. amino acids . . . proteins
c. fats . . . glycerol and fatty acids
d. starch . . . monosaccharides
26. Why does salivary amylase not function in the small intestines?
a. The enzyme’s active site is bound to its substrate while in the stomach and becomes
inactive by the time it reaches the intestines.
b. The enzyme denatures due to the length of time it must spend waiting in the stomach
before reaching the intestines.
c. The enzyme denatures once it contacts stomach acid.
d. The enzyme is absorbed by the villi of the small intestines.
27. Researchers provided radioactively labeled food to a dog, and traced the movement of absorbed
molecules. Which type of molecule would move along a different path than all the others?
a. Carbohydrates
c. nucleic acids
b. Proteins
d. fats
28. A researcher wishes to track the digestion of carbohydrates in the human body. After eating a
cereal diet rich in polysaccharides, the test subjects voluntarily have their blood drawn. The
blood is then tested for glucose levels. Which of the following indicators could be used to test for
the presence of glucose?
a. Phenolphthalein
c. Benedict’s solution
b. Biurette solution
d. Lugol’s Iodine
29. Which of the following might make the most effective antiulcer medication? A chemical that
a. stimulates parietal cells of the gastric glands.
b. kills bacteria in the stomach.
c. inhibits mucous cells of the gastric glands.
d. stimulates chief cells of the gastric pits.
30. The lungs consist of many small air sacs and blood vessels, which greatly increase surface area
and improve the transfer of substances through their walls. The structures in the digestive system
similar in function to these air sacs and capillaries are the
a. colon and rectum
c. villi
b. rugae
d. taste buds
31. Imagine that you have eaten a meal containing the following nutrients. Which would not have to
be digested before being absorbed?
a. protein
c. nucleic acid
b. polysaccharide
d. amino acid
Chapter 41: Human Digestion
32. During some types of antibiotic treatments, patients often experience diarrhea because
a. antibiotics can be toxic to bacteria and ultimately, the colon's epithelium as well.
b. the bacterial flora of the large intestine digest fiber, which otherwise would create osmotic
pressure and result in decreased water reabsorption.
c. antibiotics interfere with vitamin absorption process normally occurring within the large
intestine aided by E. coli.
d. after intestinal bacteria have been killed, an unusually large amount of water is
33. How would you expect the digestive system of a hawk, a carnivore, to compare with that of a
sparrow, a seed-eater?
a. The hawk would have a larger gastrovascular cavity.
b. The sparrow's digestive system would be longer.
c. The hawk would have a gizzard, but the sparrow would not.
d. The hawk digestive system would be longer.
Answers go here:
Chapter 41: Human Digestion
34. The mammalian trachea and esophagus both open into the
a. Larynx
d. Cardiac orifice
b. Stomach
e. Epiglottis
c. Pharynx
35. Our oral cavity, with its dentition is most functionally analogous to an earthworm’s
a. Intestines
d. Stomach
b. Pharynx
e. Anus
c. Gizzard
36. Which of the following enzymes has the lowest pH optimum?
a. Salivary amylase
d. Pancreatic amylase
b. Trypsin
e. Pancreatic lipase
c. Protease (pepsin)
37. After surgical removal of an infected gallbladder, a person must be especially careful to restrict
his or her dietary intake of
a. Starch
d. Fat
b. Protein
e. Water
c. Sugar
38. Bile
39. Salivary amylase
40. Pancreatic amylase
41. Pancreatic lipase
42. Trypsin, chymotrypsin
43. Pepsin
44. Cholecystokinin (CCK)
45. Nucleases
46. Aminopeptidase
first to convert all polysaccharides to disaccharides
DNA, RNA converted to nucleotides
proteins converted to small polypeptides
converts remaining polysaccharides to disaccharides &
e. emulsification
f. stimulates pancreas & gall bladder to release enzymes &
bile respectively
g. converts fats to fatty acids and glycerol
h. small polypeptides converted to aminoacids
i. large polypeptides converted to small polypeptides
47. In humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the
a. stomach.
b. liver.
c. small intestine.
d. large intestine.
e. pancreas.
48. The largest variety of digestive enzymes function in the
a. large intestine.
b. oral cavity.
c. stomach.
d. gallbladder.
e. small intestine.
49. Individuals lacking adequate levels of enterogastrone would have the greatest difficulty digesting
a. fats.
b. proteins.
c. Carbohydrate
d. nucleic acids.
e. All would be equally difficulty to digest.
Chapter 41: Human Digestion
50. Which of the following do a wolf, a hummingbird, a termite, and a cow have in common?
a. All are omnivores.
b. All are substrate-feeders.
c. All are ingestive feeders.
d. All are carnivores.
e. All are herbivores.
51. It is important to get some vitamin B-1 every day, but it is all right if intake of vitamin A varies a
bit. Why?
a. Vitamin B-1 is an essential nutrient, and vitamin A is not.
b. Vitamin A can be stored by the body, but vitamin B-1 cannot.
c. The body needs much larger amounts of vitamin B-1 than vitamin A.
d. The body requires vitamin B-1, but vitamin A is just an "extra."
e. Vitamin A is water-soluble, and vitamin B-1 is fat-soluble.
52. Laxatives work in the large intestine to relieve constipation. Which of the following would probably
not be an effective laxative? A substance that
a. contains lots of fiber.
b. promotes water absorption in the large intestine.
c. speeds up movement of material through the large intestine.
d. decreases water absorption in the large intestine.
e. stimulates peristalsis.
53. Gallstone surgery sometimes requires that the gallbladder be removed. Patients are then advised
to avoid ingesting large amount of fat because
a. the gallbladder makes bile, which is necessary for fat emulsification.
b. without the bile produced by the gallbladder, fats cannot be enzymatically hydrolyzed.
c. the gallbladder produces the hormone enterogastrone.
d. the gallbladder stores large quantities of bile, releasing it when necessary.
e. chyme first enter the gallbladder before moving to the liver.
54. The cardiac sphincter surrounds the cardiac orifice. If this sphincter failed to properly constrict,
there might be a problem with
a. regurgitation of food into the esophagus.
b. the loss of control of defecation.
c. movement of the bolus into the trachea rather than the esophagus.
d. rapid emptying from the stomach to the small intestine.
e. rapid emptying from the small intestine to the large intestine.
55. ____ are needed in the diet as components of teeth and bone, normal muscle and nerve function,
water balance, and parts of certain enzymes.
a. Amino acids
d. Nucleic acids
b. Fat
e. Minerals
c. Vitamins