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Plants for Food & Fibre
Plants for Food & Fibre
Topic 1 – 3 Objectives
Read through the list of objectives we have covered. These are what you need to know for
your quiz. Read through them. If you can answer the statement, check it off. If not, this is an
area you need to study or come in and ask me some questions. Be sure to read your science
daily reviews and your vocabulary booklet.
 I can describe the different ways we use plants.
 I can describe the three stages of a plant.
 I can describe the function of the roots and the root hairs.
 I know the difference between taproot roots and fibrous roots.
 I can describe the similarity and differences between diffusion and osmosis.
 I can describe two functions of stems.
 I can explain how the chlorophyll helps a plant cell.
 I can describe the function of a xylem and how water moves up the xylem.
 I can explain transpiration is and the importance of the stomata and guard cells.
 I know what photosynthesis is and where it occurs in a plant and where it occurs in a
plant cell.
 I can write the word equation for photosynthesis.
 I can explain when a cell uses cellular respiration and what happens.
 I know difference between a xylem and phloem.
 I know the difference between sexual reproduction and asexual or vegetative
 I know the advantages and disadvantages of sexual and asexual reproduction.
 I know how plants can reproduce without seeds (vegetative reproduction) and can
describe various methods such as layering, cuttings and grafting.
 I know the difference between selective breeding and genetic modification.
More on the next page
Plants for Food & Fibre
 I can label the parts of a flower and describe their function.
 I can describe pollination and the difference between self-pollination and crosspollination.
 I know the various ways that seeds can be dispersed.
 I know what a fruit is and its function.
 I can name the parts of a seed and their function.
 I describe what happens when a seeds germinates.
 I know the basic adaptations of plants that help them survive in their environment.
Plants for Food & Fibre
Topic 1-3 Science Daily Review (SDR)
Review #1
1. What is one reason why plants are important for our environment?
2. Name two of the seven major crops that supply 75% of the worlds food supply?
3. What plant is used for making chocolate? What plant is used for making sugar?
Review #2
1. What are some products that can be made from Cotton?
2. Why would Hemp be an important plant to grow with regards to recycling?
3. What are some products that can be made from Flax?
Review #3
1. Which plant was used to help us synthetically produce Aspirin?
2. What two powerful pain killing drugs come from the opium poppy seed?
3. What deadly disease can be quinine be effective against?
Plants for Food & Fibre
Review #4
1. What are the two types of roots a plant can have?
2. Why do plants have roots (3 reasons)?
3. What are 2 examples of roots that we eat for food?
Review #5
1. Water can pass into a plants root through a process called ______________________.
2. If something’s can pass through the root of a plant, but other things can’t (like rocks and dirt) this
means that the root has a ____________________________________membrane.
3. What is main difference between diffusion and osmosis?
Review #6
1. What can the stem of a plant do? (3 things)
2. What is the name of the tube that transports water UP the stem?
3. What is the name of the tube that transports sugar DOWN the stem?
Plants for Food & Fibre
Review #7
1. What is the job of the leaves?
2. What is the name of the chemical in a leaf that makes it green?
3. The little holes at the bottom of a leaf, which lets in Carbon Dioxide and lets out Oxygen and
Water are called _________________________________.
4. What is the process of a plant making its own sugar called?
5. Photosynthesis is where a plant uses Carbon Dioxide and __________________ and makes
Oxygen and __________________ which the plant uses for food.
6. At night time, when there is no sunlight, plants breath in oxygen (just like humans). This process is
called ______________________________.
Review #8
1. What is the difference between selective breeding and genetic engineering?
2. What are two differences between asexual (vegetative) reproduction and sexual reproduction?
3. Give three examples of how vegetative reproduction is used in plants.
Plants for Food & Fibre
Review #9
1. Sexual reproduction is where a plant has an egg and pollen joining together. What is it called when
pollen reaches an egg?
2. Why do plants have flowers?
3. What is the male part of the flower called? Where is the pollen made?
4. What is the female part of the flower called? What is the sticky part called that catches the pollen?
Review #10
1. Why is it important for plants to reproduce sexually (and not just create clones of itself over and
over again)?
2. What is the job of fruit that forms around a pollinated egg (seed)?
Review #11
1. What are some ways that the seed of a plant can spread out (getting away for the parent plants,
so they can grow on their own)?
2. What happens when a seed germinates?
Plants for Food & Fibre
Topic 4-6 Objectives
 I can give advantages and disadvantages for monoculture.
 I can explain what is meant by sustainability in terms of growing crops.
 I can state the difference between areas with high biodiversity and low biodiversity.
 I can explain how erosion becomes a problem when trees are harvested.
 I can state five major factors that determine how soils develop.
 I can explain the importance of decomposers in developing soil.
 I know the three main nutrients used by plants and can describe what they do for a
 I understand what the numbers are on a bag of fertilizer mean.
 I can explain what salinization is and how it can be a problem?
 I can describe three ways of saving the soil.
 I can describe the process of hydroponic for growing plants.
 I can explain what a pest is and give three examples.
 I can explain how an introduced species can cause problems in the environment.
 I list ways of controlling pests both naturally and artificially.
 I can give advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides.
 I understand what the numbers are on a bag of fertilizer mean.
 I can explain what biomagnifications means and give an example.
 I can explain what organic farming is.
 I list methods of ways to reduce or control weeds without using chemicals.
Plants for Food & Fibre
Topic 4-6 SDR
Review #12
1. Why is it important for our crops to be sustainable?
2. Name three crops grown here in Alberta?
3. What are advantages and disadvantages of monoculture?
Review #13
1. Explain what an area with high biodiversity means?
2. Why are plants important in slowing down erosion?
Review #14
1. What is humus?
2. Name two decomposers that help break down soil.
3. Name the three main ingredients in fertilizer and explain what each does.
Plants for Food & Fibre
Review #15
1. What is salinization?
2. Name three methods farmers have used to help save the soil from erosion.
3. What is hydroponics?
Review #16
1. How can an introduced species become a pest?
2. What is the difference between a herbicide, fungicide and an insecticide?
Review #17
1. List three disadvantages of using pesticides?
2. What is organic farming?
3. What are two ways of controlling pests/weeds without using chemicals.