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Data Analysis
Data Branch
Data Software
Support Group
a. Purpose & Objectives
The purpose of the Data Branch is to manage and
support databases and software applications used in
the Operations Section and to receive, manage, and
analyze information about the infectious disease
emergency that can guide the selection of strategies to
contain the event.
At the Alameda County Public Health Department,
databases for DCDCP are maintained and managed by
Information Services. The Communicable Disease
Surveillance System (CDSS) will be used in the event of
an infectious disease emergency. Staff from Acute
Communicable Disease (ACD) Unit will be responsible
for data entry from the different sources of data related
to the infectious disease emergency. The Community
Assessment, Planning and Education (CAPE) team
under the Deputy Director of Planning, Policy and
Health Equity will be responsible for data analysis
functions and leadership of the Data Analysis Group in
an infectious disease emergency response. Information
Services will work closely with CAPE and ACD to
provide technical support with databases.
Branch objectives include:
1. Identify sources of disease and causes of
disease spread. (ACD)
2. Monitor trends in the incidence and prevalence
of disease to identify new or unrecognized
Tab A: Epidemiologic Investigations
& Surveillance Overview
Tab A1: Epidemiology & Surveillance
Tab A1.1: Investigation Group
Tab A1.2: Surveillance Group
Tab A2: Data Branch
Tab A2.1: Data Analysis Group
Infectious Disease Emergency Response
Toolkit, Copyright © 2011 San
Francisco Bay Area Advanced
Practice Center
Alameda County Department of
Public Health Bioterrorism Defense
Plan, 2007.
exposures or risk factors (CAPE).
Describe the epidemiological and clinical features of an event. (CAPE)
Report cases to the proper agencies. (ACD)
Manage clients and support the data needs for other branches. (CAPE)
Determine appropriate strategies for the creation, management, and administration of
information systems. (Information Systems)
b. Methods
Primary methods for the Data Branch include:
Data analysis. Data analysis is the systematic study of data so that its meaning, structure,
relationships, origins, etc. are understood. Data analysis uses statistical methods and logical
techniques to describe, summarize, and compare data. CAPE Epidemiologists will perform data
Application Support and Information Systems. Application support and information systems
include the design, development, installation, and implementation of data software applications
and information systems. Information systems architecture components include mission,
functional and information requirements, system configurations, information flows,
information technology standards and business rules. Application support will be used to
create the most efficient information system possible with available resources. Department of
Information Systems will provides all database support during an emergency. For information
on how to access and use the Communicable Disease Surveillance System, refer to Appendices
E1 and E4 as well as the educational training material found in Appendix G.
a. Activation
Activate the Data Branch when an infectious disease emergency response will likely have data
analysis or application support needs. This will occur in almost any infectious disease
emergency. Minimum staffing level of this branch is one staff member, who will be the Data
Branch Supervisor. The Data Branch Supervisor is responsible for completion of Data Branch
objectives and coordination with other branches by providing data and requesting data
Depending on the type of infectious disease emergency, the Data Branch will be responsible to
handle the data collected by disease containment efforts (including isolation and quarantine
methods), Office of Public Information, and healthcare providers, including Emergency Medical
Services. For more information, refer to Tab A2.1, in the “Implementation” section under the
Data Analysis Group for a detailed explanation of the flow of data from these branches to the
Data Branch.
According to the scale and operational period of the infectious disease emergency, staff liaison
between Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch and other divisions in ACPHD that will need
data support during the operational period can be implemented to ensure clear communication
between different divisions during an infectious disease emergency response.
b. Functions of the Data Branch
Pre Event Actions:
Order mobilization of branch modules to meet incident response needs and ensure
proper documentation.
Assure coordination with Information Systems, ACD and CAPE units, and other
agencies providing application software and data analysis assistance.
Ensure coordination with other agencies within ACPHD.
Prioritize and assign responsibilities according to objectives and plans.
Event Actions:
Identify, communicate, and oversee strategies to accomplish objectives and design
operational plans in accordance with the Incident Action Plan.
Collaborate with other branches and external partners on data
interpretation/summaries for the response. (Note that responsibility for interpreting the
data output for such requests lies with the requesting branch/partner, in consultation
with the Data Branch.)
Review the work output and process for the Data Analysis Group (CAPE) and the Data
Software Support Group (IS).
Order demobilization of branch modules, and ensure proper documentation.
Staffing at the beginning of the infectious disease response should be robust: assign staff to
determine data needs, design data collection instruments, clarify data flow, and others to focus
on database development.
The following staff positions are included in the Data Branch. Refer to the Job Action Sheets in
section Cd of the appendices for information on job skills, functions, and detailed reporting
Data Branch Supervisor*
Administrative Assistant Staff
*Maintain staffing capacity to support surge epidemiological investigations in response to the specific
incident. All italicized positions are only necessary if the scope of the outbreak calls for the additional
support staff as Supervisors or Leaders may take on multiple positions. For example, a qualified
individual may be the Data Branch Director, the Data Analysis Group Supervisor and the Data Analyst.
(See Appendix B2 for functional organizational chart)
The Data Branch Supervisor reports directly to the Operations Section Chief. Incident specific
information will be provided to other Operations Section Branch Directors.
Surge: As scale and size of the infectious disease emergency increases, additional administrative
staff can be mobilized and the Data Analysis Group (CAPE) can be activated to handle data
collection, entry, analysis, and reporting.
The Data Branch is responsible for producing the following:
 Documents assigned to Data Groups
 Module Objectives and Update, ICS Form 202b (for each Operational Period)
The following resources will be required to perform response operations:
Protocols, forms, guidelines, and MOUs
ICS Forms
ICS Functional Organization Chart for
Appendices A1-A10
Appendix B2
Epidemiology and Surveillance Branch
and Data Branch
Office and Communication Supplies
Fax machine access
Computer with local
network, internet access
Printer access
800 MHz Radio/cell
Copy machine access
No. Required
Location or Request From
Other Resources
Data Branch
How to Access CDSS
Guide on how to search
and create new
cases/clients on CDSS
Appendix E1
Epi Weekly Report
Template (Excel)
Excel file of a sample
weekly epi report from
Appendix E2
Epi Curve Report
Template (Excel)
Excel file of a sample epi
curve generated by
CAPE during an
emergency response
Appendix E3
How to use CDSS
Outbreak Module
Guide on how to use
outbreak module on
CDSS during emergency
Appendix E4
CDSS Handbook
Appendix E5
Step by step guide on
entering new data into
CDSS Database
Appendix E6
Data Analysis Group
CDSS User Guide
“Creating a New Client
and Case in CDSS”
Data Branch Director
Data Branch Job Action Sheets
Job Action Sheet
Appendix Cd1
Job Action Sheet
Appendix Cd2