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Chapter 18 Quiz
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Date: ____________
1. Wavelike muscular contraction of the gastrointestinal tract is called
*A. peristalsis.
B. segmentation.
C. deglutition.
D. mastication.
2. Which of the following motility processes is NOT correctly matched to its description?
A. peristalsis - rhythmic, wave-like contractions
*B. mastication - removal of wastes
C. ingestion - taking food into the mouth
D. deglutition - swallowing
3. The movement of digested food into the blood or lymph is
A. ingestion.
B. deglutition.
*C. absorption.
D. segmentation.
4. Which tunic of the GI tract is very vascular and has many nerves and glands?
A. mucosa
*B. submucosa
C. muscularis
D. serosa
5. What provides intrinsic regulation of the GI tract?
A. hormones
B. autonomic nervous system
*C. enteric nervous system
D. All of the choices are correct.
6. What structure keeps food from entering the larynx during swallowing?
*A. epiglottis
B. laryngopharynx
C. soft palate
D. tongue
7. Which of the following is NOT a function of the stomach?
A. store food
B. kill bacteria
*C. digestion of most foods
D. move chyme into the duodenum
8. The _________________ of the stomach and intestine secrete histamine and serotonin.
A. G cells
B. parietal cells
*C. enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells
D. chief cells
9. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium associated with
*A. peptic ulcers.
B. hiatal hernia.
C. acid reflux.
D. pancreatitis.
10. Pepsin would have the greatest activity
A. immediately upon secretion into the stomach.
B. immediately upon entering the duodenum.
C. when the pH of the chyme is greater than 3.
*D. when the pH of the chyme is less than 3.
11. __________ stimulates ECL cells to secrete histamine which stimulates HCl release from parietal cells.
A. Secretin
*C. Gastrin
D. Ghrelin
12. What commonly ingested substances are absorbed through the stomach wall?
A. water and alcohol
B. antacid and water
*C. alcohol and aspirin
D. penicillin and aspirin
13. Which of the following is NOT a structure of the small intestine that increases its surface area?
*A. rugae
B. villi
C. plicae circularis
D. microvilli
14. The mixing movement of the small intestine is called
A. deglutition.
*B. segmentation.
C. micturition.
D. peristalsis.
15. What allows the intestinal microbiota to live in the large intestine?
A. protection by innate and adaptive immune systems
B. the anaerobic environment
C. availability of nutrients
*D. All of the choices are correct.
16. The process of waste removal is called
*A. defecation.
B. mastication.
C. deglutition.
D. segmentation.
17. ____________ are phagocytic cells of the liver.
A. Hepatocytes
*B. Kupffer cells
C. Langerhan cells
D. Merkel's cells
18. A _____________ has the following pattern of circulation: capillaries -> veins -> capillaries -> veins.
*A. portal system
B. sinusoid
C. lobule
D. glomerulus
19. The liver will detoxify ammonia by converting it into
A. uric acid.
B. ammonium ions.
*C. urea.
D. amino acids.
20. The arrival of chyme into the duodenum begins the _______ phase of stomach function.
A. cephalic
B. gastric
*C. intestinal
D. hepatic