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Environment and Development
KlimaProg –
Research programme on
climate and climate change
Programme period
Project Catalogue
KlimaProgs project portfolio comprises the following classes of projects:
Coordinated projects
Advanced research groups (Spissforskningsgrupper)
Independent projects (Ordinary projects)
Support to misc. natl. and internatl. Secretariats
page 03
page 06
page 08
page 18
Coordinated Projects
RegClim -Regional Climate
Development under Global
Warming, PHASE 2002
Det norske meteorologiske institutt - Oslo
Iversen, Trond Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
1997: 2,474,623 1998: 4,684,103 1999:
5,431,035 2000: 7,245,430 2001: 7,294,033
2002: 7,619,276
RegClim has two overall aims. Overall aim I is to
estimate probable changes in the regional climate in
Northern Europe, bordering sea areas and major parts of
the Arctic (“our region”), given a global climate change.
Overall aim II is to quantify, as far as possible, the
significance of regional scale climate forcings pertaining
specifically to our region. This includes processes
determining the relatively warm sea-surface-temperature
(SST) and modest sea ice cover in the Nordic Seas
(Overall aim IIa), and processes related to radiatively
active atmospheric contaminants with a regional
distribution (Overall aim IIb). In PHASE”2002” there
are 7 principal tasks (PT1 to PT7), each lead by a
Principal Investigator (PI). PT1. Atmospheric dynamical
downscaling Tasks 1.1 - 1.3; PT2. Coupled dynamical
downscaling and sea state modelling. Tasks 2.1 - 2.3;
PT3. Empirical Downscaling. Tasks 3.1 - 3.3; PT4. The
Role of the Nordic Seas: Atmosphere-Ocean Feedback.
Tasks 4.1 - 4.3; PT5. Numerical simulations of the
climate state of the Nordic Seas and the adjacent oceans.
Tasks 5.1-5.5 PT6. Climate response to aerosols and
aerosol-cloud interactions. Task 6.1 - 6.7. PT7.
Nonlinear chemistry and regional radiative forcing.
Tasks 7.1 - 7.4. Each PT contribute to one of the overall
Project Summary:
There are two overall aims of RegClim. The first is to
estimate probable changes in the regional climate in
Northern Europe, bordering sea areas and major parts of
the Arctic (“our region”), given a global climate change.
The second is to quantify, as far as possible,
uncertainties in these estimates, inter alia, by
investigating the significance of regional scale climate
forcings pertaining specifically to our region. This
includes processes determining sea-surface-temperature
(SST) and sea ice cover in the Nordic Seas, and
processes related to radiatively active atmospheric
contaminants with a regional distribution (direct and
indirect aerosol effects, and tropospheric ozone).
Climate in this connection encompasses the statistical
properties of the elements air temperature, precipitation
amount, wind at 10m, sea surface salinity and sea surface
temperature, and sea-state (wave-height and sea level).
Climate scenarioes of these parameters in our region will
include estimates of typical seasonal variations, typical
variations from year to year, and probable changes in
severe weather conditions as defined by high wind
speeds, large precipitation amounts and extreme seastate. We also aim at first estimates of inter-decadal
variations to the extent global models can simulate this
In RegClim PHASE”2002” emphasis will be to
complement and finalize existing activities, to do more
in-depth analyses and a few alternative experiments, and
to publish as much as possible of the results so far in
RegClim. More information can be found at http: //
www . nilu . no / regclim
Past Climates of the
Norwegian Region
Norges geologiske undersøkelser
Larsen, Eiliv Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
1999: 750,000 2000: 3,950,000 2001: 3,626,000
2002: 4,074,000
•Obtain high quality climate data from selected time
periods (LGM=last glacial maximum, 15 - 9 ka, 10 - 0
ka, and 2 - 0 ka) along carefully selected transects/keysites in Norway and in the Norwegian Sea region, in
order to contribute to our understanding of climate
variability and cyclicity and to provide basic
palaeoclimatic input data for the testing of climate
•Develop new and improve existing climate proxies, and
calibrate palaeoclimate reconstructions with instrumental
and historical records in the region, in order to contribute
to our understanding of the effects of natural and manmade forcing of climate change in the region.
•Investigate links between Holocene variability and
cyclicity of ocean heat flux through the thermohaline
circulation and terrestrial climate variability and cyclicity
along a north-south transect in Norway/Norwegian Sea,
in order to contribute towards an understanding of how
these linked systems reflect and respond to different
known climate-forcing mechanics (orbital forcing, solar
irradiance, volcanic eruptions, and CO2).
•Improve our understanding of rapid late-glacial climatic
changes and how these are reflected in the Norwegian
Sea oceanic circulation during the decay of the last
Fennoscandian and Barents Sea ice sheets. Investigate
the influence of rapid changes through the Holocene and
the importance of forcing mechanisms (e.g. fresh-water
events and mechanisms behind such events, orbital
forcing, etc.).
•Optimise palaeoclimate research in a climatically
sensitive and important region and increase the scientific
impact from the Norwegian palaeoclimate community
with a focused and co-ordinated research effort. This
includes a strong synthetic component with important
inputs from meteorological and from historical data
sources, and developing links with modelling groups.
Project Summary:
Natural climate change. Whatever the anthropogenic
impact on future climate will be, it will interact with
natural climate changes. Natural climate change has
occurred in the past, as revealed by many palaeo-records,
and will continue to occur in the future. Such variation
affects society in ways that are difficult to predict. Thus,
it is necessary to document and understand better the
patterns, rates, and magnitudes of natural climate
variation in the past in order to predict climate change
for future decades and to determine the effects of such
changes in different regions.
Climate change of the past. Geological, biological, and
historical data provide evidence of past climatic
variability with periodicities ranging from millennial to
subdecadal scales. During the first phase of NORPAST
changes over various time scales, ranging from the last
glacial maximum (~20 ka), the late glacial transition (159 ka), and the Holocene (10-0 ka), to the recent past (1-0
ka) have been documented.
Climate models form one of the major links between
science and political decision making. To be fully
effective in simulating future climates, climate models
should be tested with climate and boundary conditions
unlike those of the present. Information on such
conditions can be found in the past and retrieved from
instrumental records and historical data from the last
centuries and from palaeoclimatic records further back in
Quantitative climate data. If climate models for the
future are to be tested by simulating past climate
conditions, geological and palaeoecological evidence
from the past should be refined to provide quantitative
values (e.g. temperature and precipitation estimates) for
boundary conditions and for testing against model
predictions of past climate.
Norway and the Norwegian Sea are located in a climatic
sensitive region. These areas are therefore important for
reconstructing past climate and for understanding the
mechanisms behind natural climate variability and the
variability under different types of boundary conditions.
NORPAST focuses and co-ordinates Norwegian
palaeoclimatological research by developing multiparameter stratigraphical records at a limited number of
ocean and land key-sites along climatically sensitive
transects, by focusing on selected time periods, and by
emphasising quantification in palaeoclimatology.
NORPAST addresses the following critical questions: (i)
What was the relative importance of different climatic
forcing mechanisms in the change from a glacial to an
interglacial world in Norway? (ii) What was the natural
climatic variability during the last 10,000 years,
especially the last 2000 years, of the Holocene? (iii) How
rapid are present and predicted climate change in
different parts of Norway, compared to natural
variability resulting from natural forcing mechanisms?
(iv) What does the growth and decay of the last
Fennoscandian Ice Sheet tell us about the forcing
mechanisms of glaciation? and (v) What are the
influences of ice sheets and their dynamics on regional
To solve these questions, NORPAST will: (i) Obtain
high quality palaeoclimatic data from selected time
periods along critical transects within Norway and in the
Norwegian Sea to increase our understanding of natural
climate variability and its patterns in space and time; (ii)
Develop new and refine existing quantitative
palaeoclimatic tools (e.g. transfer functions) in order to
transform geological and palaeoecological data into
quantitative estimates of past climate; (iii) Investigate
links between Holocene climate variability and cyclicity
in ocean heat flux through thermohaline circulation; (iv)
Study rapid climatic changes and investigate how these
are reflected in the Norwegian Sea oceanic circulation
during the decay of the last Fennoscandian and Barents
Sea ice sheets, and (v) Develop and strengthen links and
research activities within the Norwegian palaeoclimatic
community and with Norwegian and other climate
modelling communities.
NORPAST consists of five main tasks, each with a task
leader: 1+2) Lake sediments and historical records as
archives of climate change, 3) Ice-sheet dimensions, 4)
Marine sediments as archives of climate change, 5)
Developing quantitative transfer functions, and 6)
Modelling. Within each task there are several subprojects, each with different quantitative palaeoclimatic
deliverables of direct relevance for the modelling of past
climate in terms of either boundary conditions or model
validation data.
Lake and other terrestrial, including historical, archives.
This task consists of five sub-projects using a range of
geological, biological, and meteorological techniques
that will provide reconstructions of summer and winter
temperatures, winter and annual precipitation, palaeowind directions, and natural variability of extreme
weather events, and homogenized climate data for the
historical and instrumental periods.
Ice sheet dimensions. This task has two sub-projects that
will provide data on the lateral extent and surface
geometry of the western part of the Barents Sea Ice
Sheet, on the surface geometry of the Fennoscandian Ice
Sheet, and on the chronology and lateral extent of the
Fennoscandian Ice Sheet.
Marine archives. This task includes three sub-projects
concerned with the reconstruction of summer and winter
sea-surface temperatures, sea-ice extent, salinity, and
ocean heat flux at selected time periods. Transfer
functions. This task will develop or extend quantitative
biological-climate transfer functions and will provide
user-friendly computer software that implements 'stateof-the-art' statistical palaeoclimatic techniques.
Data Synthesis and Modelling. This task has two subprojects. One concentrates on developing a relational
data-base/GIS of NORPAST palaeoclimatic data in a
form directly useable by the climate modelling
community. The second project will establish an icesheet database for the Fennoscandian and Svalbard part
of the Barents Sea ice-sheet.
Network NORPAST will provide Norwegian
contributions to many on-going international projects
IMAGES, PEP, PMAP, PMIP, and GCTE, and other
international projects such as EPC, INTIMATE,
EPILOG, CHILL-10000, and EDDI.
Coordinated Ozone and UV
project (COZUV)
and an ozone lidar within the Norwegian
measurement network.
- Modelling activities include: Further development and
use of two 3-D chemical transport models, one
for long term studies and one for detailed
process studies. Moreover, investigation of
transport mechanisms, validation and use of
radiative transfer models.
- Harmonization and coordination activities between
measurements and modelling activities to
achieve the following: diagnosis of chemical
ozone loss, understanding of transport
mechanisms between the polar vortex and
mid/low-latitudes, determine the connections
between UV radiation with ozone, cloud optical
depth and surface albedo.
NOClim - Norwegian Ocean
Climate Project
Norsk institutt for luftforskning
Braathen, Geir O. Forskningsleder
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
1999: 1,545,572 2000: 2,929,204 2001:
2,925,000 2002: 2,340,000
Geofysisk institutt,Universitetet i Bergen
Haugan, Peter Mosby Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 4,360,000 2001: 5,334,800 2002:
Main objective: The main objective is to quantify the
degree and geographical extent of chemically-induced
ozone loss in the Arctic and at mid-latitudes during some
selected winter and spring periods through a nationally
concerted action using a variety of measurement and
modelling techniques. This will provide a basis for
improvement of numerical models that will be used to
predict stratospheric ozone trends for the next several
Scientific objectives: - To quantify chemical ozone loss
- To improve the description of mechanisms behind
ozone loss - To better understand the processes leading
to ozone loss at middle latitudes - To improve the
predictions of future ozone change - To obtain more
precise ground based UV measurements - To study the
effect of clouds on surface UV radiation - To measure
the altitude variations of the UV radiation field - To
develop present and future UV maps for Norway with
know errors
Project Summary:
COZUV encompasses all the Norwegian research groups
within the field of stratospheric ozone and UV research.
Investigation of the ozone layer over north polar and
middle latitudes will be accomplished through a
combination of an instrumental measurement network
throughout Norway and a suite of chemical, transport
and UV modelling techniques. The tasks listed below
will be carry out:
- Instrumental techniques include: UV/Vis
spectrometers, UV radiometers, ozonesondes
The overall objectives of the project are to contribute in a
coherent and rational way with Norwegian resources and
expertise to:
1) Improve and enhance our understanding of rapid
changes in the thermohaline circulation in the northern
2) Improve and enhance our understanding of ocean and
ice processes related to climate, and mechanisms causing
significant variability in the hydrography, circulation and
ice cover in the northern seas
3) Maintaining time series for detecting climate change
in the northern seas.
Project Summary:
The project is organized in 7 scientific tasks, each with a
principal investigator (PI). The PIs are drawn from three
university departments one private research institute and
three national institutes. Several institutions and research
groups contribute to each of the tasks. One task
primarily deals with rapid climate changes in the past ,
three tasks deal with process studies based on
combination of modeling with new observations to be
collected during the project period, two tasks deal with
analysis of large existing data sets from model runs and
observations, and one task deals with maintaining long
term observations. The main approach of the project is to
combine observation oriented activities, numerical
modeling, and interpretation of past climate variability in
studies where different kinds of expertise complement
each other. The emphasis is on possible rapid and
dramatic changes with potential major consequences for
air-interaction and regional and global climate.
Advanced Reserach
Tropospheric Chemistry and
Geofysikk, Inst. for,Universitetet i Oslo
Isaksen, Ivar S. A. Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 1,000,000 2001: 1,700,000 2002:
1,900,000 2003: 1,900,000 2004: 1,700,000
The long-term objective in CHEMCLIM:
To improve our understanding of how emissions from
different sources of pollutants affect the distribution of
chemically active greenhouse gases and particles and
how the changes in these gases affect the climate in
different regions.
Specific objectives:
1) Develop and strengthen the ongoing modelling
activity in relation to climate-chemistry interactions
using atmospheric chemical transport models (CTMs)
and general circulation models (GCM).
2) Perform capacity building through educating PhD
students and hiring Post Docs.
3) Establish a closer collaboration among local research
organisations, and with international research
organisations that the groups have had scientific
collaboration with over a long period.
Project Summary:
Focus will be on chemically active greenhouse gases and
particles like methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) and
secondary particles. Their concentrations are largely
determined by physical and chemical processes in the
atmosphere. Ozone and secondary anthropogenic
particles have short atmospheric lifetimes. The large
variations in space and time are a result of processes
occurring on highly different spatial and temporal scales.
To study these interactions a main activity will be to
improve the modelling capability of regional and largescale chemical, radiative and dynamical interactions.
Source distribution, atmospheric transformation and
removal, interaction with clouds and radiation and the
impact on the climate system will be studied. Focus will
be on how the large regional inhomogenities in species
distribution, and in radiative forcing interact with
climate. Atmospheric chemistry codes of gases and
particles will be implemented in a dynamic coupled
global circulation model (GCM), and CHEMCLIM will
build on the long-term modelling activity of atmospheric
chemistry and on the more recent studies on aerosols and
cloud physics that has been established at the
Department of Geophysics, University of Oslo. A close
collaboration will be established with NILU, DNMI and
CICERO, and the continuation of the collaboration
between the Department and internationally recognised
research groups.
Bjerknes Collaboration on
Climate Research
Geologisk institutt,Universitetet i Bergen
Jansen, Eystein Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 2,393,851 2001: 2,230,168 2002:
2,475,981 2003: 2,400,000 2004: 2,200,000
Main objective: Develop a strong internationally
known climate research unit based on the Bjerknes
Coillaboration with special strength on climates of the
ocean, oceanic climate processes and high latitude
climate change.
Specific objectives:
1. Support integration and co-ordination of 4 research
groups from the three institutions of the Bjerknes
2. Support research activities in: Coupled ocean-iceatmosphere modelling, Paleoclimatology, Ocean carbon
cycle studies, Ocean circulation observations and
processes, Remote sensing of sea ice.
3. Develop a visting fellows program to develop strong
ties to leading climate research groups internationally
and improve training of new researchers.
4. Develop a seminar and workshop series to improve
integration, exchange of ideas and develop new research
plans and ideas.
Project Summary:
The Bjerknes Collaboration will be established as an
advanced research group. The University of Bergen, The
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, and
the Institute for Marine Research have formally agreed to
establish a joint climate research unit, the Bjerknes
Collaboration, located in Bergen. The key element of the
Bjerknes Collaborationis the organisation of researchers
from the three institutions in four joint research groups.
The scientific focus of the Bjerknes Collaboration is on
ocean-ice-atmosphere climate processes, and on the
climatic evolution of the North Atlantic, the Nordic Seas,
the Arctic Ocean and surrounding regions in the present,
past and in the future. In some areas the Bjerknes
Collaboration posess research teams on high scientific
level. The vision is to integrate the research groups, and
by cross-fertilisation develop the Bjerknes Collaboration
as a strong international center of excellence in climate
research with a special strength on climates of the ocean
and oceanic climate processes and high latitude climate
change. In the context of this proposal we have identified
some selected areas which we believe will particularly
benefit the long term developm ent most. These are the
areas we will direct funds towards:
1. Improve the internal cohesion of the research teams by
supporting initiatives which ensure dialogue
and exchange of research ideas.
2. Support areas where we wish to develop more
strength. These are: Coupled modelling ,
Carbon cycle modelling, Ocean observations
and integration of observational data, Remote
sensing of sea ice, New technologies for
paleoclimate analyses from sediment cores,
Dating and improved chronological framework
for paleoclimate data.
3. Improve our capabilities in terms of infrastructure.
4. Improve the recruitment and training of a new
generation of researchers by a) Recruitment of
Ph.D. and Post Doctoral candidates, b)
Establish a programme for visiting fellows.
Independent Projects
The role of the North Atlantic
Oscillations in interannual
variability of the carbon cycle.
A follow up study of the EUproject ESOP-2
Geofysisk institutt,Universitetet i Bergen
Johannessen, Truls Førsteamanuensis
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
1999: 231,200 2000: 380,000 2001: 397,000
2002: 154,400
- Evaluate the role of convection areas in oceanatmosphere gas exchange. - Investigate the role of
thermohaline circulation in CO2 transport. - To provide
precise calculations of inorganic carbon fluxes and
budgets based upon a tandem study of SF6 and inorganic
carbon. - To provide better constraints on the regional
and global carbon budgets. - To study the relationship
between CO2 uptake in the Greenland Sea and the
change in the NAO. - To use observations to improve
and calibrate coupled atmosphere-ocean models.
Project Summary:
The project will utilise new refined techniques to
elucidate the thermohaline circulation as it is influenced
by ice and fresh water in the Greenland Sea and study
the Greenland Sea/Nordic Seas role in inorganic carbon
uptake and transport to surrounding oceans. The primary
data will be gathered on a summer-time cruise of the
James Clark Ross in 1999 and a winter/spring cruise of
the Håkon Mosby in 2000. In the period 1998-2000 this
will yield unique information on water-mass exchange
between the Greenland Sea and surrounding waters, and
will continue to be useful to quantify convective mixing
in the Greenland Sea and the influence of convective
mixing on inorganic carbon transport to the North
Atlantic Ocean. This will be obtained by comparing the
inorganic carbon content with the spreading rate of the
sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). SF6 was released during a
James Clark Ross cruise in late summer of 1996 during
the EU-project "Thermohaline circulation in the
Greenland Sea", European Subpolar Project (ESOP-2),
MAST III. One of the main objective of ESOP-2 was to
couple the information from the SF6 experiment with the
inorganic carbon content. SF6 marked transport will
enable geting a better estimate on the natural and
anthropogenic inorganic carbon advective term.
Unfortunately within the time of ESOP-2 there is no
chance to get this information due to slower southward
spread of the SF6-tracer than expected. To capitalise on
the work done in ESOP-2 and the large investment in the
tracer release the projectgroup proposes a continuation
for three years in this project. The tracer release has
tagged the central water masses of the Greenland Sea
and the follow up of this experiment is something which
can only be done once, that is during the next few years.
Another important aspect of this study is: An abrupt
change in the potential of the Greenland Sea to sequester
CO2 was observed at the same time as a marked shift in
the North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAO) occured. It
has recently been argued that strong convection in the
Greenland Sea is linked to the negative phase of the
North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) because of the NAO's
effect on freshwater transport from the Arctic Ocean,
lower air temperatures and/or lower windstress curl
occuring at these times. Since an abrupt change in the
NAO just occured synchronously with change large
change in the interannual variability in the annual carbon
cycle and a more intense deep convection probably will
occur in near future, the timing is idle to observe the
extreme physical and chemical boundary conditions in
the Greenland Sea in the next two years to come, 19992000.
Paleo Envrionment and
Climate History of the Russian
Arctic (PECHORA)
Miljø og ressursstudier, Senter for
Svendsen, John Inge Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
1999: 195,000 2000: 257,000 2001: 308,869
2002: 237,000
The PECHORA project aims to increase our
understanding of climatic changes and the impacts of
these changes to the environment and human occupation
in the Russian Arctic during the last interglacial-glacial
cycle, a period of 130,000 years. Three sub-goals are
defined: 1. Reconstruction of the Barents-and Kara Sea
Ice Sheets through time (geology) 2. Reconstrucion of
fauna, vegetation and climate history (palaeozoology/palaeo-botany/geology) 3. Reconstruction of the
history of human settlement during the last ice age
(archaeology) The main objective of the investigations
proposed in this application is to reconstruct the long
term climatic evolution based on sediment cores from
lake basins in the Russian Arctic.
Project Summary:
PECHORA (Paleo Environment and Climate History of
the Russian Arctic) is a Russian -Norwegian
interdisciplinary research project aiming to reconstruct
late Quaternary environments and history of early
humans in Northern Russia during the last interglacialglacial cycle. The subjects involved are: archaeology,
geology, palaeo-zoology, palaeo-botany and paleomagnetism. The main objectives of the research, which is
based on comprehensive field investigations in Russia,
are to reconstruct the history of the ice sheets, fauna,
vegetation, climate, and ice age humans. In addition to
investigations of paleolithic sites and exposed sediment
sections the project will undertake coring of lake basins
in order to retrieve long and continuous lacustrine
sequences for studying environmental and climatic
changes. The results may give a better understanding of
the geological development and basic processes in the
climatic system, and may be used to test and validate the
General Circulation Models. The archaeological results
will improve the knowledge of the routes and timing of
the early human migrations in Northern Europe.
Scattering and absorption by
nonspherical particles in the
atmospheres and the ocean
Fysisk institutt,Universitetet i Bergen
Stamnes, Jakob J. Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 400,000 2001: 510,000 2002: 87,300
The main objective of our work is to investigate the
influence of aerosol and ice cloud particle shape on
atmospheric radiative transfer.
i)To assess the impact of particle shape in size-shape
distributions of randomly oriented particles and on
radiative transfer in climate studies and remote sensing
ii)To comprehensively assess the capabilities of models
based on simple particle shapes, such as spheroids, to
model realistic ensembles of particles.
Project Summary:
The goal is to develop methods and algorithms for
scattering by nonspherical particles. Such particles are
abundant in the atmosphere in the contaminations
(aerosols) and as ice particles in clouds. The algorithms
are to be used to determine the scattering and absorption
by particles in the atmosphere and in coastal waters. The
atmospheric scattering by nonspherical particles has
impact on the radiation balance, the climate, and the
chemical composition of the atmosphere. The scattering
by nonspherical particles in coastal waters has impact on
the ability to determine environmentally important
parameters in the atmosphere, on the surface and in the
water by means of remote sensing.
Holocene Oceanic heat flux
Norsk Polarinstitutt
Koc, Nalan Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 121,000 2001: 57,500 2002: 73,500
The main objective of the proposed work is to find a
statistical method or a combination of methods that
resolve the magnitudes of Late Holocene climatic
variations. Other aspects will be to obtain better
understanding of natural climate variability during the
Holocene and detect possible regional signatures of
climatic variations. These objectives will be realized
a) Testing of 3 different statistical methods on diatom
assemblagesdiatoms. b) Studies of natural climate
variability during the last 2000 years and during the
Hypithermal. c) Studies of regional signatures in climate
Project Summary:
Many recent studies have shown that the last glacial
period was a climatically highly unstable period.
Modelling results suggest that modulation of the oceanic
and atmospheric circulation has occurred in the past and
is one of the principal factors driving high amplitude
climate and environmental change in Europe. In some
scenarios subtle changes in forcing factors produce large
and rapid changes occurring on decadal time scales. An
important implication of these studies is that the current
interglacial climate may have been and still may be
subject to the same kind of climatic variability. One of
the main issues in paleoenvironmental research today is
to understand the stability and variability of the current
climates and natural environments, whether the natural
system is stable in its present mode of operation, what
internal and external forcings are required to maintain or
change it, and what impacts such changes might have. In
order to provide such assesments it is important to assess
variability by obtaining time series that extend beyond
the length of instrumental records. The longest time
series with information on the strength of the "Nordic
heat pump" comes from Ocean Weather Station M, but
extend only 50 years back in time. It is the aim of this
project to reconstruct decadal scale sea-surface
temperature (SST) records from the Nordic Seas for the
present interglacial Holocene by using siliceous
microfossil group diatoms. Three different statistical
methods will also be tested in order to find the best
statistical method that resolves Holocene SST variability.
Quantitative Reconstruction
of Holocene Temperatures in
S.Norway from Chironomid
Zoologisk institutt,Universitetet i Bergen
Willassen, Endre Førsteamanuensis
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 391,000 2001: 432,000 2002: 447,000
2003: 34,300
To produce a doctorate with special research skills in
palaeoclimatology. To provide new proxy data on
subfossil chironomids in sediment cores. Quantitative
reconstruction of regional Holocene summer
temperatures based on a transfer function from modern
species assemblages. Contribute to the further
development of this methodology in close cooperation
with multidisciplinary partners. Achieve new knowledge
about regional climate dynamics in S.Norway.
Project Summary:
Past environmental states can be inferred from a variety
of proxy data in lake sediments. Head capsules from
chironomid larvae are well suited for this purpose.
Recent studies of modern chironomid assemblages have
shown that temperature is generally one of the most
important factors in structuring species composition in
lakes. Analyses with multivariate techniques have made
it possible to calibrate modern species compositions in
Norwegian lakes with mean July air temperatures. These
calibrated data can be used in a transfer function to
quantitatively reconstruct temperatures from the species
composition of chironomid head capsules in lake
sediments. The method has recently been applied by the
applicants on core data from Finse and are judged as a
very promising tool in obtaining detailed and accurate
temperature records from terrestrial environments.
The project would like to analyse several additional
cores to obtain temperature reconstructions over an eastwest gradient in Southern Norway for the Holocene.
Accurate temperature curves for this period are scarce
and will assist in an understanding of natural climatic
variability and glacial cycles. Especially, for the alpine
environments this will help in mapping Holocene glacial
expansions prior to the Little Ice Age. From a biological
perspective, more exact knowledge of local temperature
variability will provide a better reference for
understanding the sensitivity of mountain ecosystems,
their dynamics and the histories of species distributions.
Optical Properties of Aerosols
- a Laboratory and Modelling
Kjemisk institutt,Universitetet i Oslo
Nielsen, Claus J. Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 562,000 2001: 367,200 2002: 412,000
2003: 68,700
Dr.grad for Cathrine Elisabeth Lund Myhre.
1. å bidra til karakterisering av atmosfæriske aersolers
2. å bidra til karakterisering av atmosfæriske aersolers
fysiskkjemiske egenskaper,
3. å utvikle modeller som tillater å ekstrapolere
laboratoriedata til atmosfæriske forhold.
Project Summary:
Aerosols influence the physical and chemical properties
of the atmosphere, and particle formation is closely
linked to climate and the Greenhouse effect. Aerosols
affect the radiative balance directly through the
scattering and absorption of light, and indirectly by
acting as condensation nuclei in cloud formation. The
heterogeneous processes leading to stratospheric ozone
depletion is another indirect climatic effect of aerosols.
The project aims at characterising the optical and
physico-chemical properties of atmospheric aerosol
mimics. Such data is scarce. Models for the
parameterisation of laboratory data will be developed to
facilitate the calculation of the optical properties of real
aerosols. The optical and physico-chemical data from the
project will contribute to better atmospheric radiation
transfer models and improve the retrieval of atmospheric
data from satellite measurements.
A model study of the glacial
circulation and
biogeochemistry with focus
on the high northern seas
Nansen Senter for Miljø og Fjernmåling
Jansen, Eystein Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 362,138 2001: 467,048 2002: 442,000
Main objectives:
Examine the ocean dynamic and thermodynamic
response to anomalous high latitude fresh water supply
and solar insolation.
Examine the corresponding response on the marine
cycling of carbon and simulate the distribution of oxygen
isotopes in the ocean.
Specific objectives:
Study the ocean climate response to increased freshwater
input at high latitudes using a global version of the
Nansen Center version of the Miami Isopycnic
Coordinate Ocean Model.
Study the effect of realistic changes in the solar
insolation using the same model.
Study the difference in the marine cycling of carbon for
glacial and today's climate systems.
Project Summary:
One of the central questions with respect to natural
variability in the North Atlantic climate system is related
to the stability of the thermohaline circulation. Coupled
atmosphere-ocean models indicate that the thermohaline
circulation is particularly sensitive to redistribution of
freshwater. In global warming scenarios, a typical
response is evaporation at low latitudes due to heating of
the surface waters, and increased precipitation run-off at
high latitudes. Should these factors lead to a reduction in
the overturning circulation this could have large climatic
impacts in northern Europe in general and in Scandinavia
in particular over the next century.
In this project, the effect of increased high latitude
freshwater input will be examined using a global 3D
isopycnal ocean model with focus on the high northern
seas. The sensitivity of the ocean circulation to changes
in solar insolation will also be addressed. Finally, by
using a biogeochemical module changes in the marine
cycling of carbon in the glacial climate will be examined,
and the oxygen isotope distribution of the glacial ocean
will be simulated. It is believed that the proposed study
will lead to an improved understanding of the natural
variability of our climate system.
Does location matter?
Simultaneous reductions of
several GHGs and abatement
CICERO Senter for klimaforskning
Berntsen, Terje Koren Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2001: 310,101 2002: 429,695
Principal objective:
To quantify in terms of radiative forcing the importance
of considering the realistic situation that several
components are affected simultaneously by measures to
reduce emissions of climate gases, and to assess any
regional variations in effects of reductions for radiative
forcing of climate.
Partial objective:
- To improve our understanding of the chemical
responses and senitivities to changes in emissions and
their regional variations.
- To improve the basis for using a multi-component
approach which includes short-lived gases and aerosols
in the negotiations of future climate protocols.
Project Summary:
Most of today's climate policy is based on the
assumption that the location of emission reductions has
no impact on the climate effect. However, this may not
be the case if several components are affected through
technological couplings of sources. Abatement measures
such as reduced fossil fuel consumption or switching
from coal to gas not only affect CO2, but may also have
an impact on components such as NOx, CO, VOCs, SO2
and soot particles which may indirectly cause significant
radiative forcing through chemical processes in the
atmosphere. Previous studies have shown that there are
large geographical variations in the magnitude of these
indirect effects. Thus, the effectiveness of abatement
measures is expected to vary depending on whether
measures affect a suite of components or just one.
Studying the realistic situation where several
components are reduced simultaneously may provide
new information about possible regional and temporal
variations in abatement effectivness, which will be
important in the development of international climate
policy. The main objective of the project is thus to
provide knowledge about whether other components
affected by reduction measures will increase or decrease
the total efficiency of measures, and whether there are
significant regional variations in the efficiency of such
An Arctic study of the
importance of methane for
climate change - increased
use of climate data from the
Zeppelin station, Ny-Ålesund
NILU - Tromsø
Hansen, Georg Avdelingsdirektør
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2001: 219,000 2002: 493,000 2003: 493,000
2004: 267,000
Main goal:
To investigate the role of methane as a climate gas,
based on measurements at the Zeppelin station, NyÅlesund, Svalbard
- To re-evaluate existing methane data from the Zeppelin
- To analyse methane concentration data in context with
measurements of other trace gasses
- To interpret short-term variability in methane
concentration, e.g., with respect to their implications for
methane sources
Project Summary:
Methane is one of the most important climate gasses and
the climate gas with the largest growth rate. At the same
time, there are still large uncertainties related to sources
and sinks of atmospheric methane, as well as to possible
feedback mechanisms between methane concentration in
the atmosphere and climate change. At Zeppelin station,
Ny-ζlesund, Svalbard, continuous monitoring of methane
concentration with high time resolution was started
recently, in order to monitor both long-term trends and
short-term variations caused by meteorological
conditions. These investigations are envisaged to be
important elements of Norwegian activity in the frame of
greenhouse gas monitoring and climate research. In this
project, a Ph.D.-student will take measurements of
methane concentration at Zeppelin station, analyse the
data series with respect to long-term trends, and put the
data in a context with measurements of related trace
gasses. Moreover, the importance of methane sources in
the Arctic will be investigated by analysing the measured
short-term variations of methane using trajectory
calculations, statistical methods and 3D transport
operated several currentmeter array to measure the flux
of mass and heat across the Scotland-Greenland Ridge.
A data processing and analysing phase resulting in
numerous publications has followed the field phase,
including two papers in NATURE.
For the first time a total budget for the exchange across
the Scotland-Greenland Ridge built on direct
measurements is published and a dramatical reduction in
the overflow through the Faroe Bank Channel has been
proven. The aim of this project is to secure that all the
data are made available to the scientific community, and
to stimulate to further publications.
Nordic WOCE Finalization
Primary objective: To establish relationships between
decadal to centennial climate change and the vertical
water mass structure along the Norwegian continental
Specific objectives: - Identify possible multiyear to
decadal scale variations in the vertical position of th deep
front on the continental slope, and to evaluate whether
such changes are related to the large scale atmospheric
field, i.e. the NAO dynamics.
- Study the degree to which specific atmospheric forcing
is capable of producing a specific vertical stratification
along the continental slope off Norway.
- Analyse 3-4 sediment cores which provide decadal
resolution over the past 1500-2000 years, and generate
data for deep water temperature.
Project Summary:
We wish to explore the hypothesis that the vertical extent
of Atlantic waters on the continental slope varies as a
result of the atmospheric forcing through a combined
study of instrumental data, palaeo-observations and
analyses of model output data. If successful, the outcome
is a method which may be used for data sets covering
long time spans and may index the state of the inflow at
decadal resolution, and document the forcing situation
involved in past changes of high latitude climates.
UNIFOB - Bjerknes-senteret,Universitetet i
Østerhus, Svein Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 320,000
The aim of this project is to finalize the Nordic WOCE
(NW) program by means of: - Contribute to the
international WOCE finalization meetings by presenting
results from NW - Publishing the final Nordic WOCE
report on WWW. - Making data and other product
accessible on the WWW
Project Summary:
A major task of the Nordic WOCE programme was to
describe and quantify the exchanges of water, heat and
salt across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge, both the
inflow of Atlantic water to the Nordic Seas, and the
overflows across the ridge into the Atlantic. During the
years 1992-1998 the NW group has carried out an
extensive hydrographical/tracer cruise program and
Decadal to century scale
changes in the vertical water
mass structure of the
Norwegian Sea-climatic
implications and possible
UNIFOB - Bjerknes-senteret,Universitetet i
Jansen, Eystein Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 528,000 2003: 386,000
Southern Ocean Holocene
Climate Variability
Norsk Polarinstitutt
Koc, Nalan Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 84,000 2003: 122,000
The main objective of this project is to reconstruct sea
surface temperatures and sea ice cover from two cores to
study the climatic evolution and variability of the
Holocene in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean.
We aim to: a) to document the climatic evolution and
variability of the Holocene in the Atlantic sector of the
Southern Ocean, b) to compare the timing of the
Holocene climate events between the southern and
northern hemispheres, c) to understand the coupling
between the ocean and atmosphere systems during the
Holocene by comparing timing and magnitudes of
oceanic events and atmospheric events recorded in the
ice cores.
Project Summary:
One of the main issues in paleoenvironmental research
today is to understand the stability and variability of the
current climates and natural environments, whether the
natural system is stable in its present mode of operation,
what internal and external forcings are required to
maintain or change it, and what impacts such changes
might have. In order to provide such assesments it is
important to assess variability by obtaining time series
that extend beyond the length of instrumental records
(i.e. the last 100 years).
Recent studies from the North Atlantic show that it is
possible to reconstruct past climate proxies at decadalscale resolution, and that there is a series of high
frequency variability in the Holocene climate. However,
in order to understand the mechanisms behind Holocene
climate variability we also need to investigate Holocene
climate variability in the Antarctic ocean-cryosphere
system. The aim of this project is to reconstruct sea
surface temperatures (SST) and sea ice cover from high
resolution sediment cores from the Atlantic sector of the
Southern Ocean to study decadal scale Holocene climate
variability and compare interhemispheric timing of
Temperature Variabilities and
Trends in the Atlantic Ocean
and the Nordic Seas Over the
Last 50 years
Nansen Senter for Miljø og Fjernmåling
Johannessen, Ola M. Direktør
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 445,000 2003: 562,000 2004: 117,000
Main Objective: To analyse the temporal evolution and
spatial structure of temperature anomalies and
chlorofluorocarbons in the Atlantic Ocean and the
Nordic Seas over the last 50 years based on observations
and model simulations
Specific Objectives: - To analyse observed surface and
sub-surface temperature variabilities and trends in the
Atlantic Ocean and the Nordic Seas over the last 50
years - To analyse temporal and spatial distributions of
the chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11 and CFC-12 in the
same region - To perform ensamble integrations with a
global coupled ice-ocean model, forced with
climatological and synoptic reanalyses data sets for the
last 50 years - To use observed and simulated
temperature fields to identify warming, the formation,
propagation and decay of temperature anomalies - To
perform a parallel analysis of the observed and simulated
CFCs to highlight the adiabatic component of the
temperature variabilities and trends
Project Summary:
The ocean reponse to the natural variability of the
surface heat fluxes, and possibly the signal of global
warming, will be examined based on a state-of-the-art
global ice-ocean model forced with two different
synoptic reanalyses data sets for the period 1948-2000.
Focus will be put on the Atlantic Ocean and the Nordic
Seas as the observed warming (at least for the North
Atlantic Ocean) is strongest here; since the natural
variability of the marine climate system is strong and
fairly well known in this region; and since the Atlantic
Ocean and the Nordic Seas belong to the most frequently
and densest observed regions of the World Ocean.
The examination of the temperature variabilities and
trends will be supplemented by analyses of the observed
and simulated ocean uptake of the atmospheric trace
gasses CFC-11 and CFC-.12. The temporal and spatial
distribution of these trace gasses serve as a powerful tool
for testing and validating OGCM, and to infer
magnitude, sources and mixing pathways of water
masses. The Atlantic –Nordic Seas region is particularly
useful in this respect as this is the only region in which
observations are available for the last two decades.
Light scattering and
absorption by nonspherical
particles in the atmosphere
and the ocean
Fysisk institutt,Universitetet i Bergen
Stamnes, Jakob J. Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 107,650 2003: 107,650 2004: 107,650
Main objective:
Develop methods for light scattering by non-spherical
particles in order to determine the impact of ice particles
in clouds on the radiation balance, chemical composition
of the atmosphere, and climate evolution.
Sub-objectives: (i) Develop ethods and implement
algorithms for scattering and absorption of light by
oblate and prolate spherodis. (ii) Compare results from
(i) with corresponding results for spherical particles. (iii)
Assess the impact of nonspherical particle form (NSPF)
on warming/cooling of the atmosphere and on photo
dissociation of molecules. (iv) Assess the impact of
NSPF on the retrieval of atmospheric parameters and
coastal-water constituents from satellite data. (v) Assess
the impact of polarisation on the retrieval of atmospheric
parameters and coastal-water constituents from satellite
Project Summary:
The goal is to develop methods and algorithms for
scattering by nonspherical particles. Such particles are
abundant in the atmosphere in the form of
contaminations (aerosols) and as ice particles in clouds.
The algorithms are to be used to determine the scattering
and absorption by particles in the atmosphere and in
coastal waters. The atmospheric scattering by
nonspherical particles has impact on the radiation
balance, the climate, and the chemical composition of the
atmosphere. The scattering by nonspherical particles in
coastal waters has impact on our ability to determine
environmentally important parameters in the atmosphere,
on the surface and in the water by mean of remote
Seasonal forecast of the North
Atlantic and Arctic
Oscillations with tropospherestratosphere models
UNIFOB - Bjerknes-senteret,Universitetet i
Kvamstø, Nils Gunnar
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 592,600 2003: 566,000 2004: 566,000
Major objective:
To determine the role of the troposphere/stratosphere
connections in the predictability of the NAO/AO.
Project Summary:
The central theme of the proposed research is to examine
the extension into the middle atmosphere, of one of the
primary modes of wintertime extratropical variability,
known as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). It has
been recently found that a more global oscillation, the
Arctic Oscillation (AO), is a major indicator of climate
variability in the high latitudes. The AO encompasses the
more regional North Atlantic Oscillation, and extends
from the surface upwards into the stratosphere. In this
project, we will carry out an ensamble of seasonal
general circulation model simulations to examine this
stratospheric/tropospheric linkage, and in particular,
whether the modelling of this linkage could improve the
predictability of the NAO. Such improvements will have
a large impact on marine activities, first of all through
weather-, wave- and sea-state forecasts.
Marine 14C reservoir ages off
western Norway determined
from coupled AMS and Useries datings of the coral
Lophelia pertusa
UNIFOB - Bjerknes-senteret,Universitetet i
Dahl, Carin Andersson Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 136,000 2003: 148,000
The main objective of the proposed study is to:
- improve the precision of Holocene marine 14C datings
by determining the marine 14C reservoir age off western
This will be done by:
- performing coupled Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
(AMS) and U-series (TIMS) dating on Holecene samples
of the coral Lophelia pertusa
Project Summary:
One of the major requirements for the determination of
abrupt as well as long-term changes in the climate
system is precise dating of these events. In late
Quaternary paleoclimatology dating by the radiocarbon
method is indispensable. However, when dating marine
sediment samples one has to consider the effect of the
marine 14C reservoir age, which unfortunately is
difficult to determine precisely. Today, the mean global
reservoir age is estimated to about 400 years, but the
reservoir age vary considerable (several hundreds of
years) between different areas and over time, which
greatly affects the precision of marien radiocarbon dates.
Through detailed studies of joint marine and terrestrial
records covering the last deglacaiation and the Holocene,
it has become increasingly clear that a new model to
quantify reservoir age, both temporally and spatially, in
the high-latitude North Atlantic areas is urgently needed.
The proposed project aims at improving the precision of
Holocene marine 14C datings by determining the marine
14C reservoir age off western Norway. This will be done
by perforing coupled Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
(AMS) and U-series (TIMS) dating on Holocene samples
of the coral Lophelia pertusa.
Parameterisation of snow and
ice albedo in the ECHAM5
General Circulation Model
Norsk Polarinstitutt
Winther, Jan-Gunnar Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 229,000 2003: 688,000 2004: 688,000
2005: 459,000
The main goal is to improve today’s parameterisation of
snow and ice albedo in the ECHAM5 GCM and thereby
provide more realistic climate modelling predictions.
To achieve this goal we propose to develop a
quantitative understanding of the processes that
collectively make up the snow/ice-albedo feedback. We
will determine how shortwave radiation is distributed
within the sea ice-ocean and snow/glacier-land systems,
and then assess the effects of this distribution on the
regional and global heat balance.
Project Summary:
This project plans to improve today's parameterisation of
snow and ice albedo in the ECHAM5 General
Circulation Model (GCM). We suggest to make use of
albedo data collected in the past, e.g., from Russian
North Pole drifting stations, Alaska, Antarctica,
Greenland, the Barents Sea, and Svalbard to develop
robust (empirical) decay functions and algorithms
describing the variability of snow and ice albedo,
spectrally as well as in time and space. These decay
funtions and algorithms will be used to revise the present
parameterisation of albedo in ECHAM5. Additionally,
we wish to test the potential of using satellite-derived
albedo as model input data. Finally, the ECHAM5 model
and also a coupled atmosphere-ocean GCM
(ECHAM/HOPE) will be used to perform sensitivity
analysis using various combinations of parameterisation.
Model estimations of the
present and future N2O
emissions from soil plant
systems in the north feedbacks in climate change
Norges landbrukshøgskole,Institutt for jord- og
Bakken, Lars Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 371,000 2003: 524,000 2004: 524,000
2005: 153,000
The general aim is to explore the possibility of reducing
uncertainties in the estimates of terrestrial climate gas
sources by modelling.
- By implementing N2O emission models in our existing
soil plant ecosystem models, emissions as function of
agronomic practice will be explored. - Possible
feedbacks in global warming by altered N2O emissions
will be investigated, by running the models with
alternative weather scenarios. - State of the art N2O
models are unlikely to capture the peaks in N2O
emissions observed during winter. Alternative algorithms
will be developed to simulate such events , which are
important for the total emission from northern terrestrial
Project Summary:
Terrestrial sources and sinks for climate gases are
uncertain, and so are the impacts of human activities and
global warming on these fluxes. The soil microbial Ntransformations are known to be an important source of
atmospheric N2O, and the human impact on this
emission is massive, due to agriculture and nitrogen
emissions. The predicted global warming will affect the
N2O emissions, particularly in northern latitude soils,
due to a dominance of winter emissions which are likely
to be extremely sensitive to small temperature changes.
To reduce uncertainties, we need adequate simulation
models which can be integrated in larger contextual
models. This is not a trivial task.
Simulation models for N2O emissions will be used for
predictive as well as analytic purposes. Analytic
modelling will focus on the physical and biological
events evoked by freezing/thawing cycles in soil, which
lead to subsequent peaks in N2O emissions. Predictive
modelling will be done by implementing N2O emission
models into an existing ecosystem model which
simulates C- and N-transformations as driven by weather
(daily) and agronomic practice.
Abrupt and large scale
climatic and glacial changes
in western Norway 14,0009000 years BP
UNIFOB - Bjerknes-senteret,Universitetet i
Mangerud, Jan Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 634,000 2003: 634,000 2004: 634,000
Principal objective: To explore and describe the
climatic and glacial variations in western Norway in the
period 14,000-9000 14C-years before present aiming at a
regional synthesis where all available proxies will be
Sub-goals: - Date the initial deglaciation of the coast. Test the hypothesis that the initial deglaciation was
interrupted by a climatic reversal causing a major
readvance 12,400-12,200 14C-years B.P. - Reconstruct
the Younger Dryas ice sheet and the size and rate of
glacier and climatic variations in Hardangerfjorden area.
- Reconstruct the relative sea level changes and the
shoreline geometry in the coastal areas (Os-Sotra) during
the late glacial. - Determine the marine14C reservoir
ages in western Norway for the period 13,000-9000 14Cyears BP.
Project Summary:
The overall aim of this project is to explore the nature
and magnitude of the exceptional large and abrupt
climatic changes that occurred near the end of the Last
Ice Age, some 14,000 to 9000 years ago.We will
describe major ice sheet fluctutations in western Norway
which were accompanied and amplified by changes in
the North Atlantic Current (Golf Stream). Accurate dates
will be obtained from various geological archives and
used to determine the amplitudes and rates of the
Variations in ice-front position and the thickness of the
glaciers will be investigated, primarily in the area
between Sognefjorden and Hardangerfjorden. Based on
earlier studies it has been postulated that the melting of
the Scandinavian Ice Sheet was interrupted by major
glacial and climatic oscillations about 12,400-12,200 and
11,000-10,000 14C-years before present. The first
oscillation has been questioned, although a pronounced
cooling has been recorded in the Norwegian Sea and
Greenland Ice Cores.
Recently, the established picture of the Younger Dryas
ice sheet configuration in western Norway has been
challenged by several investigators who postulates that
the Hardangerfjord was ice free during this ingerval.
We will collect new data and test the contradicting
High resolution environmental
information from Svalbard ice
Norsk Polarinstitutt
Isaksson, Elisabeth Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 150,000 2003: 100,000
The main goal of the project is to investigate the present
and recent past climate by means of shallow and deep ice
core records from Austfonna and Lomonosovfonna,
Sub-goals: - establish a high resolution environmental
record for this part of the Arctic, with emphasis on the
last 500 years - investigate the spatial variation of
environmental information in Svalbard provided by these
cores - compare these records with other climatic records
(both proxy and instrumental) from the Arctic
Project Summary:
The main goal of the project is to investigate different
climatic and environmental parameters and their
variability over Svalbard during the present and the past
using the chemical and physical information from two
different Svalbard ice cores. A 120 m deep core was
drilled on Lomonosovfonna in 1997. On Austfonna one
118 m deep core was drilled in 1998 and a 288 m core in
1999 in cooperation with Japanese scientists.
Results from the upper quarter of the Lomonosovfonna
ice core show that this relatively high altitude site is less
affected by melt/freeze processes than other published
Arctic ice cores outside Greenland, and therefore a
favourable site for extracting environmental and climatic
data. The cores from Austfonna provide an interesting
oppurtunity to compare records from 2 different part of
Svalbard which can provide insight into both transport
and deposition processes. The proposed work includes
costs to analyse H-2 and Delta O-18 on the remaining
part of the Lomonosovfonna core (75-121 m depth).
Climate from tree-rings of
Scots pine in northern Norway
- towards millennial series
fakultet,Universitetet i Tromsø
Kirchhefer, Andreas Joachim Forsker
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 701,000 2003: 619,000 2004: 156,000
Annually-resolved climate reconstructions since AD 1
from tree-rings of Scots pine, Pinus sylvestris L., in
coastal and interior Norway 69-70°N
1. Prolongation of four ring-width chronologies at dry
habitats back to AD 300-1500
2. Sampling of living and subfossil pine at lakeshores Ring-width series back to 2000 BP - Climate-growth
response of lakeshore pine
3. Summer temperatures, winter climate, summer
drought, atmospheric circulation indices (NAO, AO), sea
surface temperature, sea-ice from: - Climate signals from
different pine sites (dry-wet) and regions (coast-inland) Regional and multi-proxy syntheses
Project Summary:
Tree-rings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) shall
provide annually resolved palaeoclimate data for the past
500-2000 years. Revised and prolonged ring-width
chronologies from dry habitats will yield summer
temperatures for northern Norway since 500 (Dividalen),
1250 (Vesterålen), 1400 (Senja) and 1500 (Nordreisa
National Park). New standardisation techniques shall
enhance low-frequency variability in the climate
Subfossil pines will be sampled from lakes in the
Vågsfjorden area and in Dividalen, concentrating on the
past 2000 years. Ring-widths from trees presently
growing at lakeshores shall reveal the climate signal of,
and provide the transfer functions for, palaeoclimate
records from tree-rings in the subfossil wood.
In addition to summer temperature as the principal
growth-determining factor at all sites, the significance
for climate reconstruction of secondary growth controls
such as mid-winter climate and summer drought will be
studied. The applicability of northern Norwegian pine
ring widths for reconstructing atmospheric circulation
patterns (e.g., North Atlantic Oscillation, Arctic
Oscillation) and oceanographic parameters (e.g., seasurface temperature and sea ice) will receive particular
attention. Climate information will be searched for in
single chronologies, in coast-inland and terrestriallakeshore comparisons as well as by syntheses with other
high-resolution palaeoclimate information available for
northern Fennoscandia and the NE-Atlantic region.
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2002: 300,000 2003: 300,000 2004: 200,000
Climatic interactions between
the ocean, sea-ice and the
atmosphere in the Barents
Sea region over the past 150
Norsk Polarinstitutt
Dick, Chad Direktør
Support to Secretariats
JGOFS i Norge
Miljø og ressursstudier, Senter for
Miljø og ressursstudier, Senter for
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
1996: 200,000 1997: 200,000 1998: 200,000 1999:
200,000 2000: 300,000 2001: 300,000 2002: 300,000
2003: 300,000
Norwegian Service Centre for
Climate Modelling
Det norske meteorologiske institutt - Oslo
Skålin, Roar
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2000: 295,128 2001: 482,366 2002: 150,000
conversion routines for storage of climate modelling
data; 3. Porting and computational optimisation of
climate models; 4. Establish a library of data analysis
Early 2001 the national facility for archiving of climate
modelling data was established and attached to the main
national high performance computer at NTNU.
Furthermore, projects was started to develop data
conversion routines and a database system for easy
access to the stored data.
In 2002, focus will be on finishing the development
projects, improving access to the data for scientists in
other areas, and on tasks 3 and 4 above.
Norsk medlemskap i HOLIVAR
Miljø og utvikling
Stordal, Frode Professor
Bevilgningsperiode og finansiering fra Norges
2001: 52,865 2002: 80,000 2003: 80,000 2004:
80,000 2005: 80,000 2006: 80,000
Principal objective:
To facilitate efficient climate research in Norway, by
providing technical assistance in the areas of data
handling and analysis and computational efficiency of
climate models.
1. To facilitate fast and easy access to climate modelling
data for all scientists involved in national climate
projects. 2. To store climate modelling data in standard
formats and provide the required conversion routines. 3.
To improve the computational efficiency of the
commonly used climate models. 4. To make a set of data
analysis tools easily available to all Norwegian scientists
working with climate modelling.
Project Summary:
The Norwegian Service Centre for Climate Modelling
(NoSerC) was established late 2000, as the result of an
agreement between The Research Council of Norway
and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (DNMI).
The Centre supports the scientists taking part in
Norwegian climate modelling projects. The overall aim
of the project is to facilitate efficient climate research in
Norway, by providing technical assistance in the areas of
data handling and analysis and computational efficiency
of climate models. The centre is located at DNMI in
The centre has four main tasks:
1. Establish a national facility for archiving of climate
modelling data; 2. Define formats and develop