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General Biology II
Course Outcome Summary
Course Information
Development Date
Course Number
Potential Hours of
Total Credits
South Central College
Renee Krohne and Sue Steck
This course covers biology at the organismal. population and system level. It will emphasize organismal
diversity, population and community ecology and ecosystems. Students will gain an understanding of how
evolutionary advances have occurred among organisms within a kingdoms due to natural selection. This
course involves a weekly three hour lab. (prerequisites: Score of 86 or above on the Sentence Skills
portion of the Accuplacer test or ENGL 0090 and score of 50 or above on College Level Math portion of
the Accuplacer test or MATH 0085) MNTC area 3
Types of Instruction
Instruction Type
Contact Hours
Score of 86 or above on the Sentence Skills portion of the Accuplacer test or ENGL 00990
Score of 50 or above on the College Level Math portion of the Accuplacer test or MATH 0085
Exit Learning Outcomes
Core Abilities
Foundations and skills for lifelong learning
Teamwork and problem-solving
Critical and creative thinking skills
Written and oral communication
External Standards
Goal 3. NATURAL SCIENCES To improve students' understanding of natural science principles and of
the methods of scientific inquiry, i.e., the ways in which scientists investigate natural science phenomena.
3.b. Formulate and test hypotheses by performing laboratory, simulation, or field experiments in at least
two of the natural science disciplines. One of these experimental components should develop, in greater
depth, student's laboratory experience in the collection of data, its statistical and graphical analysis, and
an appreciation of its sources of error and uncertainty.
3.c. Communicate their experimental findings, analyses, and interpretations both orally and in writing.
3.d. Evaluate societal issues from a natural science perspective, ask questions about the evidence
presented, and make informed judgements about science-related topics and policies.
Appreciate and explain the process of scientific discovery and methodology
Learning Objectives
a. List and describe the steps of the scientific method
b. Demonstrate the process of scientific discovery in the lab
Develop the skills necessary to engage in the scientific method
Learning Objectives
a. Formulate a hypothesis based on observations
b. Develop a method to test a hypothesis
c. Collect and analyze data
d. Interpret data and form a conclusion
e. Communicate scientific findings
Explain the theory of evolution
Learning Objectives
a. Identify how Natural Selection has brought about evolutionary change
b. Describe the molecular processes that underlie evolution
Describe gene flow in natural populations
Learning Objectives
a. Explain evolutionary mechanisms and their effects on populations
b. Relate allele and genotypic frequencies in a population using the Hardy-Weinberg
c. Identify the different patterns that Natural selection can follow including directional
selection, stabilizing selection, disruptive selection, balancing selection and sexual selection
Describe population genetics
Learning Objectives
a. Describe the Hardy-Weinberg Law
b. Use the Hardy-Weinberg Law to calculate allele frequencies in a population
c. Apply the Hardy-Weinberg Law to human populations
d. Define genetic drift and explain how it causes random changes in allele frequency in small
e. Explain how natural selection is a major force driving changes in allele frequency
Explain the origin of species
Learning Objectives
a. Identify the mechanisms of speciation
b. Define macroevolution and site examples of how it helps create new species
c. Compare and contrast gradualism and punctuated equilibrium
d. Discuss the genetics involved in evolutionary developmental biology
Describe environmental and biological changes that have occurred since the origin of
the earth
Learning Objectives
a. Explain how environmental changes influenced the formation and extinction of species
including mass extinctions
b. Discuss symbiotic and endosymbiotic relationships that gave rise to the eukaryotes
Become familiar with taxonomy
Learning Objectives
a. Apply scientific nomenclature to name organisms
b. Utilize taxonomy to classify organisms
c. Read and interpret a phylogenetic tree
d. Describe the three domain system and characteristics of each
Describe organisms from the domains Bacteria and Archaea
Learning Objectives
a. Describe the diversity and evolution
b. Explain the structure and motility of organisms in these domains
c. Discuss the mechanisms of reproduction of bacteria
d. Discuss the roles bacteria and archea play in the environment
e. Discuss biotechnological applications of organisms in these domains
Identify characteristics of organisms in the kingdom Protista
Learning Objectives
a. Discuss the evolution and relationships of protists
b. Explain nutritional and defensive adaptions of protists
c. Identify reproduction adaptions amongst protists
Identify distinctive characteristics of members of the kingdom Fungi
Learning Objectives
a. Compare and contrast sexual and asexual reproduction in fungi
b. Describe the role fungi play in the environment and biotechnological applications
c. Explain the evolution and diversity of fungi
Describe characteristics of organisms in the kingdom Plantae
Learning Objectives
a. Discuss the ancestry and diversity of modern plants
b. Explain the diverse methods of reproduction in plants and identify reproductive stages
c. Identify characteristics of gymnosperm and angiosperm
d. Characterize plants as gymnosperm and angiosperm
Identify characteristics of seedless plants, seed plants and flowering plants
Learning Objectives
a. Discuss reproduction and growth
b. Identify plants in each category
Describe characteristics of organisms in the kingdom Animalia
Learning Objectives
a. Identify characteristics common to all members of the kingdom Animalia
b. Describe characteristics of invertebrates
c. Identify organisms that are invertebrates
d. Describe characteristics of vertebrates
e. Identify organisms that are vertebrates
Define Ecology
Learning Objectives
a. Discuss biotic and abiotic factors
b. Identify how environment and climate affect ecology
c. Define and describe biomes
Discuss behavioral ecology
Learning Objectives
a. Describe Foraging behavior
b. Explain how organisms within a group communicate with each other
c. Discuss altruism
d. Discuss the impact of genetics and learning on behavior
e. Explain what is involved in movement and migration
Describe population ecology
Learning Objectives
a. Differentiate between exponential and logistic growth
b. Distinguish between density dependent and density independent factors
c. Discuss human population growth on a global scale
d. Discuss the intraspecific interactions
Describe community ecology
Learning Objectives
a. Discuss differing views of communities
b. Identify patterns of species richness
c. Explain how species richness can contribute to community stability
d. Discuss interspecific interactions
Describe Ecosystems ecology
Learning Objectives
a. Discuss food webs and energy flow
b. Explain how energy is produced in ecosystems
c. Discuss biogeochemical cycles
Develop an appreciation for biodiversity
Learning Objectives
a. Explain the importance of conserving of biodiversity
b. List the causes of extinction and loss of biodiversity
c. Provide examples of conservation strategies
Demonstrate safe laboratory practices
Learning Objectives
a. Be aware of any hazardous materials that may be used during experiments
b. Handle chemicals and equipment in a safe manner