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 In mathematics, a quadratic equation is
a polynomial equation of the second degree. The general form is
 where x represents a variable, and a, b, and c, constants, with a ≠
0. (If a = 0, the equation becomes a linear equation.)
 The constants a, b, and c, are called respectively, the
quadratic coefficient, the linear coefficient and the constant
term or free term. The term "quadratic" comes from quadratus,
which is the Latin word for "square". Quadratic equations can be
solved by factoring, completing the square, graphing, Newton's
method, and using the quadratic formula (given below).
 One common use of quadratic equations is computing
trajectories in projectile motion. Another common use is in
electronic amplifier design for control of step
response and stability.
 Often, the simplest way to solve "ax2 + bx + c = 0" for the value
of x is to factor the quadratic, set each factor equal to zero, and
then solve each factor. But sometimes the quadratic is too messy,
or it doesn't factor at all, or you just don't feel like factoring.
While factoring may not always be successful, the Quadratic
Formula can always find the solution.The Quadratic Formula
uses the "a", "b", and "c" from "ax2 + bx + c", where "a", "b", and
"c" are just numbers; they are the "numerical coefficients". The
Formula is derived from the process of completing the square,
and is formally stated as:
 For ax2 + bx + c = 0, the value of x is given by:
 X=
quadratic formula
by Beth PhillipsFrom: Beth <[email protected]>
To: Teacher2Teacher Public Discussion
Date: 6 Nov 00 23:02:39 -0500 (EST)
Subject: The Quadratic Formula
The quadratic formula can be a tricky equation to memorize
when students first encounter it in Algebra.
 I rely on a favorite old song to help my students remember.
 Try singing the following lyrics to the tune of "Pop Goes the
 x is equal to negative b plus or minus the square root of b
squared minus 4ac ALL over 2a Twelve years ago I was taught this
song, and I STILL hear the tune every time I use the quadratic
 This lesson covers many ways to solve quadratics, such
as taking square roots, completing the square, and
using the Quadratic Formula. But we'll start with
solving by factoring.
 You should already know how to factor quadratics. (If
not, review Factoring Quadratics.) The new thing here
is that the quadratic is part of an equation, and you're
told to solve for the values of x that make the equation
true. Here's how it works:
 Solve x2 + 5x + 6 = 0.
 This equation is already in the form "(quadratic) equals (zero)" but, unlike the
previous example, this isn't yet factored. The quadratic must first be factored,
because it is only when you MULTIPLY and get zero that you can say anything
about the factors and solutions. You can't conclude anything about the
individual terms of the unfactored quadratic (like the 5x or the 6), because you
can add lots of stuff that totals zero.
 So the first thing I have to do is factor:
 x2 + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3)
 Set this equal to zero:
 (x + 2)(x + 3) = 0
 Solve each factor: Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2006-2008 All Rights Reserved
 x + 2 = 0 or x + 3 = 0
x = –2 or x = – 3
 The solution to x2 + 5x + 6 = 0 is x = –3, –2
 Solve x2 – 4 = 0.
 Previously, I'd solved this by factoring the difference of squares, and solving each factor;
the solution was "x = ± 2". However—
 I can also try isolating the squared variable term, putting the number over on the other
side, like this:
 x2 – 4 = 0
x2 = 4
 I know that, when solving an equation, I can do whatever I like to that equation as long
as I do the same thing to both sides of the equation. On the left-hand side of this
particular equation, I have an x2, and I need a plain x. To turn an x2 into an x, I can take
the square root of each side of the equation:
 x=±2
 Then the solution is x = ± 2
 Why did I need the "±" ("plus-minus") sign on the 2 when I took the square root of the 4?
Because it might have been a positive 2 or a negative 2 that was squared to get that 4 in
the original equation.
 The answer I got to my example, with the "±" sign,
matches the solution I got when I solved this
equation usingthe difference-of-squares factoring
formula. Thus, this result confirms the need to use the
"±" sign when solving by square-rooting. (In
mathematics, you need to be able to get the same
answer, no matter which valid method you happen to
have used in order to arrive at that answer.)
 A benefit of this square-rooting process is that it
allows us to solve some quadratics that we could not
have solved before.
 The quadratic in the previous section's last example,
"(x – 2)2 – 12", can be multiplied out and simplified to
be "x2 – 4x – 8". But we would not have been able to
solve the equation with the quadratic formatted this
way because it doesn't factor and it isn't ready for
square-rooting. The only reason we could solve it
before was because they'd already put all the x stuff
inside a square, so we could square-root both sides. So
how do you go from a regular quadratic like "x2 – 4x –
8" to one that is ready to be square-rooted? We would
have to "complete the square".
 Some quadratics are fairly simple to solve because they are
of the form "something-with-x squared equals some
number", and then you take the square root of both
sides. An example would be:
 (x – 4)2 = 5
x – 4 = ± sqrt(5)
x = 4 ± sqrt(5)
x = 4 – sqrt(5) and x = 4 + sqrt(5)
 Unfortunately, most quadratics don't come neatly squared
like this. For your average everyday quadratic, you first have
to use the technique of "completing the square" to
rearrange the quadratic into the neat "(squared part)
equals (a number)" format demonstrated above. For
 Find the x-intercepts of y = 4x2 – 2x – 5.
 First off, remember that finding the x-
intercepts means setting y equal to zero and solving
for thex-values, so this question is really asking you to
"Solve 4x2 – 2x – 5 = 0“
 his is the original problem.4x2 – 2x – 5 = 0
Move the loose number over to the other side.4x2 2x =5
Divide through by whatever is multiplied on the
squared term.Take half of the coefficient (don't forget
the sign!) of the x-term, and square it. Add this square
to both sides of the equation.
 Convert the left-hand side to squared form, and
simplify the right-hand side. (This is where you use
that sign that you kept track of earlier. You plug it into
the middle of the parenthetical part.)
 Square-root both sides, remembering the"±" on the
right-hand side. Simplify as necessary.Solve for
"x =".Remember that the "±" means that you have two
values for x
 I have a review on solving quadratics by completing
the square, which explains the steps and gives
examples of this process. It also shows how the
Quadratic Formula is generated by this process. So I'll
just do just one example of the process in this lesson. If
you need further instruction, read the lesson at the
above hyperlink.
 Use completing the square to solve x2 – 4x – 8 = 0.
 As noted above, this quadratic does not factor, so I
can't solve the equation by factoring. And they haven't
given me the quadratic in a form that is ready to
square-root. But there is a way for me to manipulate
the quadratic to put it into that form, and then solve. It
works like this:
 First, I put the loose number on the other side of the
 x2 – 4x – 8 = 0
x2 – 4x = 8
 Then I look at the coefficient of the x-term, which is –4 in this case. I take half
of this number (including the sign), giving me –2. Then I square this value to
get +4, and add this squared value to both sides of the equation:
 x2 – 4x + 4 = 8 + 4
x2 – 4x + 4 = 12
 This process creates a quadratic that is a perfect square, and factoring gives me:
 (x – 2)2 = 12
 (I know it's a "minus two" inside the parentheses because half of –4 is –2. If you
note the sign when you're finding one-half of the coefficient, then you won't
mess up the sign when you're converting to squared-binomial form.)
 Now I can square-root both sides of the equation, simplify, and solve:
 (x – 2)2 = 12
 Then the solution is
 The Quadratic Formula: For ax2 + bx + c = 0, the value of x is given by
 The nice thing about the Quadratic Formula is that the Quadratic
Formula always works. There are some quadratics (most of them,
actually) that you can't solve by factoring. But the Quadratic Formula
will always spit out an answer, whether the quadratic was factorable or
 I have a lesson on the Quadratic Formula, which gives examples and
shows the connection between the discriminant (the stuff inside the
square root), the number and type of solutions of the quadratic
equation, and the graph of the related parabola. So I'll just do one
example here. If you need further instruction, study the lesson at the
above hyperlink.
 The nice thing about the Quadratic Formula (as
compared to completing the square) is that you're just
plugging into a formula. There are no "steps" to
remember, and there are fewer opportunities for
mistakes. Copyright © Elizabeth Stapel 2006-2008 All
Rights Reserved
 Memorize the Quadratic Formula. I don't care if your
teacher says she's going to give it to you on the next
test! Memorize it anyway, because (warning!) you'll
need it later. It's not that long, and there's even
a song to help you remember it.
 Use the Quadratic Formula to solve x2 – 4x – 8 = 0.
 Looking at the coefficients, I see that a = 1, b = –4,
and c = –8. I'll plug them into the Formula, and
simplify. I should get the same answer as before.
 Then the solution is