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Learning Target
Day #1
Major differences in standards of living exist today.
Day #2
Access to resources is one of the three major reasons why people live
differently today.
Internal cultural differences is one of the three reasons why people live
differently today.
Bennett’s cultural competence scale applies to real life situations.
Religion’s purposes have varied across the span of history.
Day #3
Day #4
Day #5
Day #6
Day #7
Day #8
Day #9
Day #10
Day #11
Day #12
Day #13
Day #14
Day #15
Day #16
Day #17
Day #18
Religion influences internal culture, and a study of the major world
religions is necessary.
Comprehending the basic beliefs of Christianity is vital in understand the
world on a cultural level.
Medieval Christianity changed the world’s course of events (1/4).
The Protestant Reformation changed the world’s course of events (2/4).
The Iron Century changed the world’s course of events (3/4).
Christianity since 1648 has changed the world’s course of events (4/4).
Comprehending the basic beliefs of Agnosticism/Atheism is vital in
understand the world on a cultural level.
The positives and negatives of religions are debated.
The Renaissance ended the Medieval era in Europe and gave birth to new
Symbolism in art helps us understand the Renaissance and other
moments in history.
China, despite having the most advanced navy in the world by 1400, failed
to be a significant world power by the end of the Age of Exploration.
Portugal led the way in the European Age of Exploration.
Day #19
Christopher Columbus’ voyages opened up the New World to European
The Aztecs were the most advanced civilization in the New World.
Day #20
The Spanish, despite overwhelming odds, conquered the Aztecs.
Day #21
The Spanish conquest of the Aztecs and Incas show how powerless the
natives were in face of disease, superior weaponry.
Despite falling as a world power, Spain’s influence lives on in the New
World in on internal cultural levels.
The Netherlands became to world hegemonic power in the early 1600s.
Day #22
Day #23
Day #24
Day #25
Day #26
Day #27
Day #28
Day #29
Day #30
Day #31
Day #32
Day #33
Day #34
Day #35
The Dutch, and later the English, dominate economically due to their
advanced finance systems.
By 1700, The Great Britain became the world hegemonic power.
France was the dominant continental power during the age of absolutism,
and the UK became to top world power.
Slavery from the 1400s was more brutal, based on race, and more farreaching than slavery in antiquity.
Slavery from the 1400s was more brutal, based on race, and more farreaching than slavery in antiquity.
Catch-up day
Catch-up day
Gained knowledge enlightens my thinking and applies to the real world.
Gained knowledge enlightens my thinking and applies to the real world.
Gained knowledge enlightens my thinking and applies to the real world.
Gained knowledge enlightens my thinking and applies to the real world.
My gained knowledge enlightens my thinking and applies to real world
Graded Work
Differences slides
Differences slides
Culture slides
Receive study guide
Culture slides
Religion Overview
World Religion
slides (6 total)
Christianity slides
Culture Review (10 pts.)
Why Religion? (10 pts.)
Christianity slides
Christianity slides
Christianity slides
Christianity slides
Reading packet
“Tiger Mom” with APPARTS (10 pts.)
Your Own Internal Culture (15 pts.)
*(Extra credit opportunities!!)
Christianity Review (20 pts; next 3
Monotheisms Comparison (10 pts.)
10 Commandments (10 pts.)
Reading packet
slides, textbook
Renaissance Art
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Discovery and
Colonialism slides
Pro/Anti Religion Reading (15 pts.)
Skill: book assignment - Pg. 42 (10
Renaissance Art (10 pts.)
Study guide
Study guide
Study guide
Study guide
- Unit feedback, self-reflection
Pg. 93 OR 97 (10 pts.)
Columbus: good or bad? (10 pts; pg.
Eng. Empire ?s and answers (10 pts.)
“Aztec and Spanish Perspectives” (10
Las Casas Debate (10 pts.)
Colonialism Building Blocks (10 pts.)
Skill: Review Test Study Guide (5 pts.)
Colonial Era Review (10 pts.)
Slavery Review (10 pts.)
Purpose of Unit: The purpose of this unit is to give students a “foundation” for modern world history. We will
explore how differences in the access to resources, culture, and historical developments all served as foundations
for the modern world.
Power Standards Related to Unit (***SEE STUDY GUIDE FOR MORE DETAILS***):
2. Reason how global expansion and encounter define an era of world history.
8. Analyze and evaluate how technology and ideas have shaped history.
9. Make sense of economic issues & problems that face countries and how they impact foreign relations.
10. Reason how individuals and movements shape history and the modern world.
Key Concepts/Vocabulary (***SEE STUDY GUIDE FOR MORE DETAILS***):
Culture, Monotheisms, Atheism)
Protestant Reformation
Age of Exploration (know China, Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, England, France)
Common Core Literacy Standards Related to Unit:
Reading: Key Ideas and Details
1. Cite textual evidence to support analysis of primary & secondary sources, attending to the date and origin of the information.
2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate summary of how key events
or ideas develop over the course of the text.
Reading: Craft and Structure
6. Compare the point of view of two or more authors for how they treat the same or similar topics, including which details they
include and emphasize in their respective accounts.
Reading: Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
7. Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g. charts, research data) with qualitative analysis in print or digital text.
8. Assess the extent to which the reasoning and evidence in a text support the author’s claims.
9. Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources.
Reading: Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity
10. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend SS texts in the grades 9-10 text complexities independently and proficiently.
Writing: Text Types and Purposes
1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.