Download Chapter 13/14 45 multiple choice questions one short response

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Chapter 13/14 45 multiple choice questions
Chapter 13/14 45 multiple choice questions
one short response; respiratory and digestive system diagrams
one short response; respiratory and digestive system diagrams
(Ch 13) Know the palate; components, purpose
Know the parts of the pharynx
Know locations and function of cilia in the respiratory tract
Be able to differentiate between the serous membranes of the lungs
Know what structures comprise the respiratory zone
Know pulmonary ventilation, external respiration, and internal respiration
Know Tidal Volume, Vital Capacity, and how these are measured
Be able to explain how carbon monoxide can be lethal (on a cellular level- see
your lab)
Know how carbon dioxide is transported in the blood and how it converts before
Know what portions of the brain control respiration and breathing rate
Know the pathway for air flow
Know the major cartilages of the respiratory tract and the function(s) they serve
Know the function of surfactant
Know what muscles work during inspiration and expiration
Know where gas exchange occurs
Know the membrane arrangement of the lungs
Know what process allows gas exchange to take place at the cell membrane
Understand the condition of a collapsed lung
(Ch 14) Know the sphincters/valves of the GI tract
Know where Peyer’s patches are located and the function that they serve
Know the meaning and purpose of mastication, peristalsis, and segmentation
Know where the secretions of the small intestine come from
Know the function of the small intestine
Be familiar with the enzymes being secreted by the pancreas
Be familiar with (gastric) intrinsic factor and its purpose
Know what enzyme is produced in the saliva and the function it serves
Know the secretions of the stomach and why the order of these secretions is
Understand the significance of Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach
Know where nutrients in the blood go after digestion
Understand the function of pepsin
Know how digestion is controlled (neurologically)
Know where bile is manufactured and stored
Know what the defecation reflex is
Know what structures exist in the small intestine to increase surface area for
Know how the stomach is arranged to allow for expansion of the stomach during
Know what specialized cells of the large intestine produce lubricating alkaline
Know the tunics (layers) of the GI tract
(Ch 13) Know the palate; components, purpose
Know the parts of the pharynx
Know locations and function of cilia in the respiratory tract
Be able to differentiate between the serous membranes of the lungs
Know what structures comprise the respiratory zone
Know pulmonary ventilation, external respiration, and internal respiration
Know Tidal Volume, Vital Capacity, and how these are measured
Be able to explain how carbon monoxide can be lethal (on a cellular level- see
your lab)
Know how carbon dioxide is transported in the blood and how it converts before
Know what portions of the brain control respiration and breathing rate
Know the pathway for air flow
Know the major cartilages of the respiratory tract and the function(s) they serve
Know the function of surfactant
Know what muscles work during inspiration and expiration
Know where gas exchange occurs
Know the membrane arrangement of the lungs
Know what process allows gas exchange to take place at the cell membrane
Understand the condition of a collapsed lung
(Ch 14) Know the sphincters/valves of the GI tract
Know where Peyer’s patches are located and the function that they serve
Know the meaning and purpose of mastication, peristalsis, and segmentation
Know where the secretions of the small intestine come from
Know the function of the small intestine
Be familiar with the enzymes being secreted by the pancreas
Be familiar with (gastric) intrinsic factor and its purpose
Know what enzyme is produced in the saliva and the function it serves
Know the secretions of the stomach and why the order of these secretions is
Understand the significance of Hydrochloric Acid in the stomach
Know where nutrients in the blood go after digestion
Understand the function of pepsin
Know how digestion is controlled (neurologically)
Know where bile is manufactured and stored
Know what the defecation reflex is
Know what structures exist in the small intestine to increase surface area for
Know how the stomach is arranged to allow for expansion of the stomach during
Know what specialized cells of the large intestine produce lubricating alkaline
Know the tunics (layers) of the GI tract