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Section 3: Empire of the Fertile Crescent
2-3-1: The First Empire Builders:
Objective: Students will trace the development of the first empires in Mesopotamia, Akkad
and Babylon.
1. Who fought for control of Mesopotamia from 3000 B.C. to 2000
*Kings from different city-states.
What factor allowed for such invasions?
*The land was flat and easy to invade.
What would one gain from controlling the region?
*More land (more land means more wealth and power).
Despite the many efforts, how many rulers were able to control ALL
of Mesopotamia?
*None there were always some parts of Mesopotamia that
were independent of the empire and could not be overtaken
(its hard in ancient times to control large areas we will see
these struggles throughout the year).
The Akkadian Empire:
Which ruler took control of Mesopotamia in 2371 B.C.?
*Sargon (I) of Akkad
What was this ruler known as?
*Creator of the world’s first empire.
How was he able to do this (Hint: think about the definition to # 4/5, the answer is not
in your book)?
*He conquered the many (12+) city-states of Sumer.
Define empire:
*group of territories and peoples brought together under one supreme ruler (in
this case the Sumerians under the rule of the Akkadians).
Define emperor:
Person who rules an empire (Sargon I of Akkad)
Sargon’s empire was known as the ___ Empire.
*Akkadian Empire
Define Fertile Crescent:
*region stretching from the Persian Gulf through Mesopotamia to the
Mediterranean Sea
Why did it get this name?
*Full of rich soil, silt and water great for farming (its FERTILE)
8. Is empire creation a one-time event in history?
*No, it is a pattern that will repeat itself
throughout history
We will see this in this unit and in future units;
control of the ancient world is basically passed
from civilization to civilization, sometime including
new lands, other time losing some lands.
9. Why are empires (and learning about empires) important
(at least 4 answers)?
*Empires change the way people live.
*Empires may bring peace to a region.
*Empires encourage trade, making more goods
*Empires mix cultures (sharing ideas technology and
The Babylonian Empire and Hammurabi:
10. How long did the Akkadian Empire last?
*around 200 years
(the U.S. has been an independent nation for 235 years
What caused the empire fall?
*Attack by outside peoples.
Who eventually conquered the empire?
*People known as the Amorites.
Where did they set up their capital?
*The Sumerian city-state of Babylon.
What do YOU think these people will call themselves and their civilization/empire (take
a guess, not in your book)?
Which king ruled the Babylonian Empire from 1792 to 1750 B.C.?
What is Hammurabi best remembered for (in other words, why do YOU think we
study/remember him)?
*He developed a code of law.
Define code of law:
*written rules for people to obey (LAWS)
Why did Hammurabi establish a code of law?
*To help him control his lands (his EMPIRE).
How did Hammurabi develop his code of law?
*Hammurabi looked at all of the laws with in the empire (from each city-state) and picked the
best ones to form his own law code.
How did Hammurabi ensure that all would know the “new” laws?
*He wrote them down (cannot be changed as easily) and had them posted on a pillar
(everyone can see and be held accountable).
Do YOU think this was a smart move? Why or why not?
What was the goal of Hammurabi’s code of law?
*To bring justice (and order) to everyone in the empire.
Define justice:
*Fair treatment
What were the two parts of his code of law?
*Acts of wrongdoings and their punishments.
What two principles of society did Hammurabi establish as a result of his code of law?
*Society should be run by a set of rules, LAWS (also that the rules/law should apply to ALL
*That people had the right to know the laws and the punishments for breaking them (why he
displayed them).
• *Hammurabi’s code of law later became known as
. Hammurabi’s Code.