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vice-rector of educational work
" "
2008 year
of the study of discipline
on 2008-2009 educational year
A reference book for a students is made on the base of operating curriculum and
program of the educational discipline " Human Anatomy " for the students of higher
educational establishments of ІП-ІV levels of
accreditation ( MPH of Ukraine, Kiev, 2005 )
It is approved on the methodical conference of department of human anatomy
on 9 th of June, 2008 ( protocol № 127 )
Chief of department of human anatomy
It is approved by a subject methodical commission of the medico-biological
disciplines of morphological type on 12 d of June, 2008 ( protocol № 9)
Chief of the subject-methodical
commission, professor
Сhernivtsi, 2008
Normative discipline
1. Entry
amount of educational hours - 435 (14,5 credits of ЕСТ8), amount them:
Lectures -50 hours
Practical lessons - 230 hours
Independent work - 155 hours
The contents of discipline is structured on 5 modules and 17 profound modules.
2. Structure of discipline “Human anatomy" and account of points for current educational activity (convertation
traditional marks into points; estimation in marks for the fulfillment individual tasks, if it is foreseen by working
educational program.
Number of the
module, amount
of the
Amount of the
modules, their
Amount of the
practical lessons,
Convertation into grades the
traditional marks
Traditional marks
amount of the
Grades for
of the
task as
type ISW
Module 1
Practical lessons
2,5 0
Practical lessons
2 330
Module 2
90/3,0Module 3
Practical lessons
4,5 0
Practical lessons
Module 4
Module 5
3,5 0
* The minimum quantity of marks, which student must collect for current educational activity in study of present module,
to be admitted to compose of the final module control.
3. Final aim of study of "Human Anatomy ", according to the Educationally-professional program (EPP):
- To analyze information about structure of the human body, systems, that it contains, organs and tissues;
- To define the topography-anatomical relations of organs and systems of the human body;
- To interpret the conformities of the prenatal and early postnatal development of organs of the human being, variants of
changeability of organs, defects of development;
- To interpret sexual, age-old and individual features of structure of organism of the human body;
- To foresee the correlation and unity of structures and functions of organs of the human body, their changeability under
influence ecological factors;
- To define influence of social terms and labour on development and structure of human organism ;
- To demonstrate the domain of the moral-ethical principles of attitude to living human being and its body as object of
anatomical and clinical research.
Description of the modules of discipline " Human Anatomy "
4.1. MODULE 1
4.1.1. Thematic plan of lectures
Themes of lectures
of hours
1. Object and tasks of anatomy. Research methods in an anatomy. Basic modern directions of
development of anatomy. Bukovinian anatomical school. The basic stages of the human
embryogenesis. Studies about embryonic sheets.
General osteology. Bone as an organ. Classification of bones. The basic stages stages of
development of bones in embryogenesis.
General arthrology. Anatomy of discontinuous ( synovial) and continuous connections between
bones. Development of connections between bones in ontogenesis.
General mycology. Muscle as an organ. Classification of muscles. Development of skeletal
muscles.Muscles of the girdle and free upper and lower limps.
5. The muscles and fasciae of head and trunk.
4.1. 2. Thematic plan of practical lessons.
of hours
Module 1. Locomotory apparatus.
General plan of structure of human organism. Anatomical terminology. Planes, axis of human body.
Shape, structure, chemical composition of bones and their age peculiarities. General structure of
Spine, its bends. Change in shape spine in human being conditioned by straight walking. Cervical,
thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
Sacral bone. Coccygeal bone. Change in form and structure, the sections of spine which depends on
function and age. Ribs and sternum. The thorax in whole.
Skeleton of upper limb – general plan of structure. Bones of shoulder girdle. Humerus.
Bones of forearm and hand.
Skeleton of lower limb – general plan of structure. Hip bone. Pelvis in whole. Femur bone. Patella
Bones of leg and foot. X-rays image of skeleton.
General data about structure of bones. Occipital and parietal bones.
Frontal and ethmoidal bones.
Sphenoidal bone.
Temporal bone. Maxilla.
Palatine bone. Mandible and small bones of viscerocranium.
Skull as a whole. Nasal cavity. Orbit. Temporal, infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossa. X-ray image
of cranium.
Arthrology. Kinds of connections present in joints. Connections of vertebrae. Atlantooccipital joint.
Connections of ribs
Temporomandibular joint. Connections of bones of the shoulder girdle. Shoulder joint.
Elbow joint. Connections of bones of the forearm. Radiocarpal joint. Joints of hand.
Connections of hip bone. Hip joint.
Knee joint
Connections of bones of the leg. Tibiofibular articulations. The Ankle Joint. Archs of the Foot.
Myology. Anatomical structure of muscles. Muscles and fasciae of back.
Muscles and fasciae of chest. Diaphragm.
Abdominal muscles and fasciae
Sheath of the rectus abdominal muscle, inguinal canal.
Superficial muscles of neck. Triangles of neck. Deep muscles of neck. Fasciae of neck.
Muscles of mastication and facial muscles. Fasciae of head.
Muscles and fasciae of the shoulder girdle and shoulder. Axillary cavity
Muscles of forearm. Fasciae of forearm.
Muscles of hand. Fasciae and synovial sheathes of tendons of muscles of the upper limb.
External and internal muscles of pelvis. Supra- and infrapiriforme openings. Fasciae of pelvis.
Muscles and fasciae of femur. Femoral and adductor canals.
Muscles of leg. Popliteal fossa. Cruro-popliteal canal.
Muscles of foot, fasciae and synovial sheathes of lower limb.
Final control for the first module "Locomotory apparatus".
Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of the bones and their connections.
Test tasks and practical skills in mycology.
4.1.3. Types of individual work of students
of hours
To describe the basic stages of development of anatomy:
history of development of anatomy in ancient times
history of development of anatomy in Renaissance age
history of development of Ukrainian anatomical schools until XX century
history of development of Ukrainian anatomical schools in the XX - XXI centuries.
Master of ability:
to apply planes and axis in relation to description of anatomical objects.
Master of basic of anthropometric description of skull:
to describe the sexual and individual features of structure of skull; to describe the age-old features of
structure of skull
Master of ability to draw:
charts of connections between bones.
5. 5.
Master of ability:
to demonstrate on preparations structure of bones.
6. 6.
Master of ability:
to demonstrate on preparations connections between bones.
7. 7.
Master of ability:
to demonstrate on preparations: muscles of trunk;
muscles of head;
muscles of neck;
muscles of limbs.
8. 8.
Preparation of review of scientific literature or spending of scientific research
-Development of skull in ontogenesis
-Development of connections of bones in phylo-and ontogenesis
- Variants and anomalies of development of upper and lower limps
9. 9.
Preparation to the final control of learning of the module 1
4.2. MODULE 2
4. 2.1. Thematic plan of lectures
Introduction into a splanchnology. Classification of internal organs. General conformities of
structure of tubular organs. General conformities of structure of parenchymatous organs. General
anatomy of the digestive system. Embryogenesis of organs of the digestive system. Anatomy and
variants of development of organs of the digestive system.
Peritoneum. Large digestive glands.
General anatomy of the respiratory system. Embryogenesis of organs of the
respiratory system.
General anatomy of organs of the urinary system. Embryogenesis of organs of
the urinary system. Anomalies and variants of development of organs of the urinary system.
General anatomy of the male genital system. Embryogenesis of organs of the
male genital system. Anomalies and variants of development of organs.
General anatomy of the female genital system. Embryogenesis of organs of the
female genital system. Anomalies and variants of development of organs.
General anatomy of the central and peripheral organs of the immune system.
General anatomy of the endocrine system.
4. 2.2.Thematic plan of the practical lessons.
Anatomy of mouth cavity, sections. Teeth, tongue.
Palate: hard and soft. Salivary glands. Isthmus. Pharynx.
Esophagus. Anatomy of stomach. Regions of the anterior abdominal wall.
Anatomy of small intestine. Pancreas.
Anatomy of large intestine.
Anatomy of liver. Gall bladder.
Peritoneum and topography of organs of the digestive system in abdominal cavity (I).
Peritoneum and topography of organs of the digestive system in abdominal cavity (II).
Anatomy of external nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses.
Anatomy of larynx, muscles of larynx.
Anatomy of tracheae, principal bronchi, lungs.
Pleura. Mediastinum.
Anatomy of organs of urinary system: kidney.
Ureter, urinary bladder, urethra. Gender peculiarities.
Anatomy of male genital organs.
Anatomy of female genital organs.
Muscles and fasciae of perineum.
Anatomy of the immune system. Structure of central and peripheral organs.
Anatomy of organs of the endocrine system.
Final control of the learning of the second module " Splanchnology"
Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of digestive system.
Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of respiratory, urinary, genital, immune and
endocrine systems.
4.2.3. Types of the individual work of students
Master of abilities to demonstrate on preparations structure:
organs of the digestive system;
organs of the respiratory system;
-organs of the urinary system;
organs of the male and female genital systems;
organs of the endocrine system;
organs of the immune system;
Master of ability:
to draw motion of peritoneum in the abdominal region and cavity of pelvis.
Master of basic of anthropometric description:
external structure of organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary and genital systems.
Master on ability:
to read the roentgenogram of organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary and genital systems.
Preparation of review of scientific literature or spending of scientific research
Preparation to the final test control of mastering to the module 2
4.3. MODULE 3.
4.3.1. Thematic plan of lectures
Module 3. Central nervous system and sense-organs
Entry into CNS. Grey and white matters of CNS. Development of CNS in ontogenesis and
phylogenies. Development of cerebrum in embryogenesis. Anatomy of derivative of
hindbrain and midbrain..
Anatomy of derivative of forebrain.
Common data about sense-organs. Anatomy of organ of sight.
Anatomy of organ of ear and equilibrium.
General principles of structure of reflex arch. Pathways.
4.3.2. Thematic plan of the practical lessons.
Spinal cord, its meninges, the external and internal structure. Formation of the spinal nerves
and their branches.
Parts of the brain. Topography of the cranial nerves on the base of the brain.
Hemisphere of cerebrum. The grooves and gyri of the hemisphere’s cortex. Olfactory brain.
Location of the functions in the hemisphere’s cortex.
The internal structure of hemisphere. Lateral ventricles. Corpus callosum, fornix and the
anterior comissure. Basal nuclei and the internal capsule.
The internal structure of hemisphere. Lateral ventricles. Corpus callosum, fornix and the
anterior comissure. Basal nuclei and the internal capsule.
Diencephalon and third ventricle.
Brainstem. The fourth ventricle.
Rhomboid fossa. Topography of nuclei of the cranial nerves.
Meninges of brain.
The pathways of brain and spinal cord.
Organ of sight. Structure of eyeball.
The additional organs of sight. Optic nerve.
Vestibulocochlear organ. External and the middle ear.
Internal ear. Vestibulocochlear nerve.
of hours
Skin. Organ of smell and taste.
Final control for the third module "Central nervous system and the organs of senses".
Test tasks and practical skills in CNS.
Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of sense organs.
4. 3. 3. Types of the individual work
Master of ability:
to draw the chart of simple and difficult reflex arches
Master of ability:
to draw the chart of internal structure of spinal cord;
structure of the grey matter of spinal cord;
structures of white matter of spinal cord.
Master of ability:
to draw the chart of structure of spinal nerves.
Master of ability:
to draw the chart of structure of derivative of the midbrain and hindbrain;
chart of structure of grey and white matter of the midbrain;
chart of structure of grey and white matter of the brain;
chart of structure of grey and white matter of cerebellum;
chart of the structure of the grey and white matter of the brainstem.
Master of ability:
to draw a chart of topography of nuclei CN under the floor of the rhomboid fossa.
Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the topography of the pathways of the internal capsule.
Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the ascending pathways of the cortical direction; the ascending
pathways of the cerebellar direction.
Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the descending pathways of the pyramid system; the descending
pathways of the extra pyramid system.
Master of ability:
to draw a chart intermembranous spaces of the brain and spinal cord.
Master of ability:
to draw a chart of the pathways of the visual analyzer; the descending pathways of the
ear and equilibrium.
Master of ability:
to demonstrate on the preparations the structure of the sense organs.
Master of ability:
to demonstrate on the preparations the external and internal structure of spinal cord and
Preparation of review of the scientific literature or spending of Scientific research
Preparation to the final test control of the learning module #3
All ” Central nervous system and sense organs “
of hours
of grades
4.4.1. Thematic plan of lectures.
Classification of the cranial nerves. General anatomy of the vegetative nodes of the head.
Blood supply of head and neck..
4.4. 2. Thematic plan of the practical lessons.
Oculomotor, trochlear and abducens nerves ( III, IV, VI ). The first branch of the trigeminal nerve (V
pair of CN).
The second and the third branches of the trigeminal nerve ( V pair of CN).
Intermediate -facial nerve ( VII of CN).
Vagus nerve ( X pair of CN).
Glossopharyngeal nerve ( IX pair of CN).
Accessorу and hypoglossal nerves ( XI, XII pairs of CN). Cervical plexus.
Aorta. The branches of the aortic arch. Common and the external carotid arteries.
Internal carotid artery. The branches of the internal carotid artery, areas of the blood supply.
Subclavian artery: its parts, their topography, its branches, areas of blood supply.
Veins of head and neck. System of the internal, external and the anterior jugular veins. Anatomy of
lymphatic nodes and vessels of head and neck.
Final control for the fourth module " The vessels and nerves of head and neck".
Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of the cranial nerves.
Test task and practical skills in anatomy of vessels of head and neck.
4.4.3. Types of the independent work
of hours
Master of ability: to draw a chart of the simple common structure of the cranial
nerves, of the derivates of the brain
Master of ability: to draw a chart of the structure of mixed cranial nerves
Master of ability: to draw a chart of the structure of the III, IV, V, VI,VII, IX, XI
,XII of cranial nerves.
Master of ability: to draw a common chart of the structure of the vegetative node of
the head.
Master of ability: to draw a chart to demonstrate on preparations the cranial nerves.
Master of ability: to demonstrate on preparations the vessels of the head and neck
Preparation of review of the scientific literature or spending of scientific research
Preparation to the final test control of the learning module3.
Amount of
Current control
on practical
Final module
4. 4.5. Thematic plan of lectures.
General anatomy of heart. Development of heart in embryogenesis. Anomalies and defects of
development of heart. Large and small circle of the blood circulation.
General anatomy of arterial and venous parts of the circulatory system. Microcirculatory system.
Intrasystem and intersystem anastomoses.
General anatomy of the lymphatic system. Lymphatic vessels, trunk, channels. Lymphatic knots.
Anatomy of vegetative part of the nervous system. Central and peripheral structures of the
sympathetic and parasympathetic parts. Vegetative plexuses.
Peripheral formations of the nervous system. Spinal nerves. Somatic nervous plexus.
4.5.2. Thematic plan of the practical lessons.
General plan of structure of the cardio-vascular system. Circles of the blood circulation. Heart,
topography, the external structure.
Heart: the internal structure of the heart's wall, the chambers of the heart.
Conduction system. Blood supply and innervations of the heart. Pericardium, topography.
Aorta, its parts. The thoracic aorta: the parietal and visceral branches. The areas of blood supply.
Somatic and vegetative innervations of walls and organs of the trunk. The thoracic spinal nerves.
Abdominal aorta, its topography, the parietal and visceral branches. Blood supply of organs of the
abdominal cavity.
Abdominal aorta, its topography, the parietal and visceral branches. Blood supply of organs of the
abdominal cavity.
The common and the internal iliac arteries. Blood supply of the walls and the organs of the small
The veins of the thoracic, abdominal cavities and the cavity of the small pelvis. System of the
superior and inferior cava veins.
Venous anastomoses. Circulation of fetus.
100. Lymphoid vessels and nodes of the thoracic and abdominal cavities.
101. Vegetative nervous system: sympathetic part. The sympathetic trunk, the branches of the sympathetic
trunk, topography, the areas of the innervations. Vegetative part of nervous system: the
parasympathetic part. Vegetative nodes of head. The visceral plexuses. Craniocervical, thoracic,
abdominal, pelvic parts.
102. System of the axillary and brachial arteries and veins. The areas of the blood supply.
System of the radial and ulnar arteries and veins. The arterial arches of the hand. The subcutaneal
veins of the upper limb.
104. Brachial plexus, the formation of the parts, the short branches, areas of the innervations. The long
branches of the posterior fasciculus.
105. Brachial plexus: the long branches of the middle and lateral fascicules, the areas of the innervation.
106. The vascularization and innervations of the upper limb.
107. The external iliac and femoral arteries and veins, branches, the areas of blood supply.
108. System of the popliteal anterior and posterior of the tibial arteries and veins. The areas of the blood
supply. Arterial arches of the foot..
109. Lumbar plexus: the formation, topography, the short branches, the areas of innervations..
110. Sacral plexus: the formation topography the areas of innervations.
111. The long branches of the sacral plexus, topography, the areas of innervations.
112. The innervations of skin.
113. Final control of the learning of module 5.
114. Test tasks and practical skills in anatomy of vessels and nerves of upper and lower limbs.
115. Test tasks and practical lessons in anatomy of heart, vessels and nerves of the trunk.
4. 5. 3. Types of the independent work
Amount of grades
of hours
Master of ability to draw scheme of large circle of blood circulation
Master of ability to draw scheme of small circle of blood circulation
Master of ability to draw scheme of blood circulation in heart of fetus.
Master of ability to draw scheme of blood circulation of fetus
Master of ability to demonstrate on preparations a structure of heart
Master of ability to demonstrate on preparations vessels of the thoracic, abdominal
cavities and pelvic cavity.
Master of ability to draw scheme of structure of reflex arch of VNS.
Master of ability to draw scheme of structure of white and grey communicating
Master of ability to draw a common scheme of relations between central and peripheral
Current control on
parts of sympathetic part of VNS.
the practical
Master of ability to draw scheme of structure of vegetative plexuses of abdominal
cavity and cavity of small pelvis.
Master of ability to draw to define a composition of fibers of vegetative plexuses of
abdominal cavity and cavity of small pelvis.
Master of ability to demonstrate on preparations vessels of the upper and lower limbs.
Master of ability to demonstrate on preparations:thoracic nerves;
branches of cervical plexus:
branches of brachial plexus;
branches of lumbar plexus;
branches of sacral and coccygeal plexus.
Preparation of review of the scientific literature or spending of scientific research
Preparation to the final test control of the learning module5 “ Vessels and nerves of the
Final module
trunk and extremities”
4.6. The estimation of educational activity of student.The estimation of current educational activity
At estimation of mastering of every theme of the module to the student exhibits the marks by four grades (traditional) scale, with the
using of accepted at BSMU and approved by methodical commission the criteria of estimation. All types of the work are
consideration, which foreseen by methodical instruction for the study of theme. The proposed marks by traditional scale are converted
in grades depending on the amount of themes in the module. The module must have weight of every theme identical, but can be
different in different modules. Division of grades in the modules:
Module 1
Module 4 “Vessels
Module 5 “Vessels
Module 2
Module 3 “ CNS
marks/ amount of
and nerves of head
and nerves of trunk
and sense organs “
and neck”
and limps”
“4 ”
“3 “
“2 “
The estimation of independent work of students ( ISW)
ISW, which is foreseen in the theme of module out off to audience work, are estimated during the current control of theme
on the proper lesson. Mastering of themes which carrying out only on independent work, are controlled on the final module
The estimation of individual tasks of student
The grades for the individual tasks are counted to the student only at successful their fulfillment, depending on their
volume and meaningfulness, but no more than 10-12, they is added to the sum of the grades collected by a student for
current educational activity.
Final module control
The final module control is carried out on completion of studying of all themes of the module on the last control lesson
from the module.
To the result module control are admitted the students which visit all audiences lessons foreseen by educational program
from discipline audiences educational lessons, and at the study of the module collected the amount of marks not less than
minimum. To the student which on serious reason had missed the educational lessons, the correctives is brought into the
individual curriculum and it is allowed to rework the academic debt to the sure fixed term. For students which admitted the
lessons without serious reasons, decision about their reworking is made individually by the dean of faculty.
The forms of carrying out of final control must be standardized and to include the control of theoretical and practical
Maximal amount of grades, which a student can collect in complement of final module control is 80.
The final module control is considered counted, if a student collected not less than 50 grades.
The estimation of discipline
The mark from discipline put only to the students to which all modules are counted from discipline.
The determination of amount of grades, which a student collected from discipline.
The amount of grades, which student collected from discipline, concerns as middle arithmetic of amount of grades from all
modules of discipline (the sum of grades for all modules divides by the amount of the modules of discipline).
Objectivity of estimation of educational activity of students must be checked up by statistical methods (coefficient of
correlation between current progress and results of final module control).
In decision of Scientific council of HES to the amount of grades, which a student collected from discipline, can be added
the encouraging grades for the publications of the scientific works, getting of prizes places on Olympiads on the type of
discipline and other
Convertation of amount of grades from discipline in marks by scale ЕСТS and by four grades (traditional) scale
By scale ECTS
By national scale
By scale of BSMU ( in grades)
A ( excellent)
B ( very good)
C ( good)
D ( satisfactory)
E ( weak)
unsatisfactory with possibility to
unsatisfactory with necessary
repeating course
The mark FX is proposed to the students which were admitted to the final control, but did not make him.
The mark F is proposed to the students which are shut out to the module final control (did not visit the audiences lessons
foreseen by the educational program for this module fully, or (and) at current educational activity got the amount of marks,
less than minimum).
The mark from discipline FX („2") is proposed to the students which are not counted although one module from discipline
after completion of its study.
4.7. List of the questions for the preparation of students to the final module control
1. Object and maintenance of anatomy, modern directions of development of human
anatomy. Research methods in anatomy.
2. Compressed information from history of anatomy (Hippocrates, Halen, Leonardo da
Vinchi, Garvei, Vezaliy). Anatomical school of the Emperor's university of Sainted
Vladymyr: M.I. Kozlov, O.P.Valter, V.O.Bets, M. A., Tikhomirov, F. A. Stefanis: their
results in development of anatomy. Development of anatomy in Ukraine. Bukovinian
anatomical school.
3. Basic axes and planes of the human body. Definition of skeleton, the main functions
of the skeleton. Basic stages of development of skeleton in phylo-and ontogenesis.
Bone, as organ. Classification of bones. Basic stages of development of bones.
4. General plan of structure of vertebra. Vertebral column as a whole. Parts of the
vertebral column.
5. The peculiarities of structure of cervical, thoracic and lumbar vertebra.
6. Structure of sacral and coccygeal bones.
7. Classification of ribs. The structure of I-XII ribs.
8. Structure of sternum. The thorax as a whole.
9. Parts of the cranium, the bones which forms them. Norms
(position ) of the skull, which used when studies in anthropology
and medicine. Age, sexual and individual peculiarities of structure
of the cranial bones.
10. Cranial and facial skull: bones, which forms it. The
peculiarities of development of the bones.
11. Occipital bone: parts, their structure.
12. Frontal bone.
13. Parietal bone: surfaces, borders, angles.
14. Ethmoidal bone: parts, their structure.
15. Sphenoidal bone: parts, their structure.
16. Temporal bone: parts, their structure.
17. Canals of the temporal bone.
18. Maxilla: parts, processes, their structure. Age-old peculiarities
of maxilla.
19. Mandible: parts, their structure. Age-old peculiarities of
20. Inferior nasal concha, vomer, hyoid bone: their structure.
21. Lacrimal, nasal, zygomatic, palatine bones: their
22. Temporal bone: boundaries, walls.
23. Infratemporal fossa: boundaries, walls, connections.
24. Pterygopalatine fossa: walls, connections.
25. Orbit: walls, connections.
26. Nasal cavity: boundaries of entrance and exit of nasal cavity, its walls.
27. Nasal meatus and paranasal sinuses: their structure, connections.
28. Bony palate: its structure.
29. Anatomical formations of the external base of skull.
30. Anatomical formations of the internal and external surface of roof of the skull: to
describe and to demonstrate on the preparations.
31. Internal base of the skull: boundaries, structure, connections of the anterior cranial
32. Internal base of the skull: boundaries, structure, connections of the middle cranial
33. Internal base of the skull, boundaries, structure, connections of the posterior cranial
34. Parts and structure of the tubular bones: to name and to demonstrate on the
35. Upper limb: their parts and bones, which forms them. Development of skeleton of
the upper limb.Variants and anomalies of development..
36. Bones of the shoulder girdle: scapula and clavicle.
37. Humerus: parts.
38. Ulna.
39. adius.
40. Hand: parts, structure of the carpal bones, metacarpal bones and phalanges of
41. Lower limb: their parts and bones, which forms them. Development of skeleton of
lower limb. Variants and anomalies of development.
42. Hip bone: to describe and to demonstrate on the preparation its structure. Which
bones are connected together
and forms it?
43. Hip bone.
44. Ischium bone.
45. Pubic bone.
46. Pelvis as a whole: its parts. Sexual and age peculiarities of pelvis. To call and to
demonstrate the main sizes of pelvis.
47. Femur: parts.
48. Tibia.
49. Fibula.
50. Foot: parts, bones which forms them. Carpal, metacarpal bones, phalanges of
fingers of foot.
51. Classification of connections of bones: continuous and discontinuous connections .
52. Development of connections of bones in phylogenies and ontogenesis.
53. Syndesmoses: definition, types, examples.
54. Synchondroses: definition, classification, examples.
55. Synostoses :definition, formartion, examples.
56. Joint: determination, the main and additional components of joint.
57. Classification of joints: simple and compound joints, complex, combine,
determination, examples.
58. Classification of joints for the quantity of movements. Name the main axes and
movements, which accomplished. around these axes.
59. One-axial joints definition, types of one-axial joints by the shape of the articular
surfaces, functions, examples.
60. Bi-axial joints: definition, types of bi-axial joints by the shape of the articular
surfaces, functions, examples.
61. Multi-axial joints: definition, types of multi-axial joints by the shape of the
articular surfaces, functions, examples.
62. Types of connections of vertebral column.
63. Connections between bodies of vertebra, classification, structure of intervertebral
disc, its functional meaning, ligaments, which fixing connections between bodies of
64. Connections between processes and vertebral arch’s: classification, structure,
65. Connections between sacral and coccygeal bones: classification, structure,
ligaments of sacro-coccygeal junction.. Age-old and sexual peculiarities of sacrococcygeal junction.
66. Connections between the first and second cervical vertebra ( atlantooccipital joint):
structure, classification, movements.
67. Connections between ribs and sternum: classification, their structure. Connections
between ribs and vertebra: types, their structure, classification.
68. Spine as a whole: structure, bends, age-old features.
69. Thorax as a whole: structure, age-old, sexual and individual features.
70. Classification of connections of cranial bones: discontinuous and continuous
junctions. Discontinuous junctions of cranial bones: kinds.
71 Crowns of skull: their structure, functional meaning, terms of ossification.
Age-old peculiarities of connections of the cranial bones.
72. Temporo-mandibular joint: structure, classification, motions;
muscles, that carry out them.
73. Connections of skull with spine: structure, classification,
74. Connection of bones of shoulder girdle: sterno-clavicular and
acromio-clavicular joints.
75. Shoulder joint: articular surfaces, additional components,
boundaries of fixing of capsule, connective apparatus,
classification, motions.
76. Elbow joint: name joints, which forms it, their structure.
77. Connections of antebrachial bones: proximal radio-ulnar joint,
interosseous membrane, distal radio-ulnar joint, their structure,
78. Radio-carpal joint: articular surfaces of bones, which forms it,
intervertebral disc, boundaries of fixing of apsule, connective
apparatus, classification, motions.
79. Joints of hand: mediocarpal joint and carpo-metacarpal joints,
their articular surfaces, intraarticular ligaments.
80. Joints of hand: intercarpal, carpophalangeal and
interphalangeal joints, their articular surfaces, connective
apparatus, classification, motions.
81. Connections of hip bones, classification.
82. Sacro-iliac joint: articular surfaces of bones which forms it,
boundaries of fixing of capsule, connective apparatus,
classification, motions.
83. Pubic symphysis: structure, connective apparatus,
84. Connective apparatus of pelvis. Name openings, which forms
by ligaments of pelvis.
85. Hip joint, articular surfaces of bones which forms it, additional
components, boundaries of fixing of capsule, connective apparatus,
classification, motions.
86. Knee-joint: articular surfaces of bones which forms it,
additional components, ( menisci, intracapsular ligaments, folds,
synovial bursa), connective apparatus, classification, motions.
87. Connection of bones of leg: kinds, their structure,
88. Talo-crural joint: articular surfaces of bones which forms it,
boundaries of fixing of capsule, connective
classification, motions.
89. Joints of foot: connections between tarsal bones, kinds, their
articular surfaces and ligaments, which fixing them.
90. Transversal joint of foot: joints, which forms it, connective
91. Joints of foot: tarso-metatarsal and intertarsal joints, their
articular surfaces, connective apparatus, classification.
92. Joints of foot: metatarso-phalangeal and interphalangeal joints,
their articular surfaces, connective apparatus, classification,
93. Vaults of foot: definition, formation, functions, “Active” and “
passive” delays of foot. “ Hard basis of foot”.
94. Muscle as organ: definition. Biomechanics of muscles, their
action on joints, about origin and insertion of muscles, about
mobile and un mobile full stops.
95. Additional apparatus of muscles. Muscles-antagonists and
muscles-synergists, definition, examples.
96. Development of skeletal muscles general regularities;
peculiarities of development of muscles of trunk, limbs, head and
neck. Embryological classification of muscles.
97. Classification of muscles by shape, position, direction of fibers,
relation to joints and fasciae.
98. Muscles of back: topographical and embryological
classification, structure ( origin and insertion ), functions.
99. Muscles of thorax: topographical and embryological
classification, structure ( origin, insertion), functions.
100. Diaphragm: definition of diaphragm, as musculo-fascial plate,
its topography, parts and their structure, openings and their
contests, trigones, functions.
101. Abdominal muscles: topographical classification, structure (
origin, insertion), functions.
102. Fasciae of trunk ( superficial, proper, intrathoracic, visceral):
their topography, functional meaning.
103. The sheath of the rectus abdominis muscle: wall and their
structure. White line of stomach: topography, structure.
104. Inguinal canal: walls, annulus ( rings), their structure,
105. Muscles of neck: topographical and embryological
classification, structure ( origin, insertion), functions.
106.Topography of neck: regions, trigones, intermuscular spaces, their boundaries.
107.Fasciae of neck: topographical classification by V M.Shevkynenko, to describe
motion of fasciae, origin and relation to muscles, internal organs, vasculo-nervous
cords of the neck. To define the interfascial spaces, their contests and connections.
108. Muscles of head: classification. Muscles of mystification: structure (origin,
insertion), functions.
109. Muscles of head: classification. Muscles of face (mimetic muscles): topography,
structure (origin, insertion), functions. Differences of muscles of face from other
skeletal muscles.
110. Muscles of the shoulder girdle: structure (origin, insertion), functions.
111. Muscles of shoulder: topographical classification, structure (origin, insertion),
112. Antebrachial muscles: topographical classification. Anterior and lateral groups:
structure (origin, insertion), functions.
113. Antebrachial muscles: topographical classification. Posterior group: structure
(origin, insertion), functions.
114. Muscles of hand: topographical classification, structure (origin, insertion),
115. Fasciae of upper limb and their derivates ( intermuscular septa, covers, and their
contests, fibrous and bony- fibrous canals and their contest).
116. Retinaculum of the flexors-muscles of forearm: formation, topography, canals ,
their contest.
117. Retinaculum of the extensors-muscles of forearm: formation, topography, bonyfibrous canals in carpal region, their contest.
118. Synovial sheaths of hand: their structure, topography, functional and practical
119. Axillary fossa: boundaries, walls.
120. Axillary cavity: walls, trigones, openings, their boundaries and contests.
121. Topography of shoulder: grooves, canal of radial nerve, cubital fossa, their
boundaries, contests.
122. Topography of forearm: grooves, their boundaries and contests.
123. Hip muscles: topographical classification, structure ( origin, insertion ), functions.
124. Femoral muscles: topographical classification, structure (origin, insertion ),
125. Leg muscles topographical classification, structure (origin, insertion ), functions.
126. Foot muscles: topographical classification, structure ( origin, insertion ),
127. Fasciae of lower limb: iliac fascia and its derivatives (ilio-pectineal arch, vascular
lacuna, muscular lacuna, their formation, contest ).
128. Fasciae of lower limb: broad fascia and its derivatives (saphenous hiatus, its
falciform margin, formation, contest).
129. Fasciae of lower limb: fasciae of leg and its derivatives (retinaculum of
extensors- muscles, flexors-muscles, fibular muscles). Topography and contest of
fibrous and bony-fibrous canals of lower limb.
130. Topography of pelvis: supra- and infrapiriform opening, obturator canal, their
boundaries, formation, contest.
131. Topography of femur: muscular and vascular lacuna, femoral ring, their
formation, boundaries, contest.
132. Topography of femur: ilio-pectineal groove, anterior femoral groove, femoral
trigone, their formation, boundaries, contest. Muscles of thigh: classification, structure,
133. Adductor canal: walls, openings, contest.
134. Popliteal fossa: their boundaries, fundus, connection with canals of femur and leg.
135. Topography of leg: cruro-popliteal canal, upper and lower musculo-fibular canals,
their formation, connections, contest.
136. Femoral canal: femoral ring (entrance), saphenous hiatus (exit), their boundaries;
walls of femoral canal.
137. Fasciae of foot, topography of foot: grooves of plantar surface, their boundaries
and contest Muscles of foot: classification, structure, functions. Fasciae and
topography of foot.
1. Systems of the internal organs: definition, name organs, which forms these systems,
give general character of functions of these systems.
2. Classification of internal organs. General plan of structure of tubular organs.
3. General regularities of structure of mucous, muscular and external membranes of
walls of tubular organs.
4. General anatomo-functional regularities of structure of exocrine glands.
5. Development of mouth cavity and its derivatives. Anomalies of development of
mouth cavity.
6. Mouth cavity, its parts. Vestibule and proper mouth cavity: walls, their structure.
7. Palate: parts. Soft palate: parts, structure. Palatine tonsils, their topography.
8. Muscles of soft palate.
9. Tongue: parts, structure, peculiarities of mucous membrane of tongue, functions of
10. Classification of tongue muscles, their morpho-functional character, functions of
11. Tooth: parts of teeth, tissues of teeth Periodontatis, periodontosis, teeth organ:
definition. Bites.
12. Permanent tooth: formula, character of types of tooth.
13. Milk tooth: their formula. Terms of cutting of milk tooth.
14. Mouth glands: classification. Small salivary glands, their
topography, morpho-functional character. Parotid gland:
topography, structure.
15. Mouth glands: classification. Sublingual and submandibular
salivary glands: topography, structure.
16 Isthmus: boundaries, connections, to describe and to
demonstrate on the preparation.
17. Primary intestine: development, parts. Derivatives of the main
(pharyngeal) tube.
18. Pharynx: topography, parts, their connections. Structure of
mucous, muscular and external tunics.
19. Primary intestine: trunks intestine, its parts and derivatives.
Anomalies of development of organs of the digestive canal.
20. Development of the digestive canal in embryogenesis; sources
of formation of mucous, muscular and external tunics.
21. Esophagus: parts, their topography. Structure of wall.
Anatomical and physiological contractions of esophagus. X-ray
anatomy of esophagus.
22. Regions of the anterior abdominal wall and projection of the
internal organs on corresponding areas.
23. Stomach; topography, parts. Structure of wall. X-ray anatomy
of stomach.
24. Stomach: structure of wall., to describe the structure of
mucous and serous tunics.
25. Small intestine: parts, their topography, relation to peritoneum.
26. Duodenum: parts, their topography, structure of wall.
27. Small intestine structure of wall, relation to peritoneum. X-ray
anatomy of small intestine.
28. Small intestine: mesocolon.
29. Large intestine: parts, their topography.
30. Large intestine: structure of wall ( peculiarities of structure of
mucous, muscular and serous tunics ), relation to peritoneum. Xray anatomy of large intestine.
31. Caecum: topography, peculiarities, structure.
32. Pats and bends of colon. Their topography, relation to
33. Peculiarities of structure of wall of large intestine.. Relief of its
mucous membrane. External features of large intestine.
34. Rectum: parts, bends, peculiarities of structure of wall, relation
to peritoneum.
35. Liver: external structure, relief of diaphragmatic and visceral
36. Liver: topography, ligaments of liver, relation to peritoneum.
37. Liver: internal structure ( particles, parts, segments, lobules).
38. Liver: formation and ways of outflow of bile. Gall bladder:
topography, parts, structure of wall, functions.
39. Pancreas: parts, their topography, relation to peritoneum.
40. Exocrine and endocrine parts of pancreas, ways of removing
of products of their activity.
41. Peritoneum: definition, general character. Derivatives of
42. Peritoneal cavity: parts ( floors), their boundaries and contest.
43. Upper floor of peritoneal cavity: hepatic bursa, its boundaries
and connections.
44. Upper floor of peritoneal cavity: pregastric bursa, its
boundaries and connections.
45. Upper floor of peritoneal cavity: omental bursa, its boundaries
and connections.
46. Middle floor of peritoneal cavity: canals, sinuses, recesses,
folds, fossae.
47. Inferior floor of peritoneal cavity: excavations, motion of
peritoneum in small pelvis in male and female.
48. Classification of organs of the respiratory system.
49. Development of organs of respiratory system in embryo-and
50. Peculiarities of structure of wall of tubular organs of
respiratory system.
51. Development of external nose, nasal cavity and paranasal
sinuses in embryogenesis. Anomalies of development.
52. Nose: external parts, structure. Nasal cavity: parts, their
structure and connections.
53. Nasal cavity: nasal motions, their structure and connections,
paranasal sinuses: topography, connections, functions, age-old
peculiarities.X-ray anatomy of paranasal sinuses.
54. Nasal cavity: functional parts, their structure and functions.
55. Larynx: topography, parts.
56. Larynx: cartilages, joints, ligaments, muscles, their structure.
57. Larynx: fibro-elastic formations of larynx, their structure, functions. vestibular
ligament, vocal ligament.
58. Laryngeal cavity; parts,, their structure, boundaries. Vocal fissure: boundaries,
formation, parts.
59. Functions of larynx, theories of voice formation.
60. Trachea: parts, their topography, structure of wall.
61. Main bronchi; topography, structure of wall.
62. Lungs: topography, external structure. Root of lung: topography, composition.
63. Lungs; particles, broncho-pulmonary segments, particles, their structure. X-ray
anatomy of lungs.
64. Bronchial tree: branching, structure of wall, functions.
65. Alveolar tree; branching, structure of wall. Acinus: definition, structure, functions.
66. Pleura: general character, functions, pleural cavity, their recesses.
67. Boundaries of pleural sacs.
68. Mediastinum: definition, classification by international anatomical nomenclature.
Organs, vessels and nerves of mediastinum.
69. Classification of organs of urinary system, their functions.
70. Stages of development of kidney. Sources, terms and mechanisms of development
of kidney.
71. Sources and mechanisms of development of ureters, urinary bladder.
72. Anomalies of development of kidneys, ureters and urinary bladder: mechanisms of
their formation.
73. Kidneys: external structure, topography of the right and left kidney.
74. Kidneys: tunics of kidney. To describe fasciae of kidney. Fixing apparatus of
75. Kidney: structure of kidney on the frontal section.
76. Kidneys: structurally-functional unit of kidney., their composition parts.
Peculiarities of blood supply of kidney.
77. Renal pelvis (sinus), its contest. Excretory ways of kidney. X-ray anatomy of
78. Ureter: parts, topography, structure of wall; contractions. X--ray anatomy of ureter.
79. Urinary bladder: parts, topography, structure of wall; relation to peritoneum.
80. Urinary bladder: trigone of urinary bladder, its boundaries ( peculiarities of mucous
membrane on this region). X-ray anatomy of urinary bladder. Female urethra.
Topography, structure of wall.
81. Topographical classification of organs of female genital system.
82. Sources and mechanisms of development of internal female genital organs.
Anomalies of development.
83. Sources and mechanisms of development of external female genital organs. Defects
and anomalies of development.
84. Ovary: topography, ligaments, structure, functions.
85. Uterus: topography, position of uterus, ligaments of uterus, relation to peritoneum.
86. Uterus: parts, structure of wall, functions, parametrium. X-ray anatomy of uterus.
87. Uterine tube: topography, parts, structure of wall, relation to peritoneum, functions.
X-ray anatomy of uterine tubes.
88. Vagina: topography, fornix, structure of wall.
89. Rudimentary appendices of ovary: epoophoron, paraophoron, their topography and
90. External female genital organs: topography, structure.
91. Female pudendal area (vulva): topography and structure of components, which
forms it. Vestibule of vagina: boundaries, which opens in it.
92. Mammary glands: topography, structure.
93. Male genital organs: classification.
94. Sources and mechanisms of development of testis. Stages of development of testis.
Anomalies of development of testis.
95. Process of falling of testis. Anomalies of development of testis. Tunics of testis.
Which layers does anterior abdominal wall answer?
96. Sources and mechanisms of development of epididymis, deferent duct and seminal
vesicle, prostate gland and bulbo-urethral glands. Anomalies of development.
97 .Sources and mechanisms of development of external male genital organs.
Anomalies of development.
98. Sources and mechanisms of development of male urethra. Anomalies of
99. Testis; topography, external structure.
100. Testis: internal structure, functions.
101. Epididymis; topography, parts, structure, functions. Deferent duct: sizes, parts,
topography, structure of wall, functions.
102. Seminal vesicle: topography, structure, functions. Ejaculatory duct: its
formation. Where does it open?
103. Name gradually ways of removing of sperms.
104. Spermatic cord: its composition, topography, origin, insertion, membranes.
105. Prostate gland: topography, external and internal structure.
106. Penis: parts, structure.
107. Male urethra: parts, their topography, contractions and broadening.
108. Male urethra: structure of wall. Bulbo-urethral gland :topography, structure,
109. Perineum: definition of perineum in narrow and broad understanding.
110. Perineum: parts, their boundaries, to describe and to demonstrate on preparation.
111. Urogenital diaphragm: boundaries, muscles and fasciae,
which forms it. Which organs does penetrate urogenital diaphragm
in female and male?
112. Pelvic diaphragm: boundaries, muscles and fasciae, which
forms it.
113. Ischio-anal fossa: its walls and contest.
114. Primary lymphatic (lymphoid) organs (peripheral organs of
immune system): general regularities of structure, functions.
115. Bony marrow, development, topography, structure, functions,
age-old peculiarities.
116. Thymus, development, topography, structure, functions, ageold peculiarities.
117. Secondary lymphatic (lymphoid) organs (peripheral organs of
immune system): general regularities of structure, functions.
118. Spleen, development, topography, external structure, internal
structure, functions; to describe and to demonstrate on the
119. Tonsils: topography, structure, functions: to describe and to
demonstrate on the preparations. Lymphatic (lymphoid) ring of
pharynx: tonsils, which forms it, their topography, structure,
120. Lymphatic (lymphoid) nodes, classification, topography,
structure, functions.
121. Solitary and congesting lymphatic (lymphoid) nodules,
topography, structure, functions. Appendix: topography, structure,
122. General regularities of structure of endocrine glands.
123. Endocrine glands: embryological classification.
124. Sources and mechanisms of development of endocrine glands.
125. Thyroid gland: topography, parts, structure, functions.
126. Parathyroid glands: topography, structure, functions.
Chromaffin bodies (paraganglions): topography, structure,
functions, development.
127. Suprarenal gland; topography of right and left suprarenal
glands: structure, functions.
128. Hypophysis: topography, parts, functions.
129. Pineal gland: topography, functions.
130. Endocrine part of pancreas: structure, functions.
1. Nervous system: function, classification.
2. Neuron:: definition, structure, functions. Classification.
3. Receptors: functional meaning, classification by classification
and function.
4. Grey matter of the central nervous system: structure, functions
5. White matter of central nervous system: structure, functions.
6. Nervous fibers; bundles, roots, nerves: their structure.
7. Nervous ganglions: classification, topography, functions.
8. Structure of simple and difficult reflex arch’s.
9. Development of central nervous system in embryogenesis.
Basic stages of formation of nervous system in phylogenies.
Anomalies of development.
10. Spinal cord: topography, superior and inferior boundaries,
external structure.
11. Caudal equine: topography, formation. Anatomical ground of
place of carrying out of cerebrospinal lumber puncture.
12. Parts of spinal cord and their segments.
13. Structure of spinal cord on section: peculiarities of common
location of grey and white matter
14. Grey matter of spinal cord: posterior horns, types of neurons,,
which forms them, nuclei and functional character.
15. Grey matter of spinal cord: lateral horns, types of neurons,
which forms them, nuclei and functional character.
16. Grey matter of spinal cord: anterior horns, types of neurons,,
which forms them, nuclei and functional character.
17. White matter of spinal cord: anterior cords, their boundaries,
pathways, which forms them.
18. White matter of spinal cord: lateral cords, their boundaries,
pathways, which forms them.
19. White matter of spinal cord: posterior cords, their boundaries,
pathways, which forms them.
20. Anterior and posterior roots of spinal nerves: formation,
topography, functional meaning.
21. Spinal nerve: formation, topography, branches; conformities
to segments of spinal cord. Spinal ganglion: topography, structure,
22. Meninges of spinal cord, spaces between them, their maintenance. Fixing
apparatus of spinal cord: formation, topography.
23. Development of brain: sources; stage of three and five cerebral bubbles, their
derivatives. Anomalies of development of cerebrum.
24. Brain: embryological classification (rhombencephalon – hindbrain, midbrain,
forebrain), their derivatives.
25. Hindbrain: its derivatives.
26. Brain: parts ( anatomical classification).
27. Trunk of cerebrum. Development, parts.
28. Brainstem: development, boundaries, external structure.
29. Brainstem: grey and white matter, structure, topography, functional meaning.
30. Pons: development, boundaries, external structure.
31. Pons: grey and white matter, structure, topography, functional meaning.
32. Medial stitch :formation, composition, topography, functional meaning.
Reticular formation: topography, structure (main nuclei), connections, functional
33. Rhomboid fossa: formation, boundaries, relief. Projection of nuclei of cranial
34. Nuclei of cranial nerves, which are located in dorsal part of brainstem, their
functional meaning.
35. Nuclei of cranial nerves, which are located in dorsal part of pons, their functional
36. Fourth ventricle: development, topography, walls, connections.
37. Midbrain: development, boundaries, external structure, parts. Roofing, external
structure, grey matter, its functional meaning, pathways.
38. Midbrain: peduncles of brain, their parts, boundaries, structure of grey and white
matter, topography of pathways.
39. Cerebral trunk: character of nuclei of cranial nerves.
40. Cerebellum: development, external structure.
41. Cerebellum: grey matter, its functional meaning.
42. Cerebellum: classification of parts of cerebellum by functional principle.
Functional meaning in regulation of movement.
43. Cerebellum: classification of whiter matter, composition of cerebellar peduncles.
Topography of pathways.
44. Forebrain;its derivatives.
45. Diencephalon: parts (by International anatomical nomenclature – Ukrainian
46. Diencephalon: parts. Thalamus: parts.
47. Thalamus: external structure, nuclei of thalamus, their functional meaning.
Metathalamus: parts, their functional meaning.
48. Epithalamus:parts, their functional meaning. Epiphysis: topography, functions.
49. Hypothalamus: parts, external structure. Subthalamus: parts, their functional
50. Hypothalamus: nuclei, their topography, functional meaning. Hypophysis.
Hypothalamo-hypophysial system.
51. III ventricle: development, walls, connections.
52. Telencephalon (large) brain: parts.
53. Hemisphere’s of brain: parts.
54. Corpus callosum: its topography, parts, functional meaning.
55. Fornix: its topography, parts, functional meaning.
56. Olfactory brain: parts, their components, functional meaning.
57. Basal nuclei: topography, parts, functional meaning.
58. Striate body: topography, parts, functional meaning.
59. Limbic system: components, functional meaning.
60. Lateral ventricles: development, parts, topography, walls. Anterior horn and
central part of lateral ventricle: topography, walls, connections.
61. Posterior and inferior horns of lateral ventricle: topography, walls, connections.
62. White matter of cerebral hemisphere’s: classification, functional meaning.
63. White matter of cerebral hemisphere’s: classification of associate fibers,
functional meaning.
64. White matter of cerebral hemisphere’s: long associate fibers, their cords,
topography, functional meaning.
65. White matter of cerebral hemisphere’s: commissural fibers, their functional
66. White matter of cerebral hemisphere’s: projections fibers, classification,
functional meaning.
67. White matter of cerebral hemisphere’s: internal capsule, its topography, parts,
pathways, which passes in each part.
68. Structure of cerebral hemisphere’s. Works of V.O.Betsa.
69. Cerebral hemisphere’s: surfaces, particles, their boundaries.
70. Relief (grooves and gyres) of superiolateral surface of cerebral hemisphere’s.
71. Relief (grooves and gyres) of medial surface of cerebral hemisphere’s.
72. Relief (grooves and gyres) of inferior surface of cerebral hemisphere’s.
73. Relief of frontal lobe. Localization of cortical centers of analyzer’s in cortex of
frontal lobe.
74. Relief of parietal lobe. Localization of cortical centers of analyzer’s in cortex of
parietal lobe.
75. Relief of temporal lobe. Localization of cortical centers of analyzer’s in cortex of
temporal lobe.
76. Relief of occipital lobe. Localization of cortical centers of
analyzer’s in cortex of occipital lobe.
77. Chemurgical structures of brain and spinal cord.
78. Meninges of brain.
79. Dura mater of brain and its processes. Differences between
dura mater of brain and spinal cord.
80. Dura mater of brain: sinuses, their topography. The sources
of reaching of venous blood to sinuses of dura mater of brain.
81. Intermeningeal spaces: their content.
82. Formation and outflow of cerebrospinal fluid. Anomalies of
development of meninges of brain.
83. Subarachnoid space: formation, cisternae, connections.
84. Pathways of CNS: definition, classification.
85. Somatosensory ways of consciously sensitivity; way of
consciously proprioceptive sensitivity.
86. Somatosensory ways of consciously sensitivity; way of
consciously proprioceptive sensitivity.
87. Somatosensory ways of consciously sensitivity; way of
temperature and painful sensitivity.
88. Somatosensory ways of consciously sensitivity; way of
painful, temperature, tactile and consciously consciously
89. Somatosensory ways of unconsciously sensitivity
(proprioceptive sensitivity of cerebellar direction).
90. Descending pathways.
91. Pyramid ways.
92. Extrapyramid mobile system: centers, functions.
93. Pathways of extrapyramid mobile system.
94. Organ of smell: structure, functions.
95. Organ of taste: structure, functions.
96. Eye: parts, topography. Eyeball: coats.
97. Eyeball: development, anomalies of development, external
98. Eyeball: choroid coat, its parts, structure, functions.
99. Eyeball: vascular coat, its parts, structure, functions.
100. Eyeball: retina, its parts, structure, functions.
101. Refractive environment of eyeball: name them.
102. Chambers of eyeball: boundaries, connections. Formation
and ways of circulation of aqueous humor of chambers of eyeball.
103. Accessory structures of eye, name, their functions.
104. Additional structures of eye: external orbicular muscles.
Their character and functions.
105. Lacrimal apparatus: parts, topography, functions, ways of
outflow of tear.
106. Pathways of visual analyzer.
107. Ear: its parts, embryogenesis, anomalies and variants of
108. External ear; its parts and structure Auricle, structure,
109. External ear: external acoustic motion, parts, boundaries,
structure. Tympanic membrane: topography, parts, structure,
110. Middle ear: parts, structure. Tympanic cavity: topography,
walls, connections, contest.
111. Acoustic bones: topography,, their parts. Joints and muscles
of acoustic bones.
112. Auditory tube: topography, parts, connections, structures.
113. Internal ear: parts. Bony labyrinth :parts.
114. Bony labyrinth: semicircular canals, their topography, parts,
connections, structure, functions.
115. Bony labyrinth: vestibule. Its topography, walls, relief of
internal surface, connections, functions.
116. Bony labyrinth: cochlea, topography, structure, connections,
117. Membranous labyrinth: topography, parts.
118. Perilymphatic space: formation, contest, connections.
119. Endolymphatic space: formation, contest, connections.
120. Bony labyrinth: semicircular canals, their topography, parts,
connections, structure, functions.
121. Bony labyrinth: semicircular ducts, their topography, parts,
structure, functions.
122. Bony labyrinth: cochlear labyrinth, walls, their structure,
123. To describe ways of transit of acoustic vibration.
124. Pathways of acoustic analyzer.
125. Pathways of balance ( vestibular apparatus).
1. Classification of cranial nerves.
2. Anatomical differences of cranial and spinal nerves.
3. General plan of structure of motor cranial nerves.
4. General plan of structure of sensory ( true) cranial nerves.
5. General plan of structure of mixed cranial nerves.
6. General plan of structure of sensory cranial nerves, derivatives of brain.
7. Anatomical differences of structure of sensory cranial nerves, derivatives of brain,
from true sensory cranial nerves.
8. I pair of cranial nerves: development, common character, formation, topography.
9. II pair of cranial nerves: development, common character, formation, topography.
10. III pair of cranial nerves: development, common character, formation,
11. General structure of vegetative nodes of head: roots, their formation; branches,
their composition and objects of innervations.
12. Ciliary’s ganglion :topography, roots, branches, areas of innervations.
13. IV pair of cranial nerves: development, general character, nucleus, exit from
brain, exit from skull, areas of innervations.
14. V pair of cranial nerves: development, general character, intracranial part of V
15. V pair of cranial nerves: sensory ganglion of V pair, its topography, motion of
central and peripheral fibers.
16. V pair of cranial nerves: 1st branch of V pair – formation, exit from skull,
branches, areas of innervations.
17. V pair of cranial nerves: 2d branch of V pair – formation, exit from skull,
branches, areas of innervations.
18. Pterygopalatine ganglion: topography, roots, branches, areas of innervations.
19. V pair of cranial nerves:3d branch of V pair – formation, exit from skull,
branches, areas of innervations.
20. Submandibular ganglion: topography, roots, branches, areas of innervations.
21. Sublingual ganglion: topography, roots, branches, areas of innervations.
22. Ear ganglion: topography, roots, branches, areas of innervations.
23. VI pair of cranial nerves: development, general character, nucleus, exit from
brain, exit from skull, areas of innervations.
24. VII pair of cranial nerves and intermediate nerve: development, general
character, nuclei, topography, branches, areas of innervations.
25. Vegetative nodes of head, which are connected with midbrain: their roots,
branches, areas of innervations.
26. VIII pair of cranial nerves: development, parts, their general character, nuclei,
formation, topography.
27. IX pair of cranial nerves: development, general character, nuclei, exit from brain,
exit from skull, branches, areas of innervations.
28. X pair of cranial nerves: development, general character, nuclei, exit from brain,
exit from skull, parts, their topography.
29. X pair of cranial nerves: branches of main and cervical parts – their topography,
composition of fibers, areas of innervations.
30. X pair of branches of thoracic and abdominal parts – their topography,
composition of fibers, areas of innervations.
31. XI pair VIII pair of cranial nerves: development, general character, nuclei, exit
from brain, exit from skull, areas of innervations.
32. XII pair of cranial nerves: development, general character, nuclei, exit from
brain, exit from skull, areas of innervations.
33. Cervical plexus: formation, topography, branches, areas of innervations.
34. Aorta: parts, their topography. Aortic arch. its branches. Variants and anomalies
of development of branches of aortic arch.
35. Common carotid artery: origin (right and left), their topography, branches.
External carotid artery; topography, classification of branches.
36. External carotid artery: anterior group of branches, their topography, areas of
blood supply.
37. External carotid artery: lingual artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood
38. External carotid artery: facial artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood
39. External carotid artery: posterior group of branches, their topography, areas of
blood supply.
40. External carotid artery: medial group of branches, their topography, areas of
blood supply.
41. External carotid artery: superficial temporal artery, its topography, branches,
areas of blood supply.
42. External carotid artery: maxillary artery, its topography, parts, branches, areas of
blood supply.
43. Internal carotid artery: parts, their topography.
44. Internal carotid artery; cerebral part, its topography, branches, areas of blood
45. Internal carotid artery: ophthalmic artery, its topography, branches.
46. Subclavian artery: origin (of right and left) arteries, topographical parts of
subclavian artery, main branches.
47. Subclavian artery: vertebral artery, parts, their topography, branches of each part,
areas of blood supply.
48. Basilar artery: formation, topography, branches.
49. Arterial circle of brain: topography, formation, functional meaning.
50. Subclavian artery: internal thoracic artery, topography,
branches, areas of blood supply.
51. Subclavian artery: thyro-cervical trunk, its branches, areas of
blood supply.
52. Subclavian artery: costo-cervical trunk, its branches, areas of
blood supply.
53. Internal jugular vein: formation, topography, classification of
54. Intracranial tributaries of internal jugular vein, to call.
55. Ways of outflow of venous blood from venous sinuses of dura
mater of brain.
56. Veins of the brain. Classification. Formation. Tributaries.
57. Extra cranial tributaries of internal jugular vein.
58. Anastomoses between intracranial and extra cranial tributaries
of internal jugular vein.
59. External jugular vein: formation, topography, tributaries.
Anterior jugular vein: formation, topography, tributaries. Jugular
venous arch: topography, formation.
60. Brachiocephalic vein: formation, topography, tributaries.
Venous angle: formation, topography. Formation of superior vena
61. Main lymphatic trunks of head and neck: formation,
topography, regions of gathering of lymph, flow into lymphatic
62. Lymphatic nodes of head: classification, topography, regions
of collection of lymph, ways of outflow of lymph.
63. Lymphatic nodes of neck: classification, topography, regions
of collection of lymph, ways of outflow of lymph.
64. Blood supply of superiolateral surface of hemisphere.
65. Blood supply of medial surface of hemisphere.
66. Blood supply of base of brain.
67. Blood supply of frontal lobe.
68. Blood supply of parietal lobe.
69. Blood supply of temporal lobe.
70. Blood supply of occipital lobe.
71. Blood supply of cerebellum.
72. Blood supply of cerebral trunk.
73. Blood supply and innervations of dura mater of brain.
74. Blood supply and innervations of mucous membrane of nasal
75. Blood supply and innervations eyeball.
76. Blood supply and innervations of lacrimal gland.
77 .Blood supply and innervations of external eye muscles.
78. Blood supply and innervations of external ear.
79. Blood supply and innervations of middle ear.
80 Blood supply and innervations of tympanic cavity.
81.Blood supply and innervations of internal ear.
82.Blood supply and innervations of parotid gland.
83.Blood supply and innervations of submandibular gland.
84.Blood supply and innervations of sublingual gland.
85.Blood supply and innervations of mucous membrane of mouth
86.Blood supply and innervations of soft palate.
87.Blood supply and innervations of tongue.
88.Blood supply and innervations of upper tooth.
89.Blood supply and innervations of lower tooth.
90.Blood supply and innervations of pharynx.
91.Blood supply and innervations of palatine tonsils.
92.Blood supply and innervations of larynx.
93.Blood supply and innervations of thyroid gland.
94.Blood supply and innervations of muscles of mystification.
95.Blood supply and innervations of facial muscles (muscles of
96.Blood supply and innervations of superficial muscles of neck.
97.Blood supply and innervations of suprahyoid and infrahyoid
muscles of neck.
98.Blood supply and innervations of deepcervical muscles.
99.Blood supply and innervations of skin of face.
100.Blood supply and innervations of temporo-mandibular joint
101.Walls, contents and connections of infratemporal fossa.
102.Walls, contents and connections of pterygopalatine fossa.. .
1. General plan of the cardiovascular system. Classification of
2. Development of heart in embryogenesis: sources of
development, stages of development, their character. Anomalies of
development of heart.
3. Heart: topography, variants of position of heart, variants of shape of heart. Age
peculiarities of structure of heart.
4. Heart: the external structure, chambers of heart.
5. Right atrium: the vessels which falls in it, auricle, relief of the internal surface,
interatrial septum.
6. Right atrio-ventricular valve: topography, cusps, their structure.
7. Right ventricle: connections, structure, relief of the internal surface.
8. Valve of pulmonary trunk: topography, structure.
9. Interventricular septum: parts, its structure.
10. Left atrium: vessels which falls in it, auricle, relief of the internal surface.
11. Left atrio-ventricular valve: topography, cusps, their structure.
12. Left ventricle: connections, structure, relief of the internal structure.
13. Aortic valve: topography, structure
14. Valves of heart; topography, structure.
15. Heart: structure of wall.
16. Heart: endocardium, its structure. Derivatives of endocardium.
17. Heart: myocardium of atrium, its structure.
18. Heart: myocardium of ventricles, its structure.
19. Conduction system of heart: nodes, cords, their topography, functions.
20. Heart: third circle of blood circulation.
21. Heart: right coronary artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
22. Heart: left coronary artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
23. Heart: anastomoses between right and left coronary arteries, name and to describe
their topography.
24. Heart: to describe ways of outflow of venous blood from heart’s wall. Coronoid
sinus: its topography, tributaries.
25. Pericardium: structure, cavity, recesses.
26. Heart: projection of heart on the anterior wall of the thorax. Boundaries of heart.
27. Projection of heart’s valves. Regions of auscultation of the heat’s valves.
28. Large circle of blood circulation. Works of Garveya and their value.
29. Small circle of circulation of blood.
30. Blood circulation of fetus.
31.General anatomy of arteries: anatomical classification, classification after structure
of arteries walls; function of the different groups of arteries.
32. Regularities of distribution of arteries in human body. Variants of branching of
33. Development of vessels in embryogenesis: sources, mechanism of development.
Variants and anomalies of development of vessels.
34. Concept about organic specificity of circulatory system. Hemicirculatory system:
link, its functional character.
35. Aorta: parts, topography.
36. Thoracic aorta: topography, main branches, areas of blood supply.
37. Thoracic aorta: topography, parietal branches, areas of blood supply.
38. Thoracic aorta: topography, visceral branches, areas of blood supply.
39 .Abdominal aorta: topography, classification of branches.
40. Abdominal aorta: parietal branches, their topography, areas of blood supply.
41. Abdominal aorta: visceral branches, their classification, areas of blood supply.
42. Abdominal aorta: paired visceral branches, topography, areas of blood supply.
43. Abdominal aorta: unpaired visceral branches, topography, areas of blood supply.
44. Abdominal aorta: celiac trunk, its topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
45. Celiac trunk: common hepatic artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood
46. Celiac trunk: spleenic artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
47. Abdominal aorta: superior mesenteric artery, topography, branches, areas of blood
48. Abdominal aorta: inferior mesenteric artery, topography, branches, areas of blood
49. Intersystem and intrasystem arterial anatomies between branches of abdominal
50. Common iliac artery: formation, topography, branches.
51. Internal iliac artery: topography, classification of branches.
52. Internal iliac artery: parietal branches, their topography, areas of blood supply.
53. Internal iliac artery: visceral branches, their topography, areas of blood supply.
54. Internal iliac artery: internal pudendal artery, its topography, branches, areas of
blood supply.
55. General anatomy of veins: anatomical classification, classification by structure of
wall; functions of different groups of veins.
56. Regularities of distribution of veins in human organism. Tributaries of veins,
57. Superior vena cava: formation, topography, tributaries.
58. Azygos vein: formation, topography, classification of tributaries.
59. Azygos vein: visceral tributaries, regions of collection of venous blood.
60. Azygos vein: parietal tributaries, regions of collection of venous blood.
61. Hemiazygos vein: formation, topography, classification of tributaries.Accessory
hemiazygos vein, topography, tributaries.
62. Hemiazygos vein: visceral tributaries, regions of collection of venous blood.
63. Hemiazygos vein: parietal tributaries, regions of collection of venous blood.
64. Intercostals veins: topography, tributaries, regions of collection of venous blood.
65. Veins of vertebral column; vertebral venous plexuses, their
topography, ways of outflow of venous blood.
66. Inferior vena cava: formation, topography, classification of
67. Inferior vena cava: visceral tributaries, regions of collection of
venous blood.
68. Inferior vena cava: parietal tributaries, regions of collection of
venous blood.
69. Portal vein: formation, tributaries, regions of collection of
venous blood, topography.
70. Portal vein formation, tributaries, topography, branching in
liver, functional meaning.
71. Internal iliac vein: topography, classification of tributaries.
72. Internal iliac vein: parietal tributaries, their topography, regions
of collection of venous blood.
73. Venous plexuses of small pelvis: formation, topography,
regions of collection of venous blood.
74. Intrasystem and intersystem venous anastomoses: definition.
75. Porto-caval venous anastomoses in esophageal region.
76. Porto-caval anastomoses in region of rectum.
77. Porto-caval anastomoses on the posterior wall of abdominal
78. Cava-caval anastomoses on the anterior wall of abdominal
79. Porto-cava-caval anastomoses on the anterior wall of
abdominal cavity
80. Cava-caval anastomoses on on the posterior wall of abdominal
81. Cava-caval anastomosesinregion of vertebral column.
82. Lymphatic system: common character, functions.
83. Lymphatic vessels: formation, their structure, topography,
84. Lymphatic system. Thoracic duct, its roots, topography,
tributaries, place of inflow into venous system.
85. Lymphatic system. Right lymphatic duct, its roots, topography,
tributaries, place of inflow into venous system.
86. Autonomic part of the peripheral nervous system (vegetative
nervous system); parts, functions, objects of innervations.
87. The differences between somatic nervous system and
vegetative nervous system.
88. Morphological difference of reflex arch of autonomic part of
the peripheral autonomic system (vegetative nervous system).
89. Morphological difference between sympathetic and
parasympathetic parts of autonomic part of the peripheral
autonomic system ( vegetative nervous system).
90. Vegetative nervous system: central part, its classification,
topography, formation.
91. Vegetative nervous system: peripheral part, its components.
92. Vegetative nodes: classification, structure, topography,
differences from sensory nodes.
93. Sympathetic trunk: topography, parts, nodes, their connections.
94. Preganglionic sympathetic branches: formation, topography.
95. Cervical part of sympathetic trunk: nodes, which forms it, their
topography, sources of preganglionic fibers.
96. Cervical part of sympathetic trunk: superior cervical node, its
topography, sources of preganglionic fibers, branches, areas of
97. Cervical part of sympathetic trunk: middle cervical node, its
topography, sources of preganglionic fibers, branches, areas of
98. Cervical part of sympathetic trunk: inferior cervical node, its
topography, sources of preganglionic fibers, branches, areas of
99. Thoracic part of sympathetic trunk: nodes their topography,
sources of the preganglionic fibers,branches, areas of innervations.
100 Visceral nerves: their formation, composition of fibers,
101.Lumbar part of sympathetic trunk: nodes their topography,
sources of the preganglionic fibers,branches, areas of innervations.
102.Sacral part of sympathetic trunk: nodes their topography,
sources of the preganglionic fibers, branches, areas of innervations.
103.Vegetative plexuses of the abdominal cavity; formation,
topography, composition of fibers, areas of innervations.
104.Celiac aortic plexus: secondary plexuses, their topography,
composition of fibers, nodes, areas of innervations.
105. Vegetative plexuses of small pelvis: formation, topography,
composition of fibers, areas of innervations.
106. Inferior hypogastric plexus: secondary plexuses, their
topography, composition of fibers, areas of innervations.
107. Objects of innervations of main part of the parasympathetic part of vegetative
nervous system.
108. Objects of innervations of sacral part of the sympathetic part of vegetative
nervous system.
109. Blood supply and innervations of wall of the thoracic cavity.
110. Blood supply and innervations of diaphragm.
111 Blood supply and innervations of trachea.
112. Blood supply and innervations of bronchi.
113. Blood supply and innervations of lungs.
114. Blood supply and innervations of pleura.
115. Blood supply and innervations of esophagus.
116. Blood supply and innervations of heart.
117. Heart: cardiac nervous plexuses, their topography, sources of formation,
composition of fibers.
118. Heart: intramural nervous plexuses, their topography, sources of formation,
composition of fibers.
119. Blood supply and innervations of pericardium.
120. Blood supply and innervations of spinal cord.
121. Blood supply and innervations of wall of abdominal cavity.
122. Blood supply and innervations of liver.
123. Blood supply and innervations of gall bladder.
124. Blood supply and innervations of stomach.
125. Blood supply and innervations of small intestine.
126. Blood supply and innervations of duodenum.
127. Blood supply and innervations of jejunum.
128. Blood supply and innervations of ilium.
129. Blood supply and innervations of large intestine.
131. Blood supply and innervations of ascending colon.
132. Blood supply and innervations of transverse colon
133. Blood supply and innervations of descending colon.
134. Blood supply and innervations of sigmoid colon.
135. Blood supply and innervations of rectum.
136. Blood supply and innervations of pancreas.
137. Blood supply and innervations of spleen.
138. Blood supply and innervations of kidneys. Structure of intraorganic circulative
system of kidneys.
139. Blood supply and innervations of ureter.
140. Blood supply and innervations of urinary bladder.
141. Blood supply and innervations of urethra.
142. Blood supply and innervations.of suprarenal glands.
143. Blood supply and innervations of ovary.
144. Blood supply and innervations of uterus.
145. Blood supply and innervations of uterine tubes.
146. Blood supply and innervations of vagina.
147. Blood supply and innervations of external female genital organs.
148. Blood supply and innervations of testis.
149. Blood supply and innervations of deferent duct.
150. Blood supply and innervations of seminal vesicles.
151. Blood supply and innervations of prostate gland.
152. Blood supply and innervations of male external genital organs.
153. Blood supply and innervations of perineum.
154. Axillary artery: topography, parts, branches, areas of blood supply.
155. Humeral artery: topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
156. Humeral artery: deep humeral artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood
157. Radial artery: topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
158. Ulnar artery: topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
159. Cubital articular network: sources of formation, topography, areas of blood
160. Superficial palmar arch: sources of formation, topography, branches, areas of
blood supply.
161. Deep palmar arch: sources of formation, topography, branches, areas of blood
162. Dorsal carpal network: sources of formation, topography, branches, areas of blood
163. Palmar carpal network: sources of formation, topography, areas of blood supply.
164. Arterial anastomoses of hand.
165. Veins of upper limb: classification. Superficial veins, their topography, regions of
flow to venous vessels. Anastomoses between superficial veins.
166. Veins of upper limb: classification. Deep veins, their topography, peculiarities of
location on hand, forearm and shoulder.
167. Axillary vein: topography, tributaries.
168. External iliac artery: formation, topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
169. Femoral artery: topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
170. Femoral artery: deep femoral artery, its topography, branches, areas of blood
171. Popliteal artery: topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
172. Anterior tibial artery: topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
173. Posterior tibial artery: topography, branches, areas of blood supply.
174. Posterior tibial artery: fibular artery, its topography, branches,
areas of blood supply.
175. Articular knee network: sources of formation, topography,
areas of blood supply.
176. Medial network: sources of formation, topography, areas of
blood supply.
177. Lateral malleolus network: sources of formation, topography,
areas of blood supply.
178. Foot network:sources of formation, topography, areas of
blood supply.
179. Medial plantar artery: formation, topography, branches, areas
of blood supply.
180. Lateral plantar artery: formation, topography, branches, areas
of blood supply.
181. Dorsal artery of foot: formation, topography, branches, areas
of blood supply.
182. Arterial anastomoses of foot.
183. Veins of lower limb: classification. Superficial veins: their
topography, regions of flow into venous vessels.
184. Superficial veins of lower limb; large saphenous vein,, its
formation, topography.
185. Veins of lower limb: classification. Deep veins, their
topography, peculiarities of location on foot, leg and femur.
186. Femoral vein: topography, tributaries.
187. Peripheral nervous system: components, their general
188. Spinal nerve: formation, topography, branches, conformities
to segments of spinal cord.
189. Posterior branches of spinal nerves, composition of their
fibers, topography and areas of innervations.
190. Posterior branch of the I-II cervical spinal nerves:
composition of fibers, topography, areas of innervations.
191. Anterior branches of spinal nerves: composition of fibers,
general regularity of structure and topography of anterior branches
of different spinal nerves.
192. Thoracic spinal nerve: formation, branches, topography, areas
of innervations.
193. Intercostal nerves: formation, branches, topography, areas of
194. General princeples of structure of somatic nervous plexuses.
195. Cervical plexus: phrenic nerve, its composition of fibers,
topography, branches, areas of innervations.
196. Humeral plexus: formation, topography, parts, classification
of branches.
197. Humeral plexus: supraclavicular part, its topography,
198. Short branches of humeral plexus: their topography, areas of
199. Short branches of humeral plexus: axillary nerve, its
topography, areas of innervations.
200. Humeral plexus: infraclavicular part, its topography,
201. Long branches of humeral plexus: their topography, areas of
202. Long branches of humeral plexus: musculocutaneous nerve,
its formation, topography, branches, areas of innervations.
203. Long branches of humeral plexus: median nerve, its
formation, topography, branches, areas of innervations.
204. Long branches of humeral plexus: ulnar nerve, its formation,
topography, branches, areas of innervations.
205. Long branches of humeral plexus: radial nerve its formation,
topography, branches, areas of innervations.
206. Long cutaneous branches of humeral plexus: their formation,
topography, areas of innervations.
207. Lumbar plexus: formation, topography, branches, areas of
208. Lumbar plexus: femoral nerve, its topography, branches, areas
of innervations..
209. Lumbar plexus: obturator nerve, its topography, branches,
areas of innervations.
210. Sacral and coccygeal plexuses: formation, topography,
classification of branches.
211. Sacral plexus: short branches, their topography, areas of
212. Short branches of sacral plexus: pudendal nerve, composition
of fibers, its topography, areas of innervations.
213. Long branches of sacral plexus: their topography, branches,
areas of innervations
214. Long branches of sacral plexus: sciatic nerve, its topography, branches, areas of
215. Tibial nerve: its formation, topography, branches, areas of innervations.
216. Common fibular ( peroneal ) nerve: its formation, topography, branches, areas of
217. Coccygeal plexus, formation, topography, braches, areas of innervations.
218. Blood supply and innervations of back muscles.
219. Blood supply and innervations of thoracic muscles.
220. Blood supply and innervations of abdominal muscles.
221. Blood supply and innervations of muscles of shoulder girdle.
222. Blood supply and innervations of shoulder muscles.
223. Blood supply and innervations of antebrachial muscles.
224. Blood supply and innervations of hand muscles.
225. Blood supply and innervations of hip muscles.
226. Blood supply and innervations of femoral muscles.
227. Blood supply and innervations of leg muscles.
228. Blood supply and innervations of foot muscles.
229. Blood supply and innervations of joints of girdle of upper
230. Blood supply and innervations of shoulder joint.
231. Blood supply and innervations of elbow joint.
232. Blood supply and innervations of radio-carpal joint.
233. Blood supply and innervations of hip joint.
234. Blood supply and innervations of knee joint.
235. Blood supply and innervations of talo-crural joint.
236. Blood supply and innervations of fingers of hand ( dorsal and
palmar surfaces).
237. Blood supply and innervations of thumb (dorsal and palmar
238. Blood supply and innervations of fingers of foot.
239. Innervations of skin of the upper limb.
240. Innervations of skin of the lower limb.
4. 8. List of practical tasks and works to final module control
locomotory apparatus”
Body of vertebra
Arch of vertebra
Superior vertebral notch
Inferior vertebral notch
Vertebral opening
Spinous process
Transverse sprout
Superior articular process
Inferior articular process
Cervical vertebrae
Anterior arch of atlas
Pit of tooth
Groove of vertebral artery
Posterior arch of atlas
Lateral mass of atlas
Dens of axial vertebra
Carotid tubercle (VI cervical
vertebra )
Transverse opening
Posterior tubercle
Groove of spinal nerve
|Thoracic vertebrae
Superior costal fossa
Inferior costal fossa
Costal fossa of transverse process
Lumbar vertebrae
Additional process
Mamillary process
Sacral bone
Basis of sacral bone
Auricular surface of sacral bone
Apex of sacral bone
Sacral tuberosity
Pelvic surface
Transverse lines
Anterior sacral openings
Spinal surface
Posterior sacral openings
Middle sacral crest
Medial sacral crest
Lateral sacral crest
Sacral canal
Sacral crest
Head of rib
Articular surface of head of rib
Crest of head of rib
Neck of rib
Body of rib
Tubercle of rib
Angle of rib
Groove of rib
Tubercle of anterior serratus muscle
Groove for subclavian artery (on the
first rib)
Groove for subclavian vein (on the
first rib)
Tuberosity of anterior serratus
Manubrium of sternum
Jugular notch ( sterni )
Clavicular notch
Body of sterni
Costal notch
Xiphoid process
Angle sterni
Frontal bone
Frontal squama
Frontal tuber
Superciliary arch
Groove for superior sagittal sinus
Frontal crest
Cecum foramen
Supraorbital border
Supraorbital foramen
Zygomatic process
Orbital part
Fossa for lacrimal gland
Nasal part
Nasal spine
Ethmoid notch
Frontal sinus
Parietal bone
Parietal border
Squamous border
Sagittal border
Frontal border
Frontal angle
Occipital angle
Sphenoid angle
Mastoid angle
Parietal foramen
Superior temporal line
Occipital bone
Magnum foramen
Basilar part
Pharyngeal tubercle
Lateral part
Occipital condyle
Condylar canal
Condylar fossa
Jugular notch
Jugular process
Hypoglossal canal
Occipital squama
External occipital protuberance
Superior nuchae line
Inferior nuchae line
Internal occipital protuberance
Cruciform eminence
Groove for transverse sinus
Groove for sigmoid sinus
Sphenoid bone
Body of sphenoid bone
Turkish saddle
Hypophysial fossa
Tubercle of saddle
Dorsum of saddle
Carotid groove
Sphenoid sinus
Lesser wing of sphenoid bone
Greater wing of sphenoid bone
Cerebral surface of greater wing
Temporal surface of greater wing
Infratemporal surface of greater
Maxillary surface of greater wing
Orbital surface of greater wing
Superior orbital fissure
Optic canal
Rotundum foramen
Oval foramen
Spinous foramen
Pterygoid process
Lateral plate
Medial plate
Pterygoid canal
Pterygoid fossa
Pterygoid notch
Temporal bone
Petrosal part of temporal bone
Superior border of petrosal part
Groove for superior petrosal sinus
Posterior border of petrosal part
Groove of inferior petrosal sinus
Anterior border of petrosal part
Tegmen of tympanic part
Trigeminal impression
Hiatus for canal of great petrosal
Groove for great petrosal nerve
Hiatus for canal of small petrosal
Groove for small petrosal nerve
Posterior surface of petrosal part
Internal acoustic foramen
Internal acoustic meatus
Subarcuate fossa
Inferior surface of petrosal part
Jugular fossa
Styloid fossa
Stylomastoid foramen
Petrosal fossula
External foramen of carotid canal
Internal foramen of carotid canal
Mastoid process ( temporal bone)
Groove for sigmoid sinus
Mastoid notch
Mastoid foramen
Tympanic part
Squamous part
Zygomatic process
Articular tubercle
Mandibular fossa
External acoustic foramen
External acoustic meatus
Ethmoid bone
Cribriforme plate
Cribriforme foramens
Perpendicular plate
Ethmoid labyrinthus
Orbital plate
Superior nasal concha
Middle nasal concha
Body of maxillae
Orbital surface
Infraorbital groove of maxillae
Infraorbital canal of maxillae
Infraorbital border of body of
Anterior surface of body of maxillae
Infraorbital foramen of maxillae
Nasal notch
Infratemporal surface of body of
Tuber maxillae
Alveolar foramens
Nasal surface of body of maxillae
Lacrimal groove
Hiatus maxillae
Frontal process of maxillae
Zygomatic process
Palatine process
Alveolar process
Dental alveoli
Body of mandible
Alveolar part
Alveolar arch of mandible
Dental alveoli
Basis of mandible
Submental tubercle
Submental foramen
Digastric fossa of mandible
Mylohyoid line of mandible
Sublingual fossa
Branch of mandible
Angle of mandible
Masseteric tuberosity
Pterygoid tuberosity
Mandibular notch
Condylar process of mandible
Capitulum of mandible
Neck of mandible
Pterygoid fossa of mandible
Coronoid process of mandible
Foramen of mandible
Canal of mandible
Inferior nasal concha
Lacrimal bone
Nasal bone
Palatine bone
Perpendicular plate
Spheno-palatine notch
Pyramid process
Horizontal plate
Zygomatic bone
Lateral surface
Temporal surface
Orbital surface
Frontal process
Temporal process
Zygomatico-orbital foramen
Zygomatico-facial foramen
Zygomatico-temporal foramen
Hyoid bone
Body of hyoid bone
Lesser horn
Greater horn
Roof of skull
Temporal fossa
Walls of temporal fossa
Zygomatic arch
Pterygopalatine fossa
Walls of pterygopalatine fossa
Anterior cranial fossa
Middle cranial fossa
Posterior cranial fossa
Groove for superior sagittal sinus
Groove for transverse sinus (skull)
Groove for sigmoid sinus (skull)
External base of skull
Lacerum foramen (skull)
Jugular foramen (skull)
Carotid canal of temporal bone
Musculotubarius canal ( skull)
Osseous palate
Major palatine canal
Lesser palatine foramens
Incisive canal
Orbital entrance
Supraorbital border ( skull )
Infraorbital border ( skull )
Walls of orbital fossae
Anterior ethmoid foramen
Posterior ethmoid foramen
Inferior orbital fissure
Osseous nasal cavity
Superior nasal portion
Middle nasal portion
Inferior nasal portion
Common nasal portion
Costal surface
Subscapular fossa
Posterior surface
Scapular spine
Supraspinous fossa
Infraspinous fossa
Median border
Lateral border
Superior border
Coracoid process
Scapular notch
Superior angle
Inferior angle
Lateral angle
Glenoid cavity
Supraspinous tubercle
Infraspinous tubercle
Scapular neck
Sternal end
Body of scapulae
Acromial end
Head of humerus
Anatomical neck
Greater tubercle
Lesser tubercle
Crest of greater tubercle
Crest of lesser tubercle
Intertubercular groove
Surgical neck
Body of humerus
Deltoid tuberosity
Groove for radial nerve
Condyle of humerus
Capitulum of humerus
Trochlea of humerus
Cubital fossa
Coronoid fossa
Lateral epicondyle
Radial fossa
Medial epicondyle
Groove for ulnar nerve
Head of radius
Articular circumference
Articular fossa
Neck of radius
Radial tuberosity
Surfaces of body of radius
Borders of body of radius
Styloid process of radius
Ulnar notch
Carpal articular surface
Olecranon process
Trochlear notch
Coronoid process
Ulnar tuberosity
Radial notch
Body of ulna
Surfaces of body of ulna
Borders of body of ulna
Head of ulna
Styloid process of ulna
Articular circumference
Bones of hand
Carpal bones
Scaphoid bone
Lunate bone
Triquetral bone
Pisiforme bone
Capitate bone
Hamate bone
Metacarpal bones
Base of metacarpal bone
Body of metacarpal bone
Head of metacarpal bone
Bones of fingers of hand (phalanges
digitorum )
Proximal phalanx
Middle phalanx
Distal phalanx
Hip bone
Fossa of acetabulum
Lunate surface of acetabulum
Acetabular notch
Obturator foramen
Great sciatic notch
Iliac bone
Body of iliac bone
Wing of iliac bone
Iliac crest
Superior anterior iliac spine
Inferior anterior iliac spine
Inferior posterior iliac spine
External lip
Intermediate line
Internal lip
Iliac fossa
Gluteal surface
Auricular surface
Iliac tuberosity
Ischium bone
Body of ischium bone
Branch of ischium bone
Ischial tuber
Ischial spine
Lesser ischial notch
Pubic bone
Body of pubic bone
Superior branch of pubic bone
Pubic tubercle
Ilio-pubic eminence
Symphysial surface
Inferior branch of pubic bone
Obturator groove
Pelvic cavity
Great pelvis
Small pelvis
Terminal line
Pubic arch
Upper pelvic foramen
Lower pelvic foramen
Head of femur
Neck of femur
Lesser trochanter of femur bone
Greater trochanter of femur bone
Intertrochanteric crest
Intertrochanteric line
Body of femur
Surfaces of the body
Aspera line of femur bone
Lateral lip
Medial lip
Pectinea line
Ischial tuberosity
Popliteal surface
Medial condyle
Epicondyle of femur bone
Patellar surface
Intercondylar fossa
Tibia bone
Lateral condyle
Articular fibular surface
Medial condyle
Superior articular surface
Anterior intercondylar area
Posterior intercondylar area
Intercondylar eminence
Body of tibia bone
Surfaces of body of tibia
Tibial tuberosity
Borders of tibia
Medial maleollus
Fibular notch
Inferior articular surface
Fibula bone
Head of fibulae
Body of fibulae
Lateral maleollus
Bones of foot
Tarsal bones
Metatarsal bones
Talus bone
Head of talus
Neck of talus
Body of talus
Calcaneus bone
Tuber of calcaneus
Sustentaculum of talus
Navicular bone
Medial cuneiforme bone
Intermediate cuneiforme bone
Lateral cuneiforme bone
Cuboid bone
Tarsal bones
Base of tarsal bone
Body of tarsal bone
Head of tarsal bone
Bones of fingers ( phalanges)
Proximal phalanx
Medial phalanx
Distal phalanx
Connections of skull
Sutures of skull
Conoid suture of skull
Sagittal suture of skull
Lambdoid suture of skull
Fontanels of skull
Synchondroses of skull
Temporo-mandibular joint
Atlanto-occipital joint
Connections of vertebral column
Intervertebral disc
Fibrous ring of intervertebral disc
Gelatinous nucleus of intervertebral
Anterior longitudinal ligament (of
Posterior longitudinal ligament (of
Interspinous ligament (of spine)
Yellow ligament (of spine)
Supraspinous ligament (of spine)
Transverse ligament (of spine)
Arcuate joint
Middle atlanto-occipital joint
Lateral atlanto-occipital joint
Sacro-coccygeal joint
Connections of thorax
Costo-sternal joint
Sterno-costal joint
Joint of head of rib
Costo-transverse joint
Connections of upper limp
Acromio-clavicular joint
Sterno-clavicular joint
Interclavicular ligament
Costo-clavicular ligament
Anterior sterno-clavicular ligament
Posterior sterno-clavicular ligament
Shoulder joint
Lip of the glenoid cavity (shoulder
joint )
Caroco-humeral joint
Elbow joint
Humero-ulnar joint
Humero-radial joint
Proximal radio-ulnar joint
Collateral ulnar ligament
Collateral radial ligament
Interosseous membrane of forearm
Distal radio-ulnar joint
Radio-carpal joint
Dorsal radio-carpal ligament
Palmar radio-carpal ligament
Ulnar collateral carpal ligament
Radial collateral carpal ligament
Intermetacarpal joints
Radiocarpal joint
Joint of pisiforme bone
Carpal canal
Carpo-metacarpal joints
Intercarpal joints
Carpo-phalangeal joints
Interphalangeal joints of hand
Collateral ligaments
Connections of lower limp
Obturator membrane
Obturator canal
Great sciatic opening
Small sciatic opening
Pubic symphysis
Sacro-iliac joint
Hip joint
Acetabular lip
Ligament of fovea of femoral head
Ilio-femoral ligament
Ischio-femoral ligament
Pubo-femoral ligament
Knee joint
Transverse ligament of knee
Lateral meniscus
Medial meniscus
Anterior cruciate ligament
Posterior cruciate ligament
Collateral tibial ligament
Collateral fibular ligament
Patellar ligament
Interosseous crural membrane
Tibio-fibular joint
Talo-crural joint
Middle collateral ligament
Lateral collateral ligament
Subtalaris joint
Talo-calcaneo-navicular joint
Tarsi transversal joint
Bifurcate ligament
Calcaneocuboid joint
Cuneonavicular joint
Intercuneiforme joints
Long plantar ligament
Tarso-metatarsal joints
Intermetatarsal joints
Interosseous metatarsal spaces
Metatarsal-phalange joints
Interphalangeal joints of foot
Muscles of back
Trapezius muscle
Latissimus dorsi muscle
Rhomboid major musvle
Levator scapulae muscle
Inferior posterior serratus muscle
Superior posterior serratus muscle
Erector spine muscle
Muscles of chest
Thoracic major muscle
Thoracic minor muscle
Subclavius muscle
Anterior serratus muscle
Internal intercostals muscles
External intercostals muscles
Lumbar part of diaphragm
Aortic hiatus
Esophageal hiatus
Sternal part of diaphragm
Costal part of diaphragm
Tendinous centre
Hiatus of inferior vena cava
Sterno-costal trigone
Lumbo-costal trigone
Abdominal muscles
Rectus abdominis muscle
Tendinous membrane
Sheath of rectus abdominis muscle
External oblique abdominal muscle
Inguinal ligament
Internal oblique abdominal muscle
Transverse abdominal muscle
White line
Umbilical ring
Inguinal canal
Walls of the inguinal canal
Superficial inguinal ring
Middle crus
Lateral crus
Quadrate lumbar muscle
Muscles of face
Epicranius muscle
Frontal belly
Occipital belly
aponeurosis )
Orbicular muscle of eye
Zygomatic major muscle
Superior levator labii muscle
Levator angulis oris muscle
Buccinator muscle
Depressor angulis oris muscle
Inferior depressor labii muscle
Orbicular oris muscle
Muscles of mastification
Temporal muscle
Masseter muscle
Lateral pterygoid muscle
Medial pterygoid muscle
Muscles of neck
Platysma muscle
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Digastric muscle
Anterior belly
Posterior belly
Stylohyoid muscle
Mylohyoid muscle
Sternohyoid muscle
Thyrohyoid muscle
Anterior scalene muscle
Middle scalene muscle
Posterior scalene muscle
Posterior cervical region
Submandibular trigone
Carotid trigone
Omotracheal trigone
Sternocleidomastoid region
Lateral cervical region
Omoclavicular trigone
Posterior cervical region
Muscles of the upper limp
Deltoid muscle
Supraspinous muscle
Infraspinous muscle
Teres minor muscle
Teres major muscle
Subscapular muscle
Biceps brachial muscle
Long head of biceps brachial muscle
Short head of biceps brachial
Coracobrachial muscle
Brachial muscle
Triceps brachial muscle
Long head of triceps brachial
Short head of triceps brachial
Middle head of triceps
brachial muscle
Flexor carpi radialis muscle
Pronator teres muscle
Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Palmaris longus muscle
Flexor pollicis longus muscle
Flexor digitorum profundus muscle
Pronator quadratus muscle
Brachioradial muscle
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor digitorum muscle
Extensor digiti minimi muscle
Extensor carpi ulnaris muscle
Supinator muscle
Abductor pollicis longus muscle
Extensor pollicis brevis muscle
Extensor pollicis longus muscle
Abductor pollicis brevis muscle
Flexor pollicis brevis muscle
Opponens pollicis muscle
Adductor pollicis muscle
Abductor digiti minimi muscle
Opponens digiti minimi muscle
Lumbrical muscles
Axillary fossa
Walls of the axillary fossa
Quadrangular opening
Triangular opening
Lateral bicipital groove
Middle bicipital groove
Cubital fossa
Retinaculum of flexors muscles
Retinaculum of extensors muscles
Palmar aponeurosis
Carpal canal
Muscles of the lower limp
Iliopsoas muscle
Psoas major muscle
Iliacus muscle
Gluteal maximus muscle
Gluteal medius muscle
Gluteal minimus muscle
Piriforme muscle
Internal obturator muscle
Superior gemellus muscle
Inferior gemellus muscle
Quadrate femoral muscle
External obturator muscle
Sartorius muscle
Quadriceps femoral muscle
Straight muscle of thigh
Lateral vastus muscle
Middle vastus muscle
Internmediate vastus muscle
Pectineus muscle
Gracilis muscle
Adductor long muscle
Adductor short muscle
Adductor magnus muscle
Biceps femoral muscle
Long head
Short head
Semitentinous muscle
Semimembranous muscle
Extensor digitorum longus muscle
of foot
Anterior tibial muscle
Extensor hallucis longus muscle of
Long fibular muscle
Short fibular muscle
Triceps sural muscle
Soleus muscle
Gastrocnemius muscle
Flexor digitorum longus muscle of
Posterior tibial muscle
Flexor hallucis longus muscle of
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle
Flexor hallucis brevis muscle
Quadrate plantar muscle
Flexor digitorum brevis muscle
Lumbrical muscles
Abductor hallucis muscle
Flexor hallucis brevis muscle
Adductor hallucis muscle
Abductor digiti minimi muscle
Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle
Suprapiriforme opening
Infrapiriforme opening
Muscular lacuna
Vascular lacuna
Fascia lata (broad )
Ilio-tibial tract
Subcutaneous hiatus
Falciforme border
Crib rate fascia
Femoral canal
Femoral ring
Adducting canal
Walls of the adducting canal
Adducting hiatus
Popliteal fossa
Superior retinaculum of extensors
Inferior retinaculum of extensors
Retinaculum of extensors muscles
Superior retinaculum of fibular
Inferior retinaculum of fibular
Plantar aponeurosis
Module 2 “ Splanchnology”
Mouth cavity
Vestibule of the mouth
Superior lip
Inferior lip
Angle of mouth
Proper oral cavity
Hard palate
Soft palate
Crown of teeth
Neck of teeth
Root of teeth
Premolars tooth
Molars tooth
Body of tongue
Root of tongue
Dorsal part of tongue
Border of tongue
Apex of tongue
Mucous coat of tongue
Fungiforme papillae of tongue
Filiforme papillae of tongue
Foliate pallilae of tongue
Foramen cecum of tongue
Lingual tonsil
Mouth glands
Sublingual gland
Submandibular gland
Parotid gland
Parotid duct
Palatoglossal arch
Palatopharyngeal arch
Palatine tonsil
Tonsils fossa
Nasal part of pharynx
Fornix of pharynx
Pharyngeal tonsil
Pharyngeal orifice of auditory tube
Tubal torus
Oral part of pharynx
Laryngeal part of pharynx
Pharyngeal cavity
Mucous coat of pharynx
Pharyngeal muscles
Cervical part
Thoracic part
Abdominal part
Mucous membrane
Anterior wall
Posterior wall
Greater curvature of stomach
Smaller curvature of stomach
Cardiac orifice
Cardiac part of stomach
Fundus of stomach
Cardiac notch
Body of stomach
Pyloric part
Pyloric antrum
Pyloryc canal
Sphincter pyloric muscle
Pyloric orifice
Mucous membrane of stomach
Gastric folds
Gastric regions
Small intestine
Serous membrane of small intestine
Mucous membrane of small
Circular folds of small intestine
Superior part of duodenum
Descending part of duodenum
Great papilla of duodenum
Small papilla of duodenum
Horizontal part of duodenum
Ascending part of duodenum
Duodeno- jejunointestinal flexure
Large intestine
Mucous membrane of large intestine
Semilunate folds of colon
Haustrum of colon
Teniae of colon
Mucous membrane of large intestine
Omental appendages
Iliac opening
Colon bowel
Ascending colon
Right flexure of colon bowel
Transverse colon
Left flexure of colon bowel
Descending colon
Sigmoid colon
Sacral flexure
Ampulla of rectum
Anal canal
Anal columns
Anal sinuses
Anal orifice
Right lobe of liver
Left lobe of liver
Diaphragmatic surface
Inferior border
Visceral surface
Fossa for gall bladder
Hilus hepatis
Groove for vena cava
Fissure for venous ligament
Teres ligament of the liver
Fissure for teres ligament
Quadrate particle of the liver
Caudate particle of liver
Common hepatic duct
Right hepatic duct
Left hepatic duct
Gall bladder
Fundus of gall bladder
Body of the gall bladder
Neck of the gall bladder
Vesical duct
Common hepatic bile duct
Head of pancreas
Body of pancreas
Surfaces of body
Borders of body
Tail of pancreas
Mesentery of small intestine
Root of mesentery
Mesentery of transverse colon
Mesentery of appendix
Mesentery of sigmoid colon
Omentum major
Omentum minor
Ligaments of liver
Coronoid ligament
Falciforme ligament
Righr triangular ligament
Left triangular ligament
Omental bursa
Omental opening
Hepatic bursa
Pregastric bursa
Right mesenteric sinus
Left mesenteric sinus
Left lateral canal
Right lateral canal
Superior ileocecal recess
Inferior ileocecal recess
Rectouterine recess
Vesicouterine recess
Rectovesical recess
Median umbilical fold
Middle umbilical fold
Middle inguinal fossa
Lateral umbilical fold
Lateral umbilical fossa
Root of nose
Dorsum of nose
Apex of nose
Wings of nose
Nasal cavity
Nasal septum
Superior nasal concha
Middle nasal concha
Inferior nasal concha
Vestibule of nose
Superior nasal portion
Middle nasal portion
Inferior nasal portion
Common nasal portion
Paranasal sinuses
Maxillary sinus
Sphenoid sinus
Frontal sinus
Ethmoid cells
Mucous membrane
Olfactory part
Respiratory part
Larynx (on the cadaver)
Thyroid cartilage
Superior horn of the
thyroid cartilage
Inferior horn of the
thyroid cartilage
Cricoid cartilage
Cricoid arch
Cricoid plate
Arytenoid cartilage
Base of the arytenoid cartilage
Muscular process
of the arytenoid cartilage
Vocal process of arytenoid cartilage
Apex of arytenoids cartilage
Crico-arytenoid joint
Cricothyroid joint
Thyrohyoid membrane
Middle cricothyroid ligament
Cricotracheal ligament
Cavitas larynges
Entrance of larynx
Vestibule of larynx
Laryngeal fold
Laryngeal fissure
Intermembranous part
of vocal fissure
Intercartilagenous part
of vocal fissure
Subglottis cavity
Vocal fold
Quadrangular plate
Vestibular ligament
Muscles of larynx
Cervical part
Thoracic part
Bifurcation of tracheae
Tracheal cartilages
Annular ( tracheal ) ligaments
Membranous wall
Right primary bronchus
Left primary bronchus
Bronchial tree
Right lung
Left lung
Base of lung
Apex of lung
Costal surface
Vertebral part of costal surface of
Mediastinal surface
Diaphragmatic ( phrenic) surface
Interparticle surface
Anterior border of lung
Lingula of lung
Cardiac notch of left lung
Inferior border og lung
Hilus pulmones
Root of lung
Oblique fissure of lung
Horizontal fissure of right lung
Superior lobe of lung ( right, left )
Middle lobe of right lung
Inferior lobe of lung ( left, right )
Parietal ( pulmonary ) pleura
Visceral pleura
Cupola of pleura
Costal part
Mediastinal part
Diaphragmatic part
Pleural cavity
Costo-phrenic recess
Costo-mediastinal recess
Kidneys ( right, left)
Lateral border
Medial border
Renal hilus ( gate )
Renal sinus
Anterior surface
Posterior surface
Superior end (pole)
Inferior end ( pole)
Fatty capsule of the kidney
Fibrillar capsule of the kidney
Cortex of the kidney
Medulla of the kidney
Renal pyramids
Renal papillae
Renal columns
Renal pelvis
Great renal calycle
Small renal calycle
Ureter ( right, left )
Abdominal part
Pelvic part
Interamural part
Apex of the urethra
Body of the urethra
Fundus of the urethra
Neck of the urethra
Internal orifice of the urethra
Mucous membrane
Testicle ( testis)
Middle surface
Lateral surface
Superior end ( pole)
Inferior end ( pole)
Anterior border
Posterior border
Albuminous membrane
Mediastinum of the testis
Septula of the testis
Particles of the testis
Parenchyma of the testis
Head of the epidydimis
Body of the epidydimis
Tail of the epidydimis
Spermatic cord
Component parts
Vas deferens
Scrotal part
Funicular part
Inguinal part
Pelvic part
Ampulla of the vas deferens
Seminal vesicle
Prostate gland
Base of the prostate gland
Apex of the prostate gland
Anterior surface
Posterior surface
Particle ( right, left of prostate
Isthmus of prostate gland
Root of penis
Body of penis
Dorsum of penis
Glans of penis
Cavernous body of penis
Spongy body of penis
Male urethra
Prostatic part
Membranous ( intermediate) part
Spongy part
Internal orifice of urethra
External orifice of urethra
Free margin
Mesentery margin
Medial surface
Lateral surface
Tubal end
Uterine end
Albuminous membrane
Cortex of ovary
Medullar matter of ovary
Proper ligament of ovary
Anterior surface
Posterior surface
Body of uterus
Fundus of uterus
Neck of uterus
Supravaginal portion of neck
Vaginal portion of neck
Cavity of uterus
Orifice of uterus
Canal of neck of uterus
Broad ligament of uterus
Round ligament of uterus
Uterine tube
Uterine portion
Isthmus of uterine tube
Ampulla of uterine tube
Infundibulum of uterine tube
Fimbria of uterine tube
Uterine orifice of uterine tube
Abdominal opening of uterine tube
Fornix of vagina
Anterior wall of vagina
Posterior wall of vagina
External female genital organs
Pubic eminence
Great pudendal labium
Small pudendal labium
Vestibule of vagina
Orifice of vagina
Female urethra
Ischiorectal fossa
Bulbospongiosus muscle
Ischiocavernous muscle
Superficial transverse perineal
Deep transverse perineal muscle
External sphincter ani muscle
Thyroid gland
Particle of the thyroid gland
Isthmus of the thyroid gland
Suprarenal gland ( right, left)
Pineal body
Bony marrow
Gate of the spleen
Palatine tonsils
Module 3 “ The central nervos
system and sense organs”
Spinal cord
Cervical enlargement
Lumbosacral enlargement
Medullar cone
Terminal filament
Anterior median groove
Postrior median groove
Anteriolateral groove
Cord ( bundle) of spinal cord
Anterior cord
Lateral cord
Posterior cord
Central canal
Grey matter
Anterior horn
Posterior horn
White matter
Brain ( cerebrum)
Сerebral trunk
Anterior median groove
Pyramid of brainstem
Decussation of pyramids
Anteriolateral groove
Posteriolateral groove
Cuneate fascicle
Cuneate tubercle
Gracilis fascicle
Gracilis tubercle
Posterior median groove
Inferior cerebellar peduncle
Basilar groove
Middle cerebellar peduncle
Superior cerebellar peduncle
Superior cerebellar velum
Tegmentum of pons
( on the cross section)
Basilar part of pons
Fourth ventricle
Rhomboid fossa
Median groove
Median eminence of rhomboid fossa
Medullar striae of fourth ventricle
Trigone of the hypoglossal nerve
Trigone of vagus nerve
Lateral recess
Median eminence of rhomboid fossa
Facial tubercle
Vestibular fold
Tegmen of the fourth ventricle
Superior cerebellar velum
Inferior cerebellar velum
Tegmentumof the midbrain
Plate of the tegmentum
Superior colliculus
Inferior colliculus
Brachium of the superior collicle
Brachium of the inferior collicle
Cerebral aqueduct
Interpeduncular fossa
Posterior perforate substance
Cerebral peduncle
Tegmen of the midbrain
Red nucleus
Black substance
Basis of cerebral peduncle
Hemisphere of the cerebellum
Worm of the cerebellum
Fissures of the cerebellum
Leaves of the cerebellum
Flocculus of the cerebellum
Tree of life
Cortex of the cerebellum
Dentate nucleus
Inferior cerebellaris peduncle
Middle cerebellaris peduncle
Superior cerebellaris peduncle
Anterior tubercle of thalamus
Pulvinar of thalamus
Medullar of thalamus
Habenular trigone
Pineal body
Lateral geniculate body
Optic chiasma
Optic tract
Tuber cinereum
Mamillary body
Third ventricle
Interventricular opening
Opening for cerebral aqueduct
Cerebral hemisphere
Longitudinal fissure of cerebrum
Lateral fossa of cerebrum
Frontal lobe
Parietal lobe
Temporal lobe
Occipital lobe
Superiolateral surface of cerebrum
Central groove
Lateral groove
Frontal lobe
Frontal pole
Precentral groove
Precentral gyrus
Superior frontal groove
Inferior frontal groove
Superior frontal gyrus
Middle frontal gyrus
Inferior frontal gyrus
Ascending branch
Anterior branch
Tegmental part
Triangular part
Orbital part
Parietal lobe
Postcentral groove
Postcentral gyrus
Upper parietal particle
Intraparietal groove
Lower parietal particle
Angular gyrus
Supramarginal gyrus
Temporal lobe
Superior temporal groove
Inferior temporal groove
Superior temporal gyrus
Middle temporal gyrus
Inferior temporal gyrus
Transverse temporal gyri
Occipital lobe
Occipital pole
Gyri of insula
Medial and inferior surfaces
of the cerebral hemisphere
Groove of the corpus callosum
Groove of cingulus
Cingular gyrus
Isthmus of the cingulus gyrus
Prehippocampal groove
Hippocampal gyrus
Dentate groove
Olfactory groove
Precentral groove
Precentral particle
Parietoooccipital groove
Calcarine groove
Lingual gyrus
Middle occipitotemporal gyrus
Occipitotemporal groove
Lateral occipito-temporal gyrus
Straight gyrus
Olfactory groove
Orbital grooves
Orbital gyri
Corpus callosum
Septum pellucidum
Olfactory bulb
Olfactory tract
Olfactory trigone
Anterior perforate substance
Basal nuclei
Corpus striatum
Caudate nucleus
Lentiform nucleus
Lateral globus pallidus
Middle globus pallidus
Lateral ventricles
Central part of the lateral ventricle
Walls of the central part
Anterior ( frontal horn )
of the lateral ventricle
Walls of the anterior horn
Posterior (occipital horn )
of the lateral ventricle
Walls of the posterior horn
Calcar avis
Collateral eminence of the lateral
Inferior ( temporal ) horn of the
lateral ventricle
Walls of the inferior horn
Interventricular opening
External capsule of telencephalon
Internal capsule of telencephalon
Anterior crus of internal capsule
Genu of internal capsule
Posterior crus of internal capsule
Dura mater of spinal cord
Falx cerebri major
Falx cerebelli
Tentorium cerebelli
Diaphragm of saddle
Sinuses of dura mater
Superior sagittal sinus
Inferior sagittal sinus
Straight sinus
Occipital sinus
Transverse sinus
Confluence of sinuses
Sigmoid sinus
Cavernous sinus
Spheno-petrosal sinus
Superior petrosal sinus
Inferior petrosal sinus
Arachnoid membrane of brain
Arachnid membrane of spinal cord
Pia mater of brain
Pia mater of spinal cord
Fibrous membrane of eyeball
Aluminous membrane of eyeball
Vascular membrane of eyeball
Proper vascular membrane
Ciliary body
Vitreous body
Accessory structures of eyeball
External muscles of eyeball
Lateral rectus muscle
Superior rectus muscle
Middle rectus muscle
Lateral rectus muscle
Superior oblique muscle
Inferior oblique muscle
Superior eyelid
Inferior eyelid
Connective membrane
( conjunctiva )
Upper fornix
of the connective membrane
Lower fornix
of the connective membrane
Lacrimal gland
External ear
Eddy ( helix0
Auricular lobule
External acoustic meatus
External acoustic opening
Tympanic membrane
Middle ear
Tympanic cavity
Tegmental wall
Jugular wall
Labyrinthine wall
Mastoid wall
Carotid wall
Membranous wall
Auditory tube
Internal ear
Labyrinths osseous
Semicircular canals
Labyrinths membranous
Module 4 “Vessels and
nerves of the head and neck”
Cranial nerves
Optic nerve ( II pair )
Oculomotor nerve ( III pair )
Trochlear nerve (IV pair )
Trigeminal nerve (V pair)
and its ganglion
Ophthalmic (1branch of the V pair)
Maxillary (2 branch of the V pair )
Mandibular ( 3 branch of the V pair)
Auriculotemporal nerve
Lingual nerve
Inferior alveolar nerve
Abducent nerve ( IV pair)
Facial and intermediate nerves
( VII pair)
Vestibulocochlear nerve ( VIII pair)
Glossopharyngeal nerve ( IX pair)
Vagus nerve ( X pair)
Laryngeal recurrent nerve
Anterior and posterior vagus trunk
Accessory nerve ( XII pair)
Hypoglossal nerve ( XII pair)
Aortic bulb
Ascending aorta
Aortic arch
Branches of the aortic arch
Descending aorta
Thoracic aorta
Abdominal aorta
Brachiocephalic trunk
Right common carotid artery
Right subclavian artery
Common carotid artery (right, left )
External carotid artery
Superior thyroid artery
Lingual artery
Facial artery
Occipital artery
Posterior auricular artery
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Superficial temporal artery
Maxillary artery
Inferior alveolar artery
Middle meningeal artery
Internal carotid artery
Cervical part
Petrosal part
Cavernous part
Cerebral part
Ophthalmic artery
Anterior cerebral artery
Posterior communicating artery
Subclavian artery ( right, left )
Vertebral artery
Basilar artery
Posterior cerebral artery
Internal thoracic artery
Thyro-cervical trunk
Inferior thyroid artery
Costo-cervical trunk
Transverse cervical artery
Arterial circle of brain
Internal jugular vein
Facial vein
Retromandibular vein
External jugular vein
Anterior jugular vein
Superior vena cava
Brachiocephalic vein ( right, left )
Thoracic duct
Module 5” Vessels and nerves of
trunk and limps”
Basis of heart
Apex of heart
Sterno-costal surface of heart
Diaphragmatic surface of heart
Pulmonary surface (right, left)
Coronoid groove
Anterior interventricular groove
Posterior interventricular groove
Aorta (on the heart)
Superior vena cava (on the heart )
Inferior vena cava (on the heart )
Pulmonary trunk (on the heart )
Pulmonary artery (right, left )
Right pulmonary veins (on the
Left pulmonary veins (on the heart )
Right atrium
Right auricle
Pectinei muscles
Opening of superior vena cava
Opening of inferior vena cava
Opening of venous sinus
Left atrium
Left auricle
Pectinei muscles
Opening of the pulmonary veins
Interatrial septum
Oval fossa
Right ventricle
Right atrio-ventricular foramen
Right atrio-ventricular valve
Anterior cusp
Posterior cusp
Membranous cusp
Conus arteriosus
Opening of the pulmonary trunk
Valve of the pulmonary trunk
Right semilunate valvule
Left semilunate valvule
Anterior semilunate valvule
Anterior papillary muscle
Posterior papillary muscle
Septal papillary muscle
Chordae tendineae
Trabeculaea carneae
Left ventriculus of the heart
Left atrio-ventricular foramen
Left atrio-ventricular valvule
Anterior cusp
Posterior cusp
Vestibule of aorta
Foramen of aorta
Valve of aorta
Right semilunate valvule
Left semilunate valvule
Posterior semilunate valvule
Aortic sinuses
Anterior papillary muscle
Posterior papillary muscle
Chordae tendineae
Trabeculae carneae
Interventricular septum
Transverse pericardiac sinus
Oblique pericardiac sinus
Right coronary artery of the heart
Posterior interventricular branch
Anterior interventricular branch
Collateral branch
Magnus cardiac vein
Middle cardiac vein
Minor cardiac vein
Bulb of aorta
Ascending part of aorta
Aortic arch descending aorta
Bifurcation of aorta
Thoracic aorta
Posterior intercostal arteries
Abdominal aorta
Inferior phrenic artery
Lumbar arteries
Celiac trunk
Lefr gastric artery
Spleenic artery
Left gastro-omental artery
Common hepatic artery
Gastro-duodenal artery
Right gastro-omental artery
Superior pancreatico-duodenal
Right gastric artery
Proper hepatic artery
Superior mesenteric artery
Inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery
Jejunal arteries
Iliac arteries
Ilio-colic artery
Right colic artery
Middle colic artery
Inferior mesenteric artery
Left colic artery
Sigmoid artery
Superior rectal artery
Middle suprarenal artery
Renal artery
Testicular ovarian artery
Common iliac artery
Internal iliac artery
Ilio-lumbar artery
Superior gluteal artery
Inferior gluteal artery
Obturator artery
Umbilical artery
Uterine artery
Internal pudendal artery
Inferior vesical artery
Middle rectal artery
Common iliac vein (right, left)
Inferior vena cava
Lumbar veins
Testicular ovarian vein
Renal vein
Suprarenal vein
Internal iliac vein
Portal vein
Superior mesenteric vein
Inferior mesenteric vein
Splenic vein
Axillary artery
Thoraco-acromial artery
Lateral thoracic artery
Subscapular artery
Thoracodorsal artery
Circumflex scapular artery
Posterior circumflex humeral artery
Anterior circumflex humeral artery
Humeral artery
Deep humeral artery
Superior cubital collateral artery
Inferior cubital collateral artery
Radial artery
Superficial palmar branch
Ulnar artery
Common interosseous artery
Superficial palmar arch
Deep palmar arch
Common palmar digital arteries
Subclavian vein
Axillary vein
Cephalic vein
Basilic vein
Humeral veins
Cubital veins
Radial veins
External iliac artery
Inferior epigastric artery
Femoral artery
Superficial epigastric artery
Deep femoral artery
Middle circumflex femoral artery
Lateral circumflex femoral artery
Descending genicular artery
Popliteal artery
Lateral superior genicular artery
Medial superior genicular artery
Middle genicular artery
Anterior tibial artery
Dorsal pedis artery
Arcuate artery
Posterior tibial artery
Fibular artery
Lateral plantar artery
Middle plantar artery
External iliac vein
Femoral vein
Magnus saphenous vein
Deep femoral vein
Popliteal vein
Small saphenous vein
Anterior tibial veins
Posterior tibial veins
Sympathetic trunk
Nodes of the sympathetic trunk
Interganglionic branches of the
sympathetic trunk
Major visceral nerve
Minor visceral nerve
Celiac plexus and nodes
Spinal nerves
Cervical plexus
Cervical ansa
Minor occipital nerve
Great auricular nerve
Cervical transverse nerve
Diaphragmatic nerve
Humeral plexus
Superior trunk
Middle trunk
Inferior trunk
Supraclavicular part
Long thoracic nerve
Subclavius nerve
Suprascapularis nerve
Thoraco-dorsal nerve
Middle thoracic nerve
Lateral thoracic nerve
Infraclavicular part
Lateral cord
Medial cord
Posterior cord
Musculocutaneus nerve
Median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Radial nerve
Axillary nerve
Medial cutaneous brachial nerve
Median cutaneous antebrachial
Intercostal nerves
Lumbar plexus
Ilio-hypogastric nerve
Ilio-inguinal nerve
Genito-femoral nerve
Lateral cutaneous femoral nerve
Obturator nerve
Femoral nerve
Sacral plexus
Sciatic nerve
Common fibular nerve
Superficial fibular nerve
Deep fibular nerve
Tibial nerve
Medial plantar nerve
Lateral plantar nerve
4. 9. Recommend reference
1. H. Gray. Anatomy, Describe and Surgical.– Philadelphia, USA. – 1974.
2. W. Kahke, H.Leonhardt, W. Leonhardt, W. Platzer. Color atlas and Textbook of Human Anatomy. –
Stuttgart, New York, 1986.
3. R.D.Lockhart, G.F.Hamilton, F.W.Fyfe. Anatomy of the human body. – Philadelphia, 1965.
4. F.H.Netter. Atlas of Human Anatomy. – Ciba Pharmaceuticals Division, 2003. – 548 p.
5. James E. Crouch . Functional Human Anatomy. Lea and Febiger. Philadelphia, 1972. – 649 p.
6. Prof. V.G.Koveshnіkov . Human anatomy. in three volumes. – Lugansk , 2006.
7. Color atlas of anatomy. Third edition. Rohen Yokoshi New York Tokyo, 1993. -494p.
8. Synelnikov R.D. The atlas of human anatomy. In the 4-th volumes Medicine,1991.
9. H.Colin, Wheatley, B.Kolz. Human anatomy and physiology. 1995.
10. English-Russian Medical Dictionary. Third edition, “ Russo”, Moscow, 1996.
11. Hamilton, Boyd and Mossman.Human embryology. Fourth edition. The Williams and Wilkins
12. R.M.H. McMinn, R.T.Hutchings, B.M. Logan. The Concise Handbook of Human Anatomy.IRWIN,
Publishing. 1998.
13. Oxford Collocations, dictionary for students of English.. Oxford. University. Press.2002.897 p.
14. Human anatomy and physiology, sixth edition. By Elaine N. Marieb Amazon Sales Rank. Published
on: 2003-05-02,1237 p
15. Hole's Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, 9/e David N. Shier, Washtenaw Community College Jackie
L. Butler, Grayson County College Ricki Lewis, SUNY – Albany,Copyright year: 2006
16. Human Anatomy International Edition, 6th Edition Frederic Martini, Michael Timmons, Robert Tallitsch
Feb 2008, Paperback, 912 p.
17. Clinical Anatomy.Eleventh Edition By: Harold Ellis (Guy's, King's & St Thomas' School of Medicine,
London, UK)Publication DatesUSA: Oct 2006 Rest of World: Oct 2006 Australia: Dec 2006 456 p.
18. Atlas of human anatomy. Vincent Perez. Barcharts,Inc. 2006. Boca raton, Elorida 220p.
19. Anatomy and Physiology in Health and illness. Anne Waugh Allison Grant. Edinburgh London New york
Philadelphia St Locus syoilneyand Toronto2001 484 p.
20. Human anatomy. Regional and Applied Dissection and Clinical. In 3 volumes . New Delhi Bougalore.
2004. reprinted 2005,2006.