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FMA901F: Machine Learning
Lecture 1: Introduction and Overview
Cristian Sminchisescu
Machine Learning Course
• Lecturer
– Prof. Cristian Sminchisescu
(about me in 2 lines: PhD Applied Math & CS, INRIA, 99‐02; Postdoc, AI lab, University of Toronto, 02‐04; 04‐, Faculty at Chicago, Toronto, Bonn, Lund)
[email protected]
• Course web page
Course Organization
• Lecture
– 2 hours per week
– Time: Wednesdays, 3:15 pm ‐ 5 pm
– Room MH: 333
• Topics
– Foundations of machine learning and statistical modeling
• Grading
– Exam + assignment Course Readings
• Textbook
– Christopher Bishop: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006
• Other useful references
– T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman: The elements of statistical learning, data mining, inference and prediction, 2nd edition, Springer, 2009
– D. Koller and N.Friedman: Probabilistic Graphical Models, Principles and Techniques, MIT Press, 2009
Course Topics
Training, testing, generalization, hypothesis spaces
Linear regression and classification
Kernel methods and support vector machines
Graphical models
Mixture models, Expectation Maximization Variational and sampling methods (time permitting) • Slide credits: I will sometimes use or adapt slides provided with the textbook, the ML Group in Toronto, or other authors. In such cases, whenever possible, I will also aim to preserve the original formatting, to further signal it. What is Machine Learning?
• Machine learning is concerned with the design and development of algorithms and techniques that allow computers to "learn“
• The major focus of machine learning research is to extract information from data automatically, by computational and statistical methods
• Machine learning is closely related to statistics, data mining, but also to theoretical computer science
Related Areas of Study
• Stochastic signal processing
– denoising, source separation, scene analysis, morphing
• Data mining – (Relatively) simple machine learning on huge datasets
• Data compression and coding
– state of the art methods for image compression and error correcting codes use learning methods
• Decision making, planning
– use both utility and uncertainty optimally
• Adaptive software agents, auctions or preferences
– action choice under limited resources and reward signals
Task: Handwritten Digit Recognition
Difficult to characterize what is specific to each digit
Optical character recognition (OCR)
Technology to convert scanned images/docs to text
Digit recognition, AT&T labs
Automatic license plate reading
Visual Recognition of People in Images
General poses, highdimensional (30-100 dof)
Difficult to segment
the individual limbs
Loss of Information in the
perspective projection
Partial views
Several people,
Accidental allignments
Motion blur
Reduced observability of
body parts due to loose
fitting clothing
body sizes
Machine Learning Approach
• It is difficult to explicitly design programs that can recognize people or digits in images
– Modeling the object structure, the physics, the variability, and the image formation process can be very difficult • Instead of designing the programs by hand, we collect many examples that specify the correct outputs for different inputs
• A machine learning algorithm takes these examples and produces a program trained to give the answers we want
– If designed properly, the program may work in new situations, not just the ones it was trained on
When to use Machine Learning?
• A machine learning approach is most effective when the structure of the task is not well understood ‐ or too difficult to model explicitly ‐, but can be characterized by a dataset with strong statistical regularity
• Machine learning is also useful in dynamic situations, when the task is constantly changing
– e.g. a robot operating in an unknown environment
A spectrum of machine learning tasks
Statistics---------------------Artificial Intelligence
Low‐dimensional data (e.g. less than 100 dimensions)
High‐dimensional data (e.g. more than 100 dimensions)
Lots of noise in the data
There is not much structure in the data, and what structure there is, can be represented by a fairly simple model.
The noise is not sufficient to obscure the structure in the data if we process it right.
There is a huge amount of structure in the data, but the structure is too complicated to be represented by a simple model.
The main problem is distinguishing true structure from noise.
The main problem is figuring out a way to represent the complicated structure that allows it to be learned.
slide from MLG@Toronto
Machine Learning Applications
natural language processing speech and handwriting recognition
object recognition in computer vision
image retrieval
medical diagnosis bioinformatics
classifying DNA sequences
detecting credit card fraud stock market analysis
recommender systems
analyzing social patterns and networks
visualization, game playing and many more…
Sample Applications of Machine Learning
Online search engines
Organizing photo collections
Displaying the structure of a set of documents using a deep neural network
Hinton et al., 2007
IBM’s Watson (not) in Jeopardy (2011)
90 IBM servers, 2880 cores (@3.55Gb), 15TB RAM
Cities question: Its largest airport was named for a World War II hero; its second largest, for a World War II battle
Champions answer 2/3 questions with 85‐95% accuracy
Face detection
Many digital cameras now detect faces
Smile Detection
Monocular 3D Human Pose Reconstruction
Sminchisescu, Kanujia, Metaxas, PAMI 2007
3D Human Pose – Microsoft’s Kinect (2011)
Shotton et al., CVPR 2011
Grand Challenge
Stanley, the driving robot
following (black) slides from Sebastian Thrun
2004: Barstow, CA, to Primm, NV
150 mile off-road robot race
across the Mojave desert
Natural and manmade hazards
No driver, no remote control
Fastest vehicle wins the race
(and 2 million dollar prize)
Stanford Racing Team
Grand Challenge 2005: 195 Teams
Stanford Racing Team
Final Result: Five Robots finished!
Stanford Racing Team
Stanley Software Architecture
RDDF database
Top level control
Touch screen UI
pause/disable command
Wireless E-Stop
Laser 1 interface
RDDF corridor (smoothed and original)
driving mode
Laser 2 interface
Laser 3 interface
road center
Road finder
Laser 4 interface
laser map
Laser 5 interface
Laser mapper
Camera interface
Vision mapper
Radar interface
Radar mapper
Path planner
vision map
Steering control
obstacle list
Touareg interface
vehicle state (pose, velocity)
GPS position
UKF Pose estimation
GPS compass
vehicle state (pose, velocity)
IMU interface
Throttle/brake control
Power server interface
velocity limit
Surface assessment
Wheel velocity
heart beats
emergency stop
Linux processes start/stop
health status
Process controller
Health monitor
power on/off
Data logger
Communication requests
Stanford Racing Team
File system
Communication channels
Inter-process communication (IPC) server
Time server
Long Term
• Robot operating in an unknown environment
• Avoids obstacles, climbs stairs, recognizes faces, gestures…
Is Machine Learning Solved?
Lots of success already but…
• Many existing systems lag behind human performance
– Comparatively, see how fast children learn
• Handling large, unorganized data repositories, under uncertain and indirect supervision is an open problem
• Designing complex systems (e.g. a robot with sophisticated function and behavior) is an open problem
• Fundamental advances necessary at all levels
– computational, algorithmic, representational, implementation and integration
Standard Learning Tasks
• Supervised Learning: given examples of inputs and desired outputs (labeled data), predict outputs on future inputs
– Ex: classification, regression, time series prediction
– Who provides the correct outputs? Can these always be measured? Can the process scale?
• Unsupervised Learning: given only inputs (unlabeled data), automatically discover hidden representations, features, structure, etc.
– Ex: clustering, outlier detection, compression – How can we know that representation is good?
• Semi‐supervised Learning: given both labeled and unlabeled data, leverage information to improve both tasks
– Somewhat practical compromise for data acquisition and modeling
Standard Learning Tasks
• Reinforcement Learning: given sequences of inputs, actions from a fixed set, and scalar rewards and punishments, learn to select action sequences in a way that maximizes expected reward
– Not much information in the reward, which is often delayed
– e.g. robot operating in a structured environment
Open, challenging research problem, not covered in this course
Case Study
Polynomial Curve Fitting
slides adapted from textbook (Bishop)
Polynomial Curve Fitting
~ 0, 0.3
Model is linear in the parameters and non‐linear in the input ,
Sum‐of‐Squares Error Function
Closed‐form solution to minimize E (take derivative w.r.t w, and set to 0 to find w*) 0th Order Polynomial
1st Order Polynomial
3rd Order Polynomial
9th Order Polynomial (Over‐fitting)
Curve oscillates wildly
Zero training error, but poor representation of data generating function
Poor prediction on new inputs!
• Higher‐order polynomials include lower order ones
• Power expansion of sin contains terms of all orders
What’s wrong then?
Root‐Mean‐Square (RMS) Error:
Polynomial Coefficients Higher‐order polynomials tune to random noise
Data Set Size: 9th Order Polynomial
Data Set Size: 9th Order Polynomial
More data helps, but it should be better to adjust model capacity based on the intrinsic complexity of the problem to be solved, not just the datset size
Spline Fitting: Regularization
Penalize large coefficient values
Shrinkage approaches
For quadratic regularizers: ridge regression, weight decay (neural networks)
Regularization: Regularization: Regularization: vs. How to set ? Use validation or hold‐out set (see later)
Polynomial Coefficients Basic Concepts
Modeling with Random Variables
• We use random variables to encode the learning task
– variables can take a set of possible values, each with an associated probability
– inputs, outputs, internal states of learning machine
• Random variables may be discrete or continuous
– discrete quantities take one of a fixed set of values
e.g. {0,1}, {smile, not‐smile}, {email, spam}
– continuous quantities take real values
e.g. elbow joint=30; temp=12.2; income=38,231
Hypothesis Spaces and Learning Machines
We can view learning as the process of exploring a hypothesis space
• We select functions from a specified set, the hypothesis space
• Hypothesis space is indexed by a set of parameters , which are variables we can adjust (search) to create different machines
• In supervised learning, each hypothesis is a function that maps inputs to outputs
• A challenge of machine learning is deciding how to represent inputs and outputs, and how to select the hypothesis space that would be appropriate for a given task
• The central trade‐off is in selecting a hypothesis space that is powerful enough to represent the relationships between inputs and outputs, yet simple enough to be searched efficiently
Loss Functions for Parameter Estimation
• Given an input and an output representation, and a hypothesis space, how do we set the machine parameters ?
• We will quantify performance on task defined by loss function , , ,
– Inputs , outputs of machine , desired targets , parameters • We will set the parameters to minimize this average loss function measured empirically over some dataset
Possible Loss Functions
• Squared difference between predicted (ground truth) real‐valued outputs and target L   || t n  yn ( xn ) ||2
• Number of classification errors, makes optimization harder due to non‐smooth derivative L   [t n  yn ( xn )]
• Negative log probability assigned to the correct answer
– Principled, statistically justified
– For some models, the same as squared error (regression with Gaussian output noise) – For other models, different expressions
(cross‐entropy error, for classification with discrete classes)
Training and Testing Expectations
• Training data: examples we are provided with
• Testing data: data we will see in the future
• Training error: average value of loss function on training data
Test error: the average value of loss function on test data
• Our goal is, primarily, not to do well on training data
We already have the answers (outputs) for that data
• We want to perform well on future unseen data
We wish to minimize the test error
• How can we guarantee it, if we do not have test data?
We will rely on probabilistic assumptions on data variability
I.I.D. Sampling Assumption
• Assume that data is generated randomly, from a joint, unknown
probability distribution ,
• We are given a finite, possibly noisy, training sample , ,…,
with elements generated i.i.d. i.e. independently from the same distribution ,
independently: training examples are drawn independently from the set of all possible examples
identically distributed: each time a training example is drawn, it comes from an identical distribution
Training and Testing Process
• In training, based only on the training data, construct a machine that generates outputs given inputs
– One option is to build machines with small training loss
– Ideally we wish the machine to model the main regularities in the data and ignore the noise. However, if the machine has as many degrees of freedom as the data, it can fit perfectly. We saw the spline case study
– Avoiding this usually requires model complexity control (regularization)
• In testing, a new sample is drawn i.i.d. from the same distribution as the training data
– This assumption makes it unlikely that important regularities in the test data were missed in the training data
– We run the machine on new sample and evaluate loss: this is the test error
Overfitting and Generalization
• The central problem with any learning setup is to do well on the training data but poorly on test data. This is called overfitting
• This has to do with the set of assumptions about the target function made by the learning algorithm, known as its inductive bias
– complexity of hypothesis space, regularization, etc.
• The ability of a learning machine to achieve a small loss on test data is called generalization
• Generalization is possible, in principle, given our i.i.d. assumption: if a machine performs well on most of a sufficiently large training set, and is not too complex, it is likely to do well on similar test data
Probabilistic Guarantees
 h  h log(2 N / h)  log( p / 4) 
 Etrain  
where = size of training set
= VC dimension of the model class = complexity
= upper bound on probability that this bound fails
If we train models of different complexities, we should ideally select the one that minimizes the type of bound above
We do not have such bounds for all models, and even when we do, the procedure would be effective only if the bounds are tight. But in general they are not. The theory offers insight, but using such results in practice will not be straightforward
adapted from MLG@Toronto
General Objective Functions
• The general structure of our learning objective function is
, , ,
, , ,
is the loss function, and is a regularizer (penalty, or prior over functions), which discourages overly complex models
• Intuition
– It is good to fit the data well and achieve low training loss
– But it is also good to bias the machine towards simpler models, in order to avoid overfitting
• Setup allows to decouple optimization from choice of training loss
Bayesian view of Hypothesis Spaces
• So far, we have seen how we can formulate a loss function and then adjust the parameters of the machine to minimize it
– Single (point) estimate for the parameters of the learning machine
• In Bayesian modeling, we do not search for only a single set of parameter values that optimize the loss function
– Instead, we start with a prior distribution over parameter values and use the training data to compute a posterior distribution over the entire parameter space
– We use this distribution for prediction on new test data
Practice: Use of a Validation Set
• Divide the available data into three subsets
– Training data is used to learn the parameters of the model
– Validation data is used to decide the type of model and the amount of regularization that works best
– Testing data is used to get a final, unbiased estimate of how well the learning machine works • We can re‐divide the complete dataset and get another unbiased estimate of the true error rate. We can then average multiple estimates to decrease variance. This can be expensive
adapted from MLG@Toronto
Model Selection
• Bishop, Ch. 1 (without 1.2.6 and 1.6) and from Ch. 2, only 2.3.1 ‐ 2.3.3.