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Chapter 5
A sample of N2 gas occupies 2.40 L at 20C. If the gas is in a container that can
contract or expand at constant pressure, at what temperature will the N2 occupy 4.80
A. 10C
B. 40C
C. 146C
D. 313C
E. 685C
If the pressure on a gas sample is tripled and the absolute temperature is quadrupled,
by what factor will the volume of the sample change?
A. 12
B. 4/3
C. 3/4
D. 1/3
E. 4
22. Calculate the number of kilograms of helium needed to inflate a balloon to a volume
of 100,000 L at an atmospheric pressure of 250 mmHg and a temperature of -35C.
A. 1.68 kg
B. 3.36 kg
C. 5.21 kg
D. 6.74 kg
E. 5120 kg
26. Calculate the density, in g/L, of SF6 gas at 27C and 0.500 atm pressure.
A. 3.38  10-3 g/L
B. 2.96 g/L
C. 22.4 g/L
D. 32.9 g/L
E. 3.38 kg/L
30. Which one of the following gases is "lighter-than-air"?
A. Cl2
B. SO2
C. PH3
D. NO2
E. Ne
34. Determine the molar mass of Freon-11 gas if a sample weighing 0.597 g occupies
100. cm3 at 95C, and 1,000. mmHg.
0.19 g/mol
35.3 g/mol
C. 70.9 g/mol
D. 137 g/mol
E. 384 g/mol
59. What is the pressure of the gas trapped in the apparatus shown below when the
atmospheric pressure is 720 mmHg?
12 mmHg
708 mmHg
720 mmHg
732 mmHg
760 mmHg
61. 10.0 g of gaseous ammonia and 6.50 g of oxygen gas are introduced into a
previously evacuated 5.50 L vessel. If the ammonia and oxygen then react to yield
NO gas and water vapor, what is the final gas pressure inside the vessel at 23ºC?
A. 1.79 atm
B. 6.48 atm
C. 3.50 atm
D. 0.285 atm
E. 3.67 atm
70. Samples of the following volatile liquids are opened simultaneously at one end of a
room. If you are standing at the opposite end of this room, which species would you
smell first?
[Assume that your nose is equally sensitive to all these species.]
A. ethyl acetate (CH3COOC2H5)
B. camphor (C10H16O)
C. diethyl ether (C2H5OC2H5)
D. naphthalene (C10H8)
E. pentanethiol (C5H11SH)
71. A sample of mercury(II) oxide is placed in a 5.00 L evacuated container and heated
until it decomposes entirely to mercury metal and oxygen gas. After the container is
cooled to 25C, the pressure of the gas inside is 1.73 atm. What mass of mercury(II)
oxide was originally placed into the container?
A. 913 g
B. 76.6 g
C. 1.51 g
D. 45.6 g
E. 153 g
72. The mole fraction of oxygen molecules in dry air is 0.2095. What volume of dry air
at 1.00 atm and 25C is required for burning 1.00 L of hexane (C6H14, density =
0.660 g/mL) completely, yielding carbon dioxide and water?
A. 187 L
B. 712 L
C. 1780 L
D. 894 L
E. 8490 L
26. Molecular chlorine and molecular fluorine combine to form a gaseous product. Under
the same conditions of temperature and pressure it is found that one volume of Cl2
reacts with three volumes of F2 to yield two volumes of the product. What is the formula
of the product?
A) Cl2F2
B) Cl2F6
C) ClF2
D) ClF3
29. What are standard temperature and pressure (STP)?
A) 0 C, 1 torr
B) 25 C, 1 torr
C) 0 C, 1 atm
D) 25 C, 1 atm
38. The temperature of 2.5 L of a gas initially at STP is raised to 250 C at constant volume.
Calculate the final pressure of the gas in atm.
A) 1.8 atm
B) 10 atm
C) 1.9 atm
D) 12.5 atm
48. Assuming that air contains 78 percent N2, 21 percent O2, and 1 percent Ar, all by
volume, how many molecules of each type of gas are present in 1.0 L of air at STP?
A) 2.1 × 1022 N2 molecules, 5.7 × 1021 O2 molecules, 2.5 × 1020 Ar atoms
B) 1.9 × 1022 N2 molecules, 5.2 × 1021 O2 molecules, 2.5 × 1020 Ar atoms
C) 5.7 × 1024 N2 molecules, 1.6 × 1024 O2 molecules, 7.4 × 1022 Ar atoms
D) 2.1 × 1022 N2 molecules, 5.7 × 1021 O2 molecules, 3.0 × 1020 Ar atoms
88. The average distance traveled by a molecule between successive collisions is called
mean free path. For a given amount of a gas, how does the mean free path of a gas
depend on density?
A) Inversely proportional to density.
B) Directly proportional to density.
C) Independent of density.
114. Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is called baking soda because when heated, it releases
carbon dioxide gas, which is responsible for the rising of cookies, doughnuts, and bread.
Calculate the volume (in liters) of CO2 produced by heating 5.0 g of NaHCO3 at 180 °C
and 1.3 atm. (For further thought: ammonium bicarbonate (NH4HCO3) has also been
used for the same purpose. Think about one advantage and one disadvantage of using
NH4HCO3 instead of NaHCO3 for baking.)
A) 0.68 L CO2
B) 1.72 L CO2
C) 0.34 L CO2
D) 0.86 L CO2
116. Some commercial drain cleaners contain a mixture of sodium hydroxide and aluminum
powder. When the mixture is poured down a clogged drain, the following reaction
2NaOH(aq) + 2Al(s) + 6H2O(l)  2NaAl(OH)4(aq) + 3H2(g)
The heat generated in this reaction helps melt away obstructions such as grease, and the
hydrogen gas released stirs up the solids clogging the drain. Calculate the volume of H2
formed at 0 °C and 1.00 atm if 3.12 g of Al are treated with an excess of NaOH.
A) 1.88 L H2
B) 3.88 L H2
C) 4.24 L H2
D) 1.72 L H2
120. Consider the following apparatus. Calculate the partial pressures of helium and neon
after the stopcock is open. The temperature remains constant at 16 °C.
Partial pressures: He = 0.24 atm; Ne = 2.3 atm
Partial pressures: He = 0.18 atm; Ne = 1.4 atm
Partial pressures: He = 0.22 atm; Ne = 0.61 atm
Partial pressures: He = 0.16 atm; Ne = 2.1 atm
122. Consider the apparatus shown below. When a small amount of water is introduced into
the flask by squeezing the bulb of the medicine dropper, what will happen to the water
in the long glass tubing? (Hint: Hydrogen chloride gas is soluble in water.)
A) It falls.
B) It rises.
C) It remains the same.
124. A mixture of Na2CO3 and MgCO3 of mass 7.63 g is reacted with an excess of
hydrochloric acid. The CO2 gas generated occupies a volume of 1.67 L at 1.24 atm and
26 °C. From these data, calculate the percent composition by mass of Na2CO3 in the
A) 50.0 %
B) 67.6 %
C) 16.2 %
D) 32.4 %
142. The following procedure is a simple though somewhat crude way to measure the molar
mass of a gas. A liquid of mass 0.0184 g is introduced into a syringe like the one shown
below by injection through the rubber tip using a hypodermic needle. The syringe is
then transferred to a temperature bath heated to 45 °C, and the liquid vaporizes. The
final volume of the vapor (measured by the outward movement of the plunger) is 5.58
mL and the atmospheric pressure is 760 mmHg. Given that the compound's empirical
formula is CH2, determine the molar mass of the compound and the formula of the
14.0 g / mol; CH2
56.0 g / mol; C4H8
70.0 g / mol; C5H10
86.0 g / mol; C6H12
Chapter 24
Which of these pairs are geometric isomers?
13. The octane rating of gasoline refers to its
A. percentage C8H18 by volume.
B. radiation dose.
C. alcohol level.
D. ability to resist engine knocking.
E. percentage of unsaturated hydrocarbons
14. Which one of these hydrocarbon chains would have the highest octane rating?
15. The compound that has a triple bond between one pair of carbon atoms is called
A. alkane.
B. chlorofluorocarbon.
C. alkyne.
D. alkene.
E. alcohol.
31. Which is the product of the reaction of one mole of HCl with one mole of 1butyne?
ethyl chloride + acetylene
36. Which choice gives the structures of the reaction products when the ester below is
hydrolyzed in acid solution?
38. Which of these statements describes a condensation reaction?
A. addition of H2O to a double bond
B. linking an acid and an alcohol to make an ester and water
C. addition of H2 to an alkene
D. oxidation of ethanol to acetaldehyde
E. hydrolysis of an ester
39. Bromination of benzene (C6H6), an aromatic compound,
occurs by substitution rather than addition.
occurs by addition rather than substitution.
occurs more rapidly than bromination of a nonaromatic compound.
results in formation of 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexabromocyclohexane.
occurs in the absence of a catalyst.
40. Amines are
organic bases that react with water to produce ammonia.
organic acids that react with water to produce ammonia.
organic bases that react with acids to form ammonium salts.
organic acids that react with bases to form ammonium salts.
none of these.
18. The systematic name for the compound represented below is
A. 4,5-diethylheptane.
B. 3-propyl-4-ethylhexane.
C. 3-ethyl-4-propylhexane.
D. 3-methyl-4-propylheptane.
E. 2-ethyl-4-propylhexane.
22. Organic compounds with the general formula R-O-R (where R is an alkyl group) are
A. alkenes.
B. alcohols.
C. ethers.
D. aldehydes.
E. organic acids.
42. Which functional group, when present in a compound that is allowed to stand in air,
poses a danger of slowly yielding explosive peroxides?
A. ether
B. alcohol
C. carboxylic acid
D. ketone
E. unsaturated hydrocarbon
3. Which of the following compounds is not aromatic?
A) benzene
B) anthracene
C) naphthalene
D) ethene
8. A chiral carbon atom is not _____.
A) unsymmetric
B) symmetric
C) dissymmetric
D) asymmetric
9. An achiral carbon atom is _____.
A) unsymmetric
B) asymmetric
C) dissymmetric
D) symmetric
10. An example of a chiral alkane is _____.
A) isobutane
B) 3-methylhexane
C) n-butane
D) 3-methylpentane
11. An example of an achiral alkane is _____.
A) 3-methylhexane
B) 3-methylheptane
C) 3-methylpentane
D) 4-methyloctane
12. The number of different monochloro pentanes that can be produced by the chlorination
of n-pentane is _____.
A) four
B) three
C) two
D) five
14. The compound C3H5Br will have _____ possible isomers.
A) four
B) three
C) two
D) five
15. The hydrocarbon having the lowest boiling point among the following is _____.
A) n-pentane
B) neopentane
C) isopentane
D) 2-methylbutane
20. Acetylene can polymerize to yield _____.
A) polyacetylene
B) polyethene
C) benzene
D) toluene
22. 1,2-dichloropropane exhibits _____ isomerism.
A) no
B) optical
C) cis-trans
D) tanto
23. Which of the following molecules has a chiral carbon atom? _____
26. Which among the following is not a planar molecule?
A) cyclohexane
B) benzene
C) ethylene
D) acetylene
27. Mesitylene is _____.
A) 1,4-dimethylbenzene
B) 1,2-dimethylbenzene
C) 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene
D) 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene
78. Benzene can be differentiated from cyclohexane using _____.
A) conc HCl
B) conc HNO3
C) HBr
74. Ethanol and dimethyl ether are _____ isomers.
A) functional
B) stereo
C) position
D) geometrical
66. Combustion of an unknown organic compound is used to determine its ____.
A) degree of unsaturation
B) functional groups
C) density
D) empirical formula
67. 2-bromo-3-methyl-1-butene can be obtained from 3-methyl-1-butyne by the action of
A) Br2
B) HBr
C) HBr, peroxide
D) CH3Br
61. The total number of sigma bonds in a cyclohexane molecule is _____.
A) 24
B) 18
C) 12
D) 10
55. Natural gas mainly consists of _____.
A) C2H6
B) C3H8
C) CH4
D) C6H6
Chapter 25
16. An essential amino acid is one that
must be included in the diet.
contains no sulfur.
occurs in all types of proteins.
is necessary for vitamin production.
the body can synthesize.
17. Which one of these choices is the general structural formula of an amino acid?
19. Which of the structures below corresponds to the dipeptide alanylserine? Note the
following structures:
39. Which of the following polymers is not a polyamide?
A) nylon
B) Kevlar
C) polypeptide
D) Teflon
45. A dipeptide contains _____.
A) two peptides
B) two amino acids
C) two proteins
D) two peptide bonds
54. The total number of naturally occurring amino acids is _____.
A) 40
B) 20
C) 10
D) 60
58. How many tripeptides can be formed containing three different amino acids, A, B and C
A) 3
B) 9
C) 12
D) 6
65. The number of peptide bonds present in a hexapeptide is _____.
A) 6
B) 4
C) 5
D) 7
Chapter 14
1. Which of the following is equal for the forward and reverse reactions at equilibrium?
A) concentration
B) rates
C) rate constants
4. Which of the following is not a physical equilibrium?
A) melting
B) allotropic transformation
C) vaporization
D) rusting
7. The expression for Kp for the reaction
is _____.
A) PCO 2
P H 2O
C) PCO 2
/ P H 2O
D) PCO 2
· P H 2O
11. The equation relating Kp and Kc is _____.
A) Kp = Kc (RT)n
B) Kp = Kc RTn
C) Kc = Kp RTn
D) Kc = Kp (RT)n
14. The equilibrium constants for the reactions
are x and y, respectively. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
is _____.
B) x + y
C) x – y
D) xy
17. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
is 4.17  10
. The equilibrium constant for the reaction
A) –4.17  1031
B) 4.17  1031
C) 2.40  1030
D) 2.40 10-33
20. The equilibrium partial pressures of N2, O2 and NO in the reaction
are 0.15, 0.33 and 0.050 atm, respectively at 2200°C. The value of Kp for the reaction is
A) 5.1
B) 0.51
C) 51
D) 0.051
27. Starting with only the solid, the total pressure of NH3 and CO2 was found to 0.363 atm
for the equilibrium
equilibrium constant, Kp is
A) 7.1  10-3
B) 2.5  10-2
C) 5.3  10-4
D) 3.6  10-6
at 40°C. The
15. The brown gas NO2 and the colorless gas N2O4 exist in equilibrium, 2NO2
N2O4. In an experiment, 0.625 mole of N2O4 was introduced into a 5.00 L vessel
and was allowed to decompose until equilibrium was reached. The concentration of
N2O4 at equilibrium was 0.0750 M. Calculate Kc for the reaction.
34. At 700 K, the reaction 2SO2(g) + O2(g)
2SO3(g) has the equilibrium constant
Kc = 4.3  10 , and the following concentrations are present: [SO2] = 0.10 M; [SO3]
= 10. M; [O2] = 0.10 M.
Is the mixture at equilibrium? If not at equilibrium, in which direction (as the
equation is written), left to right or right to left, will the reaction proceed to reach
Yes, the mixture is at equilibrium.
No, left to right
No, right to left
There is not enough information to be able to predict the direction.
36. For the reaction H2(g) + I2(g)
2HI(g), Kc = 50.2 at 445ºC. If [H2] = [I2] = [HI]
= 1.75  10-3 M at 445ºC, which one of these statements is true?
The system is at equilibrium, thus no concentration changes will occur.
The concentrations of HI and I2 will increase as the system approaches
The concentration of HI will increase as the system approaches equilibrium.
The concentrations of H2 and HI will fall as the system moves toward
The concentrations of H2 and I2 will increase as the system approaches
40. For the following reaction at equilibrium in a reaction vessel, which one of these
changes would cause the Br2 concentration to decrease?
2NO(g) + Br2(g), Hºrxn= 30 kJ/mol
Increase the temperature.
Remove some NO.
Add more NOBr.
Compress the gas mixture into a smaller volume.
Use the following to answer questions 74-76:
Pure NOCl gas was heated to 240 °C in a 1.00-L container. At equilibrium the total
pressure was 1.00 atm and the NOCl pressure was 0.64 atm.
74. The partial pressure of NO at equilibrium in the reaction
is _____ atm.
75. The partial pressure of Cl2 in the equilibrium
is _____ atm.
76. Kp for the equilibrium
is _____.
Use the following to answer questions 77-78:
Kp is 2.9  10-11 at 530°C for the reaction
77. What is the partial pressure of NO at equilibrium when the equilibrium partial pressures
of N2 and O2 are 3.0 atm and 0.012 atm, respectively?
A) 1.0 10–6 atm
B) 1.6 10–3 atm
C) 1.6 10–2 atm
D) 0.16 atm
78. What is the partial pressure of NO at equilibrium under atmospheric conditions where
the partial pressures of N2 and O2 are 0.78 atm and 0.21 atm at 25°C? Kp for the reaction
is 4.010-31 at 25 °C.
A) 1.12 10-12 atm
B) 2.6 10-16 atm
C) 1.3 10-8 atm
D) 1.45  10-4 atm