Download WHist Syllabus - Southern Local School District

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Room: 300
Teacher: Mr. Devor
Telephone: 740-949-2669 (main office)
e-mail: [email protected]
This is an introductory world history class designed to build on history learned in the elementary grades. This class will
facilitate the learning of world history in accordance with the current social studies standards as published by the Ohio
Department of Education. This course is designed to introduce students to concepts to be learned in Government,
American History, Geography, and Current World Affairs. The focus is western history from 1600 - present day.
 Textbook: 'Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction' (assigned)
 Pens and pencils
 Pocketed folder and notebook OR 3-ring binder with tabs
 Agenda
PROMPTNESS: Please report to class on-time. Please make sure to go to the bathroom, get a drink, and deal with all
matters not pertaining to class before the bell rings. If you have a legitimate concern about being able to be in your seat
by the time the bell rings, come speak to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will be marked tardy.
PREPARATION: Have all of your required materials with you in class.
RESPECT: Respect other students and me through your words and actions. Any classroom disruption can be considered
disrespect. Refusal to do work can be considered disrespect. Sleeping and head down in class can be considered
disrespect. Offensive and derogatory language can be considered disrespect.
*All school rules apply. Please see your handbook for details*
DISCIPLINE: Students who fail to respect any of the above expectations will be given an official warning. After the official
warning has been given, all other incidents will result in a detention. In extreme situations, students will be sent
immediately to the office.
Homework will be given at my discretion. Homework can be questions, vocabulary, or other items from the textbook.
This can include PRPN, which is ‘Personal Read, Personal Notes’. It may also be other teacher-designed items or
Homework will be collected for a grade. Homework completed by class-time on its due date will be for full credit. If
students are absent on the day homework is assigned, they will be given one extra day to complete it for each day they
were absent. Late homework will be accepted for half-credit. All late homework must be turned in by the day of the test.
No homework will be accepted after the test.
Assessments will come primarily in the form of tests and oral pop-quizzes. Other assessments will be used at my
discretion and may include essays, informal discussions, presentations, projects; etc.
TESTS: Test dates will be made known to students beforehand so students will have time to study for them. If students
are absent before a test, they are responsible for making up what they missed and still have to take the test with the
rest of the class. Once the test has been taken it cannot be re-taken. If a student is absent on test day, that student is
responsible for arranging a time to make up the test.
*Finals will be given like tests. If a student misses a Final and did not obtain an advanced excuse from me and from Mr.
Otto, then the student will receive a zero for that Final.
POP-QUIZZES: Pop-quizzes, spoken aloud by the teacher, will be unannounced, so students should always be reviewing
the content to prepare. If students are absent before a pop-quiz, they are responsible for making up what they missed
and still have to take the quiz with the rest of the class. If they are absent the day before the pop-quiz, all missed
material will not be counted against them. Once the quiz has been taken it cannot be re-taken. Missed pop-quizzes will
be made up the next day the student is present is class. If there is no time to do so, quizzes may be made up in
accordance with the missed-test policy.
Other graded assessments will be made up in the same manner.
ABSENCES: What you miss is your responsibility to make up. Please consult the classroom calendar to see what you
missed. Bell-ringers and in-class notes must be made up and may be copied from another student. I suggest reviewing
multiple sets of peer notes in case one of your peers missed something.
ELECTRONIC DEVICES: School rules apply.
CHEATING: Cheating is not allowed. Don’t do it, ever. Cheating will be result in a failing grade and/or other disciplinary
action at my discretion. Any student who willingly helps another student to cheat is also cheating and subject to the
same punishments.
EXTRA CREDIT: Any student needing additional extra credit may come and see me to be assigned a Research Paper. I will
choose a specific research area for the student based on what topics the student is struggling with in class. These papers
will be due by the day before the interim or semester ends at the end of the school day. These papers must be at least
two-pages double-spaced at a 12 point font. They will be graded out of 10 points. I will also periodically give extra credit
based on correct bellringers and classroom participation.
GRADING: The school grades on a points scale. All graded items will have a point value. The number of total points you
have earned divided by the number of possible points is your grade on the school grading scale. (Example: 45/50 = 90%
PARTICIPATION GRADE: Some assignments will not be turned in. For these type of assignments, I will take a
participation grade based on student work effort, behavior, and cooperation. These assignments can be maps, charts,
art projects, classroom presentations, and other projects.
EXTRA HELP: If you need additional help, please schedule a time with me. If you are receiving services because of an IEP,
please let me know privately.
Student Name_________________________________ Parent Name____________________________________________________
Student Signature______________________________ Parent Signature_________________________________________________