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Chapter 28
Sensory Input and Motor Output
Chapter 29
Reproduction and Embryonic Development
28.1 The Senses
All living things respond to stimuli.
Stimuli are environmental signals that tell us about the internal or external environments.
Plants might respond by changing growth patterns.
Animal responses often result in motion.
Sense organs, as a rule, are specialized to receive one kind of stimulus.
Sensory receptors transform the stimulus (light, sound, pressure, etc.) into nerve impulses that
reach a particular section of the cerebral cortex.
The brain is responsible for sensation and perception.
If the photoreceptors are stimulated by pressure and not light, the brain causes us to see “stars”
or other visual patterns.
Chemical senses—chemoreceptors
Detect chemicals in the environment
When molecules bind to receptors, nerve impulses are generated and sent to brain
When they reach the appropriate area they are interpreted as taste or smell
Pattern of receptors activated is interpreted by the brain as a particular taste or smell
Taste buds located primarily on the tongue
Receptors located on microvilli of receptor cells
5 primary types of taste—bitter, sour, salty, sweet and umami
Taste buds for each primary taste are located throughout the tongue
Nose contains olfactory receptor cells
Receptors located on cilia of olfactory receptor cells
Important role of taste and smell is to trigger reflexes that start digestive juices flowing
A repulsive smell or taste can initiate a gag reflex or vomiting.
Olfactory bulbs have a direct connection with the limbic system and its centers for emotions and
Hearing and balance
2 sensory functions of human ear
Sensory receptors for both are hair cells with long microvilli called stereocilia
Microvilli sensitive to mechanical stimulation—mechanoreceptors
Outer ear collects sound waves
Cause tympanic membrane to move back and forth
3 tiny bones (ossicles) in middle ear amplify sounds
Last ossicle (stapes) strikes oval window causing pressure to pass into fluid within
cochlea (hearing portion of inner ear)
Sensory receptors for hearing are located in cochlear canal of the cochlea
Stereocilia embedded in gelatinous membrane—spiral organ
When the stapes strikes the oval window, pressure waves cause the hair cells to move up and
Stereocilia embedded in gelatinous membrane bend
Send signals via cochlear nerve to the brain stem then to the cerebral cortex to be
interpreted as sound
Each part of spiral organ sensitive to different wave frequencies or pitch
Nerve fibers from each region lead to slightly different areas of the brain
Pitch sensation depends on which area vibrates and stimulates which area of the brain
Loud noises can cause greater vibration
Certain aromas trigger memories of a person or place.
Nerve deafness (spiral organ damage) can damage stereocilia
2 senses of balance (equilibrium)
Rotational equilibrium
Rotation and/or angular movement of the head
Involves 3 semicircular canals oriented in planes
At the base of each canal, hair cells have stereocilia embedded in gelatinous
As fluid moves, gelatinous membrane is displaced and hair cells bend, sending
impulses to brain
Signals, supplemented by vision, tell the brain the head is moving
2. Gravitational equilibrium
Straight-line movement of head with respect to gravity
Depends on utricle and saccule (membranous sacs in inner ear)
Also contain hair cells with stereocilia embedded in gelatinous membrane
Calcium carbonate granules (otoliths) rest on membrane
Gravity displaces otoliths bending hair cells that send signals to CNS
Data, supplemented by vision, tells the brain the direction the head is moving
Lateral line
Found in fishes
Sense organs located in canal with opening to outside
Water currents and pressure waves cause gelatinous membrane to move,
bending stereocilia
Fishes uses data to locate other fish including predators, prey, and mates
Photoreceptors are sensory receptors sensitive to light.
Planaria only sense the direction of light.
Compound eyes in arthropods form visual images.
Composed of many independent visual units
Each has a lens to focus light onto photoreceptors
Forms crude visual image
Camera-type eyes
Found in human, squid, and octopus
Evolved independently in each group
Single lens focuses light onto photoreceptors
Photoreceptors closely packed on retina
Color vision
Insects have color vision, but use a shorter range of electromagnetic spectrum
compared to humans
Some fishes, all reptiles, and most birds have color vision.
Among mammals, only humans and other primates have expansive color vision.
The human eye
Binocular vision
Ability to perceive three-dimensional images and to sense depth
Result of 2 eyes viewing same object at slightly different angles
Light rays are brought into focus on the photoreceptors located within the retina.
Can see UV—patterns on flower petals
Shape of lens controlled by ciliary muscles
Cornea and lens involved in focusing light rays
Iris regulates how much light enters eye through pupil
Retina generates nerve impulses sent to visual part of cerebral cortex where brain forms
image of object
Photoreceptors of the eye
Contain a visual pigment similar to that found in all animal eyes
Rods contain rhodopsin
When a rod absorbs light, rhodopsin splits into opsin and retinal, leading to
cascade of reactions ending in the generation of nerve impulses
Sensitive to light—night vision
Plentiful throughout retina—provide us with peripheral vision and perception of
Located primarily in fovea
Activated by bright light
Give us fine detail and color
3 different kinds of cones—blue, green, and red
Retina has 3 layers of cells
Light has to penetrate first 2 layers to reach photoreceptors
Intermediate cells of middle layer process and relay information to first layer
Ganglion cells in first layer have axons forming optic nerve
29.1 How Animals Reproduce
Animals usually reproduce sexually, but some, on occasion, can reproduce asexually.
Asexual reproduction
Only 1 parent
Many flatworms can constrict into two halves and each half can regenerate into new
Fragmentation followed by regeneration also seen in sponges, corals, and echinoderms
Modification of sexual reproduction
Unfertilized egg develops into a complete individual
Drone honeybees (haploid males) are the result of unfertilized eggs.
Sexual reproduction
2 parents
Produce gametes in gonads
Testes produce sperm
Ovaries produce eggs
Zygote formed at union of egg and sperm
Earthworms are hermaphrodites (both male and female sex organs) but they still crossfertilize
External fertilization
Egg and sperm unite outside the parent’s body
Internal fertilization
Sperm unites with egg inside female body
Copulation—sexual union to facilitate reception of sperm by female
Produce living young
Most mammals
Some mammals still lay eggs
Duckbilled platypus and spiny anteater
Marsupial mammals have offspring born in a very immature state and finish
development in a pouch
Most mammals have a placenta that nourishes the embryo during its full
Materials are exchanged with the mother.
29.3 Human Embryonic Development
All the events that occur from the time of fertilization until the animal is fully formed
Developing embryo with extraembryonic membranes depends on them to protect and nourish
Mammals, reptiles, and birds
Results in a zygote
Requires sperm and secondary oocyte to interact
Plasma membrane of secondary oocyte is surrounded by zona pellucida, which is
surrounded by follicle cells
Acrosomal enzymes from sperm digest through zona pellucida
Sperm binds to oocyte plasma membrane and sperm nucleus enters
Causes secondary oocyte to complete meiosis II and become an egg
Egg and sperm nuclei fuse to form zygote
Changes in zona pellucida prevent binding and penetration of additional sperm
Early embryonic development
Embryonic period—first 2 months
6 days of development occur in oviduct before embryo implants in uterus
Following fertilization, embryo undergoes cleavage—cell division without growth
Results in tightly packed ball of cells—morula
Morula continues to divide and hollow out to form blastocyst
Fluid-filled cavity called blastocoel
Inner cell mass will become embryo
Outer layer will become part of placenta
When embryo implants, placenta forms and secretes human chorionic growth hormone
Basis for pregnancy test, maintains corpus luteum so ovulation and
menstruation do not occur
Later embryonic development
During third week of development
Evident when certain cells invaginate at primitive streak creating 3 layers
Amnion surrounds embryo—encloses amniotic fluid
Gastrulation is complete when 3 layers of cells develop—embryonic germ layers
Ectoderm—outer layer
Mesoderm—middle layer
Endoderm—inner layer
First organs to form are from central nervous system
Newly formed mesoderm cells coalesce to form notochord
Central nervous system develops from ectoderm just above the notochord
Neurulation—neural plate develops folds, which fuse to become the neural tube
Anterior portion becomes the brain
Posterior portion becomes the spinal cord
Induction—one tissue or organ influences the development of another
Midline mesoderm that did not contribute to the notochord now becomes 2
masses of tissue
Blocked off into somites
Give rise to vertebrae and muscles of axial skeleton
Lateral to somites, mesoderm splits to form lining of coelom
Neural crest consists of a band of cells that develops where the neural tube
pinches off from the ectoderm
By end of third week, over a dozen somites are evident, and the blood vessels
and gut have begun to develop
At this point, the embryo is about 2 millimeters (mm) long
Organ formation continues
Human embryo at 5 weeks has limb buds
Arms and legs develop from limb buds
Head enlarges and sense organs become more prominent
Umbilical cord has developed connecting embryo to placenta
Cells migrate to various locations where they contribute to the
formation of skin and muscles, in addition to the adrenal medulla and
the ganglia of the peripheral nervous system
4th extraembryonic membrane (allantios) blood vessels become
umbilical blood vessels
6–8th week
Remarkable external appearance change
Becomes recognizable as human
Head distinct from body
Reflex reactions—startle response
At the end of this period, embryo is 38 mm long
Fetal side contributed by chorion
Maternal side consisting of uterine tissue
Chorionic villi are surrounded by maternal tissue but maternal and fetal blood never
mix—exchange by transport across walls
Carbon dioxide and wastes move to maternal blood
Nutrients and oxygen move to fetal blood
Harmful chemicals can cross the placenta
Fetal development and birth
Fetal development 3rd to 9th month
Marked by extreme increase in size
Each organ has a sensitive period during which normal development can be
Weight and length
Genitalia appear in 3rd month
Hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, fingernails, and toenails appear
5th–7th months—fine, downy hair covers limbs and trunk and later disappears
20- to 28-week fetus
Skin is growing so fast it wrinkles
Vernix caseosa protects skin from amniotic fluid
Fetus born at 22 weeks has a chance of surviving but likelihood goes up with increasing age