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3,000,000 B.C. - PRESENT
Section 1 - Five Themes Of Geography (pgs 5 - 8)
* Geography = the study of the earth and of the ways people live and work on it.
- why people live the way they do
- the past by answering questions
Theme 1: Location
* Two types of location: absolute and relative
Absolute Location = to the exact location of a place on the earth
Relative Location = to the position of a place in relation to other places.
Theme 2: Place
* The theme of place answers the question “What is the place like ?”
Place can be described:
- by physical characteristics (climate, deserts, water, plants, etc)
- by human characteristics (how many live there, language, etc)
Theme 3: Human/Environmental Interaction
* Theme of human/environmental interaction deals with how people use, adapt to, or
change their environment.
People respond to their environment in different ways:
- sometimes adapt or adjust(different clothing for different seasons)
- modify or change
(irrigate land to grow crops or build a dam to avoid flooding)
Theme 4: Movement
* Theme of movement looks at how people and places are linked together.
Examples of movement:
- transportation (you may ride a bus made in Japan)
- communication ( instant information by tv, radio, internet)
Theme 5: Regions
* Geographers organize the world in to regions to help us study the world.
Geographers define regions by:
- physical features (land)
- human features (language spoken, religion practices)
Section 1 Assessment
1) Define
a) geography _____________________________________________________
b) absolute location ________________________________________________
c) relative location ________________________________________________
2) What five themes do geographers use to study the earth ?
3) Why do geographers organize the world into regions ?
Critical Thinking
4) Making Comparisons - How does the theme of location differ from the theme of place ?
Graphic Organizer (see pg 9)
Using a graphic organizer, draw a diagram and use it to summarize information on each of the
five themes used by geographers.
Section 2 - Land, Water, and Climate (pgs 9 - 18)
* Geographers study : _____________________________________________
* Land covers = ______ of the surface of the earth and is made up of four main
kinds of landforms. Geographers describe each land form by its elevation and relief.
Elevation = ___________________________________________
Relief = ______________________________________________
Landform = ___________________________________________
- mountains = highest of landforms rising at least 2,000 ft above sea
- hills = __________________________________________
- plateaus = flat land and rise from 300 - 3000 ft above sea level
- plains = large flat or gently rolling land and rise less than 1,000 ft
above sea level.
Surface Changes From Inside The Earth
* Land surface ____________________
- Most changes = forces from deep within the earth, usually heat and pressure
The inside of the earth is made up of three separate layers:
Core = center of the earth (hottest part of the earth)
- inner part = solid rock
- out part = melted rock
Mantle = _____________________________________________
Crust = thin layer of rock , sand, soil and is floating on the melted outer
part of the mantle.
* Heat from the core = ____________________________________. This puts
pressure on the crust and causes it to move in separate sections called tectonic plates.
Tectonic Plates = slow moving sections of the earth
Continental Drift = theory that the continents move.
Plate movements cause:
Volcanoes = ____________________________________________
Earthquakes = shaking or sliding of a portion of the Earth’s crust.
Section 2 - Land, Water, and Climate (pgs 9 - 18) continued
Surface Changes From Outside The Earth
* Forces from outside the earth also cause changes on its surface.
Three main forces are: _____________________________________.
Erosion = in which rock and soil are moved from one place on the earth’s
surface to another. (rock slides)
- water erosion can be helpful and harmful.
helpful = rivers that carry rich soil down from a mountain
harmful = flooding
- ice erosion can cause glaciers drove people away
glacier = ____________________________________
Landforms in History
* Throughout history landforms _______________________________________
1) 70% of the earth is water.
- The largest water ways are: ____________________________________
2) Smaller bodies of salt water and usually partly surrounded by land. = ___________
3) Bodies of water that are completely surrounded by land = __________________
4) Waterways that empty into another body of water = ____________________
River System = _______________________________________
Climate and the Sun
* The most important thing that shapes climate is the sun, as it provides the the earth
with heat and light.
Climate = the pattern of weather of a place over many years
* As the earth moves through space it rotates or spins on its axis (an imaginary line )
and which takes 24 hours to spin around completely.
* The earth also moves around the sun in a circular path called and orbit. This motion,
known as revolution, takes one year or 365 days to complete.
Section 2 - Land, Water, and Climate (pgs 9 - 18) continued
Climate Zones
* Geographers ___________________________________________________
Tropical Zone = (tropics) always receives the most direct rays of sun
Temperate Zone = sun’s rays slant for part of the year and almost direct
sunlight for the rest of the year. Weather: winter = cold
summer = hot
Polar Zone = no sunlight at all during part of the year and only slanting
rays during the rest of the year. Weather = Extreme Cold
Climate, Water, and Wind
* climate is shaped ________________________________________________
Prevailing Winds = blow from a certain direction almost all the time.
Monsoon Winds = change direction according to the season and often bring
heavy rainfall.
Ocean Current = ocean water that flows in a steady stream.
Climate and Altitude
* The higher the altitude the colder the climate.
Precipitation = ______________________________________________
Section 2 Assessment
1) Define
a) landforms ____________________________________________________
b) elevation _____________________________________________________
c) relief ______________________________________________________
d) core ________________________________________________________
e) mantle _______________________________________________________
f) crust ________________________________________________________
g) tectonic plates _________________________________________________
h) continental drift _______________________________________________
i) volcanoes _____________________________________________________
j) earthquakes ___________________________________________________
k) erosion ______________________________________________________
l) glaciers _____________________________________________________
m) river system __________________________________________________
n) climate ______________________________________________________
o) latitude _____________________________________________________
p) tropical zone __________________________________________________
q) temperate zone ________________________________________________
r) polar zone ____________________________________________________
s) prevailing winds ________________________________________________
t) ocean current __________________________________________________
u) precipitation __________________________________________________
2) What are some of the ways landforms and waterways have been important to history ?
3) Into what climate zones do geographers often organize the earth ?
4) How does climate affect the way you live ?
Section 3 - Natural Resources (pgs 19 - 21)
* Natural resources = ______________________________________________
Minerals = iron, copper, tin, gold, silver these minerals are not essential to
life but make our lives easier
Renewable Resource = resources that can be replaced as they are used. (soil)
Non Renewable Resource = resources that cannot be replaced as they are used.
Section 3 Assessment
1) Define
a) natural resources _______________________________________________
b) minerals _____________________________________________________
c) renewable resources _____________________________________________
d) nonrenewable resources ___________________________________________
2) What resources are needed for life ?
3) Why do you think people have become more interested in making better use of the world’s
natural resources ?
4) Create at web and use it to show examples of how natural resources have helped shape
Section 4 Legends (pgs 22 - 24)
* People have always been interested in learning about the past.
Legends = _________________________________________________
* The three legends described = _______________________________________
- archaeologist = ___________________________________________
- anthropologists = _________________________________________
Section 4 Assessment
1) Define
a) legends ______________________________________________________
b) archaeologists _________________________________________________
c) anthropologists _________________________________________________
2) What legends do you know ? What do they try to explain ?
3) Draw a diagram (see pg 24) and use it to show the order of events in one of the legends in
this section.
Section 5 Archaeology (pgs 25 - 28)
Archaeology = ___________________________________________________
Artifacts = things made by people (weapons, tools, pottery)
Archaeological Finds
- In 1700 Italian farmers discovered ______________________________
- In 1770 another Roman city called___________ was found - this city contained fine
houses, theaters, and temples. Archaeologists learned how ancient Romans lived.
- The __________________ was found in Egypt and was a __________________
that gave them the key to the meanings of Egyptian picture writing.
Dating Archaeological Remains
- Archaeologists _______________ to uncover remains of the past
- they ___________
- The Three Ages
1)________________ 2) _________________ 3) __________________
- Trees used to _________________________________________________
Section 5 Assessment
1) Define
a) archaeology __________________________________________________
b) artifacts ___________________________________________________
2) Why did scientists begin to study artifacts ?
3) Why was the discovery of the Rosetta Stone important?
4) What would you like about being an archaeologist ? What would you dislike ?
5) What were the three major periods in early human history ?