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The History of
Israel &
3 Faiths
Who ever heard of such a thing?
Who has ever seen such things?
Is a country born in one day?
Is a nation brought forth all at once?
For as soon as Tziyon went into labor,
she brought forth her children.
“Would I let the baby break through
and not be born?” asks Adonai.
“Would I, who cause the birth,
shut the womb?” asks your God.
Isaiah 66:8-9
Complete Jewish Bible
Syrian rebels fire 18 rockets/mortars
into Lebanon hitting Hezbollah stronghold
Yusuf al-Qaradawi
Sunni Muslim Cleric in Qatar
He denounced Assad's Alawite sect,
an offshoot of Shiite Islam,
as "more infidel than Christians and Jews"
and Shiite Muslim Hezbollah
as "the party of the devil."
Syrian rebels offer Christian residents four choices:
1) renounce the ‘idolatry’ of Christianity
and convert to Islam
2) pay a heavy tribute (jizya) to the Muslims
for the privilege of keeping their heads
and their Christian faith;
3) be killed;
4) flee for their lives, leaving all their belongings behind.
Saddam Hussein 4/4/03
“Long live Iraq. Long live Palestine"
Hamas Leader Khaled Mash’al 3/06
“The liberation [of Palestine] will come
with the help of Allah, until it is attained
by the last soldier, woman, and child,
despite resistance by Israel and the United States….
Jerusalem will become Arab and Muslim again,
including all the places
holy to Islam and Christianity.”
Iranian President Ahmadinejad
“Wipe Israel off the map.“
"Iran believes that whoever is for humanity should also be for
eradicating the Zionist regime
as symbol of suppression and discrimination,"
Ahmadinejad on Monday said that Iranians and Muslim nations
worldwide should hold Qods rallies
and show their willingness to dispose of this
"infectious tumor and this regime full of rascality."
"Recognizing the Palestinian state is not the last goal.
It is only one step forward towards liberating
the whole of Palestine."
Al Qods Day – 8/11
“This battle is not between
al-Qaeda and the U.S.,
this is a battle of Muslims
against the global Crusaders.”
Osama bin Laden
Letter to the American People
allegedly written
by Osama bin Laden – 12/02
"The creation and continuation of Israel is one of
the greatest crimes, and you [the Americans]
are the leaders of its criminals.There is no need
to explain and prove the degree of American
support for Israel. The creation of Israel is a
crime which must be erased.
Each and every person whose hands have become
polluted in the contribution toward this crime
must pay its price, and pay for it heavily."
Answer to 9 accusations by
the US government– 5/09
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al
With regards to these nine accusations
that you are putting us on trial for; to us,
they are not accusations. To us they are badges of honor,
which we carry with pride.
Many thanks to God, for his kind gesture,
and choosing us to perform the act of Jihad for his cause
and to defend Islam and Muslims.
Therefore, killing you and fighting you,
destroying you and terrorizing you,
responding back to your attacks,
are all considered to be great legitimate duty in our religion.
These actions are our offerings to God.
Answer to 9 accusations by
the US government– 5/09
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al
You have violated the law of war by supporting
the Israeli occupation of Arab land in Palestine
and Lebanon, and for displacing
five million Palestinians outside their land.
You have supported the oppressor over the oppressed
and the butcher over the victim.
Answer to 9 accusations by
the US government– 5/09
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, et al
We do not possess your military might, nor your nuclear weapons.
Nevertheless, we fight you with the almighty God.
So, if our act of Jihad and our fighting with you
caused fear and terror, then many thanks to God,
because it is him that has thrown fear into your hearts,
which resulted in your infidelity, paganism,
and your statement that God
had a son and your trinity beliefs.
So, our religion is a religion of fear and terror to the enemies of God:
the Jews, Christians, and pagans. With God's willing,
we are terrorists to the bone. So, many thanks to God.
April 2011
Radicalism usually prospers in the gap between
rising expectations and declining opportunities.
This is especially true where the population is young,
idle, and bored; where the art is impoverished;
where entertainment – movies, theater, music –
is policed or absent altogether; and where young men
are set apart from the consoling and socializing
presence of women.
Anger, resentment, and humiliation
spurred young Arabs to search for dramatic remedies
The Looming Tower
Lawrence Wright 2006
100 miles
9 miles
263 miles
71 miles
Range of
Hamas rockets
launched from
Gaza Strip
Nov-Dec 2012
6-9 - Noah & flood
9: 18 – Ham & son, Canaan
10: 6 – Canaan, son of Ham
10: 13 – Philistines
10: 15 – Canaan, father of …
10: 19 – borders
10: 21 – sons of Shem
11: 10-26 – Shem to Abram
11: 31-32 – Ur to Canaan,
but only to Haran
Abram – 2000 BC
Genesis 12: 1-9 – Leave your country
& go…
blessing of Abram &
trip on to Canaan
Shechem (modern West Bank Nablus)
Bethel – Ai
75 Years old
Wife - Sarai
Nephew – Lot
Possessions & people acquired
Abram, Ishmael – 2000 BC
Genesis 15 – covenant, promise of son
land for your descendants
from the Nile to the Euphrates
Genesis 16 – Ishmael
a wild donkey of a man
Genesis 17 – Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael
everlasting covenant thru Isaac
circumcision, whole land of Canaan
Isaac & Ishmael
Genesis 21 – birth of Isaac,
banishment of Ishmael to Paran (Sinai)
Genesis 22 – sacrifice of Isaac (almost)
region of Moriah
Genesis 25 – vs 5 Abraham leaves
everything to Isaac, the promised son,
& sends all others to the land of the east
vs 9 – Isaac & Ishmael bury Abraham
vs 12-18 – Ishmael, 12 tribes (17:20),
east, lived in hostility (16: 12)
Genesis 10-11
Shem (Shemites or Semites)
Terah (Koran says Azar)
Abram (Abraham)
No historical evidence of
Philistines or Canaanites
by the Greek period, ~350BC
Genesis 25-28
(Koran claims Ishmael
was son to be sacrificed)
12 tribes
Jacob (Israel)
12 tribes
Arab nations
Jewish nation of Israel
Syrian Schoolbooks – 6/02
Eighth-graders are taught that,
"It is known that the Jews of today do not have
any connection to Palestine…”
Palestinian Schoolbooks – 6/02
The Palestinians, the books claim, have first rights
to the country. The "Arab Canaanites" were here
before the Jews, therefore the Zionistic claim of rights
to the land by virtue of forefathers are a lie.
Zionism is described as a movement of which the
seizing of land is foremost among its tenets.
Knesset Member Ibrahim Abdullah Sarsur,
who heads the southern Islamic Movement
inside Israel, published an official
announcement Sunday according to which
a nation he called the “Arab Jebusites”
founded the city of Jerusalem –
which he referred to using the Arabic name
Al Quds – a long time before the Jews
showed up there.
( 10/11/09
Land of the Israelites (Koran)
5: 20-21 – Bear in mind the words of Moses to his
people. He said, 'Remember, my people, the favors which
Allah has bestowed upon you. He has raised up Prophets
among you, made you kings, and given you that which
He has given to no other nation.
Enter, my people, the Holy Land which Allah
has assigned for you. Do not turn back, and thus lose all.‘
10: 93 – We settled the Israelites in a secure land and
provided them with good things.
17: 104 - And thereafter We said to the Children of
Israel: 'Dwell in the land. When the promise of the
Everlasting Life comes We shall bring you all together.'
Koran Stories of Abraham (no Abram)
3: 67 – “neither a Jew nor Christian” (first true Muslim)
6: 74-75 – “(And remember) when Abraham said to
his father Azar: 'Will you take idols for gods, surely I
see you and your people are in clear error.'
And so We showed Abraham the kingdom of the
heavens and the earth, so that he might be of those who
are certain.”
(Compare to Genesis 11: 31-32 & 12: 1)
2: 123-132 – Abraham & Ishmael build the
Ka’bah in Mecca
37: 100-109 – Abraham takes his son to be sacrificed
(Compare to Genesis 22)
Genesis 25: 21-23 – birth of Esau & Jacob
Genesis 25: 29-34 – Esau trades his
birthright to Jacob
26: 1-6 – God blesses Isaac
27 – Jacob, thru deception, gains
Isaac’s blessing intended for Esau
28: 10-15 – God blesses Jacob
32: 22-32 – God & Jacob wrestle
Jacob demands God’s blessing
Jacob & Sons
Genesis 35: 9-15 – promise of land
Genesis 35: 23-26 – sons of Jacob
(Judah – origination of “Jew”)
Joseph & the Ishmaelites (~1900BC)
Genesis 37: 23-28 & 36 – Joseph sold
to Ishmaelites (Midianites – 25: 1)
Jacob Blesses Judah
Genesis 49: 8-12 – Lion of Judah,
the scepter will not depart from Judah
Noah Genesis 10-11
Shem (Shemites or Semites)
Abraham Genesis 25-28
Jacob (Israel)
12 tribes
Arab nations
Genesis 49: 8-12
12 tribes
Genesis 35
Isaiah 11
Jeremiah 23
Matthew 1
Luke 3
1928 – Muslim brotherhood
founded - Hassan al’Banna
- Milestones – Sayyid Qutb
Calls on the faithful to topple illegitimate
regimes and create pure Islamic states to free
mankind from every authority except that of
God “…Islam is a universal declaration of the
freedom of man on the earth from every
authority except God’s authority, and that
religion ought to be purified for God…”
Muslim Brotherhood mission:
- build the Muslim individual
- build Muslim families
- create Islamic societies
- create Islamic states
- create Islamic caliphate
Moses, Joshua
& the Promised Land
~ 1440BC
Exodus 23: 20-33 – confirmation of
covenant with Moses
Deuteronomy 7: 1-11 – drive out the
occupying nations (Genesis 10: 15)
(no Ishmaelites/Midianites)
their sin has evidently reached its
“full measure” (Genesis 15: 16)
Joshua 1- entering the promised land
Borders of the
Numbers 34
Tribal Distribution
of Promised Land
David & Jerusalem
~ 998BC
Samuel 5 & 6 – David conquers Jerusalem
& brings in the Ark of the Covenant
Samuel 24: 18-25 – David purchases
the “threshing floor” from Araunah
Solomon & the Temple
~ 950BC
II Chronicles 3: 1 – Temple location
II Samuel 24: 18-25
David & Jerusalem
~ 998BC
Samuel 5 & 6 – David conquers Jerusalem
& brings in the Ark of the Covenant
Samuel 24: 18-25 – David purchases
the “threshing floor” from Araunah
Solomon & the Temple
~ 950BC
II Chronicles 3: 1 – Temple location
II Chronicles 3: 1
Assyrian Captivity
Isaiah 9: 8-10:4 - prophecy
II Kings 17-18 – historical account of
10 northern tribes of Israel
Prophecy of Cyrus
Isaiah 44:28 – 45:1, 13 –
Cyrus will command rebuilding of
Jerusalem & Temple
Prophecy of 70 Years of Desolation
Jeremiah 25:8-14 –
Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon
Jeremiah 29: 10-14 – I will
bring you back
Muslim Dome of the Rock
Kidron Valley
Jewish Wailing Wall
Muslim Al Aqsa Mosque
Fall of Jerusalem &
Destruction of the Temple
Av 9, 586BC
II Chronicles 36: 15-21 – Babylonian
destruction of Jerusalem & the Temple
Captivity of the Jews –
first dispersion (diaspora)
Zerubbabel builds the 2nd Temple
Dedicated - Adar 3, 516BC
Book of Ezra (first ingathering)
Persian Persecution
~ 480BC
Book of Esther – Feast of Purim
330 BC – Greeks take Israel
200 BC - Dead Sea Scrolls begun
Antiochus Epiphanes
Daniel 11: 31-32 - Desecration of Temple
1 Maccabees 1: 54-59
54 On the fifteenth day of the month of
Kislev in the year 145 [167 BC],
King Antiochus set up The Awful Horror
on the altar of the Temple, and pagan altars
were built in the towns throughout Judea.
55 Pagan sacrifices were offered in front of
houses and in the streets.
56 Any books of the Law which were found
were torn up and burned,
1 Maccabees 1: 54-59
57 and anyone who was caught with a copy
of the sacred books or who obeyed the Law
was put to death by order of the king.
58 Month after month these wicked people
used their power against the Israelites
caught in the towns.
59 On the twenty-fifth of the month, these
same evil people offered sacrifices on the
pagan altar erected on top of the altar
in the Temple.
Antiochus Epiphanes
Desecration of Temple
Maccabeean revolt
Feast of Dedication (Hanukkah)
Jesus in the Temple for Feast of Dedication
John 10:22
65 BC – Romans begin rule over Israel
20 BC - Herod the Great begins
refurbishing 2nd temple (Zerubbabel’s)
Accordingly, in the fifteenth year of his reign,
Herod rebuilt the temple, and encompassed
a piece of land about it with a wall,
which land was twice as large as that before enclosed.
The expenses he laid out upon it were vastly large also,
and the riches about it were unspeakable.
A sign of which you have in the great cloisters
that were erected about the temple,
and the citadel which was on its north side. (Josephus)
Time of Christ
Luke 2
John 2:19-20
Matthew 24: 1-2
“not one stone”
64 AD – Temple refurbishment completed
66 AD – Siege of Jerusalem (Vespasian)
Av 9, 70 AD - Temple destroyed (Titus)
Jewish Diaspora (2nd)
Titus’ Arch - Rome
"This is our Land because G-d gave it to us,” he said.
While it is true that Jews – descendants of Isaac,
and Arabs – who are descendants of Ishmael,
share a common father in Abraham,
Feiglin explained,
“He bequeathed the Land of Israel
to the lady of the house,
and gave the son of the maidservant gifts
and sent him to Saudi Arabia.”
MK Moshe Feiglin
Israel National News
“…only through the wisdom of the leadership,
conscious action, consideration,
and walking the right path" are headed toward
"achievement, exactly like the Prophet [Mohammad]
did in the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah,
even though some opposed it."
Mahmoud Al-Habbash
Palestinian Authority
Minister of Religious Affairs
(Islam – taqiyyah)
The Blaze
135 AD – Hadrian &
• Aelia Capitolina
• No Jews
• Temple of Aphrodite
• Israel’s new Name
135 AD – Hadrian &
• Aelia Capitolina
• No Jews
• Temple of Aphrodite
• Israel’s new Name
320 AD – Constantine, Helena,
Christian Holy Sites
• Church of the Nativity
• Church of the Holy Sepulchre
320 AD – Constantine, Helena,
Christian Holy Sites
• Church of the Nativity
• Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Mid 300’s – NT canon established
425 AD – Sanhedrin dissolves in Tiberias
570 AD – Muhammad born
in Mecca, Saudi Arabia
tribal warfare
hundreds of gods
moon god – Al Ilah
Mecca, Ka’bah (holiest site)
Jewish & Christian friends
and wives
610 AD – Revelations begin (Gabriel?)
Islamic Terminology (610 A.D.)
Islam - surrender to Allah
Allah – the one true god, god of Abraham
Muslim (Moslem) – one who surrenders
Muhammad (Mohammed)– prophet (last)
to which the Muslim holy book,
the Koran (Qu’ran) was revealed
(as a ‘final’ revelation) by Allah,
through the angel Gabriel
Muhammad’s Encounter
with the Angel Gabriel
Terror, trembling, unable to rationalize,
possessed with an evil spirit, suicidal
thoughts, vice-like embrace, squeezed out
words, traumatized
“Unable to rationalize the ordeal he had just
experienced, Muhammad concluded that he was
possessed with an evil spirit and was thinking
of committing suicide.”
Islamic Imperialism – A History (Efraim Karsh 2007)
Islamic Terminology (610 A.D.)
Prophets – Muhammad, last & greatest –
the “seal” of the prophets - others:
Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Noah, Moses,
David, Isaiah, John the Baptist, Jesus
Hadith – deeds & sayings of Muhammad
Volume 2, Book 13, Number 21:
Narrated Abu Huraira through different narrators
that the Prophet said, "It is Allah's right on every
Muslim that he should take a bath (at least) once
in seven days.“
Book 41, Number 4828:
Narrated AbuSa'id al-Khudri:
When the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him)
sat, he had his knees drawn up supported by his
Book 37, Number 4310:
Narrated AbuHurayrah:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: There is no
prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus
(peace_be_upon_him). He will descend (to the earth).
When you see him, recognize him: a man of medium
height, reddish hair, wearing two light yellow garments,
looking as if drops were falling down from his head
though it will not be wet. He will fight the people for the
cause of Islam. He will break the cross, kill swine, and
abolish jizyah. Allah will perish all religions except
Islam. He will destroy the Antichrist and will live on the
earth for forty years and then he will die. The Muslims
will pray over him.
Islamic Terminology (610 A.D.)
Prophets – Muhammad, last & greatest –
the “seal” of the prophets - others:
Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Noah, Moses,
David, Isaiah, John the Baptist, Jesus
Hadith – deeds & sayings of Muhammad
Jihad – struggle – internal struggle
to submit to Allah; external struggle
for the cause of Allah
"The Zionist regime has been a
wound on the body of the Islamic
world for years and the wound
should be removed."
Hassan Rohani
Incoming President of Iran
al-Quds Day
August 2, 2013
"The Palestine which we mean is a
Palestine which stretches from the
sea to the river."
Hassan Nasrallah
Hezbollah leader
al-Quds Day
August 2, 2013
17 The Night Journey - Al-'Isra'
1: “Exalted is He who carried His worshiper
[Prophet Muhammad] to travel in the night
from the Sacred Temple to the Furthest
Temple which We have blessed around it so
that We might show him some of Our signs.
He is the Hearer, the Seer.”
Sacred Temple = Mecca
Furthest Temple = ???
Earlier translations = temple
Later translations = mosque, house of worship
620 AD – Midnight Journey
622 AD – Flight to Medina (Hegira or Hijra)
Year 1 – Muslim calendar
(lunar year = 360 days)
2013=1434 H
632 AD – Death of Muhammad
Burial in Medina, 2nd holiest site
Beginning of Sunni vs Shiite
690 AD - Dome of the Rock
Al-Aqsa mosque
(Al Haram al Sharif – Noble Sanctuary)
3rd Holiest Site
Inner Face: South Wall - In the name of Allah the Merciful the
Compassionate. There is no God but Allah alone; he has no
co-partner. He is the Kingship and His the praise. He giveth life
and He causeth to die, and He hath power over everything.
South-East Wall - Verily Allah and His angels pronounce blessing
upon the Prophet. O ye who have pronounced blessings upon
Him and give Him the salutation of peace. O, People of the Book
(i.e. the Jews and Christians, always referred to as such by the
Muslims -Ed.) do not go beyond the bounds in your religion and
do not say about Allah anything but the truth. The Messiah, Jesus,
son of Mary, is but a messenger of Allah and His word which he
cast upon Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe only in Allah
and of his messenger, but do not say "Three" (Trinity) and it will
be better for you. Allah is only one God. Far be it from His glory
that he should have a son.
North Wall - The Messiah will not deign to be in the service of
Allah nor will the angels who stand in his presence. O Allah; pray
upon Thy messenger "the servant Jesus –
(N-W Wall) - the son of Mary and peace be upon him the day of
his birth, the day of his death and the day of his being raised
alive." That is Jesus, son of Mary - a statement concerning which
YOU are in doubt. It is not for Allah to take for Himself any
offspring, glory be to Him.
West Wall - Allah bears witness that there is no God but Him,
likewise the angels and the people possessed of knowledge
(S-W Wall) - upholding justice. There is no God but He, the
Almighty and All wise. Verily, the religion in Allah's sight is
Outer Face - West and North-West Walls - In the name of Allah
the Merciful and Compassionate. There is no God but Allah alone.
Praise be to Allah who hath not taken to himself offspring. To
Him there has never been any person in the sovereignty.
Mohammed is the messenger of Allah, may God pray upon Him
and accept his intercession.
Praise be God who has not taken unto himself a son and who has
no partner in sovereignty nor has He any protector on account of
Expansion under the Prophet Mohammad, 622-632
Expansion during the Patriarchal Caliphate, 632-661
Expansion during the Umayyad Caliphate, 661-750
750 AD – ‘Capital’ of Islam
Baghdad Caliphate (500 Yrs)
868-874 – 12th Imam
(Imam Mahdi) born, hidden (Shiite)
9-10 century – Shiite vs Sunni
Mutazilites vs Asharites
Asharites vs Mutazilites
Predestination vs free will
The Mu‘tazilites, who created the first
fully developed theological school in Islam,
championed the primary role of reason;
reason’s ability to know morality;
the goodness and justice of God
as required by reason;
the unity of God;
and the necessity of man’s free will.
The Closing of the Muslim Mind (Robert Reilly - 2006)
Asharites vs Mutazilites
Predestination vs free will
In Ash‘arism…, the primacy of revelation
over reason rises
from the very nature of what is revealed:
God as pure will and power.
The response to this God is submission,
not interrogation.
The Closing of the Muslim Mind (Robert Reilly - 2006)
Asharites vs Mutazilites
Predestination vs free will
Abu Huraira reported Muhammad as saying:
“Verily Allah has fixed
the very portion of adultery
which a man will indulge in
and which he of necessity must commit.”
Good & evil are foreordained
(Insha'Allah – God’s will/God willing)
The Closing of the Muslim Mind (Robert Reilly - 2006)
“Now I know why America is a superpower.
America is great because its people enjoy
freedom of thought. They are the product
of a culture that was born in the Laboratory
under the scientist’s lens,
while we in the Muslim world lag behind
because we have come from
a repressive culture that has no respect
for the mind and refuses to acknowledge
its own failure to come to grips with science.”
A God Who Hates (Wafa Sultan - 2009)
1099 – Crusades
1187 – Saladin
1450 –Ottoman Empire begins
1882 – 1920 – 3 ½ million Russian Jews
immigrate to USA
Late 1800’s – Zionism (Herzl)
1867 – Mark Twain
“The Innocents Abroad”
There is not a solitary village throughout
its whole extent—not for thirty miles
in either direction. There are two or three small
clusters of Bedouin tents, but not a single
permanent habitation.
One may ride ten miles, hereabouts,
and not see ten human beings.
1867 – Mark Twain
“The Innocents Abroad”
To this region one of the prophecies is applied:
"I will bring the land into desolation;
and your enemies which dwell therein
shall be astonished at it. And I will scatter you
among the heathen, and I will draw out a sword
after you; and your land shall be desolate
and your cities waste." [Leviticus 26:32-33]
No man can stand here by deserted Ain Mellahah
and say the prophecy has not been fulfilled.
1867 – Mark Twain
“The Innocents Abroad”
We traversed some miles of desolate country
whose soil is rich enough, but is given over
wholly to weeds—a silent, mournful expanse,
wherein we saw only three persons—Arabs
It is a hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land.
Palestine is desolate and unlovely.
And why should it be otherwise?
Can the curse of the Deity beautify a land?
“In the twelve and a half centuries between
the Arab conquest in the seventh century
And the beginnings of the Jewish return
in the 1880’s, Palestine was laid waste.
Its ancient canal and irrigation systems
were destroyed and the wondrous fertility
of which the Bible spoke
vanished into desert and desolation.”
From Time Immemorial – Joan Peters
Quoting Carl Hermann Voss - 1953
“Under the
Ottoman empire of the Turks,
the policy of disfoliation continued;
the hillsides were denuded
of trees and the valleys
robbed of their topsoil.”
From Time Immemorial – Joan Peters
Quoting Carl Hermann Voss - 1953
I will scatter you
– but I will gather you
And while you are away,
the land will be desolate;
but when you return…
Leviticus 26: 32-33
Zechariah 7: 13-14; 8: 7-13
Ezekiel 28: 25-26; 34: 11-14, 26-27
1917 – Balfour Declaration
1924 – Ottoman caliphate ends
1928 – Muslim Brotherhood
founded - Hassan al’Banna
1947 – UN Partition Plan
Dead Sea Scrolls discovered
Foreign Rulers over Land of Israel
Arab Omayyads (Muslim, Damascus)
Abbassids (Muslim, Baghdad )
Fatimids (Egyptian Muslim)
Seljuks (Turkish Muslim)
Crusaders (Christian)
Saladin (Kurdish Muslim, Damascus)
Mameluks (Egyptian Muslim)
Ottoman Turks (Turkish Muslim)
The History of
Israel &
3 Faiths
“They are a gang of Infidels and Christians,”
she replies.
“They don’t like Allah and do not worship Allah.
They hate us.”
“For those who are older than me,
weapons will accelerate the Right of Return,”
"When we die as martyrs, we go up to heaven,"
"With God's help and our own strength,
we will wage war," she says.
"And with education and jihad, we will return."
UNRWA Palestinian Summer Camps 2013
1933 – Hitler, Nazi Germany
1933-1939 – Jews “encouraged”
to leave Germany
1939 - 1945 – WWII
Arabs, Haj Amin al-Husseini
Jews “locked” in Europe
The “final solution”
1947 – UN Partition Plan
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas laid out
his vision on Monday for the final status of
Israeli-Palestinian relations ahead of peace talks
due to resume in Washington for the first time
in nearly three years.
"In a final [re]solution, we would not see
the presence of a single Israeli –
civilian or soldier - on our lands,"
Abbas said in a briefing
to mostly Egyptian journalists.
Monday, 29 Jul 2013
United Nations
Partition Plan
Arab State
Jewish State
May 14, 1948 – Israel reborn
Isaiah 66: 7-11 – a nation comes forth
Ezekiel 37 – the Dry Bones
Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan,
Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel.
Their intentions were declared by Azzam Pasha,
Secretary-General of the Arab League:
"It will be a war of annihilation. It will be a
momentous massacre in history that will be
talked about like the massacres of the Mongols
or the Crusades."
Islamic Imperialism – A History (Efraim Karsh 2007)
May 14, 1948 – Israel reborn
Had the Jews lost the war, their territory
would not have been handed over to the
Palestinian Arabs. Rather, it would have
been divided among the invading
Arab forces, for the simple reason that none
of the region’s Arab regimes viewed
Palestine as a distinct entity and most of
them had their own designs on this territory.
Islamic Imperialism – A History (Efraim Karsh 2007)
Post War
Armistice Lines
1949 - 1967
Arab State
Gaza Strip
Jewish State
United Nations
Partition Plan
Arab State
Jewish State
1948 – present –
the 2nd (and last) in-gathering?
Isaiah 11:10-12
Amos 9:8-15
1964 – “Milestones” published
Sayyid Qutb
[Sayyid Qutb] Calls on the faithful to topple
illegitimate regimes and create pure Islamic
states to free mankind from every authority
except that of God
“…Islam is a universal declaration of the
freedom of man on the earth from every
authority except God’s authority,
and that religion
ought to be purified for God…”
Dreams & Shadows – Robin Wright (2008)
Muslim Brotherhood mission:
~ build the Muslim individual
~ build Muslim families
~ create Islamic societies
~ create Islamic states
~ create Islamic caliphate
Mohammad Habib – Muslim Brotherhood –
(Egypt, 2005)
“If we are to apply the Islamic rule, which says that
non-Muslims cannot have guardianship over
Muslims, then a Christian may not be president.”
Dreams & Shadows – Robin Wright (2008)
The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)
18 August 1988
Preamble excerpt:
Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will
obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it"
(The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).
Article Six:
The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is a distinguished
Palestinian movement, whose allegiance is to Allah, and whose
way of life is Islam. It strives to raise the banner of Allah over
every inch of Palestine, for under the wing of Islam followers of
all religions can coexist in security and safety where their lives,
possessions and rights are concerned. In the absence of Islam,
strife will be rife, oppression spreads, evil prevails and schisms
and wars will break out.
Article 11 excerpt:
The Islamic Resistance Movement believes
that the land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf
consecrated for future Moslem generations
until Judgement Day. It, or any part of it,
should not be squandered: it, or any part of it,
should not be given up.
Article 13 excerpt:
There is no solution for the Palestinian
question except through Jihad. Initiatives,
proposals and international conferences are
all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
Article 15 excerpt:
It is necessary to instill in the minds of the
Moslem generations that the Palestinian
problem is a religious problem, and should be
dealt with on this basis.
Article 23 excerpt:
The Islamic Resistance Movement views other
Islamic movements with respect and
Hamas – (Arabic) = zeal
Hamas – Arabic = zeal
Hamas – Hebrew verb =
to treat violently
Chamas -Hebrew noun =
disruption of divinely
established order
PLO Charter - 1968
Article 20: Claims of historical or religious ties
of Jews with Palestine are incompatible
with the facts of history and the true conception
of what constitutes statehood. Judaism, being
a religion, is not an independent nationality.
Nor do Jews constitute a single nation with
an identity of its own; they are citizens
of the states to which they belong.
1967 – Six Day War
Arabs – 500,000+ men, 900 aircraft, 5000 tanks
Israel – 275,000 men, 200 aircraft, 1100 tanks
“Israel will not be alone
unless it decides to go it alone”
Lyndon B. Johnson
Six Days of War – Michael B. Oren (2002)
1967 – Six Day War
The Egyptians pursued them, and all Pharaoh's horses
and chariots and horsemen followed them into the sea.
During the last watch of the night the Lord
looked down from the pillar of fire and cloud at the
Egyptian army and threw it into confusion. He made
the wheels of their chariots come off so that they had
difficulty driving. And the Egyptians said,
"Let's get away from the Israelites!
The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt."
Exodus 14:23-25
Also see – Exodus 23:27, Joshua 10:10, I Samuel 14:20
“Everyone lost their heads,”
recalled Dr. Abd al-Fattah al-Tarki,
a humanities student and a reserve officer
with the 2nd Armored Brigade.
“We were told to withdraw
to Bir al-Thamada, but we arrived
to find the positions there already in flames.
The army on the roads was in a state
of complete collapse. It was a massacre, a disaster.
Israel never would have achieved a quarter
of its victory if not for the confusion and chaos.”
Six Days of War – Michael B. Oren (2002)
1967 – Six Day War
3 No’s of Khartoum
The final communiqué that committed
the Arab states to stand united on
“political action” to retrieve Arab territories
and realize Palestinian rights,
while conceding
“no recognition of Israel, no peace
and no negotiations with her.”
Six Days of War – Michael B. Oren (2002)
Post War
Armistice Lines
1949 - 1967
Arab State
Gaza Strip
Jewish State
Post 1967
Israel controls:
-The Sinai Peninsula
of Egypt (until 1978)
-The Golan Heights
of Syria (to present)
-Border strip
of Lebanon (until 2000)
-The West Bank and
Gaza Strip
(Gaza Strip
disengagement 8/05)
- Jerusalem
(but not Temple Mount)