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Find Rational Zeros, II
1. To use a graph to help find the zeros of a
polynomial function
2. To use the Location Principle to help find the zeros
of a polynomial function
The points (2, −3)
and (3, 5) are on
the graph of a
function f (x).
What conclusion
can you draw
about the graph of
f (x)?
There must
be a zero
between 2
and 3 since
the graph
must cross
the x-axis to
these points.
The Rational Zero Theorem
If f(x) = anxn + … + a1x + a0 has integer
coefficients, then every rational zero of f(x)
has the following form:
factor of constant term a0
q factor of leading coefficient an
Important note: These factors can be either
positive or negative.
The Rational Zero Theorem
Here’s another way to think about The
Rational Zero Theorem. Consider the
function below:
f ( x)  6 x3  x 2  47 x  30
In factored form:
f ( x)  (2 x  5)( x  3)(3 x  2)
And here are the zeros:
x   , 3, and 
The Rational Zero Theorem
Now work backwards from the factors: What
would be the constant term and the leading
f ( x)  6 x3  x 2  47 x  30
f ( x)  (2 x  5)( x  3)(3 x  2)
(5)(3)(2)  30
(2 x)( x)(3x)  6 x3
Factors of 6
x   , 3, and 
Factors of −30
The Rational Zero Theorem
Remember that The Rational Zero Theorem
just helps you to generate a list of the
possible rational zeros of a polynomial
function (with integer coefficients).
To verify each zero, you have to use
synthetic division.
Exercise 1
List the possible rational zeros of f(x) using
the Rational Zero Theorem.
f ( x)  x  12 x  35x  24
Exercise 2
Find all real zeros of the function.
f ( x)  x  12 x  35x  24
Exercise 3
List the possible rational zeros of f(x) using
the Rational Zero Theorem.
f ( x)  2 x  5x  11x  14
Exercise 3
List the possible rational zeros of f(x) using
the Rational Zero Theorem.
f ( x)  2 x  5x  11x  14
Notice that when the leading coefficient is not 1,
the number of possible rational zeros increases
in an unsavory way. Surely there has to be a
way to narrow the possibilities…
Exercise 4
According to The Rational Zero Theorem,
what is the maximum number of possible
rational zeros for the polynomial function
f ( x)  x3  bx 2  cx  d
Exercise 5
Assume a has k factors and d has r factors.
According to The Rational Zero Theorem,
what is the maximum number of possible
rational zeros for the polynomial function
f ( x)  ax3  bx 2  cx  d
Objective 1
You will be able to use a graph to help
find the zeros of a polynomial function
Facilitation, 1 (Cheating)
The first way to
facilitate the search
for rational zeros
involves looking at
the graph of the
Facilitation, 1 (Cheating)
Since zeros are the same
thing as a graph’s xintercepts, finding the
approximate location of
an x-intercept can give
a reasonable place to
start verifying factors
from our long, tedious
list of possibilities.
Exercise 6
Find all real zeros of the function.
f ( x)  2 x3  5x 2  11x  14
Facilitation, 1 (Cheating)
Using the graph of a polynomial
function to help finding its zeros
seems a bit like cheating. This
is because we want to find the
zeros (or x-intercepts), and we
do this by looking a graph’s xintercepts. If we already have a
graph, then why are we trying
to find the graph’s x-intercepts
(A fine example
of circular logic)
Exercise 7
Find all real zeros of the function.
f ( x)  48x3  4 x 2  20 x  3
Exercise 8
Find all real zeros of the function.
f ( x)  2 x 4  5x3  18x 2  19 x  42
Objective 2
You will be
able to use
the Location
Principle to
help find the
zeros of a
Location Principle
Another way to narrow
down our rational zero
choices is by using the
Location Principle.
Consider the table of
values. What can you
conclude about the
location of one of the
There must be a zero here
zeros of f(x)?
Location Principle
Location Principle
If 𝑓 is a polynomial
function and 𝑎 and
𝑏 are two numbers
such that 𝑓 𝑎 < 0
and 𝑓 𝑏 > 0, then
𝑓 has at least one
zero between 𝑎
and 𝑏.
For example, if
𝑓(2) = −3 and 𝑓(3) =
5, then there must be a
zero between 𝑥 = 2
and 𝑥 = 3. This is
because a continuous
curve would cross the
𝑥-axis when connecting
these points.
Location Principle
Location Principle
If 𝑓 is a polynomial
function and 𝑎 and
𝑏 are two numbers
such that 𝑓 𝑎 < 0
and 𝑓 𝑏 > 0, then
𝑓 has at least one
zero between 𝑎
and 𝑏.
There must
be a zero
between 2
and 3 since
the graph
must cross
the x-axis to
these points.
Location Principle
Location Principle
If 𝑓 is a polynomial
function and 𝑎 and
𝑏 are two numbers
such that 𝑓 𝑎 < 0
and 𝑓 𝑏 > 0, then
𝑓 has at least one
zero between 𝑎
and 𝑏.
So we could use a
table of values with
the Location Principle
to narrow our rational
zero choices. Just
look for where the
change signs: + to –
or – to +.
Exercise 9
Find all real zeros of the function.
f ( x)  24 x 4  38x3  191x 2  157 x  28
Exercise 10
The Rational Zero Theorem only helps in
finding rational zeros. How would we go
about finding the irrational zeros of a
polynomial function?
Once it comes down to an unfactorable
quadratic, use the quadratic formula or
completing the square to find the last two
Exercise 11
Find all real zeros of the function.
f ( x)  9 x 4  3x3  30 x 2  6 x  12
Exercise 12
Find all real zeros of the function.
f ( x)  10 x 4  11x3  42 x 2  7 x  12
Find Rational Zeros, II
1. To use a graph to help
find the zeros of a
polynomial function
2. To use the Location
Principle to help find
the zeros of a
polynomial function