Download Climate Zones Temperate Zone

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Weather Forecasting
 Weather Forecast – a prediction of
weather conditions over the next few days
 Meteorologists use special instruments
to collect data for weather forecasting
Weather Forecasting Tools
 Weather Balloons –
carries electronic
equipment up to 30 km
high which measures:
• temperature
• air pressure
• relative humidity
• wind speed &
 Transmits radio signals
to meteorologists
Weather Forecasting Tools
 Windsock – a cone-shaped cloth bag
that is open at both ends
 wind enters wide end and exits
through narrow end
 wide end always points into the wind
Weather Forecasting Tools
 Wind Vane – shaped like an arrow and
attached to a pole
 wind pushes the tail of arrow
 vane spins until arrow points into wind
Weather Forecasting Tools
 Anemometer – measures wind speed
 has three or four cups connected to a
pole with spokes
 wind pushes on open side of cups and
makes them spin
 this spinning produces an electric
current which is displayed on a dial
Weather Forecasting Tools
 Radar – used to locate fronts and air
 can show how much precipitation is
falling and what kind it is
Weather Forecasting Tools
 Satellites – orbits Earth to produce images
of weather systems
 can also measure wind speeds, humidity,
and temperatures
 used to track storms
Weather Maps
 Weather Maps:
 contain a station model – a symbol that
shows the weather at a certain location
Weather Maps
 Weather Maps:
 contain isobars – lines that connect points
of equal air pressure
 closed circles represent areas of high
or low pressure
Weather Maps
 Weather Maps show:
 fronts
 air masses
 high pressure
 low pressure
 temperature
 precipitation
How is an anemometer different from a
windsock or a wind vane?
Anemometers measure wind speed. Windsocks
and wind vanes are used to find wind direction.
What is a weather balloon and how does it
It carries electronic equipment up to 30 km
high and transmits radio signals to
meteorologists. It measures temperature, air
pressure, relative humidity, wind speed &
2 Cold Front
3 Isobar
High Pressure
4 Warm Front
5 Low Pressure
What does each symbol stand for?
Stationary Front
Climate Zones
Climate Zones
 There are three climate zones:
1) Tropical Zones
2) Temperate Zones
3) Polar Zones
Climate Zones
 Tropical Zone – known as the Tropics
because it receives so much solar energy, it
has high temperatures – hottest climate zone
 found between 23.5 N and 23.5 S
 surrounds the equator
Climate Zones
 Temperate Zone – receives less solar
energy than the Tropical Zone
 temperatures tend to vary depending on
location and time of year
 this is the middle zone found between
23.5 and 66.5 north or south latitudes
 most of the US is in this zone
Climate Zones
 Polar Zone – is the coldest climate zone
 found between 66.5 and 90 north and
south latitudes
 extends to the poles
What are the three climate zones?
Tropical Zone, Temperate Zone, & Polar Zone
Which zone surrounds the equator?
Tropical Zone
Which zone extends to the poles?
Polar Zone
Which zone has temperatures that vary?
Temperate Zone
Which zone is the coldest climate zone?
Polar Zone
Which zone is the hottest climate zone?
Tropical Zone
Which climate zone is most of the US located
Temperate Zone
Polar Zone
2 Temperate Zone
Tropical Zone
Tropical Zone
Temperate Zone
Polar Zone
Label the climate zones