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World History
© 2015
World History
Sumerian writing
Sumerian, the oldest known written language in
human history,
spread over or occupy (a place) in large numbers.
belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious (especially
Christian) doctrine.
a period of prolonged and intensive questioning.
Trial and error
the process of experimenting with various methods of doing
something until one finds the most successful.
have a strong emotional effect on.
© 2015
World History
4.3 million years ago to 12,000 BCE
12,000 to 4001
4000 to 2001
2000 to 1001
1000 to 501
500 to 401
Settled farming, trading and continuing migrations.
400 to 301
Sumerian writing. Gods run the world by magic and
conquer for their monarchs. Religious diffusions and
300 to 201
oral stories are put into writing. Religions transform.
200 to 101
Indic civilization. Zhou overruns Shang civilization.
100 to 1
Persian and Greek civilizations. Philosophy. Alexander
1 to 100
the Great and the Hellenistic world. The Mauryan and
101 to 200
Roman empires. The Han dynasty fails politically. More
201 to 300
divisions in Judaism and the rise of Christianity. Rome
is swallowed by its empire and Christianized
301 to 400
Rome fails – as empires always do.
401 to 500
© 2015
World History
6th to 15th Centuries
501 to 600
601 to 700
701 to 800
801 to 900
901 to 1000
1001 to 1100
1101 to 1200
German tribal conquests, barbarism, and monasteries.
1201 to 1300
Cultural diffusion congeals into Islam. Trade and bloody
1301 to 1400
competition between empires and family dynasties.
1401 to 1500
Power struggle among Muslims. Christians against the
evils of heresy, Islam and Jews. Mongol and Turkish
expansions. Greek philosophy returns to Europe.
Bubonic plague. Hundred Years' War. Muslims take
Constantinople. Savonarola. The Inca empire expands.
Sailing ships out for religious conversions and trade.
© 2015
World History
16th and 17th Centuries
1501 to 1510
1511 to 1520
1521 to 1530
1531 to 1540
1541 to 1550
1551 to 1560
1561 to 1570
1571 to 1580
Latin empire, bloody conflict, Christianity, death and African
slaves to America. The Reformation, with the printing press
1581 to 1590
helping Protestantism. In India, Japan and Europe, rulers
1591 to 1600
extend their powers by force. Religious wars in France.
Islam's imperial army to the gates of Vienna; then decline.
Cannons have made castles and knights obsolete.
Standing armies and Machiavellian diplomacy increase.
© 2015
World History
1601 to 1610
1611 to 1620
1621 to 1630
1631 to 1640
1641 to 1650
1651 to 1660
1661 to 1670
1671 to 1680
1681 to 1690
1691 to 1700
Tokugawa Japan. The French, Dutch and English to the
Americas and to Africa. The Dutch to Indonesia. In Europe
the telescope and science, Galileo and the Inquisition.
Religious conflict and the Thirty Years' War
(The Battle of White Mountain in Bohemia (1620)—one of the
decisive battles of the Thirty Years War). Civil War in
England. Discovery of micro-organisms. England's liberal
"Glorious Revolution." Europe has learned religious toleration.
Locke's political contract rather than a divine right of kings.
Newton's physics. England's Bill of Rights.
© 2015
World History
18th and 19th Centuries
1701 to 1710
1711 to 1720
1721 to 1730
1731 to 1740
1741 to 1750
1751 to 1760
1761 to 1770
More warfare over who should rule where. More slaves
1771 to 1780
shipped to America in British ships, supplied by African
1781 to 1790
emperors. Peter the Great. An encyclopedia created in China.
1791 to 1800
Literacy on the rise. Voltaire admires England's liberties.
In France the right to question and the new search for
knowledge inspires "The Enlightenment." War in Europe
extends to North America followed by the
American Revolutionary War. French Revolutionaries struggle
with enlightenment and reason, trial and error.
© 2015
World History
1811 to 1820
1821 to 1830
1831 to 1840
1841 to 1850
1851 to 1860
1861 to 1870
1871 to 1880
1881 to 1890
1891 to 1900
Napoleon, empire and nationalism. Slave emancipation.
Technological change and cultural upheaval. Revolution in
1848. Serfdom declines in Europe. Humiliations and
rebellions in Asia. The U.S. Civil War. Labor against
factory and mine owners. Utopian socialists. Karl Marx.
Science and public hygiene. The geologist Lyell and
Charles Darwin. Tsarist Russia. Meiji Japan.
Western secularism. Transportation revolution and
trade surge. Empire sets the stage for conflict
in the next century.
© 2015
World History
1901 to 1945
The most powerful and their admirers see virtue in empire – everybody's doing it.
Ottoman empire and Habsburg empire. "Boxer" hostility to foreigners in China.
Imperial competition leads to Russo-Japanese War.
Franz Joseph annexes Serbian lands. Japan annexes Korea.
World War, passions and narrow visions. Anti-war socialists and
revolution in Russia. A victor's peace punishes Germany.
British and French violent oppressions and colonialism in the Middle East.
China's May 4 movement. Japan attempts to control China.
The Great Depression and recoveries. From Lenin to Stalin.
Hitler scapegoats Jews. Passivity allows German nationalists to undo treaties.
War in Europe. Japan moves against West in Asia.
Each side sees itself as righteous and the other as evil.
Germany and Japan are overwhelmed by the manpower and industrial strength.
Fifty-one nations sign the UN Charter.
© 2015
World History
Make sentences
Trial and error
© 2015