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NOUN – A word used to name a _________________, ________________, ________________, or
 Common Noun – Names any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas
______________________, ______________________, _____________________, _________________
 Proper Noun – Names a particular person, place, thing, or idea
_____________________, _____________________, _______________________, _________________
Create 2 sentences: One with at least 3 common nouns, One with at least 3 proper nouns
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
 Concrete Noun –
 Abstract Noun –
PRONOUN – A word used in place of a ___________________ or more than one ________________.
The word a pronoun stands for is called the _____________________ of the pronoun.
 Personal Pronoun – Refers to the one ___________________ (1st person), the one
__________________ (2nd person), or the one _______________________ (3rd person).
1st person:
I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, ours
2nd person:
you, your, yours
3rd person:
he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its, they, them, their, theirs
Create two original sentences which contain at least one personal pronoun from each person:
1. __________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________
English 11-3
 Indefinite Pronoun – Refers to a _____________, _____________, ______________, or
___________ that may or may not be specifically ________________.
no one
 Other Pronouns
myself, ourselves
yourself, yourselves
himself, herself, itself, themselves
Noun Exercises
A. Identify all common nouns (CN) and proper nouns (PN).
1. A student ran home after school.
2. Pete told his mom about the day, and then he played outside.
3. Mom told him not to go too far, since Pete would be eating soon.
4. Pete has a sister named Sue and a dog named Rosie
5. Joe walks his dog every day after dinner at Appleby’s.
6. Sue and Joe play outside until the family eats dinner.
7. After dinner Brittany and Nick work on homework.
8. Mom and Dad help them when they get stuck on a question.
English 11-3
9. At midnight the family finally gets ready for bed.
10. Rosie, the dog, falls asleep to music by Beethoven.
Identify all common nouns (CN) and proper nouns (PN).
1. Tim and Jane are students.
2. Neither Judy nor Sarah is happy.
3. The football game is at Garnet Valley High School.
4. We read the book, answered the questions, and took a test.
5. We love the movie Superbad.
6. The history teacher loves Washington, D.C.
7. Please bring paper and a pen or pencil to class.
8. Anthony must learn how to spell Philadelphia.
9. Jenifer lives on Moore Street.
10. Lake Placid is very cold in the winter.
Underline all of the pronouns in the following sentences.
1. He ran home after school.
2. He told his mom about his day, and then he played outside.
3. She told him not to go too far, since he would be eating soon.
4. He has a sister named Sue, and she has a dog named Rosie
5. She walks his dog every day with her after dinner.
6. She and he play outside until they eat dinner.
7. After dinner they work on homework.
8. They help them when they get stuck on it.
9. At midnight they finally get ready to get into their beds.
10. She, the dog, falls asleep to it.
English 11-3
D. Underline or label all of the nouns and pronouns in the following sentences.
1. Bobby bought a new pair of tires for his car.
2. According to a recent study, pizza is the favorite food of teenagers.
3. Scientists studied the earthquake in Italy.
4. In June, Christine will join the Marines.
5. Matt wrote Dell Computers a letter requesting a catalog.
6. The ocean is rough, but John is a confident swimmer.
7. The lawyers questioned each witness.
8. Jennifer read Mike the business contract.
9. The Jaguars are a tough opponent.
10. Keith made us caramel sundaes and chocolate pretzels.
11. The insurance company examines every claim for its customers.
12. Cindy went to the mall with Ashley and me.
13. Sit on the bench with them.
14. She and Brian are collecting seashells on the beach.
15. Have they received their computer from the company yet?
16. The cook was upset after he burnt the hamburger and fries.
17. James saw a fire in the forest and then he called the fire department.
18. Nick went to the store. He ordered 10 sandwiches for the class.
19. Staci bought a pen and pencil. She brought them with her to school.
20. Kevin drew a picture. He hung it on the wall of the classroom.
Determine whether the bolded/italicized words are nouns or pronouns.
For centuries, (1) cultures all over the world have used various (2) designs to decorate fabrics, walls,
floors, pottery and many other (3) things used in daily life. The (4) Romans, for example, were masters at
English 11-3
creating tiled (5) walls and floors. Because their religion did not allow (6) them to make images of any
animals or (7) people, they worked with shapes. As a matter of fact, all of the designs (8) they created
were (9) symmetrical. The Romans even inspired one twentieth-century artist, (10) M.C. Escher, to create
designs much like their (11) buildings of old. (12) He, however, created designs that featured birds,
(13) lizards, and other natural (14) forms unlike the Roman designs (15) he mimicked.
Free Write- Think about your most favorite place in the world and in no less than six (6)
sentences describe that place including ‘why’ that particular place is so special to you. Then
review your writing and identify all of the nouns and pronouns you used.
English 11-3
ADJECTIVE – A word used to modify (describe or make more definite) a __________________ or
 Adjectives modify nouns or pronouns by telling:
What Kind?
Which One?
How Many?
How Much?
Peter bought red shoes.
Samantha took the last cookie.
He made several errors on the driver’s exam.
Jackie has enough money to get to Florida.
 Adjectives usually ____________________ the words they modify, but sometimes are placed
________________ the words they modify for emphasis.
Before After
The tall and handsome actor waved to the crowd.
The actor, tall and handsome, waved to the crowd.
 Adjectives may be ____________________ from the words they modify.
The ocean was rough.
Sam is confident.
Ray is depressed.
 __________________ are the most frequently used adjectives.
Indefinite Articles (A, An) refer to one of a _____________________ group.
Sheila has a fish tank and an ant farm.
Definite Article (The) refers to someone or something _______ _____________________
and can precede any word.
The boxer Muhammad Ali is also known as “The Greatest.”
English 11-3
 Some words can be used as both __________________ and adjectives:
Adjective Pronoun -
Several athletes won awards at the banquet. (Several modifies athletes)
Several won awards at the banquet. (Several takes the place of the noun athletes)
Adjective Pronoun -
Both girls are going to the show. (both modifies athletes)
Both are going to the show. (both takes the place of the noun athletes)
Adjective Pronoun -
those shoes are mine. (those modifies athletes)
Those are mine. (those takes the place of the noun athletes)
 Sometimes __________________ are used as adjectives.
English 11-3
Nouns Used As Adjectives
business letter
tuna fish
tuna fish salad
United States
United States government
A. Underline the adjective(s) in each of the following sentences and draw an arrow to the word
they modify. Be sure to include articles.
1. The big, red bike was fast.
2. The girl with blue eyes lives in the large city.
3. He has ten boxes and several lids.
4. This woman is my gentle mother.
5. Her soft, warm hands touched my cold, red face.
6. The ocean is rough, but John is a confident swimmer.
7. The sofa cushion in the hotel lobby was soft.
8. Little babies cry loud and often have wet, stinky diapers.
Label all of the common nouns (CN), proper nouns (PN), pronouns (PRO), and adjectives
(ADJ). If the word is an ADJ draw an arrow to the word/words it modifies.
1. The big house offered Bill and Sue a nice place to store their luggage.
2. Denver is a beautiful city to visit, especially if you like cold, snowy weather.
3. The Spanish woman turned to her sister and said, “You better put the expensive purse back.”
4. When the baseball catcher dropped the fly ball, the angry crowd at Citizens Bank Park yelled.
5. The fast car roared down Main Street past James, his parents, and their friends, the Paulsons.
6. Tom and Mary have many nice friends. They invite them to their birthday parties.
7. Angry and frustrated, the boy cried on his new, mahogany bed.
8. Tuna fish swim in warm waters. Tuna fish sandwiches are good and healthy.
9. This car belongs to that boy over on that corner.
10. I have several reasons you should not go to Alan’s anniversary party.
English 11-3
C. Label all of the nouns (N), pronouns (PRO), and adjectives (ADJ). If the word is an ADJ
draw an arrow to the word/words it modifies.
1. The beautiful girl gave the grumpy man some food, a soda, and one huge dessert.
2. The man with the blue hat yelled and threw his large, green book at the clumsy waiter.
3. I ran past the old, creepy house to the flower store on Smith Street.
4. The large football player and his team won the close game.
5. The skilled electrician wired the new house. He didn’t want to start a dangerous fire.
6. Our immense planet is beautiful. It is a wonderful place to live.
7. The quick, fast car won the Daytona 500.
8. The expensive dinner was delicious. It cost 200 dollars.
9. The sad baby cried for his mother. He had a wet and stinky diaper.
10. Garnet Valley High School is a nice, clean school. It is located in Concord Township.
D. Below are ten sentences in which the nouns have been underlined. Re-write each sentence by
adding one or two adjectives that will make the noun more vivid. DO NOT repeat your ADJs
1. The clown sang a song.
The crazy, kooky clown sang a silly children’s song.
2. The sisters looked out the window.
3. We were searching for a hat and a coat.
4. Have you seen the woman walking the lion?
5. Rain is falling in the forest.
6. The pool was filled with children.
7. There was a bug on a leaf.
8. An alligator sat on a log watching a frog.
9. The man looked out of his door.
10. My wife thought she saw a ghost in her basement.
English 11-3
1) Nouns are words used to name a:
_____________, _____________, _____________, _____________
2) List three (3) common nouns:
3) List three (3) Proper Nouns:
4) Pronouns are words used in place of a _______________ or more than one _______________.
5) The word a pronoun stands for is called the ___________________ of the pronoun.
6) Find the antecedent in the following sentence- John is a nice person. He works at Walmart.
7) Know the following pronouns:
1st Person
2nd Person
3rd Person
8) Adjectives are words used to modify (describe) a _______________ or _______________.
9) Adjectives modify by telling:
10) Adjectives can come both _______________ and _______________ the words they modify.
‘Before’ Example:
‘After’ Example:
11) _________________ are the most frequently used adjectives. What are they?
12) Some words can be both adjectives and pronouns. Cite an example of each (use your notes).
Adjective Example:
Pronoun Example:
English 11-3
Review A-
Label all of the nouns (N), pronouns (PRO) and adjectives (ADJ). Circle the articles
1. The girl was tall, dark and beautiful.
2. The tall, dark and beautiful girl walked her scraggly and mangy dog. She went to the shoe store.
3. It is a beautiful, hot and sunny day. You should go to the swimming pool.
4. The rain pelted the old, worn DuPont Mansion. It is located in Wilmington, Delaware.
5. John owns a business. He sends tons of business letters.
6. Go to the flower shop, the donut shop, Lowe’s, and the grocery store. We need some things.
7. John bought four red apples and six yellow bananas. He gave them to us.
8. The actor, tall and handsome, waved to the loud, boisterous crowd.
9. The movie star was tall and gorgeous. She waved to all her adoring fans.
10. Chicago is a city in Illinois. It is a clean, big and nice place to visit.
11. Several athletes won sportsmanship awards. They were given free hotel passes.
12. The boy went with his friend to the large, spacious home of his brother.
13. The new sports car, the Lexus, was expensive. It cost several thousand dollars.
14. Both artistic girls went to the Hagley Museum to view the Andrew Wyeth art exhibit.
English 11-3
VERB – A word used to express an _____________________ or a state of _____________________.
 Action Verbs – express ___________________ (write, sit, talk) or ____________________
(think, believe, understand) activity.
Example 1: ____________________________________________________________
Example 2: ____________________________________________________________
 Linking Verbs – Connect the subject with a word that ___________________ or
__________________ it. Linking verbs help describe the condition or state-of-being of a
person or thing.
can be
may be
might be
must be
shall be
will be
could be
should be
would be
has been
have been
had been
shall have been
will have been
could have been
should have been
would have been
Example 1: ____________________________________________________________
Example 2: ____________________________________________________________
 Some verbs can be used as both __________________ verbs and _________________ verbs.
John looked very healthy.
- Linking
I looked at John to see if he was healthy
- Action
 Verb Phrases – Consist of a _____________ verb and at least one _________________ verb.
Commonly Used Helping Verbs
Forms of Be
am were is be are being was been
Forms of Have
has have having had
Forms of Do
do does doing did
may might must can shall will could should would
She did go to the parade.
English 11-3
I should leave the house now!
He was seen with his father.
Verb Exercises
A. Underline the verb(s) in each of the following sentences and determine whether it is an
action verb (AV), linking verb (LV) or verb phrase (VP).
1. The blue car was fast.
2. The girl lives with her mother.
3. He has spoken to the girl.
4. This letter was sent last week.
5. Her soft, warm hands touched my cold, red face.
6. The ocean is rough, but John swims very well.
7. The sofa cushion in the hotel lobby was soft.
8. Little babies cry loud and wet their diapers.
9. The waitress offered Emily and Chantal coffee and a jelly donut.
10. Chicago is a cold city.
Underline the verb(s) in each of the following sentences and determine whether it is an
action verb (AV), linking verb (LV) or verb phrase (VP).
1. The Spanish woman yelled at her sister.
2. The baseball catcher dropped the fly ball.
3. The fast car roared down Main Street.
4. Ron and Jen have many nice friends. They invite them to their birthday parties.
5. The boy cried on his new shirt.
6. Tuna fish swim in warm waters. Tuna fish sandwiches are good and healthy.
7. This boat sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
8. You should call your mother tonight.
9. I should have been more careful.
10. Sean and Zack watched the tennis match. They were going to a restaurant later.
English 11-3
C. Underline the verb(s) in each of the following sentences and determine whether it is an
action verb (AV), linking verb (LV) or verb phrase (VP).
1. The catcher dropped the ball.
2. The people believed the politician.
3. The waiter ignored the customer.
4. Andres waited for Rachel date all night.
5. The referee explained the overtime rules.
6. Drew misunderstood the play.
7. The author is our guest.
8. Jennifer could be the thief.
9. Brandon should have been home.
10. That man must be your dad.
D. Underline the verb(s) in each of the following sentences and determine whether it is an
action verb (AV), linking verb (LV) or verb phrase (VP).
1. I can be your friend.
2. Chris did the homework.
3. I am going to the store.
4. Tom and Breana did witness the accident.
5. The boy must have called his mother.
6. The entertainer could have hired a bodyguard.
7. This boat must have sailed across the Atlantic Ocean.
8. You had been working in the banking industry.
9. The detectives looked for clues.
The detectives looked puzzled.
10. She felt the soft pillow.
She felt happy.
11. Brittany tasted the soup.
The soup tasted spicy.
English 11-3
Review A-
Label the appropriate words below as one of the following parts of speech and circle all
articles. Not all words will be labeled.
N = Noun
PRO = Pronoun
ADJ = Adjective
V = Verb
1. John rides his blue bike to the old school.
2. They wanted pepperoni pizza and vanilla ice cream.
3. The Empire State Building is an old, tall building.
4. Nic sang a song and danced a jig.
5. The furry dog had slept on his dirty pillow last night.
6. The airplane flew in the sky.
7. Joe enjoys sports and music.
8. The fat, juicy steak would have tasted delicious.
9. Their new house is an old, historic colonial.
10. Our class met some visitors from Atlanta.
Review B-
Label the appropriate words below as one of the following parts of speech and circle all
articles. Not all words will be labeled.
N = Noun
PRO = Pronoun
ADJ = Adjective
V = Verb
1. Jen finished her homework in class. She is an excellent student.
2. Each student had created a short, scary story.
3. Many English teachers love books and poetry.
4. Kyle could have asked ten questions about the difficult assignment
5. The poem described a boy, his beautiful mother, and a big hungry bear.
6. The students corrected their few errors on the test.
7. The bee had flown into the house. I was stung by the nasty bee.
8. I love tuna fish. Tuna fish sandwiches are my favorite.
9. I had asked her an easy question. She had given me a long answer.
The big, plush pillow is comfortable.
English 11-3
ADVERB – A word that modifies ____________________, ______________________, and
other _______________________.
 Adverbs make sentence meaning more clear and complete by telling:
 Adverbs Modify Verbs. The adverb can be positioned _______________________.
Example: Andre sang.
 How?
 Andre sang magnificently.
 When?
 Andre sang earlier.
 Where?
 Andre sang there.
 To what extent?
 Andre sang frequently.
 Adverbs Modify Adjectives. When an adverb modifies an __________________, its position
usually comes ________________ the word it modifies.
It was a clear day.
The problem was difficult. 
Cori was late.
How clear?
 It was a __________________ clear day.
How difficult?
 The problem was _______________ difficult.
To what extent?
 Cori was __________________ late.
 Adverbs Modify Other Adverbs. When an adverb modifies another __________________,
its position usually comes __________________ the word it modifies.
How fast?
 Joe spoke __________________ fast.
He agreed enthusiastically. 
How enthusiastically?
 The students agreed _______________ enthusiastically.
The basketball rolled away. 
To what extent?
 The basketball rolled __________________ away.
Joe spoke fast.
English 11-3
Adverb Exercises
A. Underline the adverb(s) in each of the following sentences and draw an arrow to the word they modify.
1. The big, red bike was extremely fast.
2. The girl with vividly blue eyes lives in a very large city.
3. Joe played very well. He was actively recruited.
4. The woman drove yesterday. She drives very slowly.
5. Her soft, warm hands touched my extremely cold, red face.
6. John swam earlier. He swam there.
7. I understand now what Drew said.
8. Eric danced professionally when he was a very young child.
9. The students already left.
10. Rachel reacted calmly.
Underline the adverb(s) in each of the following sentences and draw an arrow to the word they modify.
1. Rachel reacted rather calmly.
2. The man invested wisely.
3. He did not discuss the test.
4. He feels well.
5. He did well on the test.
6. Several keys were found nearby.
7. He dove in the pool.
8. The house caved in quickly yesterday.
9. He could not swim rapidly to the dock.
10. Angrily, Chris jumped off the ice.
English 11-3
C. Underline the adverb(s) in each of the following sentences and draw an arrow to the word they modify.
1. We stayed inside.
2. They rapidly built the house.
3. The camper rose early.
4. Nick skillfully placed the steak on the grill.
5. The steak was absolutely delicious.
6. Mike promptly washed the dishes and pans.
7. Ashley quickly prepared dessert.
8. Finally, Bobby arrived to the dinner.
9. He was extremely late, but was very hungry.
10. Everyone greeted Bobby happily.
D. Underline the adverb(s) in each of the following sentences and draw an arrow to the word they modify.
1. The evening was unusually quiet.
2. The map was painted brilliantly.
3. Christine spoke endlessly about the concert.
4. You left your jacket here.
5. Today the mail arrived early.
6. You can always count on James because he works very hard.
7. Staci firmly opposes the use of violence.
8. Brian is thoroughly exhausted.
9. The chorus sang magnificently yesterday.
10. Kevin speaks Spanish fluently and effectively.
11. *****The teenager did not dive in the pool today.
English 11-3
Find each adverb and draw an arrow to the word or words it modifies.
1. The bus almost always arrives late.
2. The entire class worked hard and successfully on the project.
3. Does your car usually start easily on cold mornings?
4. Nearly every city in the United States has a zoo.
5. The doctor gave orders quietly and confidently.
6. Polio is sometimes rather difficult to diagnose.
7. Lately, the summers have been extremely hot.
8. A large calico cat crept silently across the lawn.
9. They had a quite inexpensive meal.
10. The cobra is a highly poisonous snake.
Review- Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Verbs, and Adverbs- need to review these.
A. Identify the italicized part of speech as N, Pro, Adj, Verb or Adv. If the word is an ADJ or
ADV, give the word or words it modifies.
1. He announced the name of everybody who contributed time or money.
2. Jesse Owens won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics.
3. In ancient Rome the new year began on March 1, and September was the seventh month of the year.
4. In 6000 B.C. the usual transportation for distance was the camel caravan; it averaged ten miles per
5. The play received generally excellent reviews, but several critics were upset with the rather dull plot.
6. As we approached Santorini, I saw sparkling white houses along the steep hillsides.
7. The teacher posted a list of students who would give reports about World War I.
8. Many readers complained angrily about the editorial that appeared in yesterday’s newspaper.
9. Silently, the drifting snow blanketed the narrow road.
10. I recall vividly that small town in the southern part of Texas.
English 11-3
PREPOSITION – A word used to show the relationship of a _________________________ or
_____________________ to some other word in the sentence.
 A preposition always introduces a _________________________________________. The noun or
pronoun that ends the prepositional phrase is called the ____________________________________.
 Prepositional Phrase – Includes a ______________________, a noun or pronoun called the
_____________________________, and any modifiers of that object.
 Commonly Used Prepositions and Compound Prepositions
But (except)
Compound Prepositions
According to
Along with
Apart from
Aside from
As of
Because of
By means of
In addition to
In front of
In place of
In spite of
Instead of
Next to
On account of
Out of
 Example Sentence – The playful puppy ran.
 The playful puppy ran beside the house.
 The playful puppy ran through the house.
 The playful puppy ran around the house.
 The playful puppy ran towards the house.
 The playful puppy ran under the house.
 The playful puppy ran in the house.
 The playful puppy ran past the house.
 The playful puppy ran along the house.
English 11-3
A. In each of the following sentences put the prepositional phrases in parenthesis and underline the
object of the preposition.
1. My grandfather was among the heroes of World War II.
2. The book is about love and understanding.
3. The tall building with the red roof near the school is our new library.
4. The big house on the next street is near the river beyond the farm.
5. Santa Claus places presents underneath the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
6. The woman from Spain on the airplane was my old friend from college.
7. The catcher on the opposing team dropped the fly ball into the dugout.
8. The fast car roared down the hill without any breaks.
9. Tom and Mary looked at the rainbow beyond the horizon.
10. The boy from the neighborhood cried behind the tree.
In each of the following sentences put the prepositional phrases in parenthesis and underline the
object of the preposition.
1. Fish swim around the lake underneath the water.
2. This car belongs to the boy on that corner over there.
3. You should not go to the party until later in the day.
4. In addition to the potato, I also want an order of french fries.
5. The house is located over the bridge past the house.
6. I am nothing without her.
7. In the distance, TJ saw a deer with huge antlers run into the brush.
8. Chris ran outside the house to the store in the center of town.
9. I saw Brittany around the block behind the tree.
10. Cori jumped out the window into a bush near the driveway.
11. Tom walked off the stage into the dressing room.
12. We drove around the parking lot past people.
English 11-3
C. Change each sentence to a sentence that has the opposite meaning -- and do this by changing
just one word, the preposition, to another preposition.
Sample: The customer wanted coffee with cream.
The customer wanted coffee ___without__________ cream.
1. We waited outside the library.
We waited _____________________ the library.
2. Most of my classmates voted for me.
Most of my classmates voted ______________________ me.
3. Take one tablet before each meal.
Take one tablet _____________________ each meal.
4. I went up the stairs.
I went ______________________ the stairs.
5. Place the right hand over the left.
Place the right hand _____________________ the left.
6. Here is a gift from Susan.
Here is a gift _______________________ Susan.
7. Did someone run into the house?
Did some run ___________________ the house?
8. Yesterday's temperature was above normal.
Yesterday's temperature was __________________ normal.
9. The trip to school took an hour.
The trip ____________________ school took an hour.
10. Most of the fans were against us.
Most of the fans were ____________________ us.
English 11-3
D. Write a preposition to complete each sentence (there can be more than one correct answer).
1. I was
the mall last night.
2. I am going to go
the movies tonight.
3. The teacher gave the class a pop quiz and told them they had
4. Last weekend I went for a walk in the woods
5. My parents are going to be out
6. I was waiting
fifteen minutes to do it.
my dogs.
the country for a whole week.
Tim Horton’s for over an hour!
the corner
7. My parents are cheering
the Maple Leafs this season.
8. I am scheduled to work
4:30 p.m. every day
9. At the concert, I didn’t like the person who sat
the week.
10. In order to catch the train I must leave
five o’clock.
11. I have to drive
the corner
12. I was leaning
the shopping mall
the car when it started to move.
13. The train is leaving
14. My car is parked
a motorcycle and a van.
15. The banana is
6:30 and is going east
the fruit bowl that is
16. I found my earring
the washer.
the plates in the cupboard.
the car when he realized his owner was leaving.
19. The hospital is
the corner from the high school.
20. The child hid
the couch
English 11-3
the counter.
the dirty clothes laying
17. The drinking glasses are stored
18. The dog jumped
State and Main Streets.
a game of hide-and-seek.
Underline the preposition(s) in each sentence.
1. Dr. Cramer said Lauren couldn’t go outside of her house for two weeks.
2. The kitten found a dark place to hide in back of the sofa.
3. Kevin ran as fast as he could to get ahead of the other runners.
4. In case of a tornado, go to a room with no windows.
5. Ashley has been running a fever since early yesterday.
6. Somehow, one red tulip bloomed among the daffodils.
7. He walked onto the stage and bowed to the audience.
8. No one showed up for work today besides me.
9. Benjamin and Eric threw the ball back and forth over the house.
10. The tiny boy walked into the elevator carrying a huge stuffed animal.
11. Zachary put the envelopes in the mailbox.
12. Everyone was invited to the neighborhood party at my house in June.
13. Taylor put the little white table beside her bed.
14. Savannah left her homework near the door.
15. I put my alarm clock by my bed so it would wake me up in the morning.
Fill-in each blank with an appropriate preposition. Be sure to vary the ones you use!
1. We try to stay _____________ our budget when it comes to buying new furniture.
2. I walked _____________ the window and saw something strange moving around our backyard.
3. A baby bird gets its food _____________ its mother until it can leave the nest and fly on its own.
4. If you dive far _____________ the ocean, you will be amazed at the creatures that live there.
5. On the long bus ride home, Nicole sat _____________ a cranky baby.
6. Dad climbed ____________ the stairs to see what was making so much noise in the attic.
7. He walked _____________ the stage and bowed to the audience.
English 11-3
8. Somehow one red tulip bloomed _____________ the daffodils.
9. The train is leaving
10. My car is parked
a motorcycle and a van.
11. The banana is
the fruit bowl that is
12. I found my earring
the washer.
the plates in the cupboard.
the car when he realized his owner was leaving.
15. The hospital is
the corner from the high school.
16. The child hid
the couch
17. I was waiting
18. My parents are cheering
Review A-
the counter.
the dirty clothes laying
13. The drinking glasses are stored
14. The dog jumped
6:30 and is going east
a game of hide-and-seek.
Tim Horton’s for over an hour!
the corner
the Maple Leafs this season.
Label all of the nouns (N), pronouns (PRO), adjectives (ADJ), verbs (V), adverbs (ADV),
and prepositions (PREP).
1. The crazy, strange incident happened at the mall.
2. One person bought a happy meal and won a million dollars.
3. A wildly funny manager jumped frantically around the school.
4. Anthony cheered enthusiastically after he had won a thousand dollars.
5. The winner smiled broadly when he received the huge check.
6. Soon the winner’s friend helped her to her car.
7. The reporters and photographer determinedly took pictures of the winner.
8. The winner, a student at Garnet Valley High School, laughed happily.
9. She asked her parents for their help with the money.
10. The winner invested wisely, and by the time she was forty, she was retired.
English 11-3
CONJUNCTION – A word used to join ___________________ or ___________________ of words.
 Coordinating Conjunction - ____________________ words or groups of words in the same way.
 I love him very much for he is my father.
 Tom found a bat and a glove.
 Neither TJ nor Breanna will attend the banquet.
 Cori placed an ad, but no one responded.
 You can have the cake or the ice cream.
 Jen likes Fred, yet went to the dance with Bob.
 Rachel likes oatmeal, so she ordered an oatmeal cookie.
 Correlative Conjunction - ______________ of conjunctions that connect words or groups of words
in the same way.
 both … and
 Both Andre and Chris must study hard.
 either … or
 Either Eric goes or Kevin goes.
 neither … nor
 Neither Brittany nor Brandon know the answer.
 not only … but (also)
 She is not only smart, but also very pretty.
 whether … or
 Whether he is right or wrong is not the question.
 Subordinating Conjunction – begins a subordinate _____________________ and connects it to an
_____________________ clause.
We arrived late because our train was delayed.
John listened while Cori spoke.
Although he has many friends, he is not a very good person.
English 11-3
INTERJECTION – A word used to express ______________________. It has no grammatical
relation to other words in the sentence.
 An interjection is set off from the rest of the sentence by an ________________________ point (!) or
a ____________________.
Hey! Get out of here.
Well, I think she’s nice.
Ouch! That hurts a lot!
In the following sentences identify the coordinating/correlating conjunctions and interjections.
1. Wow! A strange object fell from the sky and crashed onto my roof.
2. Both photographers and reporters covered the stories.
3. I believed the object was a rock from Mars, but nobody could really prove that theory.
4. First my Mom agreed with me, and then she changed her mind.
5. Dude, I have never seen anything like it, so tell me where it came from!
6. Ridiculous! Neither my mother nor father believed what I was telling them.
7. Police started to come to my neighborhood, yet they did not stop at my house.
8. Their avoiding me is still puzzling and frustrating, but I do understand their decision.
9. I walked to the window and saw something strange moving around in our backyard.
10. Whether she believes me or not, I am telling the truth…Absolutely!
11. Is that light a car light or a spot light?
12. Some people believe in the existence of alien life, but some people do not.
13. Either this pair of leather shoes or that pair of boots would look fine.
14. Dan is known for his humor and his acting ability.
15. Whether we go to Disney World or the Bahamas is a decision we will have to make.
16. Neither trigonometry nor calculus is very enjoyable.
17. I not only like Samantha but also her brother, Frederick.
18. Holy Cow! I will take eat the hot dog and chips or the burger platter.
English 11-3
B. Identify the coordinating and correlative conjunctions in the sentences in the following paragraph.
[1] Once Nantucket and New Bedford, Massachusetts, were home ports of huge whaling fleets. [2]
Whaling brought tremendous profits into these ports, but the golden days of whaling ended about the time of the
American Civil War. [3] Even when it was successful, a whaling trip was no pleasure cruise for either the captain
or the crew. [4] Maintaining order was no easy task on a long voyage because the food and living conditions were
often dreadful. [5] Inevitably, the sailors had time on their hands, for they didn’t encounter a whale every day. [6]
To relieve the monotony and resulting boredom, whaling ships often would exchange visits. [7] Not only the
captain but also the whole crew looked forward to such visits. [8] Everyone enjoyed the chance to chat and
exchange news. [9] The decline of whaling and of the whaling industry was signaled by the development of a new
fuel. [10] By 1860, our country no longer needed large quantities of whale oil because kerosene, a cheaper and
better fuel, had replaced it.
C. Using Interjections - You just took your driver’s license test. Wanting to share your feelings about the
test and your results, you call your best friend. Write your conversation, using at least five interjections. You
may choose interjections from the list below or use ones of your own. Be sure to use the words as
interjections and not as adjectives or adverbs. Check to see that you have punctuated your interjections with
exclamation points or commas as needed.
English 11-3
D. In each of the following sentences, identify the conjunctions and interjections. When you are finished,
identify the part of speech of every other word. No words should be unidentified.
Wow! Your brother is smart and funny.
2. The book on the table is funny, yet very serious.
3. Although the tall building near the school is new, it looks old.
4. The big house is near the river, but beyond the farm.
5. Neither Tom nor Rachel was at the Homecoming dance.
6. When a person grows, well, they grow slowly.
7. The catcher dropped the fly ball into the dugout when the sun was in his eyes.
8. Oh no! The fast car roared down the hill and into the intersection.
9. Tom and Mary looked at the rainbow that was beyond the horizon.
10. While I played the acoustic guitar, Mary played the concert piano by the window.
11. Yikes! Fish swim around the lake and underneath the water.
12. Whether he likes it or not, he is the captain of the football team.
13. Tom hit the plastic ball far into the woods when he swung the wooden bat.
14. Hey! Either you pass the difficult class easily or you fail miserably.
15. Elliot delicately danced all evening, but was extremely tired while he was in English class.
16. Wow! I really like that tall, slim girl for she is very smart, extremely nice and really pretty.
English 11-3