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4th Primary science
2nd term
Mid-term revision sheet
Question (1): complete the following sentences:1. The living organism body is made up of ……… that work with each other, and
each one of them is made up of ………….
2. Digestion is a process of breaking down (changing) of food from …………..….
form into ………………. form.
3. Incisors and canines …………………… and …………..... food into small
4. Protein digestion starts in …………….. and completes in …………………
5. Liver secretes ………………… in …………………..
6. Digested food + …………………… (Burning) …………+……….+………..
7. The nose contains …………….. and ……………….. to filter the inhaled air
from dust and microbes.
8. Nose is lined with ……………, ……………and …………………………
9. Larynx is called ………………………….
10. Trachea is lined with …………………to ……………………..
11. Alveoli have …………………………walls for exchange of gases
12. Exchange of gases occurs in alveoli between ………… and ………. .
13. Air enters the lungs during the process of ………………………… and leaves
them during the process of ………………………….
14. The diaphragm separates the………… cavity from ……………. cavity.
15. During inhalation process diaphragm moves …………………………,
and the volume of chest cavity ……………and the air goes ……………the lungs.
16. During exhalation process, diaphragm moves ……………the volume of chest
cavity ……………and the air goes …………………………the lungs.
17. To keep your respiratory system healthy, you should………………
Question (2): choose the correct answer:1- There are ………………. pairs of salivary glands.
A) 2
B) 3
C) 4
D) 5
2-Saliva digests ………………… into sugar.
A) Starch
B) Protein
C) Fat
D) Oil
3-Gastric juice digests ……………………. into semi-liquid substance.
A) Starch
B) Protein
C) Fat
D) sugar
4-Bile juice digests ……………………. into fatty emulsion.
A) Starch
B) Protein
C) Fat
D) sugar
5-Digested food is absorbed in …………………..
A) Mouth
B) Pharynx
C) Small intestine D) Anus
6-The ………………. Contains blood capillaries to warm the air
A) Mouth
B) Nose
C) Pharynx
D) larynx
7- …………………………gas changes lime water into milky.
A) Oxygen
B) Carbon dioxide
C) Nitrogen
D) Water vapor
8-The ………………. secretes gastric juice.
A) Salivary gland
B) Liver
C) Stomach
D) Pancreas
Question (3): Write the scientific term:1- The building unit of living organisms
2- It is secreted in the mouth and digests starch
3- A common cavity between esophagus and trachea.
4- The organ that secretes bile juice
5- The organ in which absorption process occurs
6- Transferring the digested food from small intestine to the blood [………..……]
7- The process by which human obtain energy from digested food.
8- A process by which Oxygen gas enters the lungs.
9- They exist in trachea to eject strange substances
10- They are found in nose and warm air before entering the lungs.
11- A tube in respiratory system that is lined with Cilia
12- An organ found at the top of trachea and is called the voice box.
13- An organ prevents the food from entering the respiratory system
14- A process by which carbon dioxide gas and water vapor comes out from the
two lungs.
15- A process in which thoracic cavity enlarges and air rich in Oxygen enter the
two lungs.
16- The muscle that separate thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity.
Question (4): Give reason:1- When you chew a piece of bread, you feel a sweet taste
Because digestive enzymes in saliva change starch into sugar.
2- Breathing through nose is preferable to that through mouth.
Because nose is lined with:
a- Mucus and hairs to filter the air from dust and microbes.
b- Blood vessels (capillaries) to warm air.
3- The trachea has incomplete cartilaginous rings.
To be permanently opened for breathing.
4- The trachea is lined with cilia.
To eject up strange objects.
5- Alveoli are surrounded by a network of blood capillaries
Because gas exchange takes place between blood and blood capillaries and alveoli.
6- The number of the respiration times increases when the body is more
To obtain more energy needed for all the body activities.
7- : During swallowing food does not enter the trachea?
Because the epiglottis close the trachea during swallowing.
Question (5): what are the functions of?
1- Mouth
2- Tongue
3- liver
4- Stomach
5- Small intestine
6- Diaphragm
7- Alveoli
8- Cilia in the trachea.
9- Epiglottis.
Question (5): Label the opposite figure:
1) ……………………………
2) ……………………………
3) ……………………………
4) ……………………………
5) ……………………………
6) ……………………………
7) ……………………………
8) ……………………………
9) ……………………………
10) ……………………………
11) …………………...………
12) ...…………………………