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Department Mission Statement
Credo ut intelligam
The faculty of the World Language Department is determined and committed to
upholding the traditional values of the Roman Catholic Church and the academic ideals
of Immaculate Heart Academy. Our language program seeks to prepare the young
women of Immaculate Heart Academy to be informed, responsible, cultured and
contributing citizens in our world community.
An informed, responsible, cultured and contributing citizen is one who:
Communicates competently in a second language using the communicative skills
(speaking, listening, reading, writing);
Understands and appreciates cultural differences;
Communicates with confidence and cultural sensitivity in more than one
Responds creatively and critically to issues which transcend national boundaries;
Uses technology as a fountain of information and learning for the betterment of
Curriculum Standards
Communication: Communicate in Languages other than English
Standard 1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express
feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.
Standard 2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety
of topics.
Standard 3 Students present information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners
or readers on a variety of topics.
Cultures: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures
Standard 1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the
practices and the perspectives of the culture studied.
Standard 2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the
products and the perspectives of the culture studied.
Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Acquire Information
Standard 1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through
the foreign language.
Standard 2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that
are available only through the foreign language and its cultures.
Comparisons: Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture
Standard 1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through
comparisons between the language studied and their own.
Standard 2 Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through
comparisons between the culture studied and their own.
Communities: Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and around the
Standard 1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting.
Standard 2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language
for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Standards for Latin
Communication: Communicate in a Classical Language
Standard 1 Students read, understand, and interpret Latin.
Standard 2 Students use in their speech, listen to, and write Latin as part of the language
learning process.
Culture: Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Roman Culture
Standard 1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of Roman culture
as revealed in the practices of the Romans.
Standard 2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of Roman culture
as revealed in the products of the Romans.
Connections: Connect with Other Disciplines and Expand Knowledge
Standard 1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through
their study of classical languages.
Standard 2 Students expand their knowledge through the reading of Latin and the study
of ancient culture.
Comparisons: Develop Insight into One's Own Language and Culture
Standard 1 Students recognize and use elements of the Latin language to increase their
knowledge of their own language.
Standard 2 Students compare and contrast their own culture with that of the Roman
Communities: Participate in Wider Communities of Language and Culture
Standard 1 Students use their knowledge of Latin in a multilingual world.
Standard 2 Students use their knowledge of Roman culture in a world of diverse
(Copyright 2006 National Standards in World Language Education Project)
Course Goals and Outline
Spanish I
Spanish I Honors
Spanish II
Spanish II Honors
Spanish III
Spanish III Honors
Spanish IV Honors Art History
Spanish IV Advanced Placement
Spanish V Honors
French I
French I Honors
French II
French II Honors
French III
French III Honors
French IV
French IV Honors
French IV Advanced Placement
French V Honors
Latin I
Latin II
Unit Proficiencies
Spanish I
Spanish I Honors
Spanish II
Spanish II Honors
Spanish III
Spanish III Honors
Spanish IV Honors Art History
Spanish IV Advanced Placement
Spanish V Honors
French I
French I Honors
French II
French II Honors
French III
French III Honors
French IV
French IV Honors
French IV Advanced Placement
French V Honors
Latin I
Latin II
Spanish I: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
Textbook: En sus marcas, Funston, Vargas Bonilla, Sherman, EMC/ Paradigm
Publishing, Second Edition
1. To help students develop linguistic proficiency and cultural sensitivity in
order to be prepared to participate in a global society.
2. To broaden students’ communication skills by combining language and
3. To begin using functional expressions, vocabulary, grammar structures and
readings to facilitate learning practices that will be used in and out of the
4. To encourage students to think critically and to take risks when expressing
themselves in the language.
5. To strive for accuracy in written communication
Unit 1: ¡Mucho Gusto!
1. ¡Mucho Gusto!
2. ¿De dónde eres?
3. Los números del 0-20
4. ¿Cúantos años tienes?
5. Saludos
6. Los números del 20-100
7. ¿Qué hora es?
1. El alfabeto
2. Las expresiones en el salon
3. Expresiones de cortesía
1. Los saludos
2. Once
3. Los saludos en el mundo hispano
4. Los apodos
Unit 2: Lesson 3 and 4
1. ¿Cómo se llama?
2. La estudiante nueva
3. El horario
4. ¿Dónde está?
5. La computadora
1. Los pronombres personales
2. El verbo ser
3. Los sustantivos plurals
4. Los articulos indefinidos
5. Los adjetivos
6. Verbos con la terminación “ar”
7. Verbo estar
1. La buena comunicación
2. Las calificaciones
3. El colegio
4. La influencia hispana
Unit 3:
1. En la Ciudad de México
2. Vamos a la fiesta
3. ¿Vas a la fiesta?
4. ¿Adónde vamos?
5. ¿Cómo vamos?
6. ¡Vamos a ir al centro!
7. Vamos a ir al restaurante
8. ¿Qué hacemos?
1. Presentaciones
2. Las palabras al y del
3. Las preguntas
4. El presente del verbo ir
5. Los adjetivos
6. Verbos con la terminación “ar”
7. Verbo estar
8. El futuro con ir a + infinitive
9. Verbos que terminan en “er”
1. México
2. La ciudad de México
3. El transporte en México
4. ¡Vamos al centro!
5. La comida mexicana
Unit 4:
1. En la casa de mi abuela
2. Mi familia
3. ¿ Cómo son Marité y sus hermanos?
4. Mis amigos
5. ¿Cómo son?
1. Verbos que terminan en “ir”
2. Los adjetivos posesivos
3. Exclamaciones
4. El verbo gustar
5. ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
6. El verbo gustar con el y les
1. Los apellidos
2. ¿Qué es la familia?
3. Puerto Rico
4. La República Dominicana
5. El béisbol
Unit 5:
1. Un día en Puerto Limón
2. Otra semana, ¡más actividades!
3. ¿Cúal es la fecha?
4. ¡A mí tampoco!
1. Verbo tener
2. El complemento directo
3. El horario
4. Los días de la semana
5. Los pronombres indirectos
6. Verbo venir
7. Los números del 100-1000
8. Las fechas en español
1. Costa Rica
2. Ticos y ticas
3. Nicaragua
4. Los días especiales
5. El día de tu santo
Unit 6:
1. En la cocina
2. En el comedor
3. Una carta de Jorge!
1. Verbo pensar
2. Cantidades
3. Los adjetivos demostrativos
4. El verbo decir
5. Verbo pedir y repetir
6. El verbo regular
1. Venezuela
2. La comida venezolana
3. Colombia
Unit 7:
1. Poniendo el televisor
2. Los pasatiempos
3. Alquilando una película
4. ¿Cómo son las estaciones en Chile?
5. Una carta electrónica
6. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
1. Verbo poder y jugar
2. Expresionses con hace
3. Presente progresivo
4. Los gerundios con irregularidades
5. El complemento directo
6. Verbos dar y poner
7. ¿Qué temperatura hace?
8. Los números ordinales
La Argentina
Los deportes olímpicos en el mundo hispano
Unit 8:
1. Preparando una fiesta
2. Arreglando la casa
3. Después de la fiesta
4. En el supermercado
5. En el mercado
1. El complemento directo
2. Las expresiones acabar de
3. Los pronombres de complemento indirecto
4. Los quehaceres
5. Verbo oir y traer
6. Verbos regulares en el pretérito
7. Comparaciones
8. El pretérito de dar y estar
1. La Paella
2. España
3. Imágenes de España
Unit 9:
1. La Ropa
2. Un regalo para Carmencia
3. En el departamento de regales
4. ¿En efectivo o a crédito?
1. El pretérito de los verbos regulares “er- ir”
2. El pretérito de los verbos regulares ir/ser
3. Las expresiones afirmativas y negativas
4. Los diminutives
5. El pretérito de los verbos leer, oir decir, hacer y tener
6. Preposiciones
7. Pronombres después de las preposiciones
1. Ecuador
2. Palabras diferentes para decir lo mismo
3. Los deportes olímpicos en el mundo hispano
Unit 10:
1. ¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado?
2. El correo electrónico
1. El Perú
2. Guatemala
Spanish I Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…
Unit 1: ¡Mucho Gusto!
1. Greet others and say good bye
2. Ask for and give names
3. Recognize some common classrooms expressions
Ask for and state place of origin
Ask for and state age
Ask how someone is and tell how you are
Ask for and tell time is it
Express courtesy
Unit 2 El Colegio
Ask for and give names
As for and state place of origin
Identify classroom objects
Discuss school schedules and daily activities
Ask for and provide information
Describe classroom objects
State location
Make a telephone call
Unit 3 La Ciudad
Make introductions and express courtesy
Ask and response to questions
Talk about where to go
Discuss how to go somewhere
Seek and provide personal information
Talk about the future
Order food and beverages
Extend, accept and refuse invitations
Unit 4 Relaciones
Talk about family and friends
Describe people
State possessions
Seek and provide personal information
Express opinions
Express likes and dislikes
Report information
Write about family and friends
Unit 5 La Vida Diaria
1. Talk about the future
2. Express likes and dislikes
3. Talk about everyday activities
4. Express opinions
5. Ask for and state ages
6. Write about everyday life
7. State when things are done
8. Talk about dates and special days
9. Seek and provide personal information
10. Use the numbers 101-999,999
Unit 6 El Hogar
1. Talk about everyday activities
2. Talk about the future
3. Express opinions
4. State wishes and preferences
5. Identify items in the kitchen and at the dinner table
6. Express quantity
7. State location
8. Write a letter
9. Describe household
10. Express feelings
Unit 7 Los pasatiempos
Indicate a length of time
Talk about everyday activities
Offer an invitation
Apologize and make excuses
Discuss pastime activities
Talk about how often something is done
State what is happening right now
Describe the seasons and weather
Use ordinal numbers
Unit 8 ¿Qué haces en casa?
Talk about household chores
Talk about the recent past
Ask for and offer help
Discuss past actions and events
Write about everyday activities
Identify and describe foods
Discuss food preparation
Compare quantity, quality, age and size
Negotiate a price
Unit 9 En la tienda
Identify articles of clothing
Identify parts of the body
Describe clothing
Discuss size
Express past actions and events
Express negation or disagreement
Discuss price and payment
Write a summary
Unit 10 De Vacaciones
Express past actions and events
Discuss everyday activities
Talk about the future
Express emotion
Indicate wishes and preferences
Talk about the recent past
Make polite requests
Describe personal characteristics
Describe impersonal relationships
Spanish I Honors: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 5.0
TEXTBOOK: ¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1 Honors
Workbook: ¡Ven Conmigo! Level 1 Honors
Holt Spanish Level 1, Holt Rinehart and Winston (2000)
GOALS: Students will
1. Engage in conversations where they will provide and obtain information about
themselves and others on a variety of everyday topics.
2. Develop a basic understanding of spoken and written Spanish on a variety of
3. Use Spanish to further their knowledge of and make connections to other
disciplines such as history and geography.
4. Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures through Spanish in order to
prepare them to participate in the global community.
5. Use Spanish beyond school for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
First Semester, First Quarter
Unit 1: ¡Mucho gusto!
1. Sound system and pronunciation
2. The alphabet, colors, numbers (0-30)
3. Everyday greetings and expressions
4. Likes, dislikes and preferences
5. Subject pronouns “tú” and “yo”
6. Irregular verb “ser” for origin
7. Singular definite articles:”el” and “la”
8. Question formation
9. España: geography, history, culture
Unit 2: ¡Organizate!
1. Indefinite articles: un, una, unos, unas
2. Subject pronouns él and ella
3. Agreement of mucho and cuanto with nouns
4. Agreement of dólares, pesetas with masc/fem. nouns
5. Numbers (31-199)
6. Present tense of tener, necesitar, querer
7. Additional verbs: conocer, poner, comprar, ir
8. Use of “hay” (there is, there are)
9. Classroom items
Unit 3: “Nuevas clases nuevos amigos”
1. Name subjects taught at school
2. Plural definite articles
3. Forms of “ser” and its use to tell time
4. Telling at what time things happen
5. Sequencing events
6. Describing people and things: adjective/number agreement
7. Possession using the word “de”
8. Use “gustar” to talk about what you like
9. Tag questions
10. México: geography, history, culture
Unit 4: ¿Qué haces esta tarde?
1. Expressions of like and dislike
2. Leisure time activities
3. Present tense of regular “ar”verbs
4. The contraction al
5. con, conmigo, contigo ( with, with me, with you)
6. Use of que
7. Present tense of “estar”
8. Present tense of “ir”
9. Use of el and los with days of the week
10. Use of “tú”and “usted”
11. Culture: “El paseo”
Unit 5: “El ritmo de la vida”
1. Negation
2. Giving the date in Spanish
3. Talk about the weather and the seasons
4. Indirect object pronouns with “gustar”
5. Present tense of regular “ir” verbs
Unit 6: “Entre familia”
1. Descriptive adjective agreement and placement
2. Ways to show possession
3. Forms of the verb “hacer” in the present tense
4. Use of the “personal a”
5. Forms of the verb “poner” and “deber”
6. Describe your family
7. Cuban life in Miami, Florida
Unit 7: ¡Qué te gustaría hacer!
1. Talking on the telephone and making plans
2. Extending, accepting and declining invitations
3. e to ie stem changing verbs
4. pensar + infinitive
5. ir a + infinitive
6. Reflexive verbs
7. Expressions with tener
Unit 8: ¡A comer!
1. Talk about meals and food.
2. Order dinner at a restaurant and make polite requests
3. Place the present tense of “encantar” with its indirect object pronoun.
4. Use “estar” to talk about how things taste
5. Apply the correct use of “ser” and “estar”
6. Complete sentences with o to ue stem changing verbs
7. Foods from the Americas
8. Ecuador: geography, history and culture
Unit 9: ¡Vamos de compras!
1. Discuss gift suggestions and comment on clothes
2. Use comparisons: más…que, menos…que, tan…como
3. Ask about prices and pay for items
4. Indirect object pronouns: le, les
5. es/son + de (material or pattern)
6. Demonstrative adjectives
7. Specialty stores in Spain and currency ( the euro)
Unit 10: Celebraciones
1. Talk about what you are doing right now
2. Present progressive tense
3. Informal commands
4. Preterite tense of regular –ar verbs
5. Direct object pronouns lo and la
6. Holidays celebrated in the Americas
Unit 11: Para vivir bien
1. Making suggestions and expressing feelings
2. Talking about moods and physical conditions
3. The verb “sentirse”
4. The verb “doler” with indirect object pronouns
5. The verbs “jugar”and “ir”in the preterite tense
6. Magazine articles on stress, completing a questionnaire
Spanish I Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…
Unit 1: ¡Mucho gusto!
1. Apply the Spanish sound system, emphasizing the vowel sounds to the new
2. Demonstrate how to greet each other in a friendly manner.
3. Cordially introduce people and respond to an introduction in an informal setting.
4. State their age and ask that of their classmates.
5. Express where they are from; discover the origin of classmates through
expression and writing.
6. Identify their likes and dislikes comparing and contrasting them with others.
Unit 2: ¡Organizate!
1. Determine and list what school items they need and want to buy in order to begin
their school year.
2. List items in their room and compare these with other classmates using “hay”.
3. Use the currency from Spain (pesetas) in order to purchase school items.
4. Talk about how much things cost in dollars and pesetas using numbers 31 to 199.
5. Understand what someone needs and wants to do.
Unit 3: Nuevas clases, nuevos amigos.
Identify school subjects and schedules by the day.
Talk about classes and sequencing events in the order they happen.
Express the time of the day as well as being late or in a hurry.
Tell at what time something happens.
Show possession by using the preposition “de” with nouns.
Change adjectives to agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify.
Use the forms of “ser” to describe themselves and others; use tag questions.
Talk about the things they like and say why
Talk about grade scales and course loads in different countries.
Unit 4: ¿Qué haces esta tarde?
Use expressions for leisure time activities and responsibilities.
Discuss what they and others do on their free time using regular –ar verbs.
Express what they and others like to do during their leisure time.
Talk about doing things with someone else, using con, conmigo, contigo.
Use the word “que” to express that, which or who.
Use the verb “estar” to tell where people and things are.
Express future time using ir a + infinitive.
Use subject pronouns in place of proper nouns.
Unit 5: El ritmo de la vida
Form sentences using -er, -ir verb endings.
Use expressions for saying how often they and others do certain activities.
Understand and apply terms of negation.
Express what you and your friends like to do during a typical week.
Apply indirect objects with “gustar” to talk about leisure time activities.
Give today’s date and talk about the weather.
Compare the seasons north and south of the equator.
Unit 6: Entre familia
Describe a family and discuss what they do together.
Change adjectives to agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify.
Use possessive adjectives to describe the family.
Fill out a questionnaire.
Use the personal “a” when a direct object refers to a person who receives the
action of a verb.
6. Discuss problems and give advice using the verbs “deber” and “poder”.
7. Talk about Cuban life in Miami.
Unit 7: ¿Qué te gustaría hacer?
Listen to telephone conversations in Spanish.
Talk on the telephone.
Extend and accept invitations to places they like to visit.
Use reflexive pronouns to talk about getting ready.
Write invitations; use the stem changing verb “pensar” to make plans and
the formula “ir a + infinitive” to talk about what they are going to do.
6. Apply phrases with “tener” to turn down an invitation and explain why.
Unit 8: ¡A comer!
1. Talk about meals and food; understand and classify words for food and meals.
2. Apply the verb “encantar” with an indirect object to state what you love.
3. Form questions and elicit responses on what others like and love to eat for
breakfast, lunch….
4. Comment on food using “estar” to talk about what specific things taste.
5. Use “ser” to talk about the general nature and quality of food.
6. Talk about being hungry.
7. Order dinner in a restaurant, make polite requests, ask for and pay the bill.
8. Use numbers 200-100,000 to pay for a meal in sucres.
9. Talk about the food in Ecuador and explain what a tortilla is in Spain and Mexico.
Unit 9:¡Vamos de compras!
Discuss gift suggestions; ask for and give directions to downtown.
Use indirect objects to tell for whom something is intended.
Ask where to shop for clothing, jewelry etc.
Comment on clothes and make comparisons.
Identify clothing, fabrics and describe what someone would wear under a variety
6. Express preferences; ask about prices and paying for something.
7. Incorporate demonstrative adjectives to point out people and things.
8. Compare and contrast shopping habits with that of the U.S.A.
Unit 10: Celebraciones
Talk about what they are doing at this moment using the progressive tense.
Discuss holidays celebrated in the Americas.
Ask for and give an opinion.
Ask for help, respond to requests.
Use informal commands to tell a friend what to do.
Talk about past events using the preterite tense of verbs.
Use direct object pronouns to take the place of nouns.
Discuss the Mexican influence in San Antonio, Texas.
Unit 11: Para vivir bien
1. Making suggestions and expressing feelings.
2. Identify the parts of the body and read an article on stress.
3. Talk about moods and physical conditions; apply the verb “doler” to say what
4. Say what they did in the past; the verb “jugar” in the preterite tense.
5. Talk about where they went and where; the verb “ir” in the preterite tense.
6. Write a paragraph to say what they did on a weekend in order to lead a healthy
Spanish II: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
Textbook: Somos Así Listos, Funston, Vargas Bonilla, Sherman, EMC/ Paradigm
Publishing, Second Edition, Level 2
Annotated Teacher’s Edition Level 2
Workbook: Somos Así Listos, Level 2
Testing / Assessment Program Level 2
Audio Compact Disc Program Level 2
Quizzes and Activities Level 2
Internet Activities: http:// and other internet sources
1. To help students develop linguistic proficiency and cultural sensitivity in
order to be prepared to participate in a global society.
2. To broaden students’ communication skills by combining language and
3. To begin using functional expressions, vocabulary, grammar structures and
readings to facilitate learning practices that will be used in and out of the
4. To encourage students to think critically and to take risks when expressing
themselves in the language.
5. To strive for accuracy in written communication.
Unit 1: Un Nuevo año
1. Spanish-speaking world
2. Technology and communications
3. Weather
4. School
5. Environmental problems
6. Schedules
7. El presente del Indicativo I y II
8. El presente progresivo
9. Verbos conseguir y seguir
10. El comparativo y superlativo
11. El pretérito
12. Los pronombres de complemento directo e indirecto
El mundo y la tecnología
La contaminación ambiental
Los periódicos en los países de habla hispana
Second Quarter
Unit 2 : Todos los Días
Influence of Spanish in the United Status
Daily routine
Items in a bathroom
Hispanic influence in the United States
8. Parts of the body
9. Doctor´s office
10. Los verbos reflexivos
11. La palabra se
12. Los adjetivos demostrativos
13. Los pronombres demostrativos
14. Las preposiciones
15. Verbos depués de las preposiciones
Lugares en los Estados Unidos
¿Qué es la comida?
Aquí se habla español
Second Semestre, Third Quarter
Unit 3: ¡Vamos a la ciudad!
1. Mexico
2. Places in the city
3. Directions
4. Specialty stores
5. Restaurants
6. Food
7. Everyday activities
8. Parts of a car
9. City signs
10. El mandato afirmativo informal
11. El mandato afirmativo formal
12. El mandato plural
13. El mandato con nosotros / as
14. Verbos conocer y saber
15. El mandato negativo
Las comidas tradicionales
Fourth Quarter:
Unit 4: ¡Qué divertido!
1. El Salvador
2. Amusement park
3. Zoo
4. Animals
5. Nationalities
6. Honduras
7. Circus
8. Farm
9. Cuba
10. Metric system
11. El imperfecto de los verbos regulares
12. El imperfecto de los verbos ser, ir y ver
13. Ser vs estar
14. Diminutivos: -ita , -ito
15. Los adjetivos y su posición
16. Los adjetivos posesivos: formas largas
17. El presente de los verbos: reír y freír
18. El imperfecto progresivo
19. Los adverbios terminados en –mente
El Salvador
El Caribe
Spanish II Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to …
Quarter 1
Unit 1: Un año Nuevo
1. List, name and identify all kinds of technology that is being used on a
daily basis, such as cell phones, fax, internet, etc.
2. Make curricular connections with technology and science (meteorology)
3. Describe, differentiate, and predict the current weather conditions and state
the type of outdoor activities people participate on certain days.
4. Think of new means of communication (e-mail, cellular phones, etc, ) can
improve their lives and the communities where they live.
5. Provide personal information and imagine what they will be doing on a
typical Saturday night.
6. State what is happening right now
7. Prepare a list of verbs that represent everyday activities they can act out.
8. Discuss ecological problems, predict consequences, imagine they are living
in a country that is promoting efforts to improve the environment and save
the ecology of the planet and produce a brochure informing tourists of the
country´s efforts to improve the environment.
9. Talk about the future, discuss and make schedules
10. Practice the comparatives and superlatives with simple illustrations.
11. Work in small groups surveying their classmates about their schedule of
activities for the week, using ir a + infinitivo or using the presente tense to
talk about the future.
12. Compare quantity, quality age and size
13. Talk about the past and refer to what just happened
14. Listen to a recorded version of statements made by some people and state
what they believe the main theme of the conversation is.
15. Practice the use of acabar de with the preterite tense by telling which
activity each person of the illustrations is describing.
16. Talk, demonstrate, explain and describe a fiesta de quince años is.
17. Describe their last summer vacation with their families, using regural and
irregular verbs in preterite tense .
18. List, describe and act out activities they do for fun and activities they do as
household chores.
19. Name, recognize and identify direct and indirect object pronouns.
20. Identify, use and differentiate affirmative and negative words within a
21. Talk about Hispanic influence in the United States and use their laptops to
write an article for their electronic version of the school newspaper.
22. Identify items in a bathroom
23. Point something out
24. Discuss health
25. Give and take instructions
26. Indentify parts of the body
Unit 2: Todos los días
1. Define, describe and State who they are and what they do on a daily routine
by mimicing and using reflexive verbs in their explanations.
2. Identify, name, find, and list, places with Spanish names in the United
3. Identify and differentiate the word “se” as a reflexive pronoun within the
reflexive verbs.
4. List, name and compare reflexive verbs that conjugated the same as
nonreflexive verbs that refer to everyday actions and have both reflexive
and nonreflexive forms.
5. Identify when direct and indirect object pronouns, reflexive pronouns may
precede a verb, or they may be attached to the end of an infinitive or a
present participle.
6. Use a definite article instead of a possessive adjective when using a
reflexive verb to talk about personal items.
7. Use , apply, and classify demonstrative adjectives to indicate where
someone or something is located in relation to the speaker.
8. List, show, and explain why in different sections of United States is spoken
9. Label, name, identify and illutrate parts of the body.
10. Discuss, examine, and explain minor health personal problems to a doctor
or nurse.
11. give and take instructions related to health problems and recognize
approppriate expressions ina doctor’s office.
12. Recognize and identify Hispanic influence in the United States.
13. Identify some professions that use Spanish.
14. Recognize the importance of taking the time to do something right.
15. Compare meals in the United States and the Spanish – speaking world.
16. To talk about opportunities to study in another country.
17. Recognize some benefits of being bilingual.
18. Read in Spanish about a typical day in the life of a professional athlete.
19. Write a short composition in Spanish about a typical day.
Unit 3: ¡Vamos a la ciudad!
1. Ask for, give and tell someone how to go somewhere using the directions
north, south, east and west.
2. Identify places in the city
3. Discuss what is sold in specific stores
4. Tell someone what they would like them to do using informal affirmative
5. Order from a menu in a restaurant in Spanish
6. Identify, summarize and distinguish foods that are popular in one part of the
world from what is enjoyed elsewhere.
7. Advise and suggest
8. Discuss whom and what people know
9. Talk , define, describe and show everyday activities using reflexive
10. Understand, analyze and compare the difference between the verbs
“conocer” and “saber”
11. Tell others what not to do using negative command.
12. Name, list, label, draw and identify parts of a car as well as traffic signs.
13. Advise others in writing
14. Read in Spanish about Mexico
15. Talk about foods in Spanish – speaking countries
16. Identify opportunities to use Spanish in their community
17. Read a recipe in Spanish
18. Write in Spanish about where they live
19. Search the internet for sources for renting a car in Mexico and print it out
and report it back to the class on the costs, the selection of vehicles to
choose from, the cost of fuel, the cost of insurance, the availability of maps
and directions to their destinations, the driver’s license requirements, and
any other interesting information they discover.
Unit 4: ¡Qué divertido!
1. Seek and provide personal information
2. Describe different actions in the past
3. Talk about activities at a special event
4. Identify animals
5. Express quantities
6. Provide background information about the past
7. Indicate past intentions
8. Discuss nationality
9. Add emphasis to a description
10. Recognize and express size
11. State possession
12. Identify sounds that animals make
13. Read in Spanish about life in El Salvador and Honduras
14. Identify opportunities to use Spanish to find a career or be a volunteer.
15. Identify to what animal group some animal belong.
16. Read and understand a zoo schedule in Spanish.
Unit 5: ¿Qué recuerdas?
1. Talk about what someone remembres
2. Seek and provide personal information
3. Describe clothing
4. Report past actions and events
5. Talk about everyday activities
6. Indentify foods
7. Use metric weights and measurements
8. Read and order from a menú
9. Write about the past
10. Express opinions
11. Ask for advice
12. State what was happening at a specific time
13. Describe how something was done
14. Express length of time
15. Discuss food preparation
16. Read in Spanish about life in the Caribbean
17. Learn new words in Spanish by comparing how they are similar to what
they already know.
18. Read a menu in Spanish
19. Write a letter in Spanish
Spanish II Honors: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
COURSE TITLE: Spanish II Honors
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
Textbook: ¡Ven Conmigo! Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 2000.
Grammar and Vocabulary Workbook Level 2
Practice and Activity Book Level 2
CD-Rom for Listening Activities and Interactive CD-Rom Program
Textbook’s Web-site at and other Internet sources.
Develop linguistic proficiency and cultural sensitivity.
Expand communication skills and appreciation for other cultures.
Think critically and to take risks in the language.
Go beyond the simple manipulation of grammatical forms.
Extend the study of the language to the outside world.
Strive for accuracy in communication.
UNIT 1. Mis amigos y yo
1. Present tense of tener
2. Adjective agreement
3. Present tense of regular verbs
4. Indirect object pronouns with verbs like gustar
5. Culture: Description of appearance of Hispanics
6. Location: Andalucía
UNIT 2. Un viaje al extranjero
The verb estar
Preterite of –ar verbs
Present tense of querer and poder
Culture: Extended family living together
Location: Andalucía
Unit 3. La vida cotidiana
Reflexive verbs and pronouns
e to i stem change in vestirse
Adverbs ending in –mente
Direct object pronouns: lo, la, los, las
Hace + quantity of time + que + present tense
Household chores
Expressions of agreements
Culture: Popular free-time activities among teenagers
Location: Valle de México
Unit 4. ¡ Adelante con los estudios!
Deberías vs. debes
Ser + adjective to describe people
Estar + adjective to describe location
Present tense of the verb conocer
Direct object pronouns
a. School levels in Mexico
b. Cost of university education in Latin America
10. Location: Valle de México
Unit 5. ¡Ponte en forma!
1. Preterite of the verb dormir
2. Preterite of regular –er and –ir
3. Informal commands
Irregular informal commands
Preterite of poder
Reflexives with verbs of emotion
Culture: Snack forms in Spanish-speaking countries
Location: Texas
Unit 6. De visita en la ciudad
Present tense of saber
Saber vs. conocer
Preterite forms of pedir, server, traer
The preterite for listing events
Culture: El festival de la música tejana
Unit 7. ¿Conoces bien tu pasado?
The imperfect tense of –ar, -er, -ir
The imperfect tense of ir and ver
Spelling change of o to u and y to e to avoid vowel repetition
Imperfect of ser to describe people and things
The imperfect of hay
Tan + adjective/adverb + como
Culture: Public services in Latin American cities
Location: El Caribe
Unit 8. Diversiones
Adjectives with –ísimo/a
Verbs with prepositions
Using mientras in the past
Preterite of decir
Culture: Holidays and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries
Spanish II Honors Proficiencies
Students will be able to:
Unit 1. Mis amigos y yo
1. Introduce themselves
2. Describe people
3. Explain what they and others do
4. Say what they like and don’t like
5. Recognize evening activities in Spain
Unit 2. Un viaje al extranjero
Make suggestions and responding to them
Tell about how they are feeling
Ask for and offer help
Describe their city or town
Compare and contrast family life in the United States and Spanish-speaking
Unit 3. La vida cotidiana
Summarize their daily activities
Talk about responsibilities
Identify and practice expressions of complains
List hobbies and pastimes
Explain how long something has been going on
Unit 4. ¡ Adelante con los estudios!
Ask for and give opinions
Give advice
Talk about things an people they know
Make plans
Compare people and things
Unit 5. ¡Ponte en forma!
1. Examine how to stay fit and healthy
2. Express their opinion about fitness
3. Give explanations
4. Brainstorm ideas to promote healthy habits
5. Support their point of view
Unit 6. De visita en la ciudad
1. Ask and give information
2. Relate a series of past events
3. Design a menu
4. Order in a restaurant
5. Contrast the use of ser and estar
Unit 7. ¿Conoces bien tu pasado?
1. Talk about what they used to do
Say what they used to like and dislike
Describe what people and things were like
Use comparisons to describe people
Recognize Public services in Latin American cities
Unit 8. Diversiones
1. Report what someone said
2. Describe a past event
3. Explain why they could not do something
4. Compare and contrast holidays and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries and
the United States
5. Express something that is really or extremely one way or another
Spanish IV Honors Art History:
Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
COURSE TITLE: Spanish IV Honors Art History
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
TEXTBOOKS: (Title, Author, Publisher, Edition)
Accent on Art: Spanish and Mexican Art for the Spanish Classroom
Autor: Lonie Dai Zovi
Publisher: Vibrante Press
Copyright 2001
Applause Learning Resources: Spanish and Mexican Painters
Author: Dr. Ángeles Aller and Eusebia Anderson
Copyright 2004 Applause Learning Resources
Internet Resources:
Goals: Students will
1. (Communication) be able to observe, analyze and interpret an understanding of
art through first-hand and second-hand historical sources; and communicate in
the target language an understanding of art history through oral, written and
technological means.
2. (Culture) gain an understanding and an appreciation for the
significance of
a Spanish (Mexican, Colombian, etc.) painter in the context of that country’s
3. (Connections) will be able to connect their knowledge of a particular painter
with other disciplines such art and history.
4. (Comparison) gain knowledge about a painter that will allow them to compare
styles of painting with those that they study in other disciplines.
5. (Communities) students will gain a larger perspective of world communities as
they explore artwork and museums in other countries through their research.
Unit 1:
El Greco (Dominicos Teotecopulous)
Biography of El Greco
Cretian painters
Venetian painters
Byzantine painters
Roman painters
Toledo, Spain
Felipe II and El Greco
The city of Toledo and Catholicism
Precursor of modern impressionism
Vista de Toledo and El entierro del Conde de Orgaz
Unit 2: Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez
1. Biography of Velázquez
2. Elements of Baroque Art
3. Velázquez as apprentice
4. Velázquez’s early paintings
5. Velázquez’s paintings of still-life
6. Felipe IV and Velázquez as royal court painter
7. Caravaggio
8. Velázquez and Rome
9. Rubens and Van Dyck
10. Velázquez under Felipe IV
11. Las meninas and La rendición de Breda
12. Las meninas of Velázquez by Picasso
Unit 3: Francisco Goya y Lucientes
1. Biography of Goya
2. Goya as apprentice
3. Velázquez and Rembrandt
4. La Real Fábrica de Tapices
5. Goya as designer of tapestries for castle and places throughout Spain
6. Goya as assistant painter to the royal court
7. Goya as royal court painter under Carlos III
8. Goya’s and Italy
9. Goya’s marriage to Josefa Bayeu Goya’s loss of favor with the Spainish courts
10. Napoleonic forces in Spain
11. The War of Independence of 1808
12. Goya’s psychological crisis
13. Goya’s dark paintings
14. Bordeaux, France
15. El quitasol y El tres de mayo de 1808
Unit 4: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
1. Biography of Murillo
2. Murillo’s childhood
3. Murillo’s early life as a painter
4. Velázquez and Zurbarán
5. City of Sevilla
6. Murillo’s painting academy
7. Expansion on his own themes and styles
8. Murillo as a prolific painter
9. Murillo’s religious paintings
10. El buen pastor y Los niños de la concha
Unit 5: Pablo Ruíz y Picasso
1. Childhood of Picasso
2. Early recognition of Picasso
3. Picasso and Casagemas
4. Picasso’s first oil paintings
5. Barcelona’s Els Quatre Gats
6. Picasso and Casagemas
7. Picasso in Montmatre
8. Toulouse and Picasso
9. Death of Casagemas
10. Picasso’s Blue Period
11. Picasso’s Rose Peirod
12. Picasso and Cubism
13. Picasso and expression of painting
14. The women in the life of Picasso
15. The Spanish Civil War and Picasso
16. Francisco Franco, Adolf Hitler and Guernica
17. Paintings from the Blue Period, Rose Period and Cubism
Unit 6: Salvador Dalí Domenech
1. Dalí´s early childhood
2. Dalí´s early education
3. San Fernando School of Fine Arts in Madrid
4. Surrealist movement
5. Dalí in the United States
6. Dalí’s later paintings
7. Dalí’s other types of art work
8. Dali and Gala
9. Dalí and politics
10. La persistencia de la memoria and La desintegración de la persistencia de la
Unit 7: Frida Kahlo
1. Growing up in “La casa azul”
2. Frida’s early childhood
3. Frida’s relationship with her parents
4. Frida at age six: results of polio
5. Frida at the National Preparatory School
6. Frida’s first encounter with Diego Rivera
7. Frida at age eighteen
8. Frida’s second encounter with Diego Rivera
9. Frida and Diego’s turbulent marriage
10. Frida and Diego in the United States
11. Leon Trotsky in México
12. Frida and her paintings
13. Frida’s self portraits
Unit 8: The Muralist
1. The cradle of the muralist movement
2. The leaders of the muralist movement
3. Themes in the muralist movement
Unit 9: Fernando Botero
1. Biography of Fernando Botero
2. Early influences of Botero
3. Botero in Paris
4. Botero’s unique style
5. Paintings
Unit 10: Senior Project
Unit 11: Junior Project
Spanish IV Honors Art History Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…
Unit 1: El Greco (Dominicos Teotocopulous)
1. Identify El Greco’s birthplace as the Island of Crete and its impact on his life as
2. Identify and describe the influence of Venetian painters, namely Titian and
3. Define the characteristics of Byzantine art and its influence on El Greco.
4. Explain the reasons why El Greco traveled to Rome; and identify reasons for his
departure from Rome.
5. Identify and describe the factors that contributed to El Greco’s decision to go to
Toledo, Spain and remain there for the rest of his life.
6. Discuss the relationship that existed between Felipe II and El Greco.
7. Relate how the city of Toledo influenced El Greco’s artwork.
8. Illustrate how the city of Toledo was the sede of Catholicism and Mysticism.
9. Summerize the characteristics of the art movement called Mannerism.
10. Demonstrate how El Greco was the precursor of impressionism.
11. Analyze and interpret the paintings: Vista de Toledo and El entierro del Conde de
Unit 2: Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velázquez
1. Identify Velázquez’s birthplace.
2. Describe Velázquez’s first field of study.
3. Define Velázquez’s apprenticeship under the supervision of the leading painter of
the time Francisco Herrera.
4. Illustrate the elements of the Baroque movement.
5. Interprete and describe the early paintings of Velázquez
6. Identify, describe and discuss the still-life paintings of Velázquez
7. Compare and contrast Velázquez’s early and still-life paintings with his paintings
as court painter.
8. Relate the importance of Velázquez in Rome and explain the influence of the
Italian painter Caravaggio.
9. Associate the importance of Spain empire and his responsibilities as court painter
under Felipe IV.
10. Analyze and interpret in detail: Las meninas and La rendición de Breda
11. Compare and contrast Las meninas of Velázquez by Picasso and Las meninas by
Unit 3: Francisco Goya y Lucientes
1. Describe the Spanish painter and his life.
2. Examine Goya as apprentice and discuss Spanish painters under whom he studied.
3. Associate early influences of Velázquez and Rembrandt.
4. Explain the sketches of Goya as designer of tapestries for castle and palaces
throughout Spain and how they relate to the “La Real Fábrica de Tapices”
5. Summarize Goya and his paintings as assistant painter to the royal court.
6. explain Goya’s journey to Italy and examine the benefits.
7. Describe how Goya’s marriage to Josefa Bayeu benefited his career.
8. Connect the Napoleonic forces in Spain and the War of Independence of 1808 and
Goya’s socio-political paintings.
9. Relate Goya’s psychological crisis and his dark paintings.
10. Explain the Goya’s reasoning for moving to Bordeaux, France
11. Analyze and interpret in detail: El quitasol and El 3 de mayo de 1808
Unit 4: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
1. Describe the events that occurred during Murillo’s childhood that influenced his
2. Identify when Murillo began to earn a living as a painter.
3. Identify what two painters influenced Murillo’s earlier works.
4. Identify when Murillo began to support himself from his paintings.
5. Illustrate how Murillo differed from other painters of his time.
6. Describe how prolific Murillo was as an painter throughout his life.
7. Identify what city of Spain did Murillo greatly identify with for its beauty and for
its Holy Week activities.
8. Identify what Murillo did in 1660.
9. Identify whom he married in 1648.
10. dentify some of Murillo’s most famous paintings.
11. Research two of Murillo’s most famous paintings; analyze and interpret the
12. Analyze and interpret in detail: a painting from each artistic period.
Unit 5: Pablo Ruíz y Picasso
1. Identify when and where Picasso was born.
2. Identify the year in which Picasso began to demonstrate his talent for painting.
3. Describe the family background; both maternal and paternal.
4. Identify the father’s recognition of his son’s extraordinary talent.
5. Identify in what city did Picasso open his first studio where he created his first
large oil painting titled “The First Communion”.
6. Identify Picasso’s best friends with whom he shared a studio in Barcelona circa
7. Examine Picasso and Casagemas’ move in 1901 to Paris and what they were in
search of.
8. Examine the Picasso’s Blue Period; when it began; what initiated it.
9. Summarize the length of the Blue Period.
10. Describe what followed the Blue Period.
11. Describe the Rose Period.
12. Describe cubism.
13. Explain how Cubism Picasso revolutionaled painting.
14. Name at least one painting by Picasso for each of his artitistic movements.
15. Relate the other means used by Picasso to express his talents.
Unit 6: Salvador Dalí Domenech
1. Identify where Dalí was born and when.
2. Identify the parent’s background and how they related to the young Dalí.
3. Identify where Dalí received his education.
4. Examine Dalí’s relationship with Gala.
5. Examine Dalí as leader of the surrealist movement.
6. Define surrealism.
7. Illustrate some of the characteristics of Dalís paintings.
8. Analyze Dalí’s years in the United States.
9. Describe Dalí’s later paintings.
10. Identify other types of art work that Dalí painted.
Unit 7: Frida Kahlo
Identify when and where Frida Kahlo was born.
Identify family background.
Identify the occupation of her father and his influence in Frida’s life.
Describe the name of the house where Frida grew up.
Describe Frida’s political beliefs.
Explain why Frida changed the year of her birth from 1907 to 1910.
Explain the illness from which her father suffered.
Identify the prestigious school attended by Frida in Mexico City.
Describe the student group to which Frida belonged; identify what if was called
and what was its purpose.
10. Describe Frida and Diego Rivera’s first encounter.
11. Examen what happed to Frida when she was nineteen years old and how it
changed her life forever.
12. Contrast Frida’s life pre and post accident; examine how the accident changed
Frida’s future plans.
13. Describe Frida at age eighteen
14. Describe Frida’s second encounter with Diego Rivera
15. Describe the relationship that existed between Frida and Diego Rivera and their
turbulent marriage
16. Explain the reasons why Frida and Diego were living in the United States
17. analyze Leon Trotsky’s visit to México; describe Trotsky’s relationship with
Frida and Diego Rivera.
18. Identify the great majority of Frida’s paintings and of what they consisted.
19. Compare and contrast Frida’s self -portraits; relate these self-portraits to her
relationship with Diego Rivera
20. Identify the great majority of Frida’s paintings and of what they consisted.
21. Describe when and how Frida died.
22. Research two paintings by Frida; provide an interpretation of each painting.
Unit 8: The Muralist Movement
1. Identify and describe the cradle of the muralist movement.
2. Identify the leaders of the muralist movement
3. Describe illustrate the socio-political themes in the muralist movement.
Unit 9: Fernando Botero
1. Describe Fernando Botero’s childhood and upbringing.
2. Identify the early influences of Botero.
3. Explain why Botero journeyed to Paris.
4. Illustrate Botero’s unique style.
5. Analyze and interpret in detail two of Botero’s most famous paintings.
Unit 10: Senior Project
Unit 11: Junior Project
French I: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Languages
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
Textbook: Allez, viens! Level I
Workbook: Allez, viens! Level I
Publisher: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (2000)
GOALS: Students will
1. Engage in conversations where they will provide and obtain information about
themselves and others on a variety of everyday topics.
2. Develop a basic understanding of spoken and written French on a variety of
3. Use French to further their knowledge of and make connections to other
disciplines such as history and geography.
4. Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures through French in order to
prepare them to participate in the global community.
5. Use French beyond school for personal enjoyment and enrichment.
Unit 1: “Faisons Connaissance”
Sound system and pronunciation
Numbers 1-20
Everyday greetings and expressions
Likes, dislikes, and preferences
Definite articles: le, la, l’, and les
Present tense of –er verbs
Leisure time activities of teens in francophone countries
Unit 2: “Vive l’Ecole”
Names of subjects taught at a “lycée’
The present tense of the irregular verb “avoir”
Telling time
Expressions of opinion
School system in France
Unit 3: “Tout Pour La Rentrée”
Expressions of request to do something
The indefinite articles (noun markers): un, une, and des
The demonstrative adjectives: ce (cet), cette, and ces
More likes, dislikes, and preferences
Classroom items
Question formation
Shopping etiquette
French shopping habits
Unit 4: “Sports et Passe-Temps”
Expressions of like and dislike
Suggesting to do something
The present tense of the irregular verb “faire”
Seasonal sports
“De” after a negative expression
The indefinite pronoun “on”
Sports in France
Unit 5: “On Va Au Café?”
Restaurant vocabulary and expressions: restaurant etiquette
Suggestions and recommendations
Café food and beverages
Idioms “avoir faim” and “avoir soif”
The present tense of the irregular verb “prendre” and uses “to take” as well as “to
have” with food.
6. The “imperative” mood of regular “er” verbs
7. Numbers 1-100
Unit 6: “Amusons-nous”
Leisure time activities
Review time and the days of the week
The present tense of the irregular verb “aller”
The preposition “à” and locations
Question formation: yes/no questions and information questions
The present tense of the irregular verbs “vouloir” and “pouvoir”
Unit 7: “La Famille”
Descriptive adjective agreement and placement
The present tense of the irregular verb “etre”
Expressions that ask, give, and refuse permission
The present tense of the irregular verb “devoir”
Ways to show possession
Family life in France
Unit 8: “Au Marché”
1. Making, accepting and declining requests
2. The present tense and command foms of regular –ir verbs
3. The partitive articles: du, de la, de l’, des--- “de” after a negative-----“de” after
expressions of quantity
4. The replacement pronoun “en” in all sentence types
5. Mealtime in France
Unit 9: “Au Téléphone”
Expressions of opinion and advice
Using the phone in France
The present tense and command forms of regular –re verbs
The passé compose (past tense) of all regular verbs
Direct and indirect object pronouns
French teens and the telephone
Unit 10: “Dans un Magasin de Vêtements”
Expressions of need
Clothing vocabulary
Complimentary expressions
The present tense of the irregular “mettre”
Impersonal versus personal expressions
French fashion
Unit 11: “Vive Les Vacances!”
Present and past tenses
“Aller” + an infinitive to express future time
The present tense of the irregular verbs “partir, sortir, dormir, and servir”
The pronoun “y”
Prepositions used with geographic names
Geography of France
French I Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…
Unit 1: “Faisons Connaissons”
Apply the French sound system to the new words that they are learning.
Use numbers 1-20 for practical purposes.
Greet and say good-bye to people.
Ask how people are and respond how they are.
Ask someone’s name and age and give theirs.
Form and use the present tense of regular “-er” verbs.
Tell their likes, dislikes, and preferences of things and activities using the new –er
8. Identify gender through the definite article markers: le, la, l’ and les.
9. Compare young people from francophone countries regarding what they like to do
to relax and to have fun.
Unit 2: “Vive l’Ecole”
Describe school courses and schedules by the day.
Form the present tense of the irregular verb “avoir”.
Tell what time they have classes, lunch and break during the school day.
Express simple opinions about their classes and schedules.
Distinguish between favorable, indifferent, and unfavorable opinions.
Compare the French educational system to ours: curriculum, grading system, and
Unit 3: “Tout Pour la Rentrée”
1. Ask and respond to requests to do something.
2. Use and compare the indefinite noun markers: un, une and des and the
demonstrative adjectives: ce (cet), cette, and ces.
3. Differentiate between all the noun markers regarding appropriate usage.
4. Ask others what they need and tell what items they might need for their classes.
5. Identify what other items they like to shop for other than school items.
6. Get someone’s attention, ask for information, and express thanks when in a
shopping situation.
7. Read prices in French, tally a bill in euros, make change in euros and know the
exchange rates.
Unit 4: “Sports et Passe-Temps”
1. Explain how much you like or dislike something.
2. Create, accept, and turn down suggestions to do something.
3. Form and use the present tense of the irregular verb “faire” to say what someone
can do, and to describe the weather.
4. Write and talk about playing a variety of sports by season and weather conditions.
5. Form negative sentences and adjust the articles un, une, and des to “de” in the
6. Identify the indefinite pronoun “on” to mean “we”, “one”, or the “people.
7. Discuss sports in “francophone” countries and compare to sports in the United
Unit 5: “On Va Au Café”
Suggest and recommend what to eat when dining out.
Get someone’s attention and communicate needs in a polite way.
Order food and beverages and ask for the check in French.
List some common French foods served in cafés and restaurants.
Form and use the present tense of the verb prendre in the sense of “to take” and
also “to have” when talking about food.
6. Create a command to make suggestions, recommendations, and needs.
7. Count up to and identify numbers 1 to 100 so they can tally a check.
8. Discuss French eating habits in and outside the home.
Unit 6: “Amusons-Nous”
1. Make plans to do something with their friends.
2. Arrange to meet someone by giving the time and place.
3. Form and use the present tense of the irregular verb “aller” to say where one is going.
4. Say where one is going “to” with the contractions of the preposition “à”.
5. Express future time by using the verb “aller” and an infinitive.
6. Formulate information questions and respond to them.
7. Form and use the irregular verb “vouloir” to say what they want or would like to do, and the
irregular verb “pouvoir” to say what they can or are able to do.
8. Compare what French teens do to have fun on the weekends and on vacation with American
Unit 7: “La Famille”
Change adjectives to agree in gender and number with the nouns that they modify.
Place descriptive adjectives correctly according to type of adjective.
Form and use the irregular verb “être” as the linking verb to a predicate adjective.
Ask for, give, and refuse permission to do something.
Form and use the irregular verb “devoir” in order to express what one “must” do.
Ask for and give people’s names and ages.
Express possession using forms of “de”with nouns and also the possessive
adjectives markers.
8. Describe family life in France and the French attitude towards pets.
Unit 8: “Au Marché”
1. Express how to offer, accept, and refuse food in a home situation.
2. Create the present tense and imperative structure of 2nd conjugation verbs: verbs
that end in the suffix “-ir” and distinguish 1st from 2nd conjugation verbs.
3. Compare the usage of the partitive articles with food versus the definite and
indefinite articles.
4. Use the word “de” in two special usages: after negative expressions to express
“any” and after expressions of quantity.
5. Replace “de” phrases with the pronoun “en” in all sentence types to express
“some, of them etc.”
6. Describe mealtime habits in a francophone countries: dining etiquette.
Unit 9: “Au Téléphone”
1. Ask for and express opinions and advice on personal matters.
2. Make and answer a phone call in French.
3. Form and use the present tense and the imperative mood of the –re verbs, and
distinguish the 3rd group verbs from the 1st and 2nd conjugational verbs.
4. Express actions that have taken place in the past with the tense called the “passé
5. Use the object pronoun “en” and the direct and indirect pronouns “le, la, les, lui,
and leur” to replace object noun phrases in writing and speaking.
6. Compare telephone habits of French teens to those of American teens.
Unit 10: “Dans un Magasin de Vêtements”
1. Express need and ask for opinions regarding clothing.
2. Identify clothing and describe what someone would wear under a variety of
3. Pay a compliment and give criticism regarding what someone is wearing.
4. Form and use the irregular verb “mettre” to mean “to put”, “to put on” and also“to
5. Compare the usage of the verbs “porter” and “mettre” when speaking about
6. Distinguish when to use the impersonal expression “c’est” versus the personal
expression “il/elle est”.
7. Discuss French fashion trends and what French teens like to wear.
Unit 11: “Vive les Vacances”
1. Use of the present tense, the near future, and the passé compose appropriately in
writing and speaking.
2. Form and use the irregular verbs “partir, sortir, dormir, and servir” in the present
3. Replace certain prepositional phrases with the pronoun “y” to express the ideas of
“there, from there, about it etc.
4. Name countries, continents, and cities and express “going to” and “coming from”
these geographic locations.
5. Identify main geographic features of France on a map.
French I Honors: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Languages
COURSE TITLE: French I Honors
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
TEXTBOOK: Discovering French Bleu
WORKBOOKS: Discovering French Bleu, Workbook
Discovering French Bleu, Activity Book
MATERIALS: Discovering French Bleu, video, audio, computer-assisted
instruction components
McDougal Littel, 2004
GOALS: Students will
6. Communicate in French: to understand spoken language, to exchange
information in simple conversations, to read, and to express themselves in writing.
7. Observe and analyze cultural differences of the French-speaking world.
8. Use the French language to reinforce and further their knowledge of other
9. Develop insight through French into the nature of language and culture through
comparisons of francophone cultures and their own.
10. Wse French within and beyond the school community for personal enjoyment and
Unit 1: “Faisons Connaissance”
6. Saying hello and good-bye
7. Introducing oneself, friends, and family
8. Counting to 100
9. Saying how old one is and asking the age of someone else
10. Studying where French is spoken in the world
11. Saying where one is from, the adjectives of nationality
12. Singular definite and indefinite articles
13. Singular possessive adjectives
Unit 2: Daily Activities
Ordering in a café
Asking about prices and paying for food and drink
Using French money
Telling time
Giving the date and day of the week
Talking about the weather
Gender of nouns
Tu and vous forms
Unit 3: “Mes Activités”
Describing daily activities
Expressing likes and dislikes
Inviting, accepting, declining invitations
Asking and answering questions and obtaining information with est-ce que
Expressing negation with ne. . . pas
Regular –er verbs
Verbs faire and être
Verb + infinitive
Identify people and where they are from
Unit 4: Les Personnes et Les Objets
9. Describing people using adjectives for physical description,
personality, and nationality
10. Identifying objects
11. Discussing possessions
12. Describing one’s room
13. Formation and position of adjectives
14. the verb avoir
15. the use of the definite article
16. the use of c’est and il est
17. the use of il y a
18. colors
Unit 5: “En Ville”
1. Describing city, buildings, houses, or apartments
2. Talking about places
3. Discussing future plans and what one is going to do
4. Talking about friends and their families
5. Learning about French cities in general
6. Asking and giving directions
7. Describing your home and family
8. Making plans to do things in town
9. The verb aller and aller + the infinitive
10. Contractions with à
11. Ordinal numbers
12. Possession with de and possessive adjectives
13. The verb venir
14. Contractions with de
15. Paris attractions and the metro, Tours
Unit 6: “Le Shopping”
6. Naming and describing clothes
7. Discussing style
8. Shopping for clothes
9. Making comparisons
10. Learning about French stores and shopping habits
11. Descriptive adjectives and BAGS adjectives
12. Regular verbs ending in –ir and –re
13. Verbs: mettre, préférer, acheter, payer
14. Expressions with avoir
15. The demonstrative ce
16. The interrogative quel ?
17. The imperative
French I Honors Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…
UNIT 1: “Faisons Connaissance”
Greet and respond to greetings
Introduce friends and relatives
Understand and use numbers up to 100
Give their age and ask how old people are
Identify countries where French is spoken
Communicate origin using adjectives of nationality
Identify definite and indefinite articles
Identify possessive adjectives
UNIT 2: “La Vie Courante”
1. Understand and convey information about: schedules, prices, weather and
seasons, days, dates, months, time, food and customs.
2. Understand and convey information about the euro
3. Identify the gender of nouns
4. Discriminate in the use of tu and vous
UNIT 3: “Le Français Pratique”
Understand and convey information about leisure activities
Understand and convey information about likes and dislikes
Extend and accept invitations
Demonstrate culturally acceptable behavior for obtaining information
Demonstrate culturally acceptable behavior for providing information
Demonstrate culturally acceptable behavior for expressing likes and dislikes
UNIT 4: “Les Personnes et Les Objets”
1. Understand and convey information about people using adjectives of nationality,
physical appearance, personality
2. Describe their belongings by color and size
3. Understand and convey information about colors
4. Talk about what one has and does not have
5. Describe in general what one likes and does not like
6. Express opinions about people and activities
UNIT 5: “En Ville”
1. Understand and convey information about buildings and monument
Understand and convey information about places and events
Understand and convey information about travel
Understand and convey information about home and family
Understand and convey information about geographical, cultural, and historical
Discuss what they are going to do in the future
Identify things belonging to themselves or others
Talk about where people are coming from
Talk about where one lives and where one is going
UNIT 6: “Le Shopping”
Name and describe the clothes they wear
Discuss the fit of clothing
Talk about what they plan to buy
Point out certain people or things
Make comparisons
Make suggestions
Tell others what to do
Understand and convey information about clothes and shopping
French II: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
DATE: 2007-2008
QPA: 4.5
TEXTBOOK: Allez, viens! Level 2
WORKBOOK: Allez, viens! Practice and Activity: Level 2
PUBLISHER: Holt, Rinehart and Winston (2000)
GOALS: Students will
1. Strive for accuracy in oral communication through structured practice to helpthem
function in French on a variety of topics.
2. Understand, interpret, and write in French on a variety of topics.
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and
perspectives of the French culture to their own culture.
4. Reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through French.
5. Show evidence of becoming life-long learners of French by using it within and
beyond the school setting.
Unit 1 = “Bon Séjour!”
1. the verbs avoir and être
2. adjective agreement
3. the interrogative adjectives: quel, quelle, quelle, quelles
4. regular –er and –ir verbs
5. the imperative structure
6. the future with “aller”
7. studying abroad
Unit 2 = “Bienvenue à Chartres!”
1. usage of tu versus vous
2. question formation
3. adjectives that precede the noun
4. prepositional contractions with “à” and “de”
5. prepositions of location
6. making suggestions
7. housing in francophone countries
Unit 3 = “Un Repas à la Française”
1. food items and stores
2. the partitive articles
3. expressions of quantity
4. the object pronoun “en”
5. the indirect object pronouns “lui” and “leur”
6. expressions for buying, asking for, accepting and refusing food
7. typical foods in the francophone world
Unit 4 = “Sous les Tropiques”
1. the present tense of reflexive verbs
2. the reflexive pronouns
3. the relative pronouns “ce qui” and “ce que”
4. adverbs of frequency
5. connectors for sequencing events
6. life on the island of Martinique
Unit 5 = “Quelle Journée!”
1. actions that make a bad as well as good day
2. expressions of satisfaction and frustration
3. the passé composé with “avoir”
4. introduction to the passé compose with “être”
5. school life in francophone countries
Unit 6 = “A Nous Les Chateaux!”
1. the passé composé with “être”
2. the present and past tenses of the verbs ouvrir, offrir, couvrir, découvrir and souffrir
3. formal and informal phrasing of questions
4. expressions of enthusiasm, indifference, dissatisfaction, disbelief and doubt.
5. famous French historical figures
Unit 7 = “En Pleine Forme”
1. expressions of concern, advice, encouragement, and discouragement
2. the reflexive verbs in the passé compose
3. the pronoun “en” with activities
4. the present and past tense of the verbs devoir and recevoir
5. French teens and their exercise habits
Unit 8 = “C’était Comme Ça”
1. review expressions of suggestion
2. the formation of the imparfait tense of all verbs
3. the irregular formation of the verb “être” in the imparfait
4. usages of the imparfait
5. city life versus country life
Unit 9 = “Tu Connais La Nouvelle?”
1. reporting news and events
2. the passé composé versus the imparfait
3. the passé composé used in the same sentence with the imparfait
4. the imparfait with the expression “être en train de”
5. the French and their ideas on friendship
Unit 10 = “Je Peux Te Parler?”
1. asking for and giving advice
2. granting a favor and making excuses
3. expressions of apology and reproachment
4. placement of object pronouns in all sentence types
5. French approach to personal problems
Unit 11 = “Chacun Ses Gouts”
1. “c’est” versus “il/elle est”
2. the present and past tense forms of the irregular verbs connaître and savoir
3. connaître versus savoir
4. review of the relative pronouns qui and que
5. French musical taste
French II Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…..
Unit 1: “Bon Séjour!”
1. Describe and characterize people and things using the verbs “être” and “avoir”.
2. Ask interrogative sentences and form exclamatory sentences using the adjectives:
quel, quels, quelle, and quelles.
3. Identify items and clothing that one would need when traveling abroad.
4. Communicate by speaking and writing using the –er and –ir verbs in the present tense
and imperative mood.
5. Sequence sentences that relate what someone is “going” to do to express future time.
6. Give advice to someone who is going to travel abroad and also to someone who is
coming to visit the United States.
Unit 2: Bienvenue à Chartres!”
1. Speak to and ask about someone’s traveling experiences.
2. Address someone politely or familiarly using “tu” or “vous” correctly.
3. Give compliments to someone and respond to them.
4. Ask for and give directions using expressions and prepositions of direction.
5. Form and use the common adjectives that are placed before a noun in French,
6. Determine if an adjective should follow or precede a noun in French.
7. Describe the rooms and furniture in French homes.
7. Identify how homes in France differ and compare to those in America.
Unit 3: “Un Repas à la Française”
1. Classify food items according to where one would shop for them.
2. Identify foods by category and meal.
3. Use the partitive and indefinite articles to ask for, offer, accept, and refuse food.
4. Replace the objects of partitive articles and quantity expressions with the pronoun “en”.
5. Identify an indirect object and replace it correctly using the pronouns “lui or leur”.
6. Discuss the eating and dining habits of the French.
Unit 4: “Sous les Tropiques”
1. Describe vacation places by giving their geographique location and special features.
2. Say what one could do at a beach resort.
3. Relate one’s daily routine using the reflexive structure and adverbs of frequency.
4. Create one sentence from two by using the relative pronouns “ce qui and ce que”.
5. Talk about life on the island of Martinique.
Unit 5: “Quelle Journée!”
1. Describe what constitutes a bad day versus a good day at school.
2. Form and use the passé composé to express a past specific event or action.
3. Sequence correctly a series of past actions.
4. Congratulate and reprimand someone regarding their work.
5. Compare school practices in France to those in the United States.
Unit 6: “A Nous les Chateaux!”
1. Identify verbs of motion which must take “être” in the passé composé.
2. Form the passé composé of motion verbs using the verb “être” to describe a past event.
3. Form the présent and passé composé of the irregular verb “ouvrir” and verbs modeled after it:
couvrir, decouvrir, offrir, and souffrir.
4. Express feelings of enthusiasm, indifference, and dissatisfaction through various idioms.
5. Talk about some historical French figures studied by French students.
Unit 7: “En Pleine Forme”
1. Describe illnesses, aches, pains, and injuries using the verbs “avoir” and “être”.
2. Express concern and give encouragement to someone who is ill or injured.
3. Form the passé composé of reflexive verbs and describe reflexive actions in the past.
4. Use the pronoun “en” to replace an activity introduced by the word “de”.
5. Form and use the présent and passé composé tenses of the irregular verbs “devoir and
6. Describe what someone should do to stay healthy and be in good shape.
Unit 8: “C’était Comme Ça”
1. Suggest activities in a variety of ways previously studied in this series.
2. Form the “imparfait” tense of all verbs including the verb “être”.
3. Use the imparfait to make suggestions, give descriptions, reminisce, and convey a past
continuous action.
4. Compare and contrast city and country life.
Unit 9: “Tu Connais la Nouvelle?”
1. Sequence a recent past event or story using the passé composé and imparfait tenses.
2. Distinguish and use the two past tenses correctly: specific event/action versus a
continuous action.
3. Use the imparfait with the expression “être en train de” to say what one was “in the
middle of doing” when another action took place.
4. Discuss the American attitude and French attitude toward friendship.
Unit 10: “Je Peux te Parler?”
1. Ask for and give advice to a friend.
2. Make excuses and apologies for not doing something or granting a favor.
3. Distinguish all replacement object pronouns from each other in usage and place them
correctly in all sentence types.
4. Relate how the French might deal with personal problems and compare it to their own
approach to problem solving.
Unit 11: “Chacun ses Gouts”
1. Use the expressions “c’est” versus “il/elle est” correctly to identify people.
2. Form the présent and passé compose of the irregular verbs “connaître and savoir”.
3. Use “connaître” correctly versus “savoir” : familiarity versus general knowledge.
4. Create one sentence from two by using the relative pronouns “qui and que” to
introduce a relative subordinate clause.
5. Compare the musical tastes of the French to those of Americans.
French II Honors: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Languages
COURSE TITLE: French II Honors
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
TEXTBOOKS: Discovering French Blanc
WORKBOOKS: Discovering French Blanc, Activity Book
Discovering French Blanc, Workbook
MATERIALS: Discovering French Blanc, video, audio, computer-assisted
PUBLISHER: McDougal Little, 2004
GOALS: Students will
1. Converse or correspond in French to provide and obtain information, express
feelings and emotions, exchange opinions.
2. Understand and interpret spoken and written French on various topics.
3. Gain knowledge and understanding of the cultures of the Francophone world.
4. Use French to connect with other disciplines.
5. Develop insight into the nature of language and culture.
6. Use French within and beyond the school setting for personal enjoyment and
Unit 1: « Reprise » « Entre Amis »
Describing school and leisure activities
Counting, telling time, describing the weather
Discussing common objects and clothing
Review of regular –er, -ir, -re verbs in the present tense
Review of interrogative and negative constructions
Review of contractions and articles
7. Review of possessive adjectives
8. Review of the imperative
9. French schools, the euro, activities of French teens
10. Review of c’est and il est
11. Describing possessions
12. Indicating location
13. Review of il y a
14. Review of jouer à and jouer de
15. Review of the French-speaking world
Unit 2: “Qui suis-je?”
Identifying oneself and one’s family and providing personal data
Talking about professions
Making introductions
Making a telephone call
Talking about what one plans to do and where one is going using aller +
6. The present tense with depuis
7. Review of the verb être and expressions with être
8. The verb faire and expressions with faire describe what people are doing
9. Questions with inversion
10. Review of question words
11. Review tu and vous
12. Review questions using intonation and est-ce que
13. Talk about where one is coming from and what one has just done
using the verb venir
Unit 2: “Le Week-end, enfin!”
1. Describing weekend and other leisure activities
2. Telling where one goes and how one gets there
3. Describing the countryside
4. Describing what one did yesterday, last weekend, or last summer
5. The passé compose with avoir
6. The verbs prendre, mettre, voir, sortir, partir
7. Irregular past participles
8. The passé composé with être
9. Paris and the Paris subway
10. Impersonal expressions : quelqu’un, quelque chose, personne, rien
11. Il y a + elapsed time
12. aller + infinitive for future activities
13. Using expressions with faire
14. Reading for pleasure and developing logical thinking
15. Daily activities of young French people
Unit 3: “Bon Appetit”
1. Talking about favorite foods and beverages and expressing preferences
2. Ordering in a café or restaurant
3. Shopping for food
4. Learning about shopping in France
5. Learning what is served in restaurants in France and Quebec
6. Learning about French fast-food
7. Learning about French water consumption
8. Learning about tipping
9. The verbs boire, préférer, vouloir, acheter, payer, devoir, pouvoir
10. The partitive
11. Expressions of quantity with de
12. The expression il faut
13. Reading authentic documents for information and reading for pleasure
14. Preparing a croque-monsieur and the French numbering system for building floors
Unit 4: “Loisirs et Spectacles”
1. Describing and discussing various forms of entertainment
2. Discussing types of movies
3. Talking about favorite stars
4. Describing relationships with others
5. Using French to write a letter to a French friend
6. Discussing what one likes to read
7. The verbs connaître, savoir, écrire, lire, dire
8. Direct, indirect, and double object pronouns
9. Object pronouns with the passé compose
10. Learning where young French people go in their free time
11. Learning what kind of entertainment French teens prefer
12. Learning about the history and cultures of Canada, Louisiana, Haiti, Martinique,
Guadeloupe, Tahiti, French Guyana
French II Honors Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to. . .
Unit 1: “Reprise: Entre Amis”
1. Understand and convey information about school and campus life
2. Understand and convey information about leisure activities
3. Understand and convey information about likes and dislikes
4. Understand and convey information about clothes
5. Understand and convey information about prices
6. Understand and convey information about weather and seasons
7. Understand and convey information about places and events
8. Understand and convey information about colors
9. Understand and convey information about numbers
10. Understand and convey information about days, months, dates
11. Understand and convey information about time
12. Describe daily activities
13. Obtain information by asking questions
14. Use and understand polite commands when speaking and listening
15. Compare French schools and what French teens do
Unit 2: “Qui suis-je?”
1. Discuss weekend plans and activities
2. Talk about visiting the countryside
3. Get around in Paris by subway
4. Talk and describe what happened and did not happen in the past
5. Ask questions about the past
6. Describe actions and times of actions
7. Read for pleasure and develop logical thinking
8. Write mini-stories
9. Express how long ago things happened
10. Use: quelqu’un, quelque chose, personne, rien, jamais, déjà
11. Use the verbs sortir, partir, dormir
Unit 3 : « Bon Appetit »
1. Discuss meals and table settings
2. Order food in a café or restaurant and ask for the bill
3. Identify foods and beverages and discuss preferences
4. Shop for food, ask for prices
5. Read authentic documents for information
6. Use quantity expressions for foods
7. Learn where French people shop
8. Compare French and American supermarkets
9. Use the partitive
10. Use vouloir, pouvoir, devoir to express what one wants to do, can
do, must do
11. Use the verb boire, acheter, préférer, payer
12. Learn about typical French beverages
13. Read for information and/or pleasure and to develop cultural
14. Discuss quantities
15. Express obligation or necessity
16. Read a recipe and prepare a croque-monsieur
Unit 4: “Loisirs et Spectacles”
Talk about entertainment and movies
Discuss places to go and things to do with friends
Extend, accept, and reject invitations
Read authentic realia and read for information
Learn where French young people like to go in their free time
Be aware of the kind of entertainment young French people prefer
Write a letter to a friend
Read for pleasure, for information, and to develop logical thinking
and expand cross-cultural awareness
9. Use object pronouns with declarative, imperative, and infinitive
10. Use verbs asking for a service
11. Give orders, make and respond to requests
12. Learn about tourist attractions in Quebec City
13. Talk abou people and places one knows
14. Talk about people, places, and things in the present and the past
15. Use the verb connaître
16. Talk about possessions
17. Discuss what they like to read
18. Use the verb savoir and distinguish between savoir and connaître
19. Talk about what one knows and does for others.
French III: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
DATE: 2007-2008
QPA: 5
TEXTBOOK: Allez, viens! Level 3
WORKBOOK: Allez, viens! Practice and Activity: Level 3
PUBLISHER: Holt, Rinehart and Winston: 2000
GOALS: Students will……..
1. Respond and react appropriately to questions, statements, commands and other
2. Develop their writing skills in guided compositions related to the chapter themes.
3. Acquire information about the francophone world by reading adapted or selected
French sources.
4. Expand their knowledge of the influence of France on world cultures both in
francophone and non-francophone cultures.
5. Combine the tools of technology with their language skills to be able to
communicate with peoples of francophone cultures for future professional fields.
Unit 1: “France, les Régions”
1. renewing old acquaintances
2. expressions of enthusiasm and dissatisfaction
3. describing locations
4. review restaurant vocabulary and expressions
5. the passé compose and the imparfait
6. regional foods
Unit 2: “Belgique, Nous Voilà!”
1. review car-related vocabulary
2. expressions of impatience, boredom, and reassurance
3. the present and past tense forms of conduire and similar verbs
4. review of the imperative mood
5. review personal object pronouns and their placement
6. overview of Belgium
Unit 3: “Soyons Responsables!”
1. asking for, granting, and refusing permission
2. expressions of obligation and responsibility
3. expressions of reproach, justification, and rejection
4. the subjunctive mood
5. the negative infinitive
6. environmental issues in Switzerland
Unit 4: “Des Goûts et Des Couleurs”
1. review asking for and giving opinions regarding clothing
2. pointing out people and things
3. review paying and responding to compliments
4. review interrogative and demonstrative pronouns
5. the “causative faire” structure
6. French fashion
Unit 5: “C’est Notre Avenir”
1. asking about and expressing intentions and conditions
2. projecting future plans
3. expressions of wish and indecision
4. the future tense of all regular and irregular verbs
5. the conditional tense of all regular and irregular verbs
6. Senegalese teenagers and their future
Unit 6: “Ma Famille, Mes Copains et Moi”
1. review of formulating suggestions
2. showing and responding to hospitality
3. expressing and responding to thanks
4. the reflexive structure and reciprocal actions
5. the past infinitve structure
6. overview of life in Morocco
Unit 7: “Un Safari-Photo”
1. making suppositions
2. expressions of doubt and certainty
3. expressing astonishment and fear
4. subjunctive usages
5. the subjunctive versus the indicative moods
6. irregular subjunctive forms
7. overview of the Central African Republic
Unit 8: “La Tunisie, Pays de Contrastes”
1. expressions of hope or wishes
2. giving advice
French III Honors: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Languages
DATE: 2006-2007
QPA: 4.5
TEXTBOOKS: Discovering French Nouveau! Blanc 2
WORKBOOKS: Discovering French Nouveau! Blanc 2 Workbook
Discovering French Nouveau! Blanc 2 Activity Book
MATERIALS: Discovering French Nouveau! Blanc: video, audio, computerassisted components
McDougal Littell, 2004
GOALS: Students will
1. build and reinforce active and effective communication skills.
2. develop reading skills to include reading for pleasure, reading for content, and
reading fiction.
3. build a strong linguistic base to support writing in French in a variety of formats.
4. develop cultural connections to France and the French-speaking world.
Unit 5: « Vive le sport ! »
Talking about sports and health
Identifying parts of the body
Talking about daily activities and personal care
Narrating past activities
Learning which sports the French enjoy
Learning how the French stay fit
Using French to communicate with a doctor when sick
the verb courir
Expressions of time, adverbs of frequency
Talking about location using the pronoun y
Talking about quantities using en
Reading authentic realia for information and reading for pleasure
Describing appearance
Reflexive verbs: present, imperative, passé compose, and infinitive
Describing past activities
Giving orders
Unit 6: “Chez Nous”
Talking about the past
Describing one’s home, rooms, and furnishings
The verb ouvrir
Learning about French houses and comparing to American
5. Talking about and describing what one used to do
6. The imparfait (its forms, uses, as contrasted with the passé
7. Describing actions that were in progress
8. Reading for pleasure and information
9. Describing the background of a past action
10. Describing people and things
11. Relative pronouns qui and que
12. Describing the circumstances of an event
13. Describing the past (use of the imparfait and the passé
14. The verb vivre
15. Prepositions of time
16. French schools long ago
17. Attractions of the city of Montreal
Unit 7: “Soyez a la mode”
Content :
Describing clothes and accessories
Counting and ranking items in a series
Making comparisons using adjectives and adverbs
Shopping in a French department store
Numbers 100 to 1 000 000
Ordinal numbers
Reviewing descriptive adjectives
Adverbs ending in –ment
9. Superlative of adjectives
10. Interrogative pronoun lequel? and demonstrative pronoun celui
11. Clothing and shoe sizes
12. Learning how French people dress
Unit 8: “Bonnes vacances”
Discussing summer vacations
Describing vacation plans
Planning a camping trip
Traveling by plane or train
Talking about one’s plans and describing what one will do in
the future
6. Talking about the future
7. Setting conditions, discussing what would occur, describing
8. Naming many countries in the world
9. Using prepositions with the names of countries
10. The verbs recevoir and apercevoir
11. Formation of regular and irregular future tense
12. Using the future in si-clauses and after quand
13. Formation of the conditional tense
14. Using the conditional to express politeness and with si-clauses
15. Comparing vacations in France and the United States
Unit 8: “Bonnes vacances”
Content :
Discussing summer vacations
Describing vacation plans
Planning a camping trip
Traveling by plane or train
Talking about one’s plans and describing what one will do in
the future
6. Talking about what one would do under a variety of
7. Setting conditions, discussing what would occur, describing
8. Naming many countries in the world
9. Using prepositions with the names of countries
10. The verbs recevoir and apercevoir
11. Forming the future tense of regular and irregular verbs
12. Using the future in si-clauses and after quand
13. Forming the conditional tense
14. Using the conditional to express politeness and with si-clauses
15. Comparing vacations in France and the United States
Unit 9: “Bonne route”
Content :
1. Talking about and describing cars and parts of cars
2. Having one’s car serviced
3. Getting a driver’s license
4. Using the verbs conduire and suivre
5. Expressing how one feels about certain events
6. Talking about past and present events
7. Adjective + de + the infinitive
8. Prepositions pour, sans, avant de, en
9. Prepositions + the infinitive
10. Constructing the present participle
11. Saying what one and others have to do
12. Telling others what one wants and expects them to do
13. The present subjunctive of regular and irregular verbs
14. Getting a driver’s license in France
15. Learning what kinds of the cars the French drive
French III Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…………
Unit 1: “France, les Régions”
1. Converse with someone that they have not seen recently and exchange updated
2. Inquire about someone’s trip and express enthusiasm or dissatisfaction as a response.
3. Classify food items as an appetizer, a main course, or dessert.
4. Correctly use the two past tenses: the passé composé versus the imparfait.
5. Create and write conversations between a server and a customer regarding food, and
also between old friends.
6. Identify food specialties by the region and recognize French food-related vocabulary
so they are comfortable ordering in a francophone country.
Unit 2: “Belgique, Nous Voilà!”
1. Ask for, give and follow directions when traveling in a francophone country.
2. Communicate car troubles and ask for services relating to a car.
3. Form and use the présent and passé composé of the verb “conduire” and verbs that
follow the same pattern: dire, écrire, and lire.
4. Produce and apply the imperative to make commands and suggestions.
5. Sequence correctly sentences containing direct and indirect object pronouns.
6. Write an article about Belgium while traveling through the country by car.
Unit 3: “Soyons Responsables!”
1. Identify vocabulary relating to chores and obligations
2. Ask for, grant, and refuse permission or requests.
3. Form the present subjunctive mood of all regular verbs and the irregular two-stem verbs.
4. Identify impersonal expressions which use the subjunctive mood versus the indicative
5. Apply the negative infinitive structure when speaking about social responsibilities.
6. Discuss major points about Switzerland.
Unit 4: “Des Goûts et Des Couleurs”
1. Identify and describe clothing items and accessories.
2. Ask for opinions on clothing and also to give favorable or unfavorable opinions.
3. Form questions using an interrogative pronoun that asks about a specific person or thing.
4. Point out and identify a specific person or thing with a demonstrative pronoun.
5. Tell what they want done by using the “causative faire” structure.
6. Compare clothing trends in France with those in America.
Unit 5: “C’est Notre Avenir”
1. Identify and use vocabulary pertaining to future plans and choices.
2. Produce the future and conditional tenses of all regular verbs as well as the verbs
that have irregular stems shared by both tenses.
3. Recognize and distinguish the future tense, the conditional tense, and the subjunctive.
4. Relate through speaking and writing their plans after high school.
5. Describe what interests teens from Senegal.
Unit 6: “Ma Famille, Mes Copains et Moi”
1. Suggest activities and ideas in a variety of ways as well as reacting to suggestions
2. Demonstrate that they can make arrangements and appointments.
3. Identify a reciprocal action from a reflexive action using certain reflexive pronouns.
4. Formulate an apology and respond to someone who is quarrelsome.
5. Show hospitality to someone and respond to hospitable offerings.
6. Form the “past infinitive” structure and use it following a conjugated verb.
7. Describe and compare life in a Moroccan family with that of an American family.
Unit 7: “Un Safari-Photo”
1. Describe what one would see on a safari in the rain forest and also on the savannah.
2. Identify a subjunctive clause from an infinitive phrase.
3. Distinguish the subjunctive expressions of doubt, supposition, and emotion from those
expressions which use the indicative.
4. Form the irregular subjunctive of the following verbs: avoir, etre, aller, and pouvoir.
5. Speak and write in French about an African safari and compare it to a trip to a
natural American park or wilderness.
Unit 8: “La Tunisie, Pays de Contrastes”
1. Identify vocabulary for traditional activities and items found in Tunisia as well as
words relating to city life.
2. Create a letter containing closing expressions and phrases for asking someone to
convey good wishes.
3. Produce conditional sentences “si” clauses using both the imperfect and conditional
tenses to express hopes, wishes, and give advice.
4. Make comparisons using nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
5. Compare and contrast Tunisian and Moroccan traditions.
Unit 9: “C’est l’Fun”
1. Classify movies and television programs, make judgements about them, and make
recommendations for viewing.
2. Use and place correctly all negative words and expressions in various sentence types.
3. Categorize expressions of agreement and disagreement.
4. Summarize and retell a story .
5. Make longer sophisticated sentences by joining two clauses or more with the
relative pronouns: qui, que, and dont.
6. Integrate material from “Allez, viens!” level 1 regarding Quebec City and Montreal.
Unit 10: “Rencontres au Soleil”
1. Demonstrate a skill to flatter and also tease someone.
2. Compose sentences using the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.
3. Relate news and respond with interes and disbelief.
4. Form and use the past-perfect tense of “avoir” and “etre” verbs to say that something
happened even farther in the past than some other event.
5. Bring up a joke and tell it.
6. Identify and talk about marine life on Gaudeloupe.
Unit 11: “”Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler”
1. Give positive and negative opinions when asked.
2. Extend their vocabulary to agree or disagree with opinions.
3. Ask others for explanations for more information.
4. Make observations using the relative pronouns “ce qui” and “ce que” to introduce
the thought.
5. Discuss the history of Louisiana, and describe celebrations like “Mardi Gras”.
Unit 12: “Echanges Sportifs et Culturels”
1. Talk about sports and the Olympic Games.
2. Demonstrate a knowledge of use of the subjunctive from the indicative
with expressions of anticipation, doubt, and certainty.
3. Identify conjunctions that require the future tense in French.
4. React to an exciting or disappointing event.
5. Describe people from various parts of the francophone world.
French III Honors Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…
UNIT 5: “Vive le sport”
1. Name, describe, and discuss their favorite sports
Answer questions using y and en, talk about location, and quantities
Describe their daily routine, hygiene, and personal care
Describe past activities
Identify various parts of the body and describe a person’s physical features and
6. Let a doctor know what is wrong when feeling sick or in pain
7. Read authentic realia for information
8. Talk about what sports French people enjoy
9. Talk about how French people stay in shape
10. Talk about one’s health and describe common pains and illnesses
11. Use the verb courir and croire
12. Read for pleasure and develop logical thinking
13. Talk about how often using adverbs of frequency
14. Use reflexive verbs
15. Compare French and American daily routines
16. Talk about and describe one’s routine activities in the past
17. Give orders and advice
UNIT 6: “Chez nous”
Content :
1. Describe what one used to do
2. Say what people were doing at a certain time in the past
3. Describe the background of a past action
4. Describe the past
5. Read for pleasure
6. Describe using qui and que
7. Describe French houses
8. Describe the location of their homes
9. Identify rooms of the house, furniture, appliances
10. Describe what their home looks like
11. Read classified ads and ask about a rental
12. Use the verb vivre
13. Contract the passé compose and the imparfait
14. Use the imperfect tense of regular verbs and être
15. Make requests, use and understand polite commands when speaking and listening
16. Use authentic materials when reading: advertisements
17. Write short guided compositions
18. Talk about Montreal, what to see, and what to do
Unit 7: “Soyez à la mode”
Content :
1. Describe clothing, jewelry, and accessories: their color, design, fabric, material,
size and fit
2. Discuss what people are wearing
3. Talk about different types of clothing stores
4. Express opinions about size, looks, prices
5. Read a size chart
6. Use regular and irregular adjectives to describe people, things, actions, and how
things are done
7. Ask about prices
8. Indicate sequence and rank items in a series
9. Use cardinal and ordinal numbers
10. Use adverbs with –ment
11. Express comparisons using descriptive adjectives and adverbs
12. Compare actions and how things are done
13. Talk about when actions are done
14. Use superlative forms and to say who or what is best
15. Shop in a French department sotre
16. Ask for clarification
17. Use the interrogative pronoun lequel
18. Use the demonstrative pronoun celui
UNIT 8: “Bonnes vacances”
1. Talk about vacation plans, describe actions and activities
2. Plan a camping trip
3. Identify countries and use geographical terms
4. Use public transportation, buy tickets, check schedules
5. Read a train schedule for information
6. Use definite articles with the names of countries
7. Identify French vacation destinations
8. Use prepositions with the names of countries
9. Use the verbs recevoir and apercevoir
10. Talk about the future using regular and irregular verbs
11. Talk about what will happen if certain conditions are met using si- and quand
12. Talk about the past
13. Talk about what one would do under certain conditions
14. Express polite requests
15. Talk about hypothetical situations
16. Compare French and American train stations
17. Use the conditional tense and the conditional tense with si-clauses
UNIT 9: “Bonnes route”
1. Describe cars
2. Get a car services
3. Read, talk about, and compare French and American driving regulations
4. Use the verbs conduire and suivre
5. Express how one feels about certain events
6. Use the contruction: adjective + de + infinitive
7. Use the construction: preposition + infinitive
8. Use the construction: en + the present participle
9. Identify the kinds of French ars
10. Express necessity or obligation
11. Use the subjunctive of regular verbs
12. Use the subjunctive after il faut que and vouloir que
13. Compare French and American driving habits
14. Express obligation and wishes
15. Tell others what one wants or expects them to do
16. Read authentic materials such as brochures
17. Write short guided compositions
FRENCH IV: Goals and Course Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
DATE: 2007-2008
COURSE NO.: 4430
Textbook: Trésors du Temps
Workbook: Trésors du Temps
Publisher: Glencoe/ McGraw-Hill
GOALS: Students will….
1. Acquire a knowledge of the geography and historical milestone events.
2. Identify principal historical figures and their role in French history.
3. Read selections of prose, poetry, and/or drama by some of the more noted authors
of the period.
4. Relate through oral and written form their analyses and opinions of the history
and literary readings.
5. Review all essential, previously studied points of grammar and be introduced to
more advanced skills and concepts.
UNIT 1 = “Prehistoric France”
1. Un peu d’histoire: prehistoric France
2. Vie et littérature: the provinces and departments of France
3. Prefectionnez votre grammaire:
a. the irregular verbs: étre, avoir, aller, and faire.
b. “depuis” with the duration of time
c. “pendant” in expressions of time
UNIT 2 = “ Roman France and the Early Middle Ages”
1. Un peu d’histoire: Roman Gaul to the beginning of the Middle Ages
2. Vie et littérature: “De bello gallico” (Jules César)
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. present tense of all regular –er, -ir, and –re verbs
b. present tense of –oir verbs
c. the imperative mood
d. two verbs with or without a preposition
e. placement of common adverbs
UNIT 3 = “The Middle Ages”
1. Un peu d’histoire: a. Charles Martel
b. Charlemagne
c. William the Conqueror
2. Vie et littérature: a. “La Chanson de Roland”
b. “Tristan et Yseut”
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. the imparfait
b. the passé composé
c. the passé simple (literary past)
d. the plus-que-parfait
e. agreement of past participle in compound tenses
UNIT 4 = “The Crusades and the Hundred Years War”
1. Un peu d’histoire: a. The French and the Crusades
b. Jeanne d’Arc and the Hundred Years War
2. Vie et littérature: “La Farce de Maitre Pathelin”
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. the direct and indirect object pronouns
b. two object pronouns in one sentence
UNIT 5 = “The Renaissance and the Reformation”
1. Un peu d’histoire: The Renaissance and the Reformation
2. Vie et littérature: a. “La naissance de Pantagruel” (François Rabelais)
b. “Contre le colonialisme” (Michel de Montaigne)
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. the future tense of all verbs
b. the conditional tense of all verbs
UNIT 6 = “The 17th Century and the Classical Age”
1. Un peu d’histoire: Cardinal Richelieu and Louis XIV
2. Vie et littérature: “L’École des femmes” (Molière)
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. the present forms of the subjunctive mood
b. the subjunctive usages
c. the past subjunctive
UNIT 7 = “The 18th Century and the Enlightnement”
1. Un peu d’histoire: The Regency and Louis XV
2. Vie et littérature: “Candide ou l’optimisme” (Voltaire)
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. the reflexive verbs and structure
b. the causative “faire”
UNIT 8 = “Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette”
1. Un peu d’histoire: The End of the Monarchy and the Storming of the Bastille
2. Vie et littérature: a. “Souvenirs” (Mme Vigee-Lebrun)
b. “La Prise de la Bastille par un de ses défenseurs” (Louis Defluxe)
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. adjective agreement and placement
b. negative expressions
c. the present participle
UNIT 9 = “The Bloody Revolution”
1. Un peu d’histoire: The end of the monarchy and the beginning of the Republic
2. Vie et littérature: “A Paris sous la Terreur” (Anonymous)
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. the possessive pronouns
b. the relative pronouns
UNIT 10 = “Napoleon”
1. Un peu d’histoire: The Empire
2. Vie et littérature: “Le Retour de Russie” (Victor Hugo)
3. Perfectionnez votre grammaire: a. the interrogative pronouns
b. the demonstrative pronouns
French IV Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…….
Unit 1: “Prehistoric France”
1. Trace the prehistoric roots of France.
2. Name the seas, major rivers, mountain ranges and cities in France.
3. Describe the major regions of France by their physical and economical features.
4. Use the most common irregular verbs idiomatically.
5. Express duration of time with the present and future tenses.
Unit 2: “Roman France and the Early Middle Ages”
1. Explain how the Romans came to occupy “Gaul”and their influence on the Gauls.
2. Describe the life of the Celtic tribes in Gaul and the first French hero “Vercingétorix”.
3. Explain the role of the Christian Church under at the beginning of the Middle Ages in France.
4. Form and use the present tense of all verbs.
5. Distinguish which verbs in French use a preposition before an infinitive versus those that do not.
6. Place common adverbs correctly in a French sentence.
Unit 3: “The Middle Ages”
1. Compare the reign of Clovis to that of his descendants.
2. Differentiate between a king and an emperor.
3. Discuss the contributions of Charlemagne as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
4. Describe the creation of the province of Normandie and its conquest of England under William,
Duke of Normandie.
5. Compare and contrast the literary genres of the Middle Ages: the “chansons de geste” versus
the “romans courtois”.
6. Form all past tenses and differentiate their usages from each other in everyday situations.
Unit 4: “The Crusades and the Hundred Years War”
1. Describe the situation in the Holy Land that precipitated the Crusades.
2. Name the important results that were realized because of the Crusades.
3. Sequence the causes of the Hundred Years War and the role of Jeanne d’Arc in that war.
4. Explain how the “farce” as a literary genre helped the people to laugh in spite of the times.
5. Distinguish a direct object from an indirect object and replace each with the appropriate pronoun
6. Form sentences using two object pronouns within one sentence.
Unit 5: “The Renaissance and the Reformation”
1. Describe how the Renaissance brought change to France.
2. Explain why the Reformation occurred and its existence in Catholic France.
3. Analyze the story of the giant “Pantagruel” and explain the purpose of Rabelais in using giants in
his writings.
4. Discuss the actions of the early explorers in the New World towards the indigenous people in
Montaigne’s exerpt from his “Essais”.
5. Compare and contrast both the formation and the usage of the future and conditional tenses.
6. Formulate conditional sentences using both the future and conditional tenses in a result clause.
Unit 6: “The 17th Century and the Classical Age”
1. Relate how Cardinal Richelieu guided the political situation of France under Louis XIII.
2. Summarize the reign of Louis XIV.
3. Explain why the territories of France did not grow under Louis XIV.
4. Examine in an exerpt from Moliere’s “L’Ecole des Femmes” his depiction of real people and why
his themes are universal.
5. Formulate the present and past tenses as they relate to the subjunctive mood.
6. Distinguish the usage of the subjunctive mood from the indicative mood.
Unit 7: “The 18th Century and the Age of Enlightenement”
1. Compare life under the Regency and Louis XV to that of Louis XIV.
2. Describe how certain philosophers helped usher in some new ideas of liberty.
3. Interpret how Voltaire in his work “Candide” is criticizing the society in which men lived at this
4. Identify a reflexive action from a non-reflexive action.
5. Express how someone can cause an action to be done by someone else using the verb “faire”.
Unit 8: “Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette”
1. Connect the events that led to the storming of the Bastille and the Revolution.
2. Explain why France helped in America’s War of Independence.
3. Decide through a reading and a film if Marie-Antoinette is portrayed fairly in history.
4. Place adjectives correctly in a French sentence.
5. Formulate negative sentences using a variety of negative expressions.
6. Compare the present participle in form and usage to the past participle.
Unit 9: “The Bloody Revolution”
1. Explain how and why Louis XVI is dethroned and the establishment of the Republic.
2. Name the changes and innovations brought about by the Revolution.
3. Discover how life had changed for many under the Terror by reading an exerpt from an unknown
4. Change possessive structures by replacing them with possessive pronouns.
5. Show how to connect two sentences into one by using relative pronouns.
Unit 10: “Napoleon”
1. Trace the rise of Napoleon from the Revolution to his ascension to Emperor.
2. Name the innovations that Napoleon put into practice.
3. Describe the reasons for the downfall of Napoleon.
4. Interpret a poem by Hugo describing Napoleon’s tragic retreat from Russia and then view a short
documentary chronichling this event.
5. Formulate questions using all types of interrogative pronouns.
6. Respond to questions using demonstrative pronouns instead of demonstrative phrases.
Latin I: Goals and Course Outlines
DEPARTMENT: World Language
 Year
DATE: 2007-2008
QPA: 5
Textbook: Latin for Americans
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill (2003)
GOALS: Students will….
1. Demonstrate a knowledge of Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes by recognizing
them in English words of Latin origin.
2. Compare, contrast, and apply the language patterns and grammar of Latin to that
of English.
3. Read and then interpret short passages in Latin of selected authors.
4. Demonstrate a basic knowledge of the daily life of the ancient Romans and
recognize differences and similarities of ancient and modern cultures.
5. Apply their knowledge of Latin in learning the “Romance Languages” of French
or Spanish.
Unit 1: The Roman World: Roman Italy
1. the nominative case of 1st and 2nd declension nouns
2. adjective agreement with nouns of the 1st and 2nd declension
3. the accusative case of 1st and 2nd declension nouns
4. the present tense of 1st conjugation verbs
5. word order in Latin sentences vs. English sentences
6. contributions of Roman culture in Western civilization
Unit 2: Roman Influence
1. The genitive case of 1st and 2nd declension nouns
2. The future tense formation of 1st conjugation verbs
3. The dative case of 1st and 2nd declension nouns
4. The ablative case of 1st and 2nd declension nouns
5. The imperative structure of 1st conjugation verbs
6. The Eternal City
Unit 3: Romans at Home and Abroad
1. The present and future tenses of 2nd conjugation verbs
2. The ablative of “place”
3. The perfect tense of 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs
4. The vocative case
5. The present tense of the verb “sum”
6. The 2nd declension neuter nouns
7. Roman slavery
Unit 4: Roman Society
1. The future and perfect tense of “sum”
2. Various usages of the infinitive
3. Yes/no questions
4. The interrogative pronouns “quis” and “quid”
5. The present and perfect tenses of all 3rd and 4th conjugation verbs
6. Appositives
7. Review word order
8. The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD
Unit 5: Roman Poets, Gods, and Heroic Journeys
1. The future of all –io verbs
2. Formation of adverbs from adjectives
3. The ablative of accompaniment
4. Idioms
5. The imperfect tense a of all 4 conjugations
6. The passive voice
7. Transitive and intransitive verbs
8. The ablative of agent
9. Dress and appearance of the Romans
Unit 6: Mission to a New World: Aeneas and Rome
1. Words used as nouns
2. The past and future perfect active tenses of all 4 conjugations
3. The personal pronouns
4. The perfect, past perfect, and future perfect passive tenses of all 4 conjugations
5. The present passive infinitive
6. Passages from Vergil’s “Aeneid”
Unit 7: Schools, Sites, and Sights in the Roman Empire
1. The relative pronouns
2. The ablative of manner
3. The interrogative adjectives and pronouns
4. Roman education
Unit 8: Adventures Abroad and Life at Home
1. 3rd declension nouns
2. The irregular verb “possum”
3. The ablative absolute structure
4. Amusements and sports of the Romans
Latin I Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…..
Unit 1: The Roman World: Roman Italy
1. Recall the Latin endings of the nominative and accusative cases of 1st and 2nd declension
2. Identify a subject, predicate noun, and direct object of 1st and 2nd declension nouns by
their case endings.
3. Use adjectives in Latin by making them agree with the nouns they modify in gender
and number.
4. Form the present tense of 1st conjugation verbs.
5. Translate a simple Latin sentence through inflection on words and not word order.
6. Explain how the Romans have influenced and impacted modern civilization in our
language, government, architecture, and literature.
Unit 2: Roman Influence
1. Recognize the endings of the genitive, dative, and ablative cases of 1st and 2nd
declension nouns.
2. Identify a noun showing possession, an indirect object, and an ablative of “means” of
1st and 2nd declension nouns by their case endings.
3. Form the future tense of 1st conjugation verbs
4. Form the singular and plural imperatives of 1st conjugation verbs.
5. Describe the layout of Rome and its important ancient features.
Unit 3: Romans at Home and Abroad
1. Form and translate the present and future tenses of all 2nd conjugation verbs.
2. Identify the ablative of “place” structure from that of ‘means”.
3. Form and translate the perfect tense of all 1st and 2nd conjugation verbs.
4. Recognize the vocative endings of 1st and 2nd declension nouns to indicate direct
5. Use the verb “sum” in the present tense along with predicate nouns vs. direct objects.
6. Distinguish 2nd declension neuter nouns from 2nd declension masculine nouns.
7. Discuss and compare the role and life of slaves in Roman times to modern slavery.
Unit 4: Roman Life
1. Form the future and perfect tenses of the verb “sum”.
2. Identify and use the infinitve as a subject, predicate noun, and object of a sentence.
3. Ask and respond to questions in Latin.
4. Form the present and perfect tenses of 3rd and 4th conjugation verbs.
5. Identify an appositive in a sentence and determine its case by the antecedent.
6. Translate sentences, not by word order but by case endings.
7. Discuss the destruction of Pompeii by the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD.
Unit 5: Roman Poets, Gods , and Heroic Journeys
1. Form the future of all verbs ending in –io, whether they are –ere verbs or –īre verbs.
2. Create the equivalent of a –ly adverb in Latin by changing the adjective suffix –us to –ē.
3. Distinguish the difference between an ablative of means from an ablative of accompaniment.
4. Interpret idiomatic structures from their leteral meanings.
5. Form the imperfect tense of all 4 conjugation verbs and identify the tense by the sign –ba.
6. Change verbs from the active voice to the passive in the present, future, and imperfect tenses.
7. Distinguish transitive verbs from intransitive verbs in Latin by their 4th principal part.
8. Express the doer of an action in the passive voice by the ablative of agent.
9. Describe the clothing and grooming of Roman men and women.
Unit 6: Mission to a New World: Aeneas and Rome
1. Use adjectives as nouns in sentences and distinguish gender by inflection.
2. Form the past-perfect and future perfect active tenses and compare their usage to that in English.
3. Identify and use subject and object pronouns in writing Latin sentences.
4. Form the perfect tenses in the passive voice of all 4 conjugations.
5. Distinguish the present active from the present passive infinitive.
6. Relate the story of the Trojan “Aeneas” and his journey to his new life, and compare this to
Homer’s hero “Ulysses”.
Unit 7: Schools, Sites, and Sights in the Roman Empire
1. Identify a relative pronoun and its antecedent in a clause and select the correct form in
2. Distinguish the ablative of manner from the ablative usages of means and of accompaniment.
3. Use the relative pronouns as interrogative adjectives and form questions of information by
using the interrogative pronouns.
4. Distinguish the relative pronouns from the interrogative pronouns from usage.
5. Compare the educational values and methods of the Romans to education today.
Unit 8: Adventures Abroad and Life at Home
1. Identify all the case endings of the 3rd declension nouns in all genders.
2. Compare the irregular verb “possum” to the base verb “sum” and then conjugate it in all
of the active voice tenses.
3. Distinguish the ablative absolute from a participial clause by its structure and usage.
4. Discuss what the most popular forms of entertainment were in the Roman world.
Latin II: Course Goals and Outline
DEPARTMENT: World Language
DATE: 2007-2008
QPA: 4.5
Textbook: Latin for Americans
Publisher: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill
GOALS: Students will……
1. Recognize the relationship of Latin and Greek roots to their derivatives and
cognates in English.
2. Demonstrate a knowledge of vocabulary, the inflectional system, and syntax in
their writing.
3. Read and interpret passages in Latin composed for their acquisition of content and
development of language skills.
4. Demonstrate a knowledge of the people and facts of Roman history and political
life taken from their texts.
5. Compare the issues of cultural differences of the ancient world with similar issues
of the modern world.
Unit 1: The Adventures of Ulysses, Romulus, Remus, and Pyrrhus
The 3rd declension neuter and i-stem nouns
The 3rd declension adjectives
The ablative of “respect”
Roman foods and meals
Unit 2: Myths, Legends, and History of Early Greece and Rome
The demonstratives: adjectives and pronouns
The ablative of “time” when
The personal pronouns: he, she, it, and they
Roman gods, goddesses and their myths and legends
Unit 3: “Roman Gods and Roman Heroes”
Review of 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension nouns and adjectives
The 4th declension nouns
Stages of Roman government and its citizenry
Unit 4: Preserverance, Patriotism, and Courage
1. Review of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, conjugation verbs in all tenses both active and
passive voices
2. The 5th declension nouns
3. Roman economic and social conditions
Latin II Unit Proficiencies
Students will be able to…
Unit 1: The Adventures of Ulysses, Romulus, Remus, and Pyrrhus
1. Decline neuter nouns of the 3rd declension and apply the “neuter law”.
2. Make agreement between a noun and adjective of the 3rd declension as well as
cross agreement between nouns and adjectives of all three declensions.
3. Distinguish the difference between an ablative of “respect” and “means.”
4. Create a Latin meal.
Unit 2: Myths, Legends, and History of Early Greece and Rome
1. Use the demonstrative correctly as either an adjective or pronoun in a sentence.
2. Compare the ablative of “time when” from the ablative of “place where”, and be
able to distinguish by usage not translation.
3. Use the personal subject and object pronouns in sentences according to their case
4. Discuss the role of religion in Roman society.
Unit 3: Roman Gods and Roman Heroes
1. Distinguish and use all 1st, 2nd, and 3rd declension nouns and adjectives correctly
to create sentences.
2. Decline 4th declension nouns and adjectives and use correct case forms to read
and translate Latin sentences.
3. Describe the various stages of rule from Rome’s inception to its fall around 476
Unit 4: Perseverance, Patriotism, and Courage
1. Form all tenses in the active and passive voices and recognize each from the other
in usage.
2. Decline 5th declension nouns and adjectives and use correct case forms to read
and translate Latin sentences.
3. Discuss commerce in the Roman world and the lifestyle of citizens in Rome and
the provinces.