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International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences
Vol. 10, 2015, no. 1, 1 - 11
Nano PS -Open Sets and Nano PS -Continuity
Mohammed M. Khalaf and Kamal N. Nimer
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science, Al-Azahar University, Asuiat, Egypt
Current Address: Al-Zulfi College of Science, Majmaah University
Saudi Arabia
Copyright © 2014 Mohammed M. Khalaf and Kamal N. Nimer. This is an open access article
distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The purpose of this paper is to introduce a new class of sets called Nano 𝑃𝑆 -open
sets in Nano-topological spaces. This class of sets lies strictly between the classes
of Nano 𝛿- open and Nano -preopen sets. By using this sets we defined and study
the concept of Nano 𝑃𝑆 -continuous function
Keywords: Nano topological space, Nano PS -open, Nano PS -continuous function
1. Introduction
Lellis Thivagar [1] introduced a nano topological space with respect to a
subset X of an universe which is defined in terms of lower and upper
approximations of X. The elements of a nano topological space are called the
nano-open sets. He has also studied nano closure and nano interior of a set. Njastad
[5], Levine [2] and Mashhour [3] respectively introduced the notions of - open,
semi-open and pre-open sets. Since then these concepts have been widely
investigated. It was made clear that each -open set is semi-open and pre-open but
the converse of each is not true. Njastad has shown that the family of - open sets is a
topology on X satisfying. The families SO (𝑋, 𝜏) of all semi–open sets and
PO(𝑋, 𝜏) of all preopen sets in (𝑋, 𝜏) are not topologies. It was proved that both
SO(𝑋, 𝜏) and PO(𝑋, 𝜏) are closed under arbitrary unions but not under finite
In this paper we introduce a new class of sets called Nano PS -open sets in Nanotopological spaces and study the concept of Nano PS -continuous function.
Mohammed M. Khalaf and Kamal N. Nimer
Throughout this paper, a space πœπ‘… (𝑋) is a topology on U called the nano
topology on with respect to X . We recall the following definitions, notions and
Definition 1.1 [1] Let π‘ˆ be the universe, 𝑅 be an equivalence relation on π‘ˆ and
πœπ‘… (𝑋) = {π‘ˆ, βˆ…, 𝐿𝑅 (𝑋), π‘ˆπ‘… (𝑋), 𝐡𝑅 (𝑋)} where X  U . If πœπ‘… (𝑋) satisfies the
following axioms:
(i) U ,  οƒŽο΄ R ( X )
(ii) The union of the elements of any subcollection of πœπ‘… (𝑋) is in πœπ‘… (𝑋)
(iii) The intersection of the elements of any finite subcollection of πœπ‘… (𝑋) is in
πœπ‘… (𝑋)
Then πœπ‘… (𝑋) is a topology on U called the nano topology on with respect to X .
We call as the NANO TOP space The elements of πœπ‘… (𝑋) are called as nano-open
Definition 1.2 [1] If (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is NANO TOP space with respect to X where X
 U and if A  U , then the nano interior of A is defined as the union of all
nano-open subsets of A and it is denoted by N int(A) . That is, N int(A) is the
largest nano-open subset of A . The nano closure of A is defined as the
intersection of all nano closed sets containing A and it is denoted by Ncl (A) .
That is, Ncl (A) is the smallest nano closed set containing A .
Definition 1.3 [1] A NANO TOP space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is said to be extremally
disconnected, if the nano closure of each nano-open set is nano-open.
Definition 1.4 Let πœπ‘… (𝑋) be a NANO TOP on U with respect to X . A subset
A of U is said to be nanosemi-open [2] (by short N 𝑆𝑂 -open) (resp.
nanopreopen [3] (by short N 𝑃-open) , nano  -open [4] (by short N 𝛼-open),
nano-  -open (by short N 𝛽-open) or nanosemi-preopen (by short N 𝑆𝑃-open),
nano- b -open(by short N 𝑏-open) ) if A οƒŒ cl (int ( A))
A οƒŒ int (cl ( A)), A οƒŒ int (cl (int ( A))), A οƒŒ cl (int (cl ( A))), A οƒŒ cl (int ( A)) οƒˆ int (cl ( A))
The family of all nano semi-open (resp. nanopreopen, nano-  -open, nano- 
-open, nano- b -open) sets in X is denoted by NSO(U , X ) (resp. NPO(U , X ) ,
N (U , X ) , N (U , X ) , NbO(U , X )
The intersection of all NPC (U , X ) (resp. NSC (U , X ) and NC (U , X ) ) sets of U
containing a subset A is called the NPclosure(U , X ) (resp. NSclosure(U , X ) and
N closure(U , X ) ) of A . The union of all NPO(U , X ) (resp. NSO(U , X ) ) sets of
U contained in A is called the NPinterior (U , X ) (resp. NSinterior (U , X ) ) of A
Nano 𝑃𝑆 -open sets and nano 𝑃𝑆 -continuity
Definition 1.5 Let πœπ‘… (𝑋) be a NANO TOP on U with respect to X . A subset
A of U is said to be
1- A subset A of U is said to be nanoregular-open (by short N π‘Ÿ -open) if
A ο€½ N (int (cl ( A)))
2- Nano 𝛿 -open (by short NO(U , X ) ) if for each x οƒŽ A , there exists an
Nro(U , X ) G such that x οƒŽ G οƒŒ N (int (cl (G))) οƒŒ A
3- Nano πœƒ -open (by short NO(U , X ) ) if for each x οƒŽ A , there exists an
NO(U , X ) G such that x οƒŽ G οƒŒ N (cl (G))) οƒŒ A
The intersection of all N 𝛿-closed sets of U containing A is called the Nano 𝛿
-closure (by short 𝑁𝑐𝑙𝛿 (𝐴)). The union of all N 𝛿-open sets of U containing A
is called the Nano 𝛿 -interior (by short 𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑑𝛿 (𝐴)).
4- is Nano-semi dense set (by short NS dense(U , X ) ) if N (cl (int (clA))) ο€½ A
Definition 1.6 [1] Let πœπ‘… (𝑋) be a NANO TOP on U with respect to X . A
subset A of U is said to be nano-  -semi-open (resp. nano-  -preopen ) if
A οƒŒ cl ( Int ( A)) (resp. A οƒŒ int (cl ( A)) ).
Definition 1.7 Let πœπ‘… (𝑋) be a NANO TOP on U with respect to X . A subset
A of U is said to be Nano 𝑃𝑆 -open (by N 𝑃𝑆 -open ) if for each
x οƒŽ A οƒŽ NPO(U , X ) , there exists a Nano semi-closed (by short NSC (U , X ) ) set
F such that x οƒŽ F  A . The family of all N 𝑃𝑆 -open subsets of πœπ‘… (𝑋) is
denoted by NPS O(U , X )
Proposition 1.1 A subset A of U is said to be N 𝑃𝑆 -open if and only if A is N
𝑃𝑂-open and union of
NSC (U , X ) sets
Proof. Obvious
Proposition 1.3 If A and B are N 𝑃𝑆 -open subsets of is NANO TOP space
(π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) and if the family of all N 𝑃𝑂-open sets in U forms a NANO TOP
πœπ‘… (𝑋) of U , then A ∩ B is N 𝑃𝑆 -open set and hence the family of N 𝑃𝑆 -open
sets forms a NANO TOP πœπ‘… (𝑋) of U
Definition 1.8 A space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is semi ο€­ T1 if for each pair of distinct points
x, y οƒŽU , there exists a pair of NSO(U , X ) sets containing x but not y and the
other containing y but not x
Theorem 1.1 A space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋))
singleton set {x} is NSC (U , X ) set
is semi ο€­ T1 if for any point x οƒŽU , the
Mohammed M. Khalaf and Kamal N. Nimer
Theorem 1.2 If a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is semi ο€­ T1 , then
NPSO(U , X ) ο€½ NPO(U , X )
Proof. Let A  U and AοƒŽ NPO(U , X ) . If A ο€½  , then AοƒŽ NPO(U , X ) If
A ο‚Ή  , then for each x οƒŽ A . Since a space (U , R ( X )) is semi ο€­ T1 , then by
Theorem 1.1, {x} is NSC (U , X ) set and hence x οƒŽ{x} οƒŒ A . Therefore
AοƒŽ NPSO(U , X ) . Hence NPO(U , X ) οƒŒ NPSO(U , X ) ). But
NPSO(U , X ) οƒŒ NPO(U , X ) in general. Therefore, NPSO(U , X ) ο€½ NPO(U , X )
Definition 1.9 A space (U , R ( X ) is Nano s-regular (by short N π‘ π‘Ÿ(π‘ˆ, 𝑋)) if for
each x οƒŽU and each
NO(U , X ) set G containing x , there exists a NSO(U , X ) set H
such that x οƒŽ H οƒŒ NSclosure( H ) οƒŒ G
Lemma 1.1 For any subset A of a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)), then AοƒŽ NPO(U , X ) if
and only if
NSclosure(A) ο€½ N (int(cl ( A)))
Theorem 1.3 For any subset A of a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)). If A οƒŽ NO(U , X ) , then
AοƒŽ NPSO(U , X )
Proof. Let A οƒŽ NO(U , X ) . If A ο€½  , then AοƒŽ NPSO(U , X ) . If A ο‚Ή  , then
for each x οƒŽ A there exists an NO(U , X ) set B such that
x οƒŽ B οƒŒ N (cl (int ( B))) οƒŒ A . Since B is NO(U , X ) and hence B οƒŽ NPO(U , X ) .
By Lemma 1.1 NSclosure((B)) ο€½ N (int(cl ( B))) . Then x οƒŽ B οƒŒ NSclosure(( B)) οƒŒ A
implies that x οƒŽ NSclosure(( B)) οƒŒ A and NSclosure(( B)) οƒŽ NSC (U , X ) Since
A οƒŽ NO(U , X ) and
NO(U , X ) οƒŒ NPO(U , X ) in general, AοƒŽ NPO(U , X ) Therefore
AοƒŽ NPSO(U , X )
Remark 1.1
1. Each N (cl ( NO(U , X )) and hence each Nro(U , X ) set is N 𝑃𝑆 -open
2. Each NO(U , X ) set is N 𝑃𝑆 -open
Lemma 1.2 A space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is hyper connected if and only if Nro(U , X )
ο€½ {U , }
Theorem 2.4 A space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋) is hyper connected if and only if
NPSO(U , X ) ο€½ {U , }
Nano 𝑃𝑆 -open sets and nano 𝑃𝑆 -continuity
Proof. Necessity. Suppose, if possible, that a subset AοƒŽ NPSO(U , X ) If A ο€½  ,
then AοƒŽ NPSO(U , X ) . If A ο‚Ή  , then for each x οƒŽ A there exists an
F οƒŽ NSC (U , X ) such that x οƒŽ F οƒŒ A . Since F οƒŽ NSC (U , X ) , then
NSclosure(int (clF )) οƒŒ F . Since (U , R ( X ) is hyper connected space, then for every
nonempty NPO(U , X ) οƒŒ U is NS dense(U , X ) , so N (cl (int (clF ))) ο€½ U οƒŒ F , this
implies that U ο€½ F . Since F ο€½ U οƒŒ A , then U ο€½ A Therefore, A must be equal to
U , which completes the proof.
Sufficiency. Suppose that NPSO(U , X ) ο€½ {U , } . Since Nro(U , X ) subset of
NPSO(U , X ) in general, then Nro(U , X ) ο€½ {U , } . By Lemma 1.2, we have
(U , R ( X ) is hyper connected.
Definition 1.10 A space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is called locally indiscrete if every
NO(U , X ) is NC (U , X )
Lemma 1.3 If U is locally indiscrete space, then each NSO(U , X ) of U is
NC (U , X ) and hence each NSC (U , X ) of U is NO(U , X )
Theorem 2.5 If a nano topological space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is called locally indiscrete,
then NPSO(U , X ) ο€½  R ( X )
(π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is locally indiscrete space and let A οƒŒ U such that
A οƒŽο΄ R (U ) . Since every NO(U , X ) is NC (U , X ) , then N (int (clA)) ο€½ A this
implies that AοƒŽ NrO(U , X ) . Hence by Remark 1.1 (1), AοƒŽ NPSO(U , X ) . Thus,
 R (U ) οƒŽ NPSO(U , X ) .
On the other hand, let B οƒŽ NPSO(U , X ) , then B οƒŽ NPO(U , X ) and for each
x οƒŽ B , there exists F οƒŽ NSC (U , X ) such that x οƒŽ F οƒŽ B . By Lemma 1.3, F is
NO(U , X ) . It follows that B οƒŽο΄ R (U ) . Hence NPSO(U , X ) οƒŽο΄ R ( X ) . Therefore,
Proof Let
NPSO(U , X ) ο€½  R ( X )
The following diagram show relations among NPSO(U , X ) , NPO(U , X ) ,
NrO(U , X ) , NO(U , X ) , πœπ‘… (𝑋)and N (U , X )
NrO(U , X )
NPSO(U , X )
NO(U , X )
NPO(U , X )
N (U , X )
πœπ‘… (𝑋)
Mohammed M. Khalaf and Kamal N. Nimer
Remark 1.2 In above Diagram, we have the following notes
1. πœπ‘… (𝑋) is not comparable with NPSO(U , X )
2. N (U , X ) is not comparable with NPSO(U , X )
Definition 1.11 A subset B of a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) is called N 𝑃𝑆 -closed if
U B is N 𝑃𝑆 -open set.
The family of all N 𝑃𝑆 -closed subsets of a NANO TOP space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)is
denoted by NPS C (U , X )
Proposition 1.2 A subset B of a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋))
and only B is an intersection of NSO(U , X )
is called NPC (U , X ) if
Proof. Obvious
Corollary 2.1 For any A of a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) . The following conditions are
N closure( NO(U , X ))
N 𝑃𝑆 -open and NC (U , X )
N (U , X ) and NC (U , X )
NPO(U , X ) and NC (U , X )
N 𝑷𝑺 -Continuous Functions
Definition 2.1 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively. is called
N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous at a point x οƒŽU if for each x οƒŽU and each open set B of a
space (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ))
Containing f (x) , there exists a NPS O(U , X ) A of a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋))
containing x such that f ( A) οƒŒ B . If f is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous at every point of U ,
then it is called N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous
Definition 2.2 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively. is called
N -continuous if the inverse image of each NO(U , X ) subset of a space
(𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) is NO(U , X ) in (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋))
Nano 𝑃𝑆 -open sets and nano 𝑃𝑆 -continuity
Definition 2.3 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively. is called
NP -continuous ( resp. N -continuous, N -perfectly continuous, N -complete
continuous, N super-continuous) if the inverse image of each NO(U , X ) subset
of A of a space (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) is NPO(U , X ) ( resp. N (U , X ) ,
N closureO(U , X ) , NRO(U , X ) , NO(U , X ) )
in (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋))
Definition 2.4 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively. is called
N -Almost pre continuous ( resp. N -Almost continuous,) if the inverse image of
each NRO(U , X ) A of a space (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) is NPO(U , X ) ( resp. NO(U , X )
)in (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋))
Definition 2.5 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively. is called
N - continuous ( resp. N -Almost continuous ) if for each x οƒŽU and each
NO(U , X ) A of a space (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) containing f (x) , there exists an
NO(U , X ) B of a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) containing x such that
f ( N (int(clB ))) οƒŒ N (int(clA)) ( resp. f ( N (cl ( B)) οƒŒ N (cl ( A)) )
Definition 2.6 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively. is called
N - contra continuous ( resp. N -contra semi continuous ) if the inverse image of
every NO(U , X ) subset of (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) is NC (U , X ) ( resp. NSC (U , X ) ) of
a space (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋))
Lemma 2.1 Every Ncomplete -continuous and hence every N super-continuous
function is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous and every N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous function NP
Proof. Follows directly from their definitions.
The following diagram show relations among N -complete continuous, N
super-continuous, N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous, N -continuous, N -continuous and NP
Mohammed M. Khalaf and Kamal N. Nimer
N -complete
N super-continuous,
N -continuous
𝑷𝑺 -continuous
NP -continuous
Theorem 2.1 For a function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X
and Y respectively, the following statements are equivalent:
1. 𝑓 is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous
2. 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐴) is N 𝑷𝑺 -open set in (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) of each NO(U , X ) A in
(𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ))
3. 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐹) is N 𝑷𝑺 -closed set in (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) of each NC (U , X ) F in
(𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ))
4. For each NO(U , X ) A in (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)), 𝑓( N 𝑷𝑺 (𝑁𝑐𝑙(𝐴))) βŠ‚ 𝑁(𝑐𝑙(𝑓(𝐴))
5. For each NC (U , X ) F in (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)), 𝑁𝑷𝑺 (𝑁𝑐𝑙(𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐹))) βŠ‚ 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝑁𝑐𝑙(𝐹)
6. For each NO(U , X ) B in (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)), 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑑(𝐡)) βŠ‚ 𝑁𝑃𝑆 (𝑁𝑖𝑛𝑑(𝑓 βˆ’1 𝐡))
Proof. Straight forward.
Theorem 2.2 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively, is
N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous if and only if 𝑓 is NP -continuous and for each x οƒŽU and
each NO(U , X ) B of V containing f (x) , there exists a NSC (U , X ) F in
U containing x such that f ( F ) οƒŒ B
Proof. Necessity. Let x οƒŽU and let V be any NO(U , X ) B containing f (x) .
Since 𝑓 is
N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous, there exists a N 𝑃𝑆 -open set A of U containing x such that
f ( A) οƒŒ B . Since A is N 𝑃𝑆 -open set. Then for each x οƒŽU , there exists a
NSC (U , X ) F in U such that x οƒŽ F οƒŒ U Therefore, we have f ( F ) οƒŒ B . And
also since 𝑓 is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous,. Then 𝑓 is NP -continuous
Sufficiency. let V be any NO(U , X ) V . We have to show that 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) is N
𝑃𝑆 -open set in U . Since 𝑓 is NP -continuous , then𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) is NPO(U , X ) in
U . Let π‘₯ ∈ 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡). Then f ( x) οƒŽ B By hypothesis, there exists a NSC (U , X )
Nano 𝑃𝑆 -open sets and nano 𝑃𝑆 -continuity
F of U containing x such that f ( F ) οƒŒ B . Which implies that x οƒŽ F οƒŒ f ο€­1 (B)
Therefore, 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) is N 𝑃𝑆 -open set in U . Hence by Theorem 2.1, 𝑓 is N
𝑷𝑺 -continuous
Theorem 2.3 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively, is
N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous and NO(U , X ) function and B is NPO(U , X ) in V , 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡)
is NPO(U , X ) in U
Proof. Let B be a NPO (U , X ) in V , then there exists an N -open set G in V
, such that B οƒŒ G οƒŒ N (cl ( B)) . Then f ( B) οƒŒ f (G) οƒŒ f ( N ((cl ( B))) . Since
f is N -continuous function, f ο€­1 (G) is NO(U , X ) in U and since f is an
NO(U , X ) function, then f ο€­1 (cl ( B)) οƒŒ N (cl ( f ο€­1 (G)) ). Hence we obtain that
f ο€­1 ( B) οƒŒ f ο€­1 (G) οƒŒ N ο€­ cl ( f ο€­1 (( B))) ). Therefore, 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) is NPO(U , X ) in U
Theorem 2.4 If 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and Y
respectively, is N -continuous and
NO(U , X ) function and F is a NSC (U , X ) of V , then f ο€­1 ( F ) is a
NSC (U , X ) of U
Proof. Let be a NSC (U , X ) of V , then there exists a NC (U , X )
E in V
such that N (int(E) οƒŒ F οƒŒ E . Then f ( N (int(E) οƒŒ f ( F ) οƒŒ f ( E) ). Since
f is N -continuous function, then f ο€­1 ( F ) is a NC (U , X ) in U and
since f
is an NO(U , X )
function, then N (int( f ( E)) οƒŒ f ( N (int(F )) ).
Hence we obtain that N ο€­ int( f ( E )) οƒŒ f ( F ) οƒŒ f ( E) ). Therefore,
f ο€­1 ( F ) is NSC (U , X ) of U
Theorem 2.4 A function 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and
Y respectively, is a
N -continuous and NO(U , X ) function and B is a N 𝑃𝑆 -open set of V , then
𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) is
N 𝑃𝑆 -open set in U
Proof. Let B is a N 𝑃𝑆 -open set of V , then B is NPO(U , X ) in V and
B ο€½ οƒˆFi is where Fi is
NSC (U , X ) of V for each i . Then 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) =
𝑓 βˆ’1 (βˆͺ 𝐹𝑖 ) =βˆͺ 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐹𝑖 ), where Fi is NSC (U , X ) of V for each i . Since f is
a N -continuous and NO(U , X ) function Then by Theorem 2.3 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) is
Mohammed M. Khalaf and Kamal N. Nimer
NPO(U , X ) in U and by Theorem 2.4 𝑓 βˆ’1 (βˆͺ 𝐹𝑖 ) NSC (U , X ) of U for
each i . Hence by Proposition 1.1, 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐡) is N 𝑃𝑆 -open set in U
Corollary 2.1 If 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . with respect to X and Y
respectively, is N -continuous and
NO(U , X ) function and F is a N 𝑃𝑆 -closed set of V , then 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝐹) is N
𝑃𝑆 -closed set in U
Theorem 2.5 The following statements are equivalent for a function
𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)). With respect to X and Y respectively,
1. f
2. f
3. f
4. f
N -perfectly continuous
N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous and N - contra continuous
N -continuous and N - contra continuous
NP -continuous and N - contra continuous
Proof. This is an immediate consequence of Corollary 2.1
Theorem 2.6 Let 𝑓: (π‘ˆ, πœπ‘… (𝑋)) β†’ (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)). with respect to X and Y
respectively, be a function. Let 𝑉⁄𝑅 βˆ—
be any basis for (𝑉, 𝜏 βˆ— 𝑅 (π‘Œ)) . Then f is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous if and only if for each
𝑉⁄ βˆ— 𝑓 βˆ’1 (𝑉⁄ βˆ— ) is
N 𝑷𝑺 -open subsets of U
Proof. Necessity. Suppose that f is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous. Then since each 𝑉⁄𝑅 βˆ— N
𝑷𝑺 -open subsets of V and f is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous. Therefore, by Theorem 2.1,
𝑓 βˆ’1 (π‘‰β„π‘…βˆ— ) is N 𝑷𝑺 -open subsets of U
Sufficiency. Let B is a N 𝑃𝑆 -open set of V . Then B = {βˆͺ (𝑉⁄ βˆ— ) : 𝑖 ∈ 𝐼}
where every 𝑉⁄ βˆ— is a member of 𝑉⁄𝑅 βˆ— and I is a suitable index set. It follows
f ο€­1 ( B) ο€½ 𝑓 βˆ’1 {βˆͺ (𝑉⁄
) : 𝑖 ∈ 𝐼} =βˆͺ 𝑓 βˆ’1 {(𝑉⁄ βˆ— ) : 𝑖 ∈ 𝐼} }. Since
𝑓 βˆ’1 {(𝑉⁄ βˆ— )} is N 𝑷𝑺 -open subsets of U for each ∈ 𝐼 . Hence f ( B) is
Nano 𝑃𝑆 -open sets and nano 𝑃𝑆 -continuity
the union of a family of N 𝑷𝑺 -open subsets of U and hence is N 𝑷𝑺 -open subsets
of U Therefore, by Theorem 2.1, f is N 𝑷𝑺 -continuous
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Received: May 15, 2014; Published: January 3, 2015