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Chapter 10
• Who: nomadic herders
• What: moved through the desert to reach
seasonal pasturelands for their animals;
predecessors the Islamic peoples
• Where: southwest Asia, Middle East
• When: 500
• Why: they traded with settled Arab tribes in
oasis towns; & protected caravan routes
Bedouins (6)
• Who: nomadic herders
• What: moved through the desert to reach
pasturelands for their herds
• Where: Arabian penin, ME
• When: 500 AD
• Why: competition for water & grazing land led
to warfare; predecessors of the Islamic ppl
• Who: prophet of Islam
• What: messenger of God, he founded the Islamic
• Where: Mecca, Arabian peninsula
• When: 570-632?
• Why: he was troubled by the morals of society &
would meditate in the hills- heard an angel’s
voice telling him “There is one God and one ppl”
= the basis of Islamic faith, he started the Islam
Muhammad (6)
• Who: Arab prophet of Islam; founder of Islam
• What: established the Muslim faith after
receiving a vision that told him there was only
one God
• Where: Mecca, Arabian penin., ME
• When: 570-632 AD
• Why: the Muslim faith has greatly influenced
modern culture and would not exist w/o him
Workbook part A
• 570- Muhammad was born
• 595- Muhammad meets Khadija (his wife)
• 622- faced w. threat of murder, M & his
followers left Mecca for Yathrib (Medina); this
marked the 1st year of the Islamic calendarthis journey was known as the Hijra
• 630- Muhammad returned to Mecca
• 632 Muhammad died
• Who: Muslims, Muhammad
• What: a market town at the crossroads of
several trading routes, where Muhammad was
born, where Islam was founded
• Where: Arabian peninsula, Middle East
• When: 570 AD
• Why: this is where Muhammad the prophet
was born; the Islamic religion was founded
here; the Kaaba is here
Mecca (6)
• Who: Arabs & Muslims, Muhammad
• What: a bustling market town that is at the
crossroads of many trading routes
• Where: Southern Arabian penin, ME
• When: 570
• Why: the trading in the area helped make
merchants wealthy; this is where M was born;
this is where Islam was founded; this is where
the Kaaba is located
• Who: Muhammad & his followers
• What: a city that M & his followers flee to to
avoid death; the journey here is known as the
Hijra, a city near Mecca
• Where: Arabian peninsula, ME
• When: 622
• Why: this city is where Muhammad & his
followers escaped to avoid murder; it was
later renamed Medina
• Who: Muhammad & his followers
• What: the journey from Meccca to Yathrib
(Medina) of Muhammad & his followers
• Where: Arabian penin, ME
• When: 622 AD *
• Why: they left Mecca b.c. of the threat of murder=
went to Yathrib (Medina) = this journey marks the
1st year on the Islamic calendar (beginning of
Islam); today Muslims complete this journey as
part of their religion
Hijra (6)
• Who: Muhammad & his followers
• What: a religious journey from Mecca to
• Where: from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina),
Arabian penin, ME
• When: 622 *
• Why: this journey led M & his followers to
safety = marked the 1st year of the Islamic
calendar = Islam was now a religion
• Who: M & his followers
• What: city that was renamed this, used to be
• Where: Arabian penin, ME
• When: 622 AD
• Why: M visited here and it became known as
“City of the prophet” & was renamed Medina;
his journey to here marked the 1st year on the
Islamic calendar
Kaaba (Ka’ba)
• Who: Muslims
• What: a temple that Muslims believed
Abraham built to worship God
• Where: Mecca, Arabain penin, ME
• When: 630
• Why: this became the most holy place in
Islam; Muslims travel here to pay homage to
Islam & Allah
Who: Muslims
What: the sacred text of Islam
Where: Mecca, Arabian penin, ME
When: 622
Why: this states that ppl are responsible for
theoir own actions, teaches God is all
powerful & compassionate; lists the 5 pillars
of the faith: Declaration of the faith; Daily
prayer, Alms for the poor, Fasting, Hajj
Who: Muslims
What: a house of worship for the Islamic faith
Where: Southwestern Asia, Mecca, ME
When: 622- present
Why: the second pillar of faith in the Islam
religion is prayer- Muslims often meet in the
mosque in order to pray
• Who: Muslim pilgrims
• What: a pilgrimage to Mecca to participate in
ceremonies commemorating the actions of
• Where: Mecca to Medina
• When: 622- present
• Why : their simple attire symbolized the
abandonment of the material world for God; the
5th pillar for Muslims- they must make this
journey 1 time in their life
• Who: Muslims
• What: struggle in God’s service, a personal
duty of Muslims who focus on overcoming
immortality w/in themselves; religious war
• Where: Arabian penin, ME
• When: 600s
• Why: this is a duty of the Muslims to defend
their religion = still around today
• Who: Muslim scholars
• What: a body of law that includes
interpretations of the Quran, Islamic law
• Where: Arabian penin, ME
• When: 600s
• Why: this regulates moral conduct, life,
business practices, and government in Islamic
nations and for Islamic ppl
Workbook part B
• 3 main Bubbles:
– Quran
• Sacred text of Islam
– Sharia law
– 5 pillars of Islam
Declaration of faith
Pray 5 times daily
Give charity to the poor
Fast during Ramadan (don’t eat)
Make Hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca once in your lifetime