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General Concepts:
-prescriptive authority
-therapeutic window
-first pass metabolism
-drug concentrations, especially in neonates
-affinity (agonists and antagonists)
-neuropathic pain
-toxicity (especially in infants and elderly)
-blood brain barrier
-significance of low albumin levels
-drug effectiveness vs toxicity vs side effects
-significance of loading doses of medications
-highly polarized, lipid solubility, protein binding
-diabetic skin ulcers
-antibiotics: PCNS, cephalosporins, carbapenums,
-azithromycin- (think about side effects such as nephrotoxicity,
-ototoxicity, drug interactions)
-azoles/topical antifungals
-atopic dermatitis
-treatments for shingles
-cardiac/BP meds –aces/arbs, digoxin, beta blockers, diuretics
(Lasix, aldactone, hctz)
-CAST trial, theophylline, advair
-coumadin therapy
-adult and child asthma